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great_elmo great_elmo loading

TheExample_2020 wrote:

great_elmo wrote:

The laptop I resurrected had finally died… snip
my laptop fell apart after four years by dropping it one time on its corner, two years earlier
it was an acer chromebook so it had it coming
Little update: the computer lives!

But I had a Chromebook that only has a screen at a very uncomfortable angle. It beeped at me at “OS verification is OFF” and I never touched that thing again.

ArnoHu wrote:

Is it just me, or did you also lose that analysis board feature that would show you the next best move via a blue arrow once you activate local evaluation? I now have to hover over a variation in the PGN moves panel, and that only appears during live analytics (, not on a stored game.
It works on my PC

superash8 wrote:

preshunk3 wrote:

-cxtto- wrote:

I have not been on this topic yet, so who's everyone's fav idol? I like Callie the best personally.

please don't turn this into an argument
pearl all the way
marina or dedf1sh idk (i like octo more)
I agree. dedf1sh is not an idol tho they're just a musician that collabed with OTH
879Willow 879Willow loading
Hi Anna what is my character? Should I make a ref?

IntCool99 wrote:

how can variables affect clones differently when they are set to sprite only as opposed to all sprites.
A variable set to for this sprite only will affect each clone individually, while a for all sprites variable affects all clones simultaneously.
Eg: if sprite1 has a for this sprite only variable called “hp”, and there are 2 clones of sprite1, clone1 loses 3 hp, now clone1 has 3 hp less, while clone2 has full hp, if the variable were for all sprites, clone1 losing hp would make clone2 lose hp as well.
Critique for Sienna

(read the original here:

opening thoughts I like how you begin. To me as a reader, it feels quite engaging. Although I think adding paragraphs would make the story flow better, but this is just a minor tweak <3

Rage bubbled up inside her, and she allowed her face to take on a scowl.

Rage bubbling up inside is such a good way to describe anger. It gives the impression of something that might overflow if provoked any further.

“Allowed her face to take on a scowl”

I feel as if maybe it would be clearer if you said “she scowled” of “felt her features twist into…” etc if you want to keep that sentence structure, since it feels a little blocky.

“Boot-licking slug”

This is hilarious, it made me laugh aloud.

“He knew her just as well as she knew him, barely at all.”

asfdsdghjk this line is great.

He turned to meet her gaze, his deep brown eyes meeting hers.

I feel it would be more effective if you didn't use the word “meet” twice or made this sentence one part instead of two. Maybe you could say “His deep brown eyes met her gaze” instead?

She suddenly felt the urge to share every last piece of fury pent up inside her. It wouldn’t matter what she said anyway; her fate was sealed.

The sort of “don't care, so what” impulsive attitude speaks volumes about the main character. Through a couple sentences, her characterisation is made so vivid.
And I really like the phrase “every last piece of fury pent up”.

“I want him to know what it’s like to not get everything you want, just once. I want him to see that the world doesn’t revolve around him. I can’t, though, because I’m going to be forced to marry him. He’ll have his way again, and my life will be ruined.” Her voice broke at the end, and she angrily swiped a tear off her face. Crying wouldn’t do her any good.

I love how Adella gets gradually more emotional here, showing how it's a sensitive topic for her. I think maybe you should add in the word “that” before obvious, since I feel it would flow better but that's just personal preference haha.

It was common knowledge that she’d never left the castle before, at least as far as her father and the rest of the world knew. With the current state of the country, he didn’t think it safe for her to wander freely. Her people didn’t even know what their princess looked like.

This allusion to what kind of place Adella lives in that could attribute to her circumstances is something I really like. It's subtle, but there. However, you could also vary your sentence structure a little bit here to change things up ^^

“Of course I know how to escape this place. The real question is: can you keep a secret?”

This has me grinning and raising my eyebrows

.°˖✧ ୨ ✴ ୧ ✧˖°

Adella had broken the latch many years before, and by some miracle no one had discovered it in that time. Even if they had, she would have found another way out. She was a force to be reckoned with.

I love how Adella’s bold, adventurous and impulsiveness is present even in her younger years, and how you show that to the reader.

The cool evening air swept around them, much more welcoming than the royals and diplomats within the castle.

This is a really nice sentence, we can gauge so much from that one line.

Being outside the walls was liberating, even if they were directly behind her.

You have a knack for alluding to things very subtly, which add to the story and the overall experience of this story, I love how much you leave unsaid but still imply.

The woods stretched out before them, tall regal oaks with gently waving limbs beckoning them on as the stars twinkled above in the darkening sky.

Woahh this imagery of the wood is stunning, “gently waving limbs beckoning them” is incredibly poetic and “beckoning them” makes it seem almost inviting.

She’d snuck out before, but it felt different this time, since she’d run off with a prince. more real.

the flow is interrupted slightly because the m in “more real” needs a capital letter <3

Adella expertly wove her way through the woods, following a memorized route to somewhere more peaceful. The two of them walked without speaking, listening to the leaves rustle overhead and a single owl hooting as the night began. She didn’t need much light to know where she was going; she’d walked this path many times.
Finally, Brendan broke the silence. “Funny how well you know the area considering you’ve never left the castle,” he said playfully.
“Is it so obvious that I sneak out?” Adella replied in mock horror, despite the sincerity of her question. “I was under the impression that the world believed me to be an obedient little princess.”
“Most people do,” he admitted. “I thought so too before today.”

I really like how well your story-telling is paced here. Nothing is an overload of information or dragged out, which makes the piece flow really well.

Another silent moment passed between them as Adella let that sink in.

I think you don’t need the repetition for “another silent moment” as Adella processing what Brendan said already implies that.

“He doesn’t know anything about me,” Adella said with a scowl. “And I don’t really care what he thinks either.”
“But he’s your father.”
“He doesn’t act like my father.”
The words tasted bitter on her tongue, though they weren’t hard to say. Something about Brendan made her want to confide in him. It was a strange feeling, to say the least. She had only ever fully trusted one person, and that had been the biggest mistake of her life.

I can tell that Adella clearly has a rocky relationship with her father, and how she's gradually beginning to like Brendan more and more. I like how you write “the words tasted bitter, though they weren't hard to say” because I can almost feel the slight guilt/uncomfortableness Adella is going through.

a babbling stream came into view, shore strewn with riverstones and blossoming flowers. It was familiar to Adella, a safe haven from the tumultuous world back home. The mere sight of it released the tension in her muscles, and she relaxed for the first time in almost a week.

Adella sat down against a tree, basking in the grounding feeling of the rough bark against her back through the fabric of her dress.

Babbling stream is great personification! However,
I think you can omit the “she relaxed” part because the tension being released already implies that. Maybe you can rephrase the “rough bark” sentence because it's quite long.

Twirling the bright flower in his fingers, Brendan came to sit beside her, leaning back against the tree as if he belonged there.

This line and the image it conjures, I can practically see Brendan in front of me.

His smirk was back, and his eyes locked with hers. She didn’t look away this time. There was nothing to be nervous about anymore.

It’s official. I ship them. He smirked, they’re meant to be. The gradual shift in their relationship throughout the course of this piece is perfect.

“It’s not like your kingdom here. My father rules it all, and I’m just a pawn in his game.” She struggled to find the right words to explain.

Perhaps a new line after “his game” would be good to feel the full effect of that line <3

Brendan hummed, in disagreement or discontent, Adella wasn’t sure.

I think you meant to say “hmmed” here ^^ A full stop after “hmmed” could be added as well.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” he started, “but if you’re going to yell at Julian as harshly as you did tonight regularly, I doubt he’d agree to marry you.”

That elicited a giggle from her, and he seemed pleased with himself for it. “You can’t say things like that. The thought of torturing him for all his days is too tempting for me.”

The humour is almost a tension breaking point to ease the mood and the reader, I’m not sure if this is intentional but it's very effective. The way it’s sprinkled throughout the story at all the right moments is awesome. May I also add that I love how humane your characters are, as they laugh after something serious instead of the solemnity which is so typical in books, but not in real life.

“Or you could break his heart now and stand up to your father.” He said it as a joke — at least that’s how he presented it. Looking away, he added, “After all, there are other princes in this world.”

It's the implications of the line-

She blushed, hoping it was too dark for him to tell. Her heart pounded as she raced to come up with a reply. There didn’t seem to be any words to suit the situation, so she resorted to other measures instead.
She reached for his hand, squeezing it to tell him all the things she wanted to say but didn’t know how. He twined his fingers around hers, and they sat together like that for quite some time, although neither of them could be sure how long.
The stars shimmered above their heads, glinting through the canopy of branches swaying in the light breeze. The flower still in Brendan’s hands caught Adella’s eye, pulling her back into the present moment.

Aaaahh! This part is my favourite throughout the entire piece. The bit about all the things she wants to say is an amazing line! It's made it into my top ten book quotes. I like how you ended this picturesque moment with the flower, for me the wildflower is symbolism. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but it's lovely.

The future he had implied made her heart flutter, even as she knew how unattainable it was. It was nice to imagine, just for one glorious moment, that anything was possible.

This is a perfect ending. It leaves just the right amount of suspense and a will they, won't they hanging in the air.

(I really want to read the rest of this novel now, if you ever publish it please send me the link because I physically need Brendan and Adella now, I've formed an emotional attachment to them)

Closing thoughts: The pacing is incredible. None of it is too fast, too slow and the information given about the characters is rarely direct, but that doesn't mean they're not characterised well, everything we’re given lets us draw our own conclusions. I would say to maybe make some minor tweaks regarding some sentence structures, and add paragraphs to make it flow even better than it already does. I also love how relatable your characters are, and how easy I find it to connect with them. The humour peppered throughout balances everything as well. I really like your writing style, I think you should definitely consider submitting this for the writing comp. Thank you for letting me read this amazing piece, it was so enjoyable
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

HasiLover_Test wrote:

GoK(white) wins against Scurious 2 in 41 Moves : The new GoK Version played at an Impressive 97% accuracy.

Thanks, good to see GoK castled at the right time. GoK Medium also played a good game against WD already:
And here's a great studio too! I love it and it really should be featured! ~Buzz Bee~ Feature?? Thankyous!!

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

kiwilover2736 wrote:

You don't need to add seperate scripts to move diagonally, because your character will already move diagonally when you hold 2 keys. Though, i do have a few recommendations for the rest of your scripts. Instead of having seperate forever loops for WASD and arrow keys, you could use this script for every key you need:

when green flag clicked
if <<key [right arrow key] pressed?> or <key [D] pressed?>> then
change x by (5)

Remember to delete the old scripts after you add the one i just showed. If your scripts stop working, then please tell me or another person on this topic.
Firstly, you spelt “separate” wrong.
Secondly, having 2 scripts will delay the second script by one frame. I recommend putting all of the “if” blocks in one script under the forever block.
(You didn't have to note a single spelling mistake.)
And hello again! I found a great studio about Saving the Earth! It a great idea and will encourage scratchers to make projects about saving the earth! - Saving the Earth - It really should get featured! Soo maybe feature?? Thanks a lot!

kiwilover2736 wrote:

You don't need to add seperate scripts to move diagonally, because your character will already move diagonally when you hold 2 keys. Though, i do have a few recommendations for the rest of your scripts. Instead of having seperate forever loops for WASD and arrow keys, you could use this script for every key you need:

when green flag clicked
if <<key [right arrow key] pressed?> or <key [D] pressed?>> then
change x by (5)

Remember to delete the old scripts after you add the one i just showed. If your scripts stop working, then please tell me or another person on this topic.
Firstly, you spelt “separate” wrong.
Secondly, having 2 scripts will delay the second script by one frame. I recommend putting all of the “if” blocks in one script under the forever block.

hydrofungus wrote:

chippysmall4 wrote:

The words aren't allowed on Scratch,
It is?
I can make a full sentence of those 4 words without any consequences
“Damn the new video game player i just bought works like crap, but the audio is fricking good lmao”

Ghxstify2009 wrote:

Those don't really clarify though if we are allowed to say it without the risk of being punished
You won’t get punished or anything, if some guys who can’t stand a very minor swear report you, you’ll still not be in trouble

The Official List Of Rejected Suggestions wrote:

6.5 Filter the words {damn, crap, frick, lmao}
The Scratch Team has decided that these words are not offensive enough to be filtered/censored completely. As always, use the Report button if someone is using these words (or any others) disrespectfully. In addition, if you come across a word that is not filtered, but you think it should be, please let the Scratch Team know about it through Contact Us, rather than using the comments or forums to report it.

There is an existing suggestion that would allow you to personally filter/censor these words, and others, so that only you cannot see them; you can discuss it on this topic.
xavilongo3 xavilongo3 loading

LushCaveGod wrote:

xavilongo3 wrote:

I don't know how to fix the ice turret.
It only works when you only have one, if a frozen enemy is hit twice, it freezes permanently.
Does anyone know how to fix it, please?
Make A Broadcast Message To Wait Seconds Before Unfreezing And Make A Var To Dectect How Many Times It Got Shot
And how can I do that?
Hi! Now this is a really AMAZING studio!! It really should get on the front page! I love the theme! The Stars Above It really deserves a feature!! Feature please?? Thanksss!! <33
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
It's really nice that you want to help out with a guide! However, we have a number of them in the forums already and we don't have a good way to showcase any more. If you want to make a guide in a Scratch project, that would be fine. You could advertise it in the “Show and Tell” section too.

There are lots of other ways to help out in the forums too. Helpful Scratchers are always welcome in the “Questions About Scratch”, “Help With Scripts”, “Requests” and other sections. Just look around and ask questions
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
Hello! It's great that you want to help out other Scratchers. However, I think we have enough guides in the forums at the moment. Please feel free to welcome new Scratchers on the group welcoming topic or on individual topics created by New Scratchers.

Other places that can always use more helpful Scratchers like you, are the "Help With Scripts“ and ”Questions About Scratch" areas - please use them as designed, by responding to topics created by folks with problems to solve

Finally, a really good place for Scratch guides is the Scratch Wiki - check it out and see if it's something you might like to work on. They have a number of guides - and great organization.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
It's really nice that you want to help out with a guide! However, we have a number of them in the forums already and we don't have a good way to showcase any more. If you want to make a guide in a Scratch project, that would be fine. You could advertise it in the “Show and Tell” section too.

There are lots of other ways to help out in the forums too. Helpful Scratchers are always welcome in the “Questions About Scratch”, “Help With Scripts”, “Requests” and other sections. Just look around and ask questions

Ghxstify2009 wrote:

Those don't really clarify though if we are allowed to say it without the risk of being punished

chippysmall4 wrote:

The words aren't allowed on Scratch, but aren't blocked and will not be :

The Official List Of Rejected Suggestions wrote:

6.5 Filter the words {damn, crap, frick, lmao}
The Scratch Team has decided that these words are not offensive enough to be filtered/censored completely. As always, use the Report button if someone is using these words (or any others) disrespectfully. In addition, if you come across a word that is not filtered, but you think it should be, please let the Scratch Team know about it through Contact Us, rather than using the comments or forums to report it.

There is an existing suggestion that would allow you to personally filter/censor these words, and others, so that only you cannot see them; you can discuss it on this topic.
It's not allowed.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
Please use the Report button on any projects or comments that go against the Community Guidelines. That sends a link right to the Scratch Team moderators so they can look at the issue directly and take any necessary action.

Za-Chary wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

In fact, we already do have a sprite wearing a hoodie — see “Tatiana-a” in the sprite library.
Yes, actually.
I was imagining a hoodie more like the one on my pfp…

Za-Chary wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

pls read the ai stuff please PLEASE i am begging you read chatgpt chatgpt is awesome
Okay, fine.

Za-Chary wrote:

AI wrote:

1. Customization: Hoodies offer an additional layer of customization to characters or sprites within the Scratch program. Users can personalize their characters by adding or removing hoodies, choosing different colors, or even designing their own patterns or logos for the hoodies.
Good reason, although you probably could have written this out instead of relying on AI for this reason.
To be fair, every costume in Scratch is for customization, so ChatGPT was literally pointing out the obvious.

Za-Chary wrote:

AI wrote:

2. Visual Appeal: Hoodies can make characters more visually interesting and relatable, especially for projects involving human or humanoid characters. The addition of hoodies can help bring characters to life and make them more engaging for users.
This is essentially the same as reason #1, so it shouldn't have really been included.
I don't think it is essentially the same as reason #1. Reason #1 is more about being to mix and match the hoodie costume onto other sprites, while this reason is about visual appeal.

Za-Chary wrote:

AI wrote:

3. Realism: For projects aiming for a more realistic representation of characters or scenarios, adding hoodies can contribute to the overall authenticity. This is especially relevant for projects involving scenes set in contemporary or casual settings.
This is essentially the same as reason #1, so it shouldn't have really been included.
Again, I don't think it is essentially the same, but I do disagree with ChatGPT, as adding hoodies will not make it more realistic.
I completely agree with @Za-Chary's response to points 4 and 5, so I will skip them.

Za-Chary wrote:

AI wrote:

6. Educational Value: Introducing hoodies to Scratch projects can provide opportunities for learning about graphic design, animation, and user interface design. Users can experiment with different hoodie designs and animations, gaining valuable skills in digital creativity and design.
This is essentially the same as reason #1, so it shouldn't have really been included.
For the third time, I don't really think that this is the same as #1, but again, ChatGPT's point is completely trash. (sorry OpenAI

AI wrote:

5. Expression of Personality: Hoodies can serve as a means for users to express the personalities of their characters. Different styles of hoodies can convey various traits or moods, allowing users to tailor their characters to fit the tone or theme of their project.
This is essentially the same as reason #1, so it shouldn't have really been included.

Za-Chary wrote:

TL;DR There is only one human-given benefit: “It will not do any harm.” There is also only one AI-given benefit: “Hoodies offer an additional layer of customization to characters or sprites within the Scratch program.”
My TL;DR: There is only one human-given benefit: “It will not do any harm.” There are also some AI-given benefits: Customization and visual appeal. Anything after the previous sentence is not part of the TL;DR.
I will not use AI to write my posts anymore, and even if I do use AI, I won't use it to write posts, just to get a general idea of what points I should write about.
Contraery Contraery loading

chippysmall4 wrote:

Please note though: He with the double hockey sticks is a different scenario:

Paddle2See (Destroyer of dupes) wrote:

(#7 - Different Topic)
Depends on how it's used. If you are in a conversation about mythology, it's probably fine. Otherwise, it's better to use a euphemism of some kind.
e.g. Heck
i have alredy made a platformer
made a clicker it was verry fun to make so maybe if you have a clicker idea
made a football game
closest sprite script
a football script
a single player game like pong
a counting script
a dvd video player
avoid the spikes
writing characters with pen
a calculator
a dancing skelleton
there is no game
stupidly good music
an animation
an empty project
a script to make numbers shorter
learnig to calculate (i needed to make it for my scool)

so if you have any clues what i can make? maybe
The words aren't allowed on Scratch, but aren't blocked and will not be :

The Official List Of Rejected Suggestions wrote:

6.5 Filter the words {damn, crap, frick, lmao}
The Scratch Team has decided that these words are not offensive enough to be filtered/censored completely. As always, use the Report button if someone is using these words (or any others) disrespectfully. In addition, if you come across a word that is not filtered, but you think it should be, please let the Scratch Team know about it through Contact Us, rather than using the comments or forums to report it.

There is an existing suggestion that would allow you to personally filter/censor these words, and others, so that only you cannot see them; you can discuss it on this topic.
LushCaveGod LushCaveGod loading

xavilongo3 wrote:

I don't know how to fix the ice turret.
It only works when you only have one, if a frozen enemy is hit twice, it freezes permanently.
Does anyone know how to fix it, please?
Make A Broadcast Message To Wait Seconds Before Unfreezing And Make A Var To Dectect How Many Times It Got Shot
As i'm sure some of you are aware of there are some words (two in particular that I know of) that may be considered inappropriate language to others, however they aren't blocked on the website? Will I get a warning or be banned for saying these words? i.e. ‘h e i i’ or ‘ d a n m ’
kooqle kooqle loading
I'm just wondering, because I like helping people, so I am replying to peoples posts a lot. Is that bad?

tomapacu wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

tomapacu wrote:

Shouldn't we make an intro before scene 1?

Scene 1: Scratch cat lives in a small forest and he wants to move somewhere else because he is bored in the forest. Then he makes a rocket and he flies to the unknown. Then he is at the South Pole.

Who wants to code the animation, quote this post and say.

Good concept, but I feel like it goes a little off-theme for the main plot of the movie.
wait where would scratchy live
a house(???) idk
we probably need better scriptwriters
So I am not a good script writer?!
You (probably) are, but I honestly don't feel like the script you have written fits the plot (in the main post). Please don't take it personally.
kooqle kooqle loading
Sprite only variables are unique to the sprite:
Sprite1's sprite only variable cannot be read by Sprite2.
An all sprites variable can be.
Your glitch

IntCool99 wrote:

when you say that clones can differentiate themselves what do you mean?
I found a problem in my game code where it works if I set the variable at a sprite only but doesn't work if I set it as all sprites
can be because another sprite is changing the value.
Hope this helps!
Hii!! I am interested in joining the PPTBF studio! I love to help out in the community; and ocassionally drop in the SDS and answer comments and I am also in the FPCAH studio. It would be nice if you chose me as a curator as I'm looking forward to be one and to help out! Scratch On! ^-^ Have a nice day!
-Plicky- -Plicky- loading
Here’s a new PERsona I came up with (and I beg you read every side note. If you try to call me a furry I swear I will cancel you /j)
LP372 LP372 loading
in the op, you mentioned sound is realistic. I'd reccomend making the sound a bit less realistic

ArnoHu wrote:

New GoK Development Version

The previous way how GoK evaluated castling and resulting positions (esp. king protection) was the result of tweaking bits and pieces over several years, including a dynamic component favoring early castling. Yesterday I threw away all the code and re-implemented all of that. Only one game so far against the previous version, which it won. I would appreciate further tests, as it is quite a change. My test automation project is still not done yet. GoK Dev can be found at

I also reverted LMR to the January implementation. It is less spectacular, but is also on the safer side. It is more important to see something that becomes visible at ply 8, than get to ply 12 and only see it here, esp. as competition won't reach that depth.
Will check it out. Sounds like exciting Changes.
AlexAteThat AlexAteThat loading
I found a Turbowarp demo Augmented Reality project: Augmented Reality , that works on devices that have gyroscopic sensors (not computers, but phones, etc…)

I haven't fiddled with it because I'm working on an advanced 3D Renderer.
March 18-24th 2024
—— weekly for poetry

Part 1:

The Crime: Dr*g dealers sporadically kidnap some who rent an old house to keep up the illusion of it being haunted. The most recent person they kidnapped was a young woman named Aurelia Stump. The dealers took her down a secret passageway in the house’s basement to a hidden room which they used to imprison her. They either sell or kill their victims. So far, neither has happened to Aurelia. There was no investigation, because it appeared that she had left the house at the appointed time.

Inciting incident: Brooke Maxwell, an adventurous entrepreneur, decides to spend a week out in the countryside in a quaint old victorian home, despite warnings from its owner of it being haunted. She’s delighted to see all the old furniture and antiques. She even finds an old diary, and decides to read it. It is the diary of Aurelia Stump, but Brooke believes the details written in it describe something from long ago.

Rising action: As Brooke reads the diary, she comes across spooked entries that describe the ways the house seems haunted. At first she thinks it’s silly, but as the same things start happening to her, she starts to believe it. It seems sometimes as if she can hear voices in the walls, especially when she goes to the basement to fix the heater.

Climax: She reads further into the diary, and finds that Aurelia started to receive threatening messages. In the diary entry, it also mentions a very specific modern-day event. Brooke realizes that this is not an antique diary at all. It’s at this point that she starts piecing the mystery together. Convinced that Aurelia is still trapped in the house, she goes to the basement, where the voices she hears were strongest. Behind the loud heater, she finds a small concealed door. She’s able to break the lock, and finds Aurelia tied up inside, looking weak.

Falling Action: She calls the police, and tries to help Aurelia escape, but then the kidnappers arrive. They tie her up and lock her inside the room with Aurelia. Seeing that she had called the police, they make a quick getaway. Thankfully the police arrive soon and are able to help Brooke and Aurelia out.

Resolution: Brooke and Aurelia become good friends. The police interview both of them, and are able to gather enough information to track the criminals. The owner of the house is thoroughly spooked and wants to demolish the house, but Brooke convinces them not to, since the criminals are already gone, and it’s quite historical.

Part 2:

Clue 1: Brooke constantly feels like she’s hearing voices in the walls. This is because the criminals are actually in the same house as she is, waiting for their moment to strike and hide her away. However, she’s pretty quiet herself, and they don’t always notice when she’s near, which is why she can sometimes hear their muffled conversations. (Not enough to make out words, however.)

Clue 2: In the diary, Aurelia talks about receiving threatening notes shortly before the last entry. Some are written on scraps of paper that she finds on her nightstand, and she even found one written in steam on a mirror. They said things like “we’re coming,” and “you will never be found.” In the last entry, Aurelia decides that she’s leaving early, but is worried about her safety if she tries. This information (combined with the screaming she heard in the basement) is how Brooke is able to piece together the fact that the house is not haunted after all, and there’s actually someone else there.

Clue 3: When Brooke visits the basement to adjust the heater, she hears a scream that scares her silly. However, she runs back upstairs and sees that her tea kettle is boiling. She convinces her self that the sound she heard was just the tea, but it was actually Aurelia.

Red herring 1: At the beginning of the story, the owner of the house tells Brooke that the house is haunted, and asks if she still wants to rent it. Brooke says she doesn’t believe in such things, and rents it anyway. The owner mumbles under their breath, “you’ll regret it.” It may seem to the reader that the owner is the culprit, but they were actually just referring to the way that clients often return upset about the “spookiness” of it.

Part 3:

Find the witness interview here. (My partner had already completed this section of their weekly separately, so their answers may not equal the necessary words.)

Part 4:

“I told you, I don’t believe in haunted houses! Do you want me to rent this place or not?” Brooke Maxwell’s bright green eyes were quite intimidating when she was angry.
The owner sighed. “All right, if you’re sure. Just leave your information here.” He handed her a pad with paper, and she filled in the form.
“Thank you, Mr. Dover. I’m sure I’ll have a splendid time,” said Brooke cheerily. Mr. Dover only sighed again. Brooke was beginning to think he was an overall boring person. She walked out with the house keys, and began the drive home to pack her things.
As she walked out, Mr. Dover watched her leave. He mumbled through his teeth, “she’s going to regret this.”

. . .

It was a perfect spring day. Brooke couldn’t wait to spend her well-earned time off in the country. The little victorian summer home had looked so quaint online, even if reviews of it were less than optimal. None of them complained of cleanliness or disrepair. The main keyword was “haunted.” Brooke thought that was nonsense. She was going to go and enjoy herself. So what if a floorboard squeaked, or the windows rattled. She could handle it.
It took several hours of driving, but she finally reached the house. It was about twenty minutes out from any of the other buildings she’d noticed. Perfect for seclusion. The house itself looked almost like a gingerbread house. She couldn’t wait to see all it held in store.
After a little scuffle with the keyhole, she made it inside. Brooke took one look at the parlor and gasped. The furniture was beautiful! Even the end tables were more ornate than any piece of furniture she owned.
On one of the end tables sat a worn diary, with a beautiful gold-embossed cover. Naturally Brooke opened it. Imagine all the history it might contain! The handwriting was in faint pencil, and there was no date. To Brooke’s annoyance, she glanced the word “haunted” on almost every page, but she read it anyway.

Entry 1:
Dear Diary,
I’m pretty sure this house is haunted. I used to think that sort of stuff was insane, but I’m starting to believe it. How else do you explain the voices I’ve been hearing? They aren’t just in my own head, then I’d just be crazy. They sound like they’re in the walls… like someone’s watching me. I sound so paranoid! I never thought I’d be this paranoid. Anyways, it isn’t all bad. The furniture is nice, and everything is quaint and cozy. Still, I keep wondering if there just might be ghosts.
Even if there are ghosts, maybe they aren’t harmful ones! I should just stop worrying about it.

Aurelia Stump

Brooke rolled her eyes and closed the diary. Apparently this house had a long legacy of being “haunted.” She hadn’t glanced any specters or heard any voices yet, so she wasn’t exactly worried.

since I don’t plan on writing this story all the way out, and I want to get to the more exciting part, skip!

That night was chilly. Brooke’s toes felt like they were about to freeze off as she lay in the antique bed. After about twenty minutes, she decided she wasn’t going to try to sleep while it was still this cold. She crept out of bed, treading lightly on the frigid floorboards, and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
As she turned on the burner underneath the kettle, she felt the strange sensation that someone was watching her. She heard that odd sound again- murmuring, whispering- coming from the walls, but it must’ve just been the wind. It was a very windy night.
As the water boiled, she headed down the dark attic stairs with a flashlight. Mr. Dover had said there was a heater down here, and Brooke intended to make full use of it. She found the machine, and began to try tinkering with it, when suddenly she heard a bloodcurdling scream. Spooked, she ran up out of the basement as fast as possible, banging her knee in the process.
In the kitchen, her tea water was boiling. There. It was just the tea. Brooke clutched her leg and caught her breath, thankful to have avoided a run-in with ghosts.
She quickly reminded herself that there was no such thing as ghosts, and that this house was certainly, not in the very least, haunted.
It's a feature to prevent spam.
kooqle kooqle loading
The problem is that the chasing code only runs once. your method works well:

benntheboi5432 wrote:

when I start as a clone
point towards(other sprite)
move (3) steps

The solution may just to have a repeat:
when green flag clicked
repeat (99999999999999)
point towards [other sprite v]
move (3) steps
wait (0.1) secs


Rate my icons (I left out Swing because it was default but did not leave out UFO even though it was default as I think it should be rated on how much the UFO fits me):
Cube: /10
Ship: /10
Ball: /10
UFO: /10
Wave: /10
Robot: /10
Spider: /10
Also, is it just me or is the cube in one of the sneak peeks? I changed from the spaceuk cube to this cube today but it looks kind of familiar and if it really is in a sneak peek, I will change it.
How do you make a scoreboard without using the
show variable [ v]
kooqle kooqle loading
Nanoscopic made a tutorial about this!
I hope it helps.
tomapacu tomapacu loading

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

tomapacu wrote:

Shouldn't we make an intro before scene 1?

Scene 1: Scratch cat lives in a small forest and he wants to move somewhere else because he is bored in the forest. Then he makes a rocket and he flies to the unknown. Then he is at the South Pole.

Who wants to code the animation, quote this post and say.

Good concept, but I feel like it goes a little off-theme for the main plot of the movie.
wait where would scratchy live
a house(???) idk
we probably need better scriptwriters
So I am not a good script writer?!

igtnathan5 wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

tomapacu wrote:

Shouldn't we make an intro before scene 1?

Scene 1: Scratch cat lives in a small forest and he wants to move somewhere else because he is bored in the forest. Then he makes a rocket and he flies to the unknown. Then he is at the South Pole.

Who wants to code the animation, quote this post and say.

Good concept, but I feel like it goes a little off-theme for the main plot of the movie.
wait where would scratchy live
a house(???) idk
we probably need better scriptwriters
IntCool99 IntCool99 loading
when you say that clones can differentiate themselves what do you mean?
I found a problem in my game code where it works if I set the variable at a sprite only but doesn't work if I set it as all sprites

kooqle wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

kooqle wrote:

Jaim_animation wrote:

This Is Possible. Just Use The
when I receive [ Any Message v]
block and freely put blocks under it, every clone will perform it (yes, clones automatically recieves broadcasts) really really easy! If You Want Clones Do Seperate Things, Simply-
when I receive [ Any Message v]
if <(cloneID) = (1)> then
//do something
if <(cloneID) = (2)>
//do something
//these if continues, as many as you need
Thanks, but anything not under the
when I start as a clone
block will not be ran as a clone, the sprite itself will do it, and there lies my problem. Thank you for your reply, however.
say [Thanks for your reply!]
when green flag clicked
set [am i a clone? v] to [no]
when I start as a clone
set [am i a clone? v] to [yes]
when I receive [something only clones should do v]
if <(am i a clone?) = [yes]> then
do the thing
when I receive [something only main sprite should do v]
if <(am i a clone?) = [no]> then
do the thing
had to edit this multiple times because scratchblocks kept breaking
Sadly I tried your method and it didn't work, but I asked a friend (@_HelloWorld54) and he came up with this…
when green flag clicked
set [Clonemessage v] to [0]
when I receive [ v]
change [Clonemessage v] by (1)
when I start as a clone
wait until <><(foo) = [1]>
And do whatever it needs to do!
I don't know why my method didn't work; I have used it numerous times.
Anyway, your friend's solution still have the same concept.
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading
New GoK Development Version

The previous way how GoK evaluated castling and resulting positions (esp. king protection) was the result of tweaking bits and pieces over several years, including a dynamic component favoring early castling. Yesterday I threw away all the code and re-implemented all of that. Only one game so far against the previous version, which it won. I would appreciate further tests, as it is quite a change. My test automation project is still not done yet. GoK Dev can be found at

I also reverted LMR to the January implementation. It is less spectacular, but is also on the safer side. It is more important to see something that becomes visible at ply 8, than get to ply 12 and only see it here, esp. as competition won't reach that depth.
Sprite only (or “local”) variables are unique to each sprite or clone. If you create one, you'll find it doesn't show in the block menu in other sprites.

These variables are useful to keep your project organised, you may have many variables that do not need to be accessed by other sprites and these can be made local to the sprite that needs them.

Another feature is the ability to store values unique to each sprite or clone. If another sprite does have a local variable of the same name, it will be treated as an entirely separate variable, able to store something else. Clones too can do this and you'll find a major use of local variables in Scratch is to give clones IDs to be able to differentiate them. Clones when created copy the value from the sprite that created it.

LP372 LP372 loading

LegoManiac04 wrote:

I though Windows 10 was the last generation of Windows
no, The gap between windows 10 and 11 was bigger than the gap between windows 8 and 10, so that's what you're thinking (if you're thinking, what about windows 9, there was not a Windows 9)
Plus, it was only announced a few months before (correct me if it was longer)
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

HasiLover_Test wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

Scratch Chess Engine Ranking (on Scratch 3 Runtime)

Based on this study: , calculated using the BayesELO tool. Data from games of recent two years, and I ran some more in addition.

Rank	Name		Elo	+	-	games	score	oppo.	draws
1 GoK 1746 159 125 20 100% 0 0%
2 Element 1659 303 269 3 67% 141 0%
3 Bonsai 1604 167 158 10 60% 111 0%
4 Archimedes 1530 264 266 4 50% 100 0%
5 Shallow Blue 1514 262 238 3 67% 21 0%
6 The Turk 1475 210 240 6 33% 124 0%
7 LowDoor 1466 241 237 4 50% 43 0%
8 Chip 1430 235 283 4 25% 106 0%
9 Pseudo 1423 296 438 2 0% 180 0%
10 White Dove 1421 259 411 3 0% 220 0%
11 HarleyK 1393 258 311 4 25% 132 0%
12 Scurious 1386 305 303 2 50% -55 0%
13 Wolverine 1385 279 446 3 0% 203 0%
14 U0 1366 314 461 2 0% 156 0%
15 Frenchgamerlol 1345 284 301 3 33% 19 0%
16 Midecah 1276 232 338 4 0% 84 0%
17 Mystery 1230 268 386 3 0% 45 0%

Data is still limited, too few games played. Bottom ELO numbers should be even lower, some rankings certainly wrong - Archimedes, The Turk too high, White Dove too low (currently facing some Scratch 3 issues). Midecah is the engine which has never drawn let alone won a game and should be last.

BTW, Midecah was very close to a repetition draw against Scurious right now. I started even crossing fingers for Midecah, like a once in a lifetime chance, but no - instead of making the next identical check-evasion, it chose not to.

Thundershark is not in the list, because it was designed for TurboWarp only. U0 has been taken offline it seems.

You can find the engines in this studio:
I must say this is currently rather Innacurate as Scurious can easily beat Chip, Archimides and Turk, also Frenchgamerlol is way stronger and Midecah chess definately isnt 1200. White Dove also is definately in the top 4.

Yes, as stated before, some calibration games missing, but the trajectory is correct. I did some of those yesterday, and it improved things immediately already. Three times I had White Dove playing, each time it messed up the board on P=2, so there was nothing I could do. I will try again today, as S_P_A_R_T has fixed that now.

And as said, those are not FIDE numbers. Also, for Midecah to fall to 1000 or similar, it must play more games.

daliscreator wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

Paulottix_Music wrote:

quartay wrote:

Paulottix_Music wrote:

CreativeStegosaur wrote:

Silent Blood Multiverse Infinity - New Top 1
New Hardest Level
Nobody will beat this

I don't think anyone wants to create top 1 levels after THIS ONE and it will be the top 1FOREVER
i do

oh no…
you can just actually add like 1 extra spike to SBMI and it will be a top 1

Sohta_kun Sohta_kun loading

moigam wrote:


We may be starting the work on a new project soon. We don't have enough staff yet, but we're getting there.

Now with the activity check part. If you are a member of this game studio, please respond to this message.

Everyone has 5 days to respond.



Blue = Fast
Green = Normal
Orange = Slow
Red = No response

After a few days, I will send a comment to everyone's profile to respond to the activity check, in case they don't get notified for this message.
Wow, everyone else responded so fast. If only I was griffpatching instead of replaying Donkey Kong Country, I could've been faster.

wow, this is my 69th post (unrelated)