Scratch Forum Search

Search Parameters

ocular search is a frontend for ScratchDB. ScratchDB uses a query parser to support search operators. Each requirement is in the format +requirement:"value". If you don't include any operators, ScratchDB will perform a simple content search. Prefix an operator with + to require it to be true, - to require it to be false and ~ if it should be true, but is not required.

Usage Results
+content:"appelmoeshapje" Requires that all results contain a certain string
+username:"Jeffalo" Requires that all results are posted by a certain user
+status:"Scratch Team" Requires that all results are posted by users of a specific Scratch rank. (New Scratcher, Scratcher, Scratch Team)
+category:"Advanced Topics" Requires that all results are posted in a certain subforum (This does not have to be complete, +category:"Things" will match posts in "Things I'm Making and Creating" and " Things I'm Reading and Playing")
+topic:"446450" Requires that all results are posted in a certain topic by ID
+title:"ocular" Requires that all results are posted in a certain topic by title
+closed:"0" Requires that all results are posted in a certain topic by closed status (0 is open, and 1 is closed)
+id:"5302781" Returns a single post by ID