-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

-Taco_Draws- wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

ImHereForKromer wrote:

Ok, I'm the new music creator, and I need LORE to help me find a good theme for my songs, because I can't just do what I did with “Once Upon A dark Time.”

UM, HELLO? You're ONE OF the new music creators there are two others including me kindly read the post RIGHT ABOVE your first to see what has already been done and on my profile
Hey- Since you happen to already be on, any chance I could get some Papyrus impressions..?

ah yes let me just sing the first part of to the bone real quick
Alright. (Funnily enough, I've been listening to To The Bone, right now-)