i need help remaking my horror game that isnt too scary and i need help with the chasing

id: 749811

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 7

does anyone know how to make chasing for clones?
when I start as a clone
point towards(other sprite)
move (3) steps

here is the code for the other clone that I'm trying
when I start as a clone
set [other sprite] to (my character)
when green flag clicked
set [my character] to [1]
but the monster goes right I need it to follow the player
RayDude5011 RayDude5011 loading
Can you send a link to the project that you are having issues with? That way I will be able to see what the problem is.
kooqle kooqle loading
The problem is that the chasing code only runs once. your method works well:

benntheboi5432 wrote:

when I start as a clone
point towards(other sprite)
move (3) steps

The solution may just to have a repeat:
when green flag clicked
repeat (99999999999999)
point towards [other sprite v]
move (3) steps
wait (0.1) secs
