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NotSightreadable wrote:

bro i wrote a list of rules in a book and when i signed the book it went completely blank and I cant edit it to fix
bruh it did it again whyyyyyyyy
this time it said in chat that i wrote a bad word but i didn't
Storm-Coder Storm-Coder loading

Onyx_Nayati wrote:

Bref, je peux aider partout sauf pour la musique.

Welcome !

Au sujet du code pour le moment je n'ai rien à te confier mais j'aimerais bien volontiers échanger avec toi, vois ma réponse sous mon profil STP.
Pour les sprites c'est certain que tu pourrais aider aussi, il faudrait là aussi juste que je te précise comment. A moins qu'un grand pixel-artiste ne nous rejoigne prochainement, je pense qu'on va se contenter d'un générateur de spritesheets trouvé en ligne qui n'est pas mal du tout, j'ai déjà fait l'elf, il faudra faire les autres et surtout, ce qui est un peu long c'est de découper chaque sprites (j'utilise GIMP) puis l'importer en costume dans le sprite correspondant à un personnage dans les 8 directions car il est asymétrique avec quelque chose sur son épaule donc utiliser les sprites de droite en miroir pour la gauche n'est pas très satisfaisant… En plus il faudra prévoir l'arme (qui apparaît avec les sprites générés) seule, dans les 8 directions… Etc…

Je pense que le plus urgent est de commencer par trouver par quel biais échanger…

Par le studio que j'ai créé pour le projet par exemple quand j'aurai un début de code à te passer, je pourrai mettre des commentaires dedans pour te dire ce que tu pourrais faire et ce que je fais, histoire qu'on ne fasse pas les choses en double… Et puis pour ne pas encombrer ce sujet, on pourra aussi utiliser les commentaires du studio ;-)

UnscrambledEgg wrote:


SpyCoderX wrote:

What do you mean? If you save the project, all variables and lists should be saved as well.
Well, if a player adds a new item to the list, leaves the project and goes back to the project (like deleting the tab, making a new one and going back to the project) then the variable wouldn't be the same as what they set. It resets.
it's the principe of a variable. However, you can use cloud variables for this ! To create a clou variable, there is an option in the new variable menu :

(my scratch is put to french but it's the same as english)

However, remember that cloud variables can only store numbers, not letters or symbols.
To use them, there are a lot of tutorials on youtube.

catlover841 wrote:

Is it just me or do I hate the new layout? It just looks soulless and uncreative, I've been playing around with a another ai website (which I wont say the name of but if you know, you know) and this new layout + removing disco login is just the breaking point for me and I'm just gonna stop using and move on to the aforementioned other one
For me, it's not how the new layout looks, but how it functions. A lot of really good features, such as image recognition and rooms, have been removed in the newer version of the website and it's ridiculous. You can still use the old version of the website that still has these features, however it's really laggy, which is really annoying.

wilhelm43 wrote:

Non, il n'y en a qu'une. Tu peux modifier ton message ou en envoyer un autre avec les 4 suggestions

SukiyoDaAlt wrote:

BreadcatGames wrote:

teamsonic2011 wrote:

SukiyoDaAlt wrote:

Comix_2 wrote:

teamsonic2011 wrote:

SukiyoDaAlt wrote:

this is the final weekend for the Wii U and 3DS servers, they're shutting on monday, get your last few games in asap.
I can't believe that this is the end
I can't afford pretendo, plus they don't accept paypal so I'm screwed.
pretendo doesn't cost money, it accepts donations. You only pay if you want to be a beta tester
you can't use it unless you're a beta tester though.
then why am i using it without being a beta tester lmao

SpyCoderX wrote:

What do you mean? If you save the project, all variables and lists should be saved as well.
Well, if a player adds a new item to the list, leaves the project and goes back to the project (like deleting the tab, making a new one and going back to the project) then the variable wouldn't be the same as what they set. It resets.

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

I mean the SHOPRATION. I meant to say shopration. Also a Shopration is a shop and a federations combined. also look at this post again
What do you mean, which shops should you invite to your federation?
Aren't you the owner? Isn't that for you to decide?

-Telekore- wrote:


JTanner2026 wrote:

i watched pbs all the time until like three or four years ago of course i know this
it's weird, this show is something i loved (and still do) and yet whenever i bring it up in a conversation the response is usually either “oh yeah that show… what were we talking about again?” or “yeah i don't know what you're talking about”. i'm glad to see that some scratchers seem to recognize it!

fun fact, peep and the big wide world is going to be a 20-year old show in exactly 5 days. i'm getting old…

ilovestories wrote:

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

Sorry I'm doing Cool records, I thought that post was for a different day. Sorry. Also what shops should I invite to my co-owned shop because you guys have been reviewing alot of shops.
What? I don't understand what you're saying. (Inviting shops to a shop you co-own?)
I mean the SHOPRATION. I meant to say shopration. Also a Shopration is a shop and a federations combined. also look at this post again

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

Sorry I'm doing Cool records, I thought that post was for a different day. Sorry. Also what shops should I invite to my co-owned shop because you guys have been reviewing alot of shops.
What? I don't understand what you're saying. (Inviting shops to a shop you co-own?)

ilovestories wrote:

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

What is the shop I'm going to reveiw on Apr 8th?
You don't seem to be assigned a shop next reviewing day. If someone doesn't do their shop, we'll ask you to.
Sorry I'm doing Cool records, I thought that post was for a different day. Sorry. Also what shops should I invite to my co-owned shop because you guys have been reviewing alot of shops. I can take the everything shop review also for tomorrow. I can only do it at 4:00pm because school and other things.
So I guess I'm reviewing 2 shops tomorrow

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

What is the shop I'm going to reveiw on Apr 8th?
You don't seem to be assigned a shop next reviewing day. If someone doesn't do their shop, we'll ask you to.

jcpbuilder wrote:

What will the fanfiction be?
We could just write on the forum, no need to for over complex projects and art. One of us can then copy and paste the story as it goes on the doc, it could work like a rp
AcePilot19 AcePilot19 loading

Comix_2 wrote:

teamsonic2011 wrote:

Today is the last full day of the Nintendo Network :cry:
Ngl I'm probably not going to be playing a lot due to stuff like CTGP-7 Network and the fact that games like Smash Bros have better versions / equivalents on Switch
I didn't care that much about Nintendo Network shutting down but then I saw this post…
- Shop join form -
Username: Gamed_Guy_123 (But owned by GamerCboy_Extra)
Shop Name:
Link to shop:
Banner link: None
Shop colors:
#f0ac03 - # - Turmeric
#FF0038 - # - Electric Carmine
#74C365 - # - Praying Mantis
#682860 - # - Palatinate Purple
Tagline/Description: Welcome To The Shopration! We're a Federation and a Shop with all you needs!
Peneren Peneren loading

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

Peneren wrote:

Opening a mall in my nation, Hallownest. Contact me or @NotSightreadable if you want to buy a plot. We have 3 different sizes of plots:
Small, 4 available, costs 10 diamonds
Medium, 2 available, costs 15 diamonds
Large, 1 available, costs 20 diamonds.
There will be more plots created in the future if the mall becomes popular.
there's also hylia tower in Hyrule offering free floors for shops
Yeah there are 3 malls: Land Claim, Hylia Tower, and now Hallownest Mall. Land Claim is the most popular by far, I'd reccomend starting there then branching out to Hallownest and Hyrule later if your buissiness is doing well.

quartlaz wrote:

sonic__fan wrote:

quartlaz wrote:

How long do you think SEGA will still be using the same renders that they were using like 20 years ago
I'd give it a few more years.
The year is 2027. SEGA introduces their new Sonic Casino. They're still using the same render of Amy waving her hand for promotional material
Trust me, 99% sure that will be the case.
you could have a sprite with a lot of achievements shown when they get the achievement, then you could have an achievement detection system like this:
when green flag clicked
if <achievement requirements> then
add [achievement name here] to [achievements]
catlover841 catlover841 loading
Is it just me or do I hate the new layout? It just looks soulless and uncreative, I've been playing around with a another ai website (which I wont say the name of but if you know, you know) and this new layout + removing disco login is just the breaking point for me and I'm just gonna stop using and move on to the aforementioned other one
JTanner2026 JTanner2026 loading

-Telekore- wrote:

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

please, oh please tell me i'm not the only person on scratch who doesn't recognize this theme song. this show was my childhood lol
i watched pbs all the time until like three or four years ago of course i know this
Ahsoka10 Ahsoka10 loading

Jareddddddd wrote:


So I was looking through some forums, and scratch CAN play multiple sounds at once, as long as they're different sounds. So, I was thinking that the user would just have to import the sound a few times, depending on the length. Pretty sick stuff. Ill expand on this concept in some testing

for now, i will outsource to the hws forums
Awesome research!!! *poggers*
when [ YOU v] key pressed
broadcast [SMART v]
Onyx_Nayati Onyx_Nayati loading

Storm-Coder wrote:


On a le projet d'un jeu inspiré des bons vieux Gauntlet, avec la possibilité de jouer (en collaboratif) à 8 en local (au moins 2 sur un même PC+ écran) et/ou en ligne par le cloud (au lieu de 4 dans les jeux de départ et la coop à 4 en local sur la même borne d'arcade ou la même console ou ordinateur avec 2 au même clavier plus 2 sur les joysticks… et le même écran, c'était déjà fun !).

Bref, avec les possibilités du moindre PC actuel et malgré les limites de Scratch on doit pouvoir faire quelque chose de vraiment bien sur lequel pas mal de gens devraient s'éclater (et s'il nous reste des forces ou un soutien efficace au sein de la collaboration on ajoutera peut-être même un mode compétitif à la Brawl Stars… à voir, ce serait en plus).

On recherche en priorité des gens aimant créer des sprites mais si de bons codeurs scratch sont intéressés on leur trouvera probablement bientôt des parties du jeu sur lesquelles travailler aussi.
Pour la musique aussi on serait content d'avoir des choses sympas par des musiciens, sinon on se contentera de ce qu'on trouvera sur mais bon… des créations originales ce serait encore mieux !

Infos complémentaires ici et là !

Je pourrai aider pour le code, tant que l'on me demande avec précision ce qu'il faut faire. Je peux aussi aider pour certains sprites. Pour le cloud, je peux le faire si vous ne l'avez pas fait. Bref, je peux aider partout sauf pour la musique.

Bwastgame wrote:

define That's a bit strange {when green flag clicked}
when [@Bwastgame] [says v] [New project] :: extension hat
Create a new project :: sensing
.svg :: looks
if [txt] then
move {} steps
when {@greenFlag clicked
define {when green flag clicked}}
when green flag clicked :: sound
broadcast ([ v] v :: hat :: pen)
this doesnt render its just text
Comix_2 Comix_2 loading

teamsonic2011 wrote:

Today is the last full day of the Nintendo Network :cry:
Ngl I'm probably not going to be playing a lot due to stuff like CTGP-7 Network and the fact that games like Smash Bros have better versions / equivalents on Switch

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Right, Sorry! (Uh, how do you reply to forum posts XD)

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Ok, I'm the new music creator, and I need LORE to help me find a good theme for my songs, because I can't just do what I did with “Once Upon A dark Time.”

UM, HELLO? You're ONE OF the new music creators there are two others including me kindly read the post RIGHT ABOVE your first to see what has already been done and on my profile
Hey- Since you happen to already be on, any chance I could get some Papyrus impressions..?

ah yes let me just sing the first part of to the bone real quick
Alright. (Funnily enough, I've been listening to To The Bone, right now-)
Sorry people! I meant A new music creator. No hard feelings?
MineTurte MineTurte loading

isaacxcode wrote:

Advantage_coding wrote:

I want to know how to use the “My blocks” feature? I feel like it could really help me, but I just don't know how!
Any help appreciated al lot

To make it simple, when you make a block you get two things:


and in the my blocks section you will see another block.

Now, the block that you see in the my blocks section, is what will trigger what is inside of the Define “Your block name”


For example, in the Define block, if I were to put in a change x by 10
when green flag clicked

(The block)

So basically what this does is "When the flag Is clicked, forever, trigger your block. Inside of the block is a change x by 10. So you will forever change x by 10.
Please don't necropost; especially when it already seems as if this topic was resolved. Thanks!

Necroposting is when you post on an old topic either not adding anything or adding irrelevant information. In your case you were just saying what was already said.
Sorry people! I meant A new music creator. No hard feelings?
isaacxcode isaacxcode loading

Advantage_coding wrote:

I want to know how to use the “My blocks” feature? I feel like it could really help me, but I just don't know how!
Any help appreciated al lot

To make it simple, when you make a block you get two things:


and in the my blocks section you will see another block.

Now, the block that you see in the my blocks section, is what will trigger what is inside of the Define “Your block name”


For example, in the Define block, if I were to put in a change x by 10
when green flag clicked

(The block)

So basically what this does is "When the flag Is clicked, forever, trigger your block. Inside of the block is a change x by 10. So you will forever change x by 10.
Toons3pic Toons3pic loading
Also Surely As I Remember There Was A Block Texture Change? Maybe But I Think There Should Be Another Texture Of The Coding Blocks!
Title: eeeeee
Description: Yes,There Is A Way To Escape Tags: Puzzle
-PizzaKing- -PizzaKing- loading

Za-Chary wrote:

Crispydogs101 wrote:

No. According to google. It costs usually $50 million and $100 million to make a movie.
In theory, though, it could cost $0 to make a movie.

Making a movie needs moviemakers
moviemakers = MONEY
-PizzaKing- -PizzaKing- loading
It should be because:

1. It is censored due to piracy or bad lyrics
2. No one made a project with the song
3. No one added tags, the name of the song, or credits so it can't be indexed

Personally, I think that it is very likely to be the first two. Do you know what song it is?

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

jbthepig wrote:

awesomeGuy9999999 wrote:

Is Cavex good compared to other mineclones??
Never tried it. Let us know if it's good.
l just tried it and it works well at 60 fps except that: doors and chests don't work and mobs don't exist not to mention that you can't pick up water or lava
so no water mlgs or nether
camman18: lucky for me I'm a PARKOUR PROOOOOO-oh.
Imagine you're in a studio until someone decides to bypass. You report them. Good, it's over, right? Wrong. They keep on going and won't stop because they don't get muted despite being reported many times. This suggestion would prevent these situations by muting someone if they were to be reported by MULTIPLE users from MULTIPLE IP's within a short time (maybe 5-10 minutes) and stopping them from bypassing further. Even if someone maliciously gets someone muted, they will get punished for false reports, covering all bases.
-Telekore- -Telekore- loading

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

please, oh please tell me i'm not the only person on scratch who doesn't recognize this theme song. this show was my childhood lol
I heard certain singer's and song's names are on the search bar filter to make projects pirating songs (for purposes of scratch, projects for the sole purpose of sharing a non-user-original song are considered piracy), so perhaps the song you were looking for was search filtered for that reason.
“an enemy is just a friend you haven’t made yet.”
this one’s super underrated, i doubt anyone’s going to get this without google
CST1229 CST1229 loading
Maybe instead of making Instructions double as Notes & Credits, make the field stay as Notes & Credits (or possibly changed to something like Changes & Credits), but change the gray “placeholder” text and still make it required for remixes (possibly enforced through a yellow warning that appears on the notes if you try to share, like the description word filter), like this:

(Though placeholder text this long will probably overflow with 2 remixes.)

-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Ok, I'm the new music creator, and I need LORE to help me find a good theme for my songs, because I can't just do what I did with “Once Upon A dark Time.”

UM, HELLO? You're ONE OF the new music creators there are two others including me kindly read the post RIGHT ABOVE your first to see what has already been done and on my profile
Hey- Since you happen to already be on, any chance I could get some Papyrus impressions..?

ah yes let me just sing the first part of to the bone real quick
Alright. (Funnily enough, I've been listening to To The Bone, right now-)

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Ok, I'm the new music creator, and I need LORE to help me find a good theme for my songs, because I can't just do what I did with “Once Upon A dark Time.”

UM, HELLO? You're ONE OF the new music creators there are two others including me kindly read the post RIGHT ABOVE your first to see what has already been done and on my profile
Hey- Since you happen to already be on, any chance I could get some Papyrus impressions..?

ah yes let me just sing the first part of to the bone real quick
Alright. (Funnily enough, I've been listening to To The Bone, right now-)
This Took me more than 2 hours to complete, Hopefully you enjoy it
It has multiple secret rooms and is generally quite big.

I Used a moded version


-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Ok, I'm the new music creator, and I need LORE to help me find a good theme for my songs, because I can't just do what I did with “Once Upon A dark Time.”

UM, HELLO? You're ONE OF the new music creators there are two others including me kindly read the post RIGHT ABOVE your first to see what has already been done and on my profile
Hey- Since you happen to already be on, any chance I could get some Papyrus impressions..?

ah yes let me just sing the first part of to the bone real quick
_nix _nix loading
That's super funny. I have no idea how the symbols manage to play a role. Is it processing the resultant HTML itself and not the BBcode forum text…? But even then, <i>is</i> doesn't seem like it would be any different…?

Edit: nope, evidently we can write that, ha!

Double edit: [i]is[/i] — ha ha, this works too. It's only a problem when it's formatted the whole way through. So weird.

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Ok, I'm the new music creator, and I need LORE to help me find a good theme for my songs, because I can't just do what I did with “Once Upon A dark Time.”

UM, HELLO? You're ONE OF the new music creators there are two others including me kindly read the post RIGHT ABOVE your first to see what has already been done and on my profile
Hey- Since you happen to already be on, any chance I could get some Papyrus impressions..?

teamsonic2011 wrote:

Does Wiimifi mod my console
No. The unmodded DNS method uses a special patcher which does not install Homebrew.

LionCoder10 LionCoder10 loading

-PizzaKing- wrote:

This is a great idea, I think it will promote more meaningful changes to remixes.

I think the “Remember that you aren't allowed to lie or make a remix without changes!” can be fixed a little by saying "Remember that you have to make changes to remixes“ to remove that negative feel about lying. Also, this will definitely cause some confusion to already existing remixes and would be a very difficult switch.

I think we can just add a reminder under the credits that say ”Remember that you have to make changes to remixes" and add a link to a forum page by the Scratch Team on why this is important.

Overall, I think this concept can benefit the quality of remixes.

Yeah, that makes sense. Editing OP…
_nix _nix loading
I'm sorry, this is a very ridiculous topic, but I ran into something strange with the forum censor that I can't piece together.

We were writing a forum post in “Disabled people” vs “people with disabilities” and couldn't figure out why the forum filter appeared to disallow us from posting it. (“Sorry, this post appears to include unsuitable language and will not be updated.”) We eventually ruled the problem-area down to a single sentence, which I'll quote here:
Unfortunately, even if a child is successfully communicating their preferences to their caretaker, it's the parents/guardians whose opinions hold the most sway, since they're the ones with power over their children.
Or more specifically, just this part:
Unfortunately, even if a child is successfully communicating their preferences to their caretaker,
Eventually we figured out the issue: apparently the word “is” being italicized, as in using [i]…[/i] BBCode, was tripping the filter!

We really can't figure out what's up with that. We thought maybe because it's placed behind “successfully”, you could string the letters (without symbols or spaces) together to form a terrorism group name that would understandably be in the filter, but it turns out italicizing “is” anywhere (in a forum post) is enough to trip the filter.

And boldface ([b]…[/b]) doesn't trip the filter—this is no problem! Only italics.

Since the italicization/emphasis was an important part of the message, we just rephrased it like so:
Unfortunately, even if a child does successfully communicate their preferences to their caretaker,
And no problem. But italicizing “is” seems like such a benign, tiny-little formatting thing, so thought we'd share the experience.
SkindlePaw SkindlePaw loading

Its_Harshi wrote:

I got a question how many scenes are there?
-PizzaKing- -PizzaKing- loading
This is a great idea, I think it will promote more meaningful changes to remixes.

I think the “Remember that you aren't allowed to lie or make a remix without changes!” can be fixed a little by saying "Remember that you have to make changes to remixes“ to remove that negative feel about lying. Also, this will definitely cause some confusion to already existing remixes and would be a very difficult switch.

I think we can just add a reminder under the credits that say ”Remember that you have to make changes to remixes" and add a link to a forum page by the Scratch Team on why this is important.

Overall, I think this concept can benefit the quality of remixes.