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Do you think that, on a REMIXED project, instead of a “Notes and Credits” there is a “What I Changed?”
This could make people feel like they NEED to change something, which is exactly what a remix is. You can’t share the project until you fill out the “What I Changed” box.
And maybe in a small font underneath, it could say something like “Remember that you have to make changes to remixes!” just to remind people of the rules (thanks to @-PizzaKing- for the mini-text phrase).
Maybe this could help the remix problem? Lots of trending and featured projects have lots of silly remixes without changes, mostly because they want to be “First!” (for what reason, I still have to figure out lol)


Thanks to @username for the original project Scrolling Engine!

Arrows to move. Explore the (bigger) world!

What I Changed
Remember that you have to make changes to remixes!
I made a bigger world, and added sounds!
Credit to @username for original scrolling engine