Achivement System

id: 752853

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 4

Hi I need Help on making A Achivement System For My WE LIVE WE LOVE WE LIE SMURF CAT CLICKER Please
define We live we love we lie :) 
smurf Cat
you could have a sprite with a lot of achievements shown when they get the achievement, then you could have an achievement detection system like this:
when green flag clicked
if <achievement requirements> then
add [achievement name here] to [achievements]

bombardingppl wrote:

you could have a sprite with a lot of achievements shown when they get the achievement, then you could have an achievement detection system like this:
when green flag clicked
if <achievement requirements> then
add [achievement name here] to [achievements]
Also gotta make sure they can't get an achievement once, so check if they don't have it yet before adding it.

if <<achievement requirements?> and <not<[achievements v] contains [name of the achievement]>>> then
add [name of the achievement] to [achievements v]
tysm Guys It helped Now i can make a Zelda game
define Thanks 
Thank You Guys it helped