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a story bled on paper
by: @peppermintangel
the story
isn’t perfect

it’s bloody
and filled with

where i just wanted
to end

so i could finally
enjoy some
with just me
and my thoughts

you can see my fear,
in every sentence,

how i’m


in every paragraph,

but i take the leap
and the chance
that might destroy

but don’t know why,

i fail

in hopes of scoring
just a second
of happiness

i’ll keep going,
just for me,
and maybe for him,
and see where it takes me,

and though i’m scared,
holding his hand
makes my hopes rise
all the more

maybe with him,
i’ll become less
and less

i’ll keep taking my chances,
losing apart of myself
with each passing chapter

i don’t cry,
but rather,
i bleed on pages

which’ll spell the story
of who i am

and soon they become
my story
and my life
and me

but when the pages are growing thin,
i’ll keep reading on
until the very last word

i’ll make decisions
i want to make
even when the burden
is heavy

because without risk,
there’s no story
hi I'm discombobullate and i'm remaking my favorite game, Sonic Unleashed, in Scratch from a top-down view.

the two games that have already been completed are the beginnings of Windmill Isle and a completely finished Egg Dragoon to demonstrate cutscenes.

The studio that will be housing the game / games (as they will be separate levels hosted under one studio so they can be found) is the Sonic Unleashed: TOPDOWN studio that shares the same name as the title. I would appreciate if someone could appraise the games and give me feedback because they are my first ones. (especially Hedgehog Test Place Vol. 1)

repeat until <finished>
set [willpower v] to [149348590295723689062364]
apple-sock8 apple-sock8 loading
Please leave a comment on this platformer telling me something to add. It's up to the Scratch community to help me make it amazing!
Jindrichton Jindrichton loading
I got a “little” break from Scratch. Yeah, 3 months.

I got carried away by other games, and just had to take break from Scratch, as it can't entertain me forever.
I'm sorry for all those who have been waiting for a new level in my Classic Story Platformer (litteraly nobody cares XD).

But now, when i got interested in Scratch again, I will be active as much as i can (for another 6 months or so ).

By the way, a big remake of The Backrooms by MinecrazyGaming_YT is coming. It will be remastered, optimized and polished version of Backrooms, with more content.

abubriski abubriski loading

abubriski wrote:

I looked up “Gobo's Friends”, and this image came up: I do not know what project this came from, but I would like to know.
Is it possible that it is from a Scratch project?
are you proud of me?
by: @peppermintangel

to somebody i used to know,
look where i am now!

are you proud of me?

please say that you are,

because it was so hard
to piece myself back together
right after you ripped me apart
as easily as a piece of paper

are you proud of me,

for letting you break me,
just like you broke all
of your stupid promises?

are you proud of me?

i trusted you
even when the blood
on your hands
the killer
that i didn’t

i ignored it
i ignored them

just so i could
be with you

gosh, i was so blind,

i gave you a chance
just like all the other people
who are too nice
and kind

just like the world,
that doesn’t deserve you

are you proud of me?

i kept killing myself
and held my breath
longer than my lungs
could bear
the riptide

just to give
the person who
sunk my head
further underwater
a chance to breathe

are you proud of me?

because i survived even when
you tried killing me


i survived,
but i don’t
believe many
of your little
playthings did

though it was not
without scars
that are scored into
my sides

not without feeling
the burning of my chest
as my lungs screamed
for air
for real love

not without feeling
the breaking of my heart

at your words
and at your steps
as you walked
further away

i miss you,
but not the ‘you’
i see now,
with evil eyes
and a cold gaze,

i miss the ‘you’ with
the warm and kind eyes
the ‘you’ that i fell for
the ‘you’ that i loved

now your stack of people
that you “loved”
grows higher
each day

and with each new,
broken soul
i meet,
i try to cry out
to the next,
in hopes they
will hear my warning,
instead of pushing it away
just as i did

what a pretty little liar
dressed as an angel

but, then again,
nobody expects
an angel to burn
the world

so again, i ask,
are you proud of me?

or perhaps,
you’re bored of
the question,
just like you got
bored of all the others
who fell for you

so, i’ll enlighten you
with a new one,
that i hope will
convince you,
or make you notice
what you’ve done to me

are you proud of yourself?

i sure hope you are,
and hope you find joy
in crushing the hearts
of foolish young children
who haven’t yet tasted
what it’s like to be betrayed
by someone they thought
loved them

though it hurts me to know
that all the dreams we shared
were never sincere,

i know it doesn’t affect you
as much as i hoped it would,

for all i am now,
is a drop of blood
on those hands,

now the foreshadowing
that everyone will ignore

i cry out in desperation
knowing that every
‘i love you’
is a lie,

fearing the worst,
as you break

the light of
young souls
like me
abubriski abubriski loading
This has been solved; I was on a broken device that just had some images or color missing randomly.

Malicondi wrote:

ilikeacnh127 wrote:

What globe? Im on mobile btw.
in the text box to type, theres a black and white globe icon next to the smiley face and the block, if you click that it can help us help you.
Ok, thanks
Libbyty2 Libbyty2 loading

Superbega429 wrote:

I remember seeing a movie on YT that was I think around 40 minutes long and was made in Toontastic 3D. It was about 4 friends, and one of them sent his 3 friends to a town filled with small toy figures that can movie around like normal people. I think it was called “Toontastic Figures Movie” or something else like that. But I can't find the movie anymore. It was made by IHEART2GAMING.
i'll try and find it for ya
ywc2 ywc2 loading
It's been happening to me too, I use google chrome and I believe it started after I updated my browser a couple months back. I'm guessing that google made an update where the autofill textbox detection is more sensitive, but it resulted in the browser mistaking the search bar for the username space.
AmazaEevee AmazaEevee loading
Hey!! Okay, so I’m in DC rn and I’m a bit out of it because I’ve had a stressful time in the city with a dad who gets lost in them ^^;; I’ll be active for cabin wars, but today I’ll be restricted to mobile. I should be able to stay up slightly later than usual because I think we’re going to get back home around 3am UTC.

As far as SWC stuff, Crim, do you have a big monster ready or able to be made into a project fairly easily? We should probably get another one out sometime soon. Also, does anyone want to take the wc studio next week? That’s the only week where we didn’t have anyone assigned.
sansman65 sansman65 loading
i said "i got it wrong but im immune to the light. i use light mode.“ but it got flagged for ”asking for personal info My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected
ChueyTheCat ChueyTheCat loading
Daily 022: 300 words, Scandal

It was one of those uncertain gray days that looked as though the clouds couldn't make up their mind whether to pour rain or scuttle away and let the sun through. It was early spring, and the air was still cool and moist, the grass fresh with dew, disturbed only by two pairs of shoes. There was no sound in the park other than birds chirping and two people giggling.
The girl arranged her old-fashioned skirts and petticoats, her trim boots leaving little dents in the grass. Her companion smiled at her from over a ruffled white shirt and high collar, his eyes focused on the only bright thing he saw, although several spring flowers nodded their brilliant heads over the green swathes of the park, and the occasional butterfly swooped by, unheeded by the two lovers. The trees overhead whispered and rustled as the gossiping wind wove through their branches, and the flowers bent in the breeze as though murmuring to each other.
If there were any witnesses other than the wild things it would have caused a stir, for sure, because the man was the heir to the vast estate they were walking on, and the girl’s possessions amounted to nothing much beyond her fresh young beauty. Yet the love between them was beautiful, fragile, like a rose unfurling its petals in the sun to reveal a rich, crimson heart, beating underneath the green leaves.
The giggling continued, and as the sun crept higher into the sky, he bent down and kissed her crimson lips, as the breeze picked up and tossed leaves around them, whirling around them like so many clacking tongues, heralds of the upcoming rumors that would soon trickle through the town.
No matter. It was yet to come, and right then, it was perfect.

jboys846 wrote:

asdfperson135 wrote:

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

asdfperson135 wrote:

seg-leinad wrote:

Removed order from post #1664 from the UOC (Gomongemu's sfx order) as order post and quotes got deleted by the ST.
what happened? also i know im on leave im just gonna stalk the shop
his order was a sfx of somethign kinda disturbing, so im guessing the scratch team didnt like that
now im intrigued, what was the sfx?
Bone breaking noise
feel like all you would need is a celery stick and go *crack*
I'm making a game for my minigames studio called maige diffense (the grammar is supposed to be bad) and got some feedback from a guy saying I should add mobile support, how do I do that?

if <confounded> then
kanomaster kanomaster loading
Alright, so let's say I have 20 different clones that are buttons. (The functionality of the buttons doesn't matter for this question). Each of the clones spawns in with it's own variable called “ID” (which is set as “for this sprite only”) Based off of this I can say:
set x to ((ID) * (50))
This will make all of the buttons spaced apart by 50, but they will eventually go off the screen. It looks like:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10…. (goes past edge of screen)
Whereas I want something that loops back when a certain number of buttons are in one row: like

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
How would one go about doing this? Thanks!

Lioncub4tech9B wrote:

Another thing is that you can copy a game without remixing, then just change the color and design and nobody would notice

that is not allowed. (and before you say removed the download to computer feature please note that I can still utilize scratch api to get the project because if scratch removes that the project won't run)
Title: RPG System on SMM4
¬RPG System on SMM4¬1e,i,+6,1d,i,i,i,+71,cd,",i,i,+70,cd,",l,i,i,i,+69,cd,",i,i,+70,cd,",k,i,i,i,+61,1i,i,+2,1j,i,i,i,+2,j,!",cd,",i,i,+62,1ab,i,1e,i,1b,i,1c,i,i,i,+3,cd,",l,i,i,i,+61,1c,i,a,!,1g,i,1c,i,i,i,+2,a,!dg,cd,",i,i,+62,1aa,i,1i,i,1b,i,1c,i,i,i,+3,cd,",k,i,i,i,+61,1e,i,+2,1d,i,i,i,+3,cd,",i,i,+70,cd,",l,i,i,i,+66,bh,!co,i,i,+1,cd,",i,i,+70,cd,",k,i,i,i,+69,cd,",bz,i,i,i,+61,1i,i,+9,1j,i,i,i,+60,1e,i,+9,1d,i,i,i,+202,i,i,i,i,¬i,+,1293,i,i,¬i,+,78,7d,i,+,70,7e,i,+,70,7e,i,+,70,7e,i,+,70,7f,i,+,136,7l,i,+,4,7l,i,+,284,7c,7b,7a,i,+,493,i,i,¬¬1,1,72,2,-8,-8,6,5,:2,74,10,3,-8,-8,0,0,:¬72,18,300,0,237,-8,0,8,5,1,GoktugBalci2010,x,x,x,1,0,
Description: Enemy Below with Blocks Around: Enemy to Fight - Top Conveyor Belt: Enemy's HP - On/Off Block: Player's Attack Against the Enemy - Bill Blaster: Enemy Attack Against Player - Goomba on Top: What Leaves the Bounty When the Battle Is Over Tags: Other
if you are a new scratcher hrrs some things i can help with
. intro i will make a intro for you
. code i will make special code for you
. sound i will find a sound for you

note:i will update this
NARUTOYout NARUTOYout loading


iv'e been on this website for three years on different accounts and even though i've done all the known criteria to become a scratcher i'm still not one. the only difference is that this time i got manually muted once from a warning and then another time automatically for using the wrong wording of something directly after getting unmuted. usually i would have become a scratcher by now and i want to know if it has anything to do with this
yes (really idk lol)
I remember seeing a movie on YT that was I think around 40 minutes long and was made in Toontastic 3D. It was about 4 friends, and one of them sent his 3 friends to a town filled with small toy figures that can movie move around and talk like normal people. I think it was called “Toontastic Figures Movie” or something else like that. But I can't find the movie anymore. It was made by IHEART2GAMING.
Another thing is that you can copy a game without remixing, then just change the color and design and nobody would notice

italvera italvera loading

LP372 wrote:

FelipeMora11 wrote:

just think about it: Various People who can change the sprites, audios and code of a single project at the same time!!! wouldnt it be awesome?
At least give the quote:
2.1 Adding users to work on projects
Having multiple Scratchers work on the same project would be difficult to moderate not only due to technological limitations but also because it could lead to private messaging; for more information, see #7.1 on this list. This suggestion includes live editing (similar to Google Docs) and other forms of private collaboration. If you would like to work on a project with another Scratcher, you can remix each others' projects.

At the moment, a turn-based collaboration system for shared projects is NOT rejected; you can discuss it on this topic.
-Squiggle -Squiggle loading
I've added what people have written so far to the description (to see what it looks like when it's put together), feel free to still give feedback and adjustments until we're all happy with it.
I've kept everything basically the same as it was written, for now.

in the table of contents, shall I shorten “- How To add A Project If You're Not A Curator/What Projects To Add If You Are A Curator” to “- Adding Projects”?
LP372 LP372 loading

undeterministic wrote:

waitwhat2288 wrote:

undeterministic wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

so words per page?
support why not and its very efficent
WHAT IF SOMEBODY USES BIG TEXT ALL THE TIME I recommend a height ascept like 5 screen heights and then it will wrap to the next page,

does it really matter if there’s like a 2 pixel difference between one page or another? the suggestion is just asking for pages to be short, anyway, not extremely precise.
ahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjh is one word and takes up a lot of space
ok, it would be characters

waitwhat2288 wrote:

undeterministic wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

so words per page?
support why not and its very efficent
WHAT IF SOMEBODY USES BIG TEXT ALL THE TIME I recommend a height ascept like 5 screen heights and then it will wrap to the next page,

does it really matter if there’s like a 2 pixel difference between one page or another? the suggestion is just asking for pages to be short, anyway, not extremely precise.
ahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjhahjdsfhasdjflkhdalfjsklhakfdddfafddfdafshhdhjjhhhhjhjjhjhjh is one word and takes up a lot of space
LP372 LP372 loading

FelipeMora11 wrote:

just think about it: Various People who can change the sprites, audios and code of a single project at the same time!!! wouldnt it be awesome?

undeterministic wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

so words per page?
support why not and its very efficent
WHAT IF SOMEBODY USES BIG TEXT ALL THE TIME I recommend a height ascept like 5 screen heights and then it will wrap to the next page,

does it really matter if there’s like a 2 pixel difference between one page or another? the suggestion is just asking for pages to be short, anyway, not extremely precise.
just think about it: Various People who can change the sprites, audios and code of a single project at the same time!!! wouldnt it be awesome?

Could someone collab with me? I am kinda good at code and design but it would be good if i could do a collab
Daily 22

Writers use a lot of figurative language, and today we're focusing on just one type: pathetic fallacy. Similar to personification, pathetic fallacy is when a story utilizes the environment to convey emotions by using typically human actions (ex: weeping raindrops, dancing leaves, etc). For 300 points, write a story of at least 250 words using pathetic fallacy to convey an emotion.

Notes: I have no idea what I'm doing, actually. If I missed the point of the daily entirely then no I didn't.

Word count: 285 words

❀ ✻ ⚘ ✻ ❀

Jenna walks out of the doorway only to be met by a comically large bouquet of flowers. She has no idea what they are. Floriography evidently doesn’t run in the family.

She sighs. At least they’re nice to look at: cheerful blossoms arranged beautifully in simple rings. That’s the first thing that strikes her as odd—her mama doesn’t usually go for something that easy. No, madame Beth’s bouquets must always be as dramatic as possible. Even her more subtle arrangements are dramatic. You’d think her outgoing, extroverted, bold-patterned-wardrobe-only mom would be the one to go for that sort of thing, but nope. Mama’s as deceptive as a poisonous flower that way.

She takes a minute to linger in the doorway. The sun’s out today, its smiling beams wrapping around her like a warm hug. It’s the time of the day when it’s bright out and the initial morning rush has settled, leaving a quiet lull behind.

That’s when her eye catches on the card attached to the bouquet. Ah. She was right, then. Not a bouquet from her mama. Floriography might run in the family after all; just a little more selectively than she thought.

‘I know we’re not on the best terms right now,’ the card reads, and Jenna lets out a scoff at that, ‘but I think my favorite little sister deserves some flowers on her birthday. And a little more, too.’

There’s some cash taped onto the back of the card.

She huffs, and glances at the flowers again. They still seem as cheerful as ever, though there seems to be a shade of mocking to them now. She’ll never admit it, but they still make her crack a small smile.
dhuls dhuls loading

preshunk3 wrote:

is there any way to guaranteed make sure my gba cart is real? (superstar saga)
Easiest way is opening the cartridge with a triwing screwdriver, but most people don't have those so the other methods are recommended.
cat-toes cat-toes loading
my game: flappydash, has a bug were two pipes glitch into each other sometimes. its rare but I cant seem to fix it
jcpbuilder jcpbuilder loading
Welcome! (If you have not been accepted, please don’t go any farther to avoid spoilers.)

Anyway, here are the members and rules

jcpbuilder - Writer and idea person
Fgfoxy - idea person
RAB2010 - idea person

Each book will be divided into 4 phases:
Phase 1: Coming up with ideas and formulating a plot
Phase 2: Writing
Phase 3: Editing
Phase 4: Release

If you are an idea person you can begin to come up with ideas. Remember: There are no bad ideas. Also, remember, nothing is canon in this universe except for movies 1-6 and TCW. Feel free to contradict anything else when you come up with ideas.

NOTE: Just because that stuff isn’t canon, doesn’t mean you can’t use characters from it.

These can be ideas about:

Once we have some characters and antagonists and plot ideas we want to include we can begin to form a plot outline and synopsis. (And a title or we could wait until we finish the book)

After that the writer(s) will begin to write the book.

After that we’ll go through the change and edit things to make more sense. Then we’ll come up with a title if we haven’t already. We’ll also create cover art.

Once we’re finished we’ll set a release date.

Then we’ll release it. (As one project or a chapter at a time. It probably depends on how long it ends up being.)

And remember, if you have any questions just ask them.

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

jbthepig wrote:

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

so I guess we are stuck with homebrew browser. or is there any other alternative?
LibreShop, it's a text-based alternative to the Homebrew Browser.
If I can find the time (which I won't), I'm super tempted to fork the Homebrew Browser and give it a more modern UI. The current one is terrible. That said, I definitely wouldn't include pirated software… we all saw what happened to Yuzu, right? Maybe I could allow for the installation of custom repositories…
Yeah but keep the music
the music is a banger Im disco dancing to it rn
ChueyTheCat ChueyTheCat loading

LP372 wrote:

ChueyTheCat wrote:

LP372 wrote:

-effortIess- wrote:

NotK3ndricAlt wrote:

-effortIess- wrote:

100th post
Offtopic: Congrats on your 100th post!
Thinking about it more, it seems that this would be a good thing to add, but only if camps get an actual subforum, and not just a topic.
Also, other camps such as SAC (Scratch Art Camp) or SSC (Scratch Singing Camp) would be able to use the subforum, right?
yeah, it should be called Scratch Camps, or something like that
What about other types of writing that don't really fit in any other topics, though? Like, say, kit applications.
Not trying to argue this point, by the way! I think having a space for scratch camps is a great idea. However, I also believe that it could be broadened to include more categories and solve some other problems, besides just camp-related ones.
off topic subforum is rejected, so it will probably have to be just Scratch Camps
I guess that makes sense. thanks for explaining!
Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.
Did you share a project? You'll get messages and soon be noticed!

when I receive [new scratcher v]
say [Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.] for (2) secs
wait until <(status) = [Scratcher]>
share projects
change [projects v] by (1)
wait (43) seconds

Good luck on being on Scratch!
Check out this project to help you guide your way on Scratch!
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading

XCartooonX wrote:

Yeah, I think it's best to open a ticket to Contact Us for this suggestion. An “other” option for reports is rejected anyway (see the post above.)
Agree. At least for now, the Contact Us link is the “all other” button until the reports structure is revamped sometime in the future.
Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.
Did you share a project? You'll get messages and soon be noticed!

when I receive [new scratcher v]
say [Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.] for (2) secs
wait until <(status) = [Scratcher]>
share projects
change [projects v] by (1)
wait (43) seconds

Good luck on being on Scratch!
Check out this project to help you guide your way on Scratch!
Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.
Did you share a project? You'll get messages and soon be noticed!

when I receive [new scratcher v]
say [Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.] for (2) secs
wait until <(status) = [Scratcher]>
share projects
change [projects v] by (1)
wait (43) seconds

Good luck on being on Scratch!
Check out this project to help you guide your way on Scratch!
Username: -cloudcoding-
What type of order: Signature banner
Colors: Different shades of blue and a little white for some clouds
Design: A cloud in the middle of the banner with my username on top some different blue designs in the back.
Amount of time (2 week min.): 2 weeks
Where to notify: my profile
Any specific member (you can currently only request -lCosl-)? No
Are you following the topic? No
CST1229 CST1229 loading

erty709999 wrote:

use megahack V7 it has a “unbeat” button
MHv7 is paid though if they don't have it (though a free alternative Geode mod called GD Mega Overlay also has this feature)
iv'e been on this website for three years on different accounts and even though i've done all the known criteria to become a scratcher i'm still not one. the only difference is that this time i got manually muted once from a warning and then another time automatically for using the wrong wording of something directly after getting unmuted. usually i would have become a scratcher by now and i want to know if it has anything to do with this

NotHarryPotterInSoup wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

Any requests for music creation? I'm already going to start on the Once upon a time remix. Any name ideas would be appreciated too!
You should call it A Dark time and the ruins music called ruined

That seems a bitttt too basic
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
If you have a question about a Scratch Team action, please use the Contact Us button at the bottom of every page to ask the Scratch Team directly.
LP372 LP372 loading

ChueyTheCat wrote:

LP372 wrote:

-effortIess- wrote:

NotK3ndricAlt wrote:

-effortIess- wrote:

100th post
Offtopic: Congrats on your 100th post!
Thinking about it more, it seems that this would be a good thing to add, but only if camps get an actual subforum, and not just a topic.
Also, other camps such as SAC (Scratch Art Camp) or SSC (Scratch Singing Camp) would be able to use the subforum, right?
yeah, it should be called Scratch Camps, or something like that
What about other types of writing that don't really fit in any other topics, though? Like, say, kit applications.
Not trying to argue this point, by the way! I think having a space for scratch camps is a great idea. However, I also believe that it could be broadened to include more categories and solve some other problems, besides just camp-related ones.
off topic subforum is rejected, so it will probably have to be just Scratch Camps
ChueyTheCat ChueyTheCat loading

LP372 wrote:

-effortIess- wrote:

NotK3ndricAlt wrote:

-effortIess- wrote:

100th post
Offtopic: Congrats on your 100th post!
Thinking about it more, it seems that this would be a good thing to add, but only if camps get an actual subforum, and not just a topic.
Also, other camps such as SAC (Scratch Art Camp) or SSC (Scratch Singing Camp) would be able to use the subforum, right?
yeah, it should be called Scratch Camps, or something like that
What about other types of writing that don't really fit in any other topics, though? Like, say, kit applications.
Not trying to argue this point, by the way! I think having a space for scratch camps is a great idea. However, I also believe that it could be broadened to include more categories and solve some other problems, besides just camp-related ones.
I was hoping more of the platform would be set on a timer, like every few seconds it would disappear and the player would fall through it and then it would reappear and you could hop right back on it again
Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.
Did you share a project? You'll get messages and soon be noticed!

when I receive [new scratcher v]
say [Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.] for (2) secs
wait until <(status) = [Scratcher]>
share projects
change [projects v] by (1)
wait (43) seconds

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Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.
Did you share a project? You'll get messages and soon be noticed!

when I receive [new scratcher v]
say [Welcome to Scratch! After you share your projects, you'll get messages about them. Explore or make a project.] for (2) secs
wait until <(status) = [Scratcher]>
share projects
change [projects v] by (1)
wait (43) seconds

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