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Hello! I’m Agent, I have been making a Overwatch style top-down shooter prototype for a while now. I’m a big Overwatch fan and there aren’t that many good Overwatch replicas on Scratch so, I thought I could fill in that gap! But, I need some ideas to bring the game to life! Your ideas can include characters I could add, maps, game modes, and even the UI. Your ideas will go a long way of making this game look amazing!

Thanks! - From AgentDarkFish
alcat011 alcat011 loading

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

alcat011 wrote:

I beat that level 2 days ago and for some reason it took me 44 attempts and i'm a guy who has beaten like 37 demons(including this one)
you're not alone, it took me quite a few attempts. it probably deserves its demon rating tbh, it's just that it's difficult in a way that's different from most community demons
oh yeah I never thought of that lol

alcat011 wrote:

I beat that level 2 days ago and for some reason it took me 44 attempts and i'm a guy who has beaten like 37 demons(including this one)
you're not alone, it took me quite a few attempts. it probably deserves its demon rating tbh, it's just that it's difficult in a way that's different from most community demons
Koamodo975 Koamodo975 loading

-Brass_Glass- wrote:

a book or a nerd with an attack that just blasts knowledge into a direction
and when a character gets hit by it, it becomes so confused that it is stunned for a second

that would be quite funny lol
This pretty good, now I need a basic character DESIGN
Koamodo975 Koamodo975 loading

pikachumish wrote:

I think it'd be pretty goofy if you had a short character with comically large arms. Just an idea though!
YES I'm adding this to my queue
_nix _nix loading

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

M1mikyu wrote:

Some people prefer to be called a “person with autism” rather than an “autistic person”, and that preference should be respected! Both sides are valid, so a fair compromise is using both terms alternatively.
And… how exactly are you supposed to know what they prefer?
A survey?
Some people prefer one way and some people prefer the other. A survey would maybe give you a sense for how much of the disabled population (albeit only on Scratch, and only who replied to that survey!) prefer one way over the other, but you would still end up confirming what we know: some people prefer one way and some prefer the other.

When you (or the Scratch Team) talk about an individual person, the best way to find out their preferences is to ask them, or see if they've already said so in a profile bio, for example. You can tell we (us writing, @_nix) probably prefer “disabled people” for ourselves because our signature and profile say “…autistic… enbydoggirls”, and the “person” word (enbydoggirls ) comes after the disability (“autistic”). But directly asking the person you're talking about if they have a preference is always the most for-sure way to know.

However, that's only relevant when you're talking about a specific individual — someone you can ask for their own preference! It definitely can't work with a gigantic group like “all disabled people who use Scratch”. And that's OK: it's impossible to use everyone's preferred terminology at once, and that's just part of communication. Alternating like M1mikyu suggests is a pretty good solution.
butterbar19 butterbar19 loading

MrKingofScratch wrote:

Griffpatch has a great tutorial on this that you can check out here. To make the healthbar longer, just modify it so that it uses more clones.

While this is a helpful tutorial, I don't believe it works in making a health bar that can be expanded or shrunk due to variables.

And about the last part, making the health bar longer is no problem. Resetting it so that I can redraw it with more or less length is the main issue.
butterbar19 butterbar19 loading

NamePending_ wrote:

You can use broadcasts to delete all clones of a sprite.
when I receive [delete clones of \(your sprite here\) v] // Put this in the sprite you want to delete the clones of.
delete this clone

This does not work, I believe it only deletes the furthest clone to the right.

I demonstrated my method (and this suggestion) on this test project.

Katakuri2012 wrote:

How do I get the change ghost effect by 25 when green flag clicked block.
change [color v] effect by (25)
If you can see that block, there is a drop-down menu when you click on text, “color”.
Psinok78 Psinok78 loading
i was NOT expecting a gta topic on a kids website lmao

starlightsparker wrote:

I mean… sure. But you don't need to literally use their domain to give tribute. IMO the credits given on these pages are enough: Careers, Supporters.
Yes, they don’t HAVE to use their domain for tribute, but since it’s already there they don’t need to bother to remove it because it works.
Mrow meow.(Yes, but why should the ST rely on a third party for the domain? They can easily change it, and they already own It’s also much easier if they want to set up subdomains later on.)

Steve0Greatness wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

MIT is scratch's roots and one of their founding partners.
If we're going by Scratch having subdomains from founding partners, then these would all be valid domains:


And, while Scratch's roots are in MIT, Scratch is(as I have seen repeatedly) a fully independent organization.

starlightsparker wrote:

so .mit being there isnt an issue imo, cause its kind of like a tribute to the university that helped scratch get where they are today.
I mean… sure. But you don't need to literally use their domain to give tribute. IMO the credits given on these pages are enough: Careers, Supporters.
Yes, they don’t HAVE to use their domain for tribute, but since it’s already there they don’t need to bother to remove it because it works.
a book or a nerd with an attack that just blasts knowledge into a direction
and when a character gets hit by it, it becomes so confused that it is stunned for a second

that would be quite funny lol

-OctoSquid- wrote:

How old does a computer have to be in order to be considered retro?
depends on the person, but in regards to this topic you're allowed to discuss any computers released after the year 2005.
-OctoSquid- -OctoSquid- loading
How old does a computer have to be in order to be considered retro?
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

birdracerthree wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

What NPS should WD be aiming for on S3?

Because right now, even though it's search depth can get pretty far, it's mostly because of the aggressive LMR. I'm working on an update to hopefully add specialized extensions to help out in this area, but at the end of the day, NPS / Move Gen Speed, is going to be more important.
I would guess double of what it is now to start. WD's NPS is already poor (<20k NPS on TW is not good, 100 NPS on S3 isn't any better), maybe you should look into the double move generation. That should not be necessary.

Update on mate eval TT bug : The incorrect TT value is coming from the same depth as the correct one. No more info is known.

Good question, as mentioned before, NPS must be taken with a grain of salt. The whole goal of pruning is to have as little nodes visited as necessary for reaching a high search depth. An engine with none or very limited pruning will have high NPS without getting to any significant search depth. When you compare NPS of professional engines, you know they have great pruning in place, so no need to discuss.

E.g. I just imported “r3kb1r/pp1n1ppp/q1p1p3/3pPn2/3P2P1/1QN2N2/PPPB1P1P/2KR3R b kq - 0 11” to our engines on TurboWarp. Scurious is known to have the highest NPS. It was done searching ply 5 in 3.2 seconds for that board, that is without quiescence. It was “only” running on 175k NPS here. GoK also had 175k NPS, but was done with ply 5 search including quiescence in 0.3 seconds. And that gap will widen with any additional ply. Element was done in 2.2 seconds at 85k NPS, WD in 0.8 seconds at 16k NPS (although I doubt our NPS calculation is equivalent).

If you refer to improving move generator, moves-per-second is an important metric. As a baseline I can tell you that GoK's core move generator, when running standalone (no other code executed, no staged generation, no hash moves, etc), will be at 800,000 generated moves per second for the start board. So MPS in the 100,000s would be a good starting point.

When it comes to pruning via good move ordering, I would look at the average move list index of the best move found. I think you have that already in WD, right? And if there is a staged move generator, you can compare NPS and MPS. You want NPS to be close to MPS, because then you did not generate a lot of moves that were never applied.

With all that in place, just verify at the search depth you reach. You are right that LMR can be misleading, depth might be great, but it could prune things it should not. For that we can compare depth with LMR disabled, or having the same LMR configuration in place.

We must also keep in mind that system speed and current board do have a lot of impact on NPS, and so does quiescence search. In any way, based on where it is now, I guess 50k NPS might a be a good initial goal for WD. Why do you think NPS is low now? How can WD reach its search depth now? Are we sure it is not also about the way how NPS is calculated?

@birdracerthree, why don't you simply disable checkmate evals in TT for the time being? I don't think they have such a high impact. And I even have seen professional engines disabling them for quiescence search at least, and so does GoK.

Alright, thanks!

WD on the starting board has an average-move-list-index of around 1.5-1.6.

WD also calculates the NPS as the total “normal nodes” + the q-search nodes, and then divide that by the time used. (Normal nodes is increased by one at the start of every “minmax”, and the q-search nodes counter is increased at the start of every “q-search”.)

I'm not totally sure why the NPS is just so low, (even doubling the move gen speed would put it at less than half of Element's), but I have a feeling it's just some really poor code somewhere (similar to the progress/eval bar fix on S3).

(Also, how do you calculate Moves Per Second on the starting board?)

(Also also, here's a really cool 99% accuracy game I played yesterday IRL )

Do you increment node count on every evaluation? On every applied move? Or something else?

I only increment node count at the start of the “minmax” my-block. (And there's a similar story for the q-search side too.)

Also, how should the moves per second on the starting board be calculated? Do you just keep on generating moves until 1 sec is up? And do you apply / revert moves on the board?

I checked the code, and it all makes sense, but I simply don't understand why this results in 18k NPS, when at the same time WD generates 200k moves per seconds (unless I measured that in a wrong way, I counted invocations to “add move to legal moves”). I then added up the number of moves iterated over (move count if no cutoff, move index if cutoff), it was 160k. Then I counted applied moves, it was 16k again. I must be missing something… I disabled LMR, same result. I only looked at non-quiescence numbers.

Move generator: No apply(), no revert(), no TT caching, nothing but “GenerateMoves” over and over again for starting board (including move ordering).

BTW, reading WD code in more detail for the first time, I could not avoid noticing it seems a bit related to GoK :-)

About performance, one thing I noticed was that “add move to legal moves…” is the most expensive custom block, although it is only about adding one item to a list. It contains a cascade of if/then/else blocks, to map to 20-something moves-<1-N> lists. Even an if statement is an expensive operation, on Scratch 3 very much so, on TW still a conditional jump. You can flatten that, e.g. to chunks of 5 (<6, <11, …), And in there the most likely match first (== 6, == 10, ..). No else block, instead just break when found. Only to levels of ifs, with that, you will end up with 2 ifs executed most of the time, not 15. A better approach would be to have only one move list, and an offset of probably 300 for each ply. Much faster, much less code, and increasing search depth won't require any code change. This is what GoK does:
alcat011 alcat011 loading

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

if anyone wants a really easy demon, search for “blindfolder” while you can.
I beat that level 2 days ago and for some reason it took me 44 attempts and i'm a guy who has beaten like 37 demons(including this one)
if anyone wants a really easy demon, search for “blindfolder” while you can.

ajskateboarder wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Doing studios or projects would be even WORSE! Because then all of the people (for some reason) that do not like disabled people would also create an ARMY bots or other haters to the studio, and…womp womp. You can't go on the featured project or studio without seeing hatred everywhere.
Scratch already celebrates many other groups with featured studios and projects, so the same argument is applicable
I've never seen a featured project or studio about black history month, pride month, women's history month, or any other studio or project like that for as long as I can remember (which is about a day). I do not support the studio or project being featured idea, but I do support the idea of an announcement.
East105A East105A loading
goofy idea:
an middle-aged guy flipped upside down holding a trumpet

BigNate469 BigNate469 loading
Seems to be working fine for me, and I'm on a Chromebook that has a processor equivalent to one from ~2004.

Keep in mind that Scratch does have a maximum framerate of 30 fps.
hoangbongvt hoangbongvt loading
This is the page where people discuss nominations for the historic SatelliteVision Nexus Awards, its first edition.
For anyone new, the awards celebrates the contributions, big or small, to the SatelliteVision network from its first year (March 2023-April 2024). The discussions for nominations are kicked off from Friday, April 5th 2024, with this forum topic close in May, and the awards ceremony in June.
The categories are:
- Best curator
- Best overall programme
- Best comedy programme
- Best entertainment programme
- Best children's programme
- Best documentary
- Best miscellanous programme
- Best Interactive Content
- Best Channel
- Best news programme
- Best programming block
- Best live event
- Best premiere event
- Best app
- Best favourite character
- @ronmckong's Award (awarded to the best programme and curator in his will)

Please give at least one nomination to at least one category. You can put your nominations in ALL categories, that's cool. You can put yourself in the nominations, though please respect the others. You cannot nominate something that is already nominated by others.
Due to @ronmckong's award is determined solely by him, this category does not need any nominations. Otherwise, by the time the forum's closed, ALL categories MUST have at least 4-5 nominations.
Thank you for you contribution to make the Nexus Awards a reality.
This seems nice. Now I don't have to search through every bit of a remix to find what they changed
New Idea : the customisation page is not affected by the website customisation itself, but there is a preview of how it would look with your current customisation settings. This should fix a lot of problems.
LionCoder10 LionCoder10 loading
Do you think that, on a REMIXED project, instead of a “Notes and Credits” there is a “What I Changed?”
This could make people feel like they NEED to change something, which is exactly what a remix is. You can’t share the project until you fill out the “What I Changed” box.
And maybe in a small font underneath, it could say something like “Remember that you have to make changes to remixes!” just to remind people of the rules (thanks to @-PizzaKing- for the mini-text phrase).
Maybe this could help the remix problem? Lots of trending and featured projects have lots of silly remixes without changes, mostly because they want to be “First!” (for what reason, I still have to figure out lol)


Thanks to @username for the original project Scrolling Engine!

Arrows to move. Explore the (bigger) world!

What I Changed
Remember that you have to make changes to remixes!
I made a bigger world, and added sounds!
Credit to @username for original scrolling engine

Za-Chary wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Doing studios or projects would be even WORSE! Because then all of the people (for some reason) that do not like disabled people would also create an ARMY bots or other haters to the studio, and…womp womp. You can't go on the featured project or studio without seeing hatred everywhere.
I don't think the fear of hatred should prevent the progress of acceptance.
It's not the fear of hatred, it's the effect of it.
Somebody will say something bad, and people will react to it, badly. I don't want to try to interact on a studio when the only thing given to interact with is hateful and argumentive people trying to start something they shouldn't. That would ultimately get the studio deleted, and more people mad. It would be a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

I am not saying there shouldn't be an announcement about this. In fact, I think there should be an announcement about this in announcements! You can't reply to announcements, it would just remind people of what they should and shouldn't do.
If we have a flock of people who have disabilities disabled people (mentally) in the forums, more hate will come toward them.

Doing studios or projects would be even WORSE! Because then all of the people (for some reason) that do not like disabled people would also create an ARMY bots or other haters to the studio, and…womp womp. You can't go on the featured project or studio without seeing hatred everywhere.

I understand you can report these people, but there will be too many. Other than making it worse, it's best just to report the problem.

king o' page

CHESHT wrote:

FPs is lowered when using a tag script (im making a tag game)
Code is located in Char_Red and Char_Blue

I'm using variables like if tagged = true/false then switch to costume2 (yellow dot = tagged)


You might be on a lower-end device, as it runs pretty smoothly.
For anyone interested in helping make Something About Splatoon 3, this is the studio we plan everything in!

I'm Feris Silvern, author and head director of this project. And for anyone who is not familiar, the “Something About” series is an animated game playthrough series created by a man named Jeremy Chinshue, otherwise known as Terminal Montage. His animations are fast, full of references from games and show, and lots of fun, especially for younger audiences!

This project is a spoof of his spoofs. Jeremy has covered a lot of popular, fun games in his “Something About” series, but Splatoon is not one of them. This project is intended to bring a similar styled animation for Splatoon.

Of course, we need your help to make this a reality. I have a lot of the plan in my head, but I'll need a lot of help with references, Splatoon knowledge, outside and inside jokes, and other jobs such as backup animators and artists. If you're interested, feel free to join!

Members of our team:

@Furret_Productions - Master Author, Head Director, and Head Animator

Artist Division:
Head: @Cream_cheese_bagels
Lead Character Designer: @Noseqponerme

Animator Division:

Musician Division:

“Idea” Division:

Writer Division:


New Agent 3: @PrincessPeach213

Little Buddy: Larry the Cable Guy (You heard me right, folks.)

Frye: @icetypelover002


Big Man: @Castle_Hippopotamus

Callie/Marie (Might be seperate):

Bill Grizz (Mr. Grizz):

Cap'n Bob Cuttlefish:

DJ Octavio:

Narrator in Splatsville:

Tsukasa (you can ask for more information):


Agent 8:


Other actors:
FPs is lowered when using a tag script (im making a tag game)
Code is located in Char_Red and Char_Blue

I'm using variables like if tagged = true/false then switch to costume2 (yellow dot = tagged)


Storm-Coder wrote:


On projette un jeu inspiré de l'ancien et légendaire* Gauntlet (I et II en particulier pas les suites ratées comme la slayer edition ou ceux en 3D).

L'idée étant que ce soit évidemment fun à jouer avec des donjons bien pensés mais surtout et avant tout que ça puisse se jouer en collaboratif au moins à 4 (voire à 6) en local et/où par le cloud.
On ajoutera peut-être un mode compétitif mais à ce stade on a des idées qu'il va falloir affiner petit à petit y compris concernant les défis que ça va représenter en terme de programmation, surtout via le cloud qui semble parfois avoir un peu de lag et faire quelques mauvais tours… Au pire on se rabattra sur le local comme dans Gauntlet (des joysticks un clavier, on arrivait à jouer à 4 sur le même ordinateur et écran et c'était justement fun de faire ça tous ensemble physiquement!).

Bref, si le projet vous tente et si vous êtes un vrai codeur qui sait structurer et commenter son code comme un pro pour qu'on s'y retrouve à plusieurs… ou surtout un graphiste, sprites et/ou autres, on aurait besoin de vous car il va y avoir du boulot avec les graphismes, surtout les sprites.
Musiciens bienvenus aussi évidemment.
Plus tard on verra pour d'éventuels levels designers et beta testers etc…

J'ai également fraîchement ouvert ce serveur de discussion et posté ce que j'ai trouvé comme images pour nous servir de base concernant les graphismes, il faudrait par exemple refaire les sprites selon ces modèles mais en vectoriel ou au pire en bitmap mais en tous cas au moins en 25x25 voire 32x32. (Le lien ne marche pas c'est volontaire Il faut remplacer “dor” par “ord”.)

Si vous êtes mineurs, il faut vous assurer que vos parents soient d'accord et même dans ce cas avoir au moins 13 ans je crois pour se connecter à un serveur de discussion !

*wikipedia: “Le jeu est l'une des entrées de l'ouvrage Les 1001 jeux vidéo auxquels il faut avoir joué dans sa vie.”

Vu que vous êtes passé sur mon profil et que vous avez laissé un message je me suis laissée tenter et je suis venue jeter un coup d'oeil.
( et oui en ce moment je suis a nouveau présente sur Scratch de temps en temps. ) .

J'ai une question qui me vient spontanément quand je voit votre message : sur quelle plateforme avez vous prévu de faire votre jeu ?


Hello All,

Having some technical difficulties tryna find the error in my script. Not having a mental breakdown at all. Definitely….
The sprite doesn't seem to change size even though I change it manually or in the codes. After I set the size to 20, it immediately changes back to 100.
Can anybody help meeeee???
This is the code that I applied to my sprite btw:
when green flag clicked
go to x: (-220) y: (-50)
set size to (20) %

I also even tried

when green flag clicked
go to x: (-220) y: (-50)
set size to (20) %

Can anybody please help me?

Send the game link, might be able to help
alcat011 alcat011 loading

DifferentDance8 wrote:

alcat011 wrote:

hey guys what's your hardest? mine's like change of scene lol
Platinum Adventure (I am better when it comes to challenges)
I recommend going for what is it by booglee, unless you're bad at robot gameplay because there's a really hard part at like 60% lol. Or maybe lights and thunder

sus_pants_ wrote:

Undertalebuffer wrote:

Flankydean wrote:

supercarles wrote:

uhmm is there someone alive?
MAYBE WE ARE NECROPOSTING cuz no one else is talking (sry i had my caps lock on)
You have made contact with zombies, how do you feel?
Confident, I have many plants
But I’m a vegetarian zombie, thx for the grub(Munches on your repeaters)
-Almations- -Almations- loading

TravelersTri34 wrote:

kylenh wrote:

Ya'll remember these?

I was always so confused because in the ads they said its endless so I thought when you got a box it just had no end.
pixzunami pixzunami loading
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀༄ SRC Day #5 ⋆ Adventure Platform Apr '24
PAGES READ ✢ 673 pages | SICKLES EARNED ✢ 7 ❍

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚠️ Spoiler Warning - please do not read ahead if you would not like to be spoiled for the details about books listed below.

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DAILY 05 ˚₊‧꒰ა 05 / 04 / 24
For today’s daily, take a look at any book’s cover, and redesign it! You could create a new cover with graphic design or you could draw one! Share a picture of your new cover to earn your cabin 100 points.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀【 ☾ i. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS ·˚ * 】
John Green — IRL copy distributed by Penguin Books

Link to submission here.



⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀【 ☾ i. TWILIGHT ·˚ * 】
Stephenie Meyer — Digital copy downloaded on Kindle — 36 pages ( 0 - 36 )

Bella Swan has just moved from bright, sunny Phoenix to rainy Forks to live with her father, the chief of the Forks police. There she joins Forks high school and immediately catches the eye of a mysterious bronze-haired man…
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀【 ☾ ii. SAFIYYAH'S WAR ·˚ * 】
Hiba Noor Khan — IRL copy distributed by Andersen Press — 285 pages ( 0 - 285, DNF'ed )

Safiyyah is a Muslim girl raised in Paris, around the era of just when the Germans invade Paris and their Vichy government abandon them to evacuate to the South. The Jews soon face increased prosecution, one notable person being Monsieur Cassin, a Jewish botanist who soon had his home raided by Germans, taking his life's work with them. With no government, Safiyyah's father and mother take it upon themselves to join the Resistance in France, their role being that of deporting Jewish refugees and providing them with fake Muslim birth certificates. But when Safiyyah's father is arrested by the Nazi forces and henceforth placed under house arrest, she and her friend Timothée volunteer to continue the part her parents had been playing.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀【 ☾ iii. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS ·˚ * 】
John Green — IRL copy distributed by Penguin Books — 352 pages ( 0 - 352 )

Hazel Grace Lancaster was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of thirteen. Her parents send her to a support group, known as ‘Literal Heart of Jesus’, where a kindly man named Patrick preaches and has the various cancer survivors share their stories of their battles. One day, when Isaac, a member of this support group, is about to have a surgery to permanently remove his sight to become NEC, he brings his friend Augustus Waters who had his own experience with osteosarcoma and who immediately starts staring Hazel down for her resemblance to his ex-girlfriend Caroline Mathers, who passed from a brain tumor. The two soon bond over their different interests but witty way of facing off against each other, and when Gus hears of Hazel's wish to fly to Amsterdam to visit her favourite author, Peter van Houten, and discover what happens in An Imperial Affliction, he uses his Wish from his amputation to take her, only to discover that he has become a total menace and a drunk. His assistant, Lidewij Vliegenthart, resigns and apologises sincerely to try and raise their experience in Amsterdam, and after making love to one another, Hazel learns of Gus' recurrence of his osteosarcoma, and he soon passes.


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Storm-Coder wrote:


On projette un jeu inspiré de l'ancien et légendaire* Gauntlet (I et II en particulier pas les suites ratées comme la slayer edition ou ceux en 3D).

L'idée étant que ce soit évidemment fun à jouer avec des donjons bien pensés mais surtout et avant tout que ça puisse se jouer en collaboratif au moins à 4 (voire à 6) en local et/où par le cloud.
On ajoutera peut-être un mode compétitif mais à ce stade on a des idées qu'il va falloir affiner petit à petit y compris concernant les défis que ça va représenter en terme de programmation, surtout via le cloud qui semble parfois avoir un peu de lag et faire quelques mauvais tours… Au pire on se rabattra sur le local comme dans Gauntlet (des joysticks un clavier, on arrivait à jouer à 4 sur le même ordinateur et écran et c'était justement fun de faire ça tous ensemble physiquement!).

Bref, si le projet vous tente et si vous êtes un vrai codeur qui sait structurer et commenter son code comme un pro pour qu'on s'y retrouve à plusieurs… ou surtout un graphiste, sprites et/ou autres, on aurait besoin de vous car il va y avoir du boulot avec les graphismes, surtout les sprites.
Musiciens bienvenus aussi évidemment.
Plus tard on verra pour d'éventuels levels designers et beta testers etc…

J'ai également fraîchement ouvert ce serveur de discussion et posté ce que j'ai trouvé comme images pour nous servir de base concernant les graphismes, il faudrait par exemple refaire les sprites selon ces modèles mais en vectoriel ou au pire en bitmap mais en tous cas au moins en 25x25 voire 32x32. (Le lien ne marche pas c'est volontaire Il faut remplacer “dor” par “ord”.)

Si vous êtes mineurs, il faut vous assurer que vos parents soient d'accord et même dans ce cas avoir au moins 13 ans je crois pour se connecter à un serveur de discussion !

*wikipedia: “Le jeu est l'une des entrées de l'ouvrage Les 1001 jeux vidéo auxquels il faut avoir joué dans sa vie.”
je veux bien t'aider

AnotherTwentyFour wrote:

Why Why not
Scratch isn't part of MIT(at least not anymore).

AnotherTwentyFour wrote:

Changing this would mean nothing.
I know that I've forgotten at multiple points that Scratch Foundation is a separate entity.

AnotherTwentyFour wrote:

Just a waste of time.
Why Why not Changing this would mean nothing. Just a waste of time.

AstroFuturistic wrote:

kiwilover2736 wrote:

furyb_levrai wrote:

Where i can advertise ?
One way is by making a topic for your project on this forum: . You can see a list of other ways to advertise on this topic:
where you replace (username) with your username
for some reason scratch doesnt allow you to edit that by going into the settings

starlightsparker wrote:

MIT is scratch's roots and one of their founding partners.
If we're going by Scratch having subdomains from founding partners, then these would all be valid domains:


And, while Scratch's roots are in MIT, Scratch is(as I have seen repeatedly) a fully independent organization.

starlightsparker wrote:

so .mit being there isnt an issue imo, cause its kind of like a tribute to the university that helped scratch get where they are today.
I mean… sure. But you don't need to literally use their domain to give tribute. IMO the credits given on these pages are enough: Careers, Supporters.

kylenh wrote:

Ya'll remember these?


leahcimto wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

Correction, mit and scratch are still a lil bit related cause they work closely still.

And the blue header was more broke because they could’ve been sued for it not being accessible. Could they be sued for having a domain that’s related to their roots?
Do you have any evidence suggesting scratch and mit still work together?

Steve0Greatness wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

I heard it somewhere, someone here definitely has a direct source but I don’t.
I really shouldn't have to say this, but you should definitely have sources before saying something factual like “Scratch and MIT are related, still.”

alright uh new response, scratch and mit dont work together literally, but MIT is scratch's roots and one of their founding partners. so .mit being there isnt an issue imo, cause its kind of like a tribute to the university that helped scratch get where they are today.

A_Nyan_In_Space wrote:

But I have typed in so many times it's like my instinct /hj. Many Scratchers have their computers autocomplete o anyway, with their projects, users, studios, and maybe even forum posts. If scratch changed to, all that goes out the window.
But it would just redirect. In other words: It wouldn't go out the window.

Also, please do not use the “half-joking” tone indicator (/hj), see the /hj tone indicator is worse than useless

A_Nyan_In_Space wrote:

I could see redirecting to, but all of the subdomains might not be saved.
WDYM subdomains might not be saved? You will basically never see a Scratch subdomain outside of the handful that exist. Even then: all of then could still redirect to their counterpart(i.e. would redirect to, would redirect to, etc.).

Jay4EverAndAlways wrote:

Username*: Jay4EverAndAlways
Shop name: Jay's Codes Shop | Backyard Ratings | Advertise Your Shops/Games (NOW OPEN) (WE'RE HIRING)
Shop link:
Shop banner:
(I have two)
Why should we partner with you?: I will advertise your shop in mine! (and im friendly)
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes
Other*: Hi there!
I'm kinda a new shop and I'm trying to get some help and some tips.
So, I propose, that we partner up!
I know, I know, there isn't really anything you get out of it. But, I would put your banner and a link to your shop in the partners section of my shop
I COMPLETELY get it if you aren't willing to partner with a new shop, but I'm asking anyway!

So, I sadly won't partner with you. However, if your federation grows, I will definitely consider it. The problem is, it's really hard for code shops to grow, since everyone who needs art help or music help comes to shops, while everyone who needs code help goes to help with scripts. This doesn't mean I'm totally not going to partner with you. I might be back and talk to you about partnering in the future. Thank you for your time!

(I know your shop isn't just a code shop, but the name is…)
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

cheddargirl wrote:

Hi all, I had to remove a bunch of posts because they edged on being mean spirited (keep in mind that saying you're going to report something or someone counts as an attack comment, which is in violation of the “Help Keep the site friendly” Community Guidelines rule).

Additionally, please keep in mind that the forums are accessible to viewing and posting by anyone, and anything you post on the Scratch website is never “confidential” or “private”. If someone stumbles across a collab topic and you're not open to adding new collaborators, just politely decline their offer and move on.
You’re right about the part about nothing being private on scratch, btw. I’m sorry, I was just…..looking for some excuse to report. I didn’t really see a reason to report, but I did anyway, and I don’t know why. Reporting is not a tool to use like that. I’m sorry.
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

cheddargirl wrote:

Hi all, I had to remove a bunch of posts because they edged on being mean spirited (keep in mind that saying you're going to report something or someone counts as an attack comment, which is in violation of the “Help Keep the site friendly” Community Guidelines rule).

Additionally, please keep in mind that the forums are accessible to viewing and posting by anyone, and anything you post on the Scratch website is never “confidential” or “private”. If someone stumbles across a collab topic and you're not open to adding new collaborators, just politely decline their offer and move on.
I have a feeling this forum is cursed or something. You keep popping out of nowhere lol.

In all seriousness, I am truly sorry for what I said. I’m sure if @Optimusfreakingprime was online currently he’d say the same.
cheddargirl cheddargirl loading
Hi all, I had to remove a bunch of posts because they edged on being mean spirited (keep in mind that saying you're going to report something or someone counts as an attack comment, which is in violation of the “Help Keep the site friendly” Community Guidelines rule).

Additionally, please keep in mind that the forums are accessible to viewing and posting by anyone, and anything you post on the Scratch website is never “confidential” or “private”. If someone stumbles across a collab topic and you're not open to adding new collaborators, just politely decline their offer and move on.
lilyjen lilyjen loading
History Lesson on the Japanese Canadian Internment

Sit by the radio, listening
Hear of great battles
Make paper planes like the great birds of war,
Think of the day
That you can enlist,
Like your father,
Fight for your country.

Radio tells of Japan
And pearl harbor
Bombs rain down
Suffering follows
For those there, and those still here,
“We are Canadians”
They cry,
But no one seems to listen.

It starts with boats, cameras, radios
Then homes are taken
People are taken
With only what they can carry
Leaving behind a scattered trail
Of memories and broken dreams
Wishing for hope in dark times
Watching as they continue to take and take and take

Forced here and there without explanation
Onto trains that are
Dark, cramped, crowed
The people like cattle
Afraid and uncertain
Arriving at ghost towns and camps
Prisoners hoping for a rescue that never comes
Even though they are not the enemy

This ‘new home’ is not home
Tiny houses like shacks
With relentless heat and cold reaching in
Spend nights
Looking at stars through cracks in the walls
Wishing without a word or answer
Guarded like convicts,
Thought of as spies

For years I was there,
with mother and brother
Father was far, working, suffering
We were prisoners in our own country,
The country that father had served
That grandfather gave his life for
Had they forgotten about all
That we had given?

We had to fight long to be acknowledged,
Gain compensation and apology,
And the ability to come back home
But now we seem forgotten
As they work for truth and reconciliation
They remember pain brought to some
But what about us?
Did we not suffer as well?

Canadian history is larger than just
What people talk of now
There are more stories to be told,
More injustices that were faced,
Many problems still impacting
Those of us still here,
Still living,
Still fighting.

Jay4EverAndAlways wrote:

Username*: Jay4EverAndAlways
Shop name: Jay's Codes Shop | Backyard Ratings | Advertise Your Shops/Games (NOW OPEN) (WE'RE HIRING)
Shop link:
Shop banner:
(I have two)
Why should we partner with you?: I will advertise your shop in mine! (and im friendly)
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes
Other*: Hi there!
I'm kinda a new shop and I'm trying to get some help and some tips.
So, I propose, that we partner up!
I know, I know, there isn't really anything you get out of it. But, I would put your banner and a link to your shop in the partners section of my shop
I COMPLETELY get it if you aren't willing to partner with a new shop, but I'm asking anyway!

eek, the shop is brand new. i can see the potential of the shop going big though, so I say we keep it in mind. maybe if they get… lets say 5 orders, then we can partner