Ghxstify2009 wrote:

Those don't really clarify though if we are allowed to say it without the risk of being punished

chippysmall4 wrote:

The words aren't allowed on Scratch, but aren't blocked and will not be :

The Official List Of Rejected Suggestions wrote:

6.5 Filter the words {damn, crap, frick, lmao}
The Scratch Team has decided that these words are not offensive enough to be filtered/censored completely. As always, use the Report button if someone is using these words (or any others) disrespectfully. In addition, if you come across a word that is not filtered, but you think it should be, please let the Scratch Team know about it through Contact Us, rather than using the comments or forums to report it.

There is an existing suggestion that would allow you to personally filter/censor these words, and others, so that only you cannot see them; you can discuss it on this topic.
It's not allowed.