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BigNate469 BigNate469 loading
Please don't duplicate your own post.

Also when someone other than the project creator hits “see inside”, it creates a sandboxed version of the project for them, meaning they can't change anything- it doesn't affect the rest of the project. Cloud variables no longer broadcast their values to the rest of the world, meaning that it is actually impossible to be on a winners list if you put yourself there through hitting “see inside”
AyoLalude AyoLalude loading
Hello i am making a special project and i want every one to see it link

fire_alchemist wrote:

Friendly reminder, I’m outside your house

did you know there is a recently discovered sickness of the feet? Athletes all over the world suffer from it, it makes the feet look weirdly damaged, the feet start to become smoother but very sensitive, the sickness is obtained by the excess of effort while running, this is why the illness was called sonic in honour of the blue video game character, Sonic the hedgehog. For more information google “sonic feet images”

Whoop Whoop, that's the sound of the police

sonic__fan wrote:

It probably will never be implemented, since people would probably just leave classes to do whatever they want.

yeah? is that a problem? it’s not like I could just create another account and do whatever I wanted, anyway.

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

why not make it optional to the teacher?
(the option to leave will be disabled by default)

there already is an option: continue using your school account or don’t continue using it.

LP372 wrote:

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

why not make it optional to the teacher?
(the option to leave will be disabled by default)
I think it would be better being enabled defaultly.

not sure why it matters…

CrazyCoolYT CrazyCoolYT loading
In my top down shooter, whenever you get hit by a zombie, you lose a life. Lose a life enough times and you'll reach zero (obvi) which is supposed to trigger a game over screen. However, I got around to fixing some bugs and I caused another one – the game over screen just doesn't trigger.

Here's the link to my project:

I've tried using a system where while GamePlaying = true, then if Lives = 0 or Lives < 0 then broadcast GameOver, but it just doesn't seem to work.
Does anybody have any ideas?

Most of the code in this system is found under the game objects “Player” and “GameOver”. Should be pretty simple and work easily but just doesn't.

Thank you so much!
Title: Super Mario Bros Original World 1-1
¬Super Mario Bros Original World 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Description: The first level of the classic super mario bros game.

-lCosl- wrote:

BlazeandAction wrote:

What type of order: Thumbnail
Colors:Any thing it needs
Design:Sth that expresses Art , animation and creativity
Amount of time (2 week min.):less than a month
Where to notify:On my profile
Any specific member (you can currently only request -lCosl-)? Anyone who makes cool things
Are you following the topic?Yes
Other:I want two more things I'll tell u about them later
Your order is taken.
Can u tell me when will u finish it?( Cuz I have other things I want u to make)
Rip_XraTh Rip_XraTh loading
i want to make a winners list but i dont want cheaters to get on it

GlitchedThrough wrote:

EngineerRunner wrote:

don't get a laptop

GlitchedThrough wrote:

W1-F1 wrote:

It (as said by @Mryellowdoggy) depends on what you are going to use it for.

I would recommend atleast a 4 core cpu, 8 GB ram and an ssd as a minimum for Windows 11.
Rather, you want at least 4 gigs DDR4 RAM or newer(8 gigs for many tasks)
at least 128 gigs of storage.
8GB barely works for anything but web-browsing and word processing nowadays, and 4GB won't even run (the latest) windows without major slowdown. it's no wonder that everybody has been against Apple keeping the base model at 8GB.
likewise, 128gb storage will mean (without external storage) a ton of deleting and reinstalling if you want to play any modern games.
Yeah, but i doubt a laptop would be used for gaming much.
16 gigs would be better, 4 gigs is the minimum, 8 gigs is the minimum for more then the least resource intensive tasks.
people game on laptops, and 4gb barely runs windows 11. 8gb even still gave me significant slowdown on my old laptop just by having a youtube tab in Firefox and Minecraft, and it had a pretty decent CPU.
BigNate469 BigNate469 loading
It's hard to do so- it depends on your game. People who are determined almost certainly will get on that list, if they do it by cheating so be it, you can't program against every edge case. When people hit “see inside”, they can't actually affect the rest of the project and it's cloud variables from there- it's sandboxed (which means that an identical copy was made that can't interact with the original). Also, as I hinted at above, you are going to need a cloud variable if you want the list to work at all, and cloud variables are limited to 256 characters per variable, with a maximum of 10 cloud variables per project, so you might only want to store the most recent winners. In addition, cloud variables only support numbers, not other characters. Sorry if you knew all of that already, but it brings me to my next point: even if you have all of that down, it doesn't prevent people from interacting with the Scratch API and doing whatever they want with your cloud variables. In your project you can try to prevent cheating by placing limits on the player, and making sure that it isn't too easy to finish in turbo mode. Past that, I can't help you further without you describing your project further.

co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

VideoGameResearcher wrote:


I am trying to find the oldest Scratch projects related to a game called ROBLOX, but there is no way to sort them. With there being hundreds of results, there's no way that I can find what I'm looking for. Especially when you have to go to a project in order to see what date it was created.

I tried using Google's “site:” and “before:” fields to search that way, but I was given inaccurate results that didn't match the date I specified.

It would be helpful if there was a way to do this somehow, like with the Scratch API. I looked over it a bit and didn't see anything that could help, but perhaps I overlooked something? I checked other threads and didn't find an answer besides a reply from someone who said they couldn't say (which isn't very helpful).

It's weird to think about how limited the search feature is for a site that has been hosting tens of thousands of projects made by users over the years. I hope there's a way to get around this!
I'm not sure, but if you know python, maybe scratchattach would work. IDK though

I don't know much about Python, unfortunately.
jvvg jvvg loading
You should avoid publicly saying you reported something, even if you are reporting it for reasons like that. A lot of New Scratchers will freak out if they see the word “report” since they think that means you're reporting it for something being wrong with it and getting them in trouble. Instead you should say something like “I have asked the Scratch Team to close it for you.”
The too-fast error is sooooooooooo annoying, so why does it exist? I was trying to add my projects to a studio, and it just popped up, and after 20 mins, I still couldn't add my projects!
funcat37 funcat37 loading

o97doge wrote:

I_love_scratch_2023 wrote:

This is not a place to share your projects (jk)
The “jk” is incorrect, as you said, this is not a place to share your projects!
That was my signature.
Daily 27

Head on over to google translate and switch up the lyrics of a song of your choice. Once they are completely different, and probably silly, write a 300 word story inspired by your new words!

Translated lyrics:
6 The first row has arrived.
I bought 5 of them.
I have a lot of work to do.
Me and my other classmates
We have a team and we are working on it.
Jimmy and Judah.
He couldn't catch it.
But look
sometimes always
But I can do my job.
Well, I want to talk about it
Today is the happiest day of my life.

Notes: Original song name stuck at the very end for funsies! I feel like line 7 is a dead giveaway, but enjoy guessing anyway XD
I have no idea what's going on here, by the way.

Word count: 311 words

❀ ✻ ⚘ ✻ ❀

“The first row is in!” she yells. “Get ‘em before they’re gone!”

I rush across the ground, my skinny elbows finally put to good use. Today, I am on a mission. I may not always do my job, but there are always exceptions. I am going to get those if it’s the last thing I do.

With a war cry, I leap the last few feet. I manage to snag five. The last one is unfortunately conquered by another, but I laugh hysterically all the same. Five. I hug them to myself, cackling madly. I have accomplished what Jimmy couldn’t. I haven’t missed a single one.

“Alright, that’s enough,” I hear someone say. Someone tugs me up and heralds me over to the cash counter.

I hand over the credit card Jimmy gave me. His instructions were “spare no expense” and I intend to follow every word. There’s still a lot of work for me to do, but at least now I know it’s possible.

“So, did you get them?” my dad asks as I’m escorted to the car. Evidently, I’m far too important to be left unsupervised anymore. It totally wasn’t my unhinged behavior from feeling too happy. No sirree.

The store employee side-eyes me as I nod rapidly in lieu of a response to my father.

“Alright, then,” he says. “Remind me why we’ve woken up at the crack of dawn to get here.”

“It’s just something me and my classmates are working on,” I say airily. “Group project.”

“I see,” he says, clearly not seeing. I let it slide. “Is it with that friend of yours—what was their name? Jody?”

“Judah,” I correct. “Plus Jimmy from 405. You know us, we’re a team.”

“Whatever you say,” he replies warily, clearly concerned for my sanity. I don’t mind too much. This is the happiest day of my life.

❀ ✻ ⚘ ✻ ❀

Original song's name is Summer of ‘69 by Bryan Adams! Very iconic, go check it out if by some miracle you haven’t heard of it.
Piaulo46 Piaulo46 loading

Kuzay_ wrote:

Bon, désoler piaulo, mais il ne t'a jamais demandé de te corrigé et en plus, il y a des fautes dans ta correction et tu n'es pas le mieux placé pour corriger les fautes
je ne sais jamais comment…
En gros, je ne sais jamais me servir des blocs stocker dans le cloud

ça fait 3 ans

donc, vous comprenez ma rage
si quelqu'un peut m'aider, je ne serai pas comment le remercier

Bon j'essaye
Piaulo46 Piaulo46 loading

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

IMAG0 wrote:


wilhelm43 wrote:

Yep. Mais il y a deux points que tu oublies :
  • certains utilisateurs sont bannis des tendances (trop connus ou bannis, hors c'est le cas de -fixo-)
  • les projets sont parfois regardés des modérateurs (comme pour la mise en page SDS, FPC) et souvent retirés car ils n'en valent pas la chandelle ou valent même rien du tout (sinon, on serait inondé des animations loufoques japonaises)
@-Fixo- est banni ?
plus maintenant, mais il est peut-être trop populaire pour aller en tendance

mais ça marche pas comme ça ça serait injuste
-1circle- -1circle- loading

My fan fiction entry. Total: 1944 words. (This was originally supposed to be the daily for switching the roles of the characters around)

Voldemort moped around the cottage, searching for his wand. “Have you seen my wand!” He called out and Beatrix peeked out of the door way.
“Ha you loose everything Voldemort, you would loose your nose if it wasn’t attached to your face. OH WAIT ITS ALREADY GONE!” She cackled then ran off casting spells on random objects in the cottage. He slumped against the wall and felt his face. His beautiful nose was gone and all that was left was two ugly holes for nostrils. “I will get you Harry Potter, I will get you.” He vowed. Clenching his fist in anger. A bird squeaked in the distance, holding a stick in between its beak. Wait, IT WAS HIS WAND. “GET BACK HERE YOU UGLY BIRD!” He screeched. Sprinting out of the door.

Harry Potter grinned to Harmonie and Ron. In his hands he held a lizard, “Let’s shove it down Draco Malfoy’s robe. They all agreed. They were in the Hogwarts hallway, students passed by them until they found Draco Malfoy passing by. He strolling with his group, Crab and Goyle.
“Hey Draco!” He yelled, shoving the lizard in his pocket and waved his hands around trying to get Dracos attention. Draco turned around and his face morphed into fear. He started walking faster and Harry sped up to match his speed. Soon Draco broke into a run, shoving people out of the way. Harry weaved through the people that Draco shoved and soon ended up beside him. Stupid Draco was too busy looking behind him that he didn’t see Harry, he also didn’t see him when he stuffed the lizard down his robe.
Draco whipped his head around and a large lump formed on his robe. Draco felt behind his robe and he screamed like a girl. The other students looked at Draco in surprise. He dropped to the floor, rolling around trying to get the lizard out. “Got something in your robe?” Harry sneered, Hermione and Ron laughed at his joke.
“Yea Draco, are you practicing for Theater? Because you’re doing an uncanny impression of a pig rolling around in the mud.” Hermonie chuckled.
“Cmon let’s leave this loser.” Harry turned around and looked straight ahead in a kingly way. The students cleared a path for him in fear. The group winded through the hallways until they came across the one where Jenny Weasley, the wimp who had gotten captured in the chamber of secrets, message had been written. The writing of course had been wiped off.
But harry still felt like it was there, etched into his eyes. Then he spot something on the ground. “What’s this?” He asked, had picked it up. He inspected it and found that it looked like a nose. “Well it’s mine now,” he snickered, stuffing it in his pocket. Now who would leave a nose just lying around?

He sighed in defeat. He still couldn’t find his nose. They were sitting in the leaky cauldron, draped in black cloaks of course, talking about what they would do next, attempt to free the dragons from their cages in Romania from Weasleys rotten brother, Charlie. Burn down the ministry to uncover how blind they were? All of those ideas would definitely get him in trouble. But doing good wasn’t always easy.
After sharing a couple cups of butter beer. They left the leaky cauldron and explored Diagon Alley. He quickly sneaked inside the Weasley’s shop. He dreaded going in there but they sold puff-skins, and Boxing Day was coming up, he really wanted to know if it was true that they sang on that day. The place was overly crowded. Why did the retched Weasley’s get all of the attention? All they did was inspect muggle items like dummies.
Candles were lit up everywhere, illuminating the area with a warm glow. Many boxes of firecrackers were everywhere. A sign in front of one of the displays read FIRE CRACKER SALE BUY TWO GET ONE FREE! It seemed to shout out. Then he spotted the puff-skins right in front of it. He dashed to it and wilted. SOLD OUT! Another sign read. Voldemort pounded the empty cage. He should have gotten one before Boxing Day was close.
“HEY ITS HARRY POTTER!” One of the shoppers shouted, pointing ahead of Voldemort. He whipped his head around to see it was indeed Harry Potter. He groaned, he had to show up every time he least expected it. The crowds rushed past him, many pushing and shoving. One of them bumped hard into him, he stumbled and knocked over the candle behind him.
A loud hiss sounded and the crowds turned away from Harry Potter for once to see Voldemort, hood torn off, standing next to the lit firecrackers. It gave a shrill screech and shot up into the ceiling. It exploded, making a huge hole in the ceiling. The crowds screamed in terror and ducked. More fireworks went off and Voldemort quickly fled the shop.
Clutching his hood over his head. He turned around to get a quick glimpse of the chaos, many of the fireworks were similar, sending flurries of sparks in every Color. Until one of them went off and Voldemort instantly recognised it, the dark mark. Many months ago, someone had cast a spell sending a symbol into the sky after one of their attempts to snatch the sorcerer’s stone from the vault, he clearly didn’t trust Dumbledore with it, he trusted no one with it. He planned on smashing it afterward but never got the chance to before Dumbledore smashed it himself, stealing all of the glory.
Anyways, the dark mark was assumed to be the sign of Voldemorts group and it stuck. They eventually gave up in fighting against it and took it as their logo. Why was a firework like that in the Weasley’s shop anyways? To answer his question he saw Harry Potter and his cronies sneaking out of the shop. They were holding a box labelled, misfit stuff. “Stupid Harry Potter,” he mumbled to himself and Harry Potter looked up from his chattering.
His face shaped into one of alarm and screeched, “VOLDEMORT, VOLDEMORT!” Harry snatched his wand from his pocket and pointed it at Voldemort. The crowds spilled out of the shop in fear and spotted Harry Potter and Voldemort. Harry looked around, relishing the attention. Rookie mistake.
“EXPELLIARMUS!” Voldemort shouted, Harry’s wand flew out of his hand. Voldemort quickly evaporated away, fleeing from the scene. (idk what the smoke thing death eaters do is called) He landed in the cottage, trying to catch his breath. Beatrice hovered over him. She looked him over and Voldemort realised that Weasley pamphlets covered him.
She laughed, “Did itty bitty Voldemort flee the scene because someone stole his candy?” She sneered. Voldemort wilted, this day couldn’t get any worse. Voldemort quickly laid on the couch next to him and closed his eyes.

Voldemort sighed in frustration as he woke up to Beatrix dancing around him, “HAHA CANT LET YOU NEAR FIRE ANYMORE VOLDEMORT!” She laughed manically, teasing him ruthlessly. She had even conjured up mini candles that floated around him reminding him of when he knocked it over. She then grabbed a firework and put it dangerously close to one of the candles.
“DONT YOU DARE!” Voldemort lunged for the fire work and snatched it from Beatrix’s hands. Beatrix face filled with fury as Voldemort yanked the fuse off of the firework and threw it in the trash bin next to him.
“Can’t take a joke that Voldemort,” she mumbled to herself and stared at him,”Why you’re just super sensitive becouse you can’t do one thing right.” She flipped her hair and skipped away cackling.
Voldemort stared at the wall in anger, first she teased him about is lost nose, now this. Voldemort quickly evaporated into the air. He landed in the forbidden forest. The other members of the group were there as well. They were plotting their next plan, it had something to do with sending Cornelius Fudge to the centaurs. They had a good view of Hogwarts.
Voldemort knew they should go deeper into the forest. They disagreed and wanted to keep tabs on the school. While Voldemort sat there wondering when this boring meeting would be over with he heard yelling behind him. He turned around to see the observation tower, on it were two people. Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. He quickly explained to the group what he saw and they all quickly teleported up there.
“Give me the elder wand Dumbledore.” Harry exclaimed, pointing his wand at Dumbledore. Voldemort knew Dumbledore should have never held the wand, he was too frail to handle its power. And now Harry was challenging him for it. “Give me the wand and you can keep your life,” Harry breathed heavily, still pointing the wand at Dumbledore.
“Now Harry Potter, I think we could reason a little bit about this if you would put your wand down.” Dumbledore was holding his hands up. Probably hoping to not die.
“Give me it now,” Harry Potter forced. In a moment Beatrix had snuck behind him and ripped Harry’s wand from his hand. With a quick tug she had snapped the wand and she threw the pieces over the edge. She pulled out her own wand and pointed it to Harry Potters head.
“Now Dumbledore, if you want to keep little Harry Potter alive, I suggest you hand over your wand.” Harry’s head was slicked with sweat. Her wand was starting to leave a bruise on his head.
“VOLDEMORT!” Harry shouted, meeting his eyes for once.
“What do you want,” He stared at the ground. Avoiding Harry
“I have something for you,” his hand shook as he slid his hand into his pocket, when he pulled it out he grasped something tightly in his hand. He spread out his clenched hand to reveal…HIS NOSE!
“NO YOU CAN NEVER HAVE YOUR NOSE BACK!” Dumbledore screamed. Beatrix quickly whipped her wand at him.
“AVADA KADVRA!” She shouted. Dumbledore suddenly went limp and tumbled off of the tower. His robe trailing behind him. The group watched as silence befell them. Under the circumstances Voldemort usually wouldn’t have done anything, he probably would have just stood there like the rest of the group. But dire times call for dire measures. He quickly snatched his nose from Harry’s palm and turned around. He quickly fixed his nose back on with a spell, he felt a great loss for Dumbledore. He wasn’t the best wizard, but he still didn’t deserve to die. Voldemort turned around.
“YOU SCOUNDREL BEATRIX THE STRANGE GET OUT OF MY SIGHTS BEFORE I KILL YOU THE WAY YOU KILLED DUMBLEDORE!” He screeched, whipping his wand at her. Beatrix cackled and pushed Harry out of her arms. He stumbled for a few moments but then quickly ran down the towers stairs, fleeing the scene.
Beatrix muttered a spell and quickly disappeared. The rest of the group did so as well. Leaving Voldemort all alone. He quickly teleported to where Dumbledore now lay in peace, only he wasn’t in peace. Towering over him was Harry Potter, grinning maliciously. He spotted Voldemort and his face morphed into confidence.
“You should be bowing Voldemort, you’re in the presence of the elder wand.” Harry declared, running his hands over the smooth wood that was on the wand.
“NEVER,” Voldemort shouted quickly whipping out his wand once again. Only Harry Potter had disappeared, leaving nothing but Dumbledore. Voldemort turned to the sky, the cloudy day signified the death of Dumbledore. He heard a crowd of students coming near. Voldemort quickly disappeared, mourning in defeat.

IMAG0 wrote:


wilhelm43 wrote:

Yep. Mais il y a deux points que tu oublies :
  • certains utilisateurs sont bannis des tendances (trop connus ou bannis, hors c'est le cas de -fixo-)
  • les projets sont parfois regardés des modérateurs (comme pour la mise en page SDS, FPC) et souvent retirés car ils n'en valent pas la chandelle ou valent même rien du tout (sinon, on serait inondé des animations loufoques japonaises)
@-Fixo- est banni ?
plus maintenant, mais il est peut-être trop populaire pour aller en tendance
Rip_XraTh Rip_XraTh loading
i want to make a list for people who won on my game but how do i make it so that people who cheated do not get on the list?
fraaker456 fraaker456 loading

MineTurte wrote:

fraaker456 wrote:

But i am now making a goal flag still need help with scrool related thing but now making flag do fland things
I can add a flag for you if you'd like. A win flag correct? Like you get to it and touch it and you either go to the next level or just win?
Yea i made one but it dosent stay in the same place you can do that thanks!
ABC124816 ABC124816 loading
I made a non-Euclidean maze in this! My second level. See if you figure out how this non-Euclidean maze is implemented (non-Euclidean geometry is something I know about far more than most on this thread.)
Dev_6320 Dev_6320 loading
I am making a project where I am jokingly complaining about the scratch website. EXCEPT, all of them are fake, except one, the one was just a “What? this confuses me” moment, not a “SCRATCH DID A BAD THING I DONT LIKE IT”. (Don't worry, the quote the left of this is not similar at all to what I added.)

It is a joke project, and I'm doing things like “Scratch colors changed again” and it is red instead of purple or blue or “Scratch got new extensions!”, “Scratch has a new editor navigation bar”, “Scratch got sponsored by McDonalds! This won't hurt anybody's eyes!” and the website colors are red and yellow.

I AM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT SCRATCH, and I will put in the description and the project that these are fake, except the first one, which is just scratch detecting that “Untitled-79” “Is inappropriate for Scratch”. I can send you some of the images if I am allowed to, but can I post this project?

when flag clicked
please [can you tell me v] [and v]
if <you know> then

can you help?
if you can, then thank you!
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

I'm not an animator myself, I'm a writer and a VA. Could you explain?
So, animating with models in scratch is basically where you make a “model or “vector” (means same thing, just different names) and instead of just drawing something slightly different each frame like in cartoons, you use your model instead and pose it each frame, so it’s consistent and usually smoother. I make a lot of models on my new account, @1_Iron-Man_fan

If you need an example, they’re animating with models for the Deadpool movie.
Six12345 Six12345 loading
I can't log in to with cloud data or project comments, because it says it's temporarily disabled, but I can use profile comments- I tried that and it said authentication failed, I also double checked that it was definitely the correct profile name-“Six12345” and I clicked the copy button next to the code and pasted it into my profile comments and posted it- I am also definite that I was not on one of my project comments and definitely on my Profile comments. I am aware that things sometimes go wrong with technology, but I was just wondering if a way could be found out to fix the problem. Also, although this is Scratch Penguin Mod had a link that directed me to this page to report anything if it wasn't working.
IMAG0 IMAG0 loading

wilhelm43 wrote:

Yep. Mais il y a deux points que tu oublies :
  • certains utilisateurs sont bannis des tendances (trop connus ou bannis, hors c'est le cas de -fixo-)
  • les projets sont parfois regardés des modérateurs (comme pour la mise en page SDS, FPC) et souvent retirés car ils n'en valent pas la chandelle ou valent même rien du tout (sinon, on serait inondé des animations loufoques japonaises)
@-Fixo- est banni ?

EngineerRunner wrote:

don't get a laptop

GlitchedThrough wrote:

W1-F1 wrote:

It (as said by @Mryellowdoggy) depends on what you are going to use it for.

I would recommend atleast a 4 core cpu, 8 GB ram and an ssd as a minimum for Windows 11.
Rather, you want at least 4 gigs DDR4 RAM or newer(8 gigs for many tasks)
at least 128 gigs of storage.
8GB barely works for anything but web-browsing and word processing nowadays, and 4GB won't even run (the latest) windows without major slowdown. it's no wonder that everybody has been against Apple keeping the base model at 8GB.
likewise, 128gb storage will mean (without external storage) a ton of deleting and reinstalling if you want to play any modern games.
Yeah, but i doubt a laptop would be used for gaming much.
16 gigs would be better, 4 gigs is the minimum, 8 gigs is the minimum for more then the least resource intensive tasks.
I'm not an animator myself, I'm a writer and a VA. Could you explain?
MineTurte MineTurte loading

scratchcraft789 wrote:

I'm making a platformer and I can't work out how to make a wall-collision script, please help. I will give credit to you.
This is my current collision script (It's run without screen refresh):
define Collisions
 if <(Speed Y) > (0)> then
repeat until (not <touching [Level] ?
change y by (-1)
change y by (1)
repeat until (not <touching [Level] ?
change y by (1)
change y by (-1)
Could you share the link as I'm not too sure how your code works. Like what exactly is “speed”. Other than that though it may not work if you aren't hovering like 1 pixel above the floor as the floor counts as the level and won't let you move, If that's one of your problem that is.

Hope I helped!

oopsied wrote:

a lil preview for a new 1000 block long extreme im making

its called: E _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ N _ _ R
fill in the blanks the best you can

Are you still working on the level?
Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading

Malicondi wrote:

Why not make it so you can only send curator invites to people who have interacted in your studio? This would stop spam, and it would prevent people from getting an invite to a studio they don't want to join.
Part of a studio/interacting would be classified as following, commenting in, or adding a project to a studio.
This could be an option inside of account settings as a checkmark box for if you would like to receive all invites, or invites to studios you're a part of, and it would be off by default and can be changed at any time.

mockup by: CST1229

on mobile so I'm currently unable to search for a dupe.
I like the idea of preventing studio invite spam, but what if my friend wants to join, and they haven't interacted in the studio?
han614698 han614698 loading
Here's some more recent images then the one given above:

Cubeupload is down, so here's the first image:

The other one was already hosted on Cubeupload, so it can't be accessed right now.
Nes1Owe_Alt Nes1Owe_Alt loading

TailsTheSonic wrote:

what 3ds model do you guys have? i have the pink original 3ds
I have a broken red N3DS XL, and I'm transferring my data to a orange/white 2DS XL. I'm borrowing my stepbrother's blue/black 3DS XL for Terraria and Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, my brother's pink/white 3DS XL for other Ace Attorney games, and my first was the dark silver N3DS XL.

Milkysplash wrote:

Sounds great! I will be able to make a bunch in two days, I’m just really panicking over school as I have a load of exams and coursework due, but my Easter break starts on Friday!

(Urgh why couldn’t we be off already…)

SAME. I should have a lot done on Friday and Saturday, but Monday I drive up to see the college I'm considering going too so yeah/
I have just released a project that uses a cloud variable to count how many people ran the project (yes I know there is a normal view counter on the project page I just thought it would be cool to make a custom one). But for some reason it doesn't save the variable when a user runs the project
as you can see Here. Multiple people have viewed the project but the views stay at 1 or 3. You can view the project with This link. The only code I have with the cloud variable is just so the counter only goes up once the first time the green flag is clicked to prevent people spamming the views. I do this with a variable called “First view” which is set to 1 everytime I run the project so when I save the project the variable gets set the 1 then when anybody but me views the project the “First view” variable is set to 0 and increments the cloud variable by 1. I really don't understand if this is a problem with my code or with scratch so any help would be great!

EDIT BUT STILL NOT SOLVED: I should also note that this is really my first time doing anything with cloud variables and that I have tried fixing the issue by doing

set [☁ Views v] to ((☁ Views) + (1))

instead of

change [☁ Views v] by (1)

but this didn't make any change.

SECOND EDIT: I renamed the cloud variable and I think that fixed it! Still annoying that I had to do that but at least it works.
Milkysplash Milkysplash loading
Sounds great! I will be able to make a bunch in two days, I’m just really panicking over school as I have a load of exams and coursework due, but my Easter break starts on Friday!

(Urgh why couldn’t we be off already…)

ilovestories wrote:

I'm making a mockup.
Which corner of the editor are you thinking of?
Probably the upper right.
I'm making a platformer and I can't work out how to make a wall-collision script, please help. I will give credit to you.
This is my current collision script (It's run without screen refresh):
define Collisions
 if <(Speed Y) > (0)> then
repeat until (not <touching [Level] ?
change y by (-1)
change y by (1)
repeat until (not <touching [Level] ?
change y by (1)
change y by (-1)

Sprout Invaders Ultimate - Definitive Edition
Sprout Invaders Ultimate - Definitive Edition is finally released!
With multiple new map designs + a new gameplay system, the new game has arrived for Scratch players worldwide to play.
Click here to access the game today.
Thanks, From SproutInvadersTEAM
The Official Sprout Invader Series:
> Sprout Invaders Ultimate
> Sprout Invaders 7 DE
> Sprout Invaders 8 DE
The Official Sprout Survivor Series:
> Sprout Survivor 1
> Sprout Survivor 2
The Official Sprout Invaders Studios:
> ✅SproutInvaderTM Official FanClub™
> SproutInvaderTM FunStuff
Sprout Invaders is a Scratch-based game series, with the first ever game created in December 2018. The games are strategy, tower defence-style, which involves placing tanks around a path, with the goal of eliminating sprouts, which follow the path.
When a sprout reaches the end of the path, you lose a heart, and losing all your hearts will lead to losing the game. However, if you eliminate a sprout, you get a specified value of SP coinage, which is the main currency in the game. You also get rewarded an SP token, for eliminating a sprout.
Currency can buy you many items and tanks, in the game; it is a fundamental of the game's medium of exchange.
~ SP Coin - Main currency, with which you can buy most tanks.
~ SP Token - Currency which you can buy vending machine drinks and SP Hearts. You can also exchange them for SP Emblems.
~ SP Emblem - Currency to buy certain tanks, which have more specific properties. Possessing them increases the number of SP Coinage dropped by all enemies. Spending them, loses this effect.
~ SP Heart - Survival mechanic, which can be bought using SP Tokens.
Tanks are very important to progress in the game. To open the selection menu, click the arrow, and you will discover an array of tanks, which have different properties and stats. It also displays the name and the cost of purchase.
Tanks have three main stats: Attack, Speed and Range of Field. To see the tank's stats, you can hover over the tank icons. Once you select a tank, the tank will hover on your mouse and click again to place it.
All tanks have a unique* Talent Art, which randomly activates, launching a powerful attack. These are not solely based on a tank's stats, but it is another mechanic that makes them unique. They display a bright, glowing outline upon activation.
For example, the Balanced tank launches a powerful beam, when the talent art activates. It possesses a property of the Range of Field Stat.
~ Balanced Tanks has been a new concept in this game, in which all tanks are “equalised” in power, and no tank is more overpowered than another, overall. However, they all do possess different strengths and weaknesses, making gameplay choices more personalised to the player.
~ Imbalanced Tanks are found in many of the other games, which tanks are not equal in power. The more powerful tanks, require more currency, so the player proceeds to earn more, to afford the more expensive tanks.
Item menus are “shops” you can enter, to buy consumable items, which solely rely on SP Tokens.
There are currently three:
~ Exchange Emblems - There, you can exchange SP Tokens for SP Emblems.
~ Vending Machine - You can buy refreshment drinks for a temporary effect on tank performance.
~ Heart Shop - You can buy SP Hearts for SP Tokens.
Sprouts are the game's main enemy, in which the goal is the eliminate them, by breaking their health bar.
There are many sprouts which have different stats, like tanks. These aren't visible stats that the player can see, unlike the Health Points Gauge, that is visible.
These range from Health Points, Physical Defence, Speed, Enemy Drop Rate, Evolution by Wave and many multipliers/factors that affect the overall stat.
Each sprout drops a SP Token and a value of SP Coinage.
> This has been a great achievement! Shoutout to Azuma_Exists for existing and for constantly making Sprout Invader fanart and code mechanisms!
> Massive thank you to Monatrik for supporting the SP series and being there!
> Thanks to the people who love and star this game!
> Thank you for supporting this game by playing!
> Amazing Thank you to my followers! I will make more games dedicated to you all!
> Make sure you tell me if there are any bugs and I will fix them immediately in the next Update.
> SproutInvaderTM
> Azuma_Exists
> Monatrik
The Original SP Games all in one! I will be adding the Series in An Ultimate Release. This includes:
> Sprout Invaders 1 - Remastered
> Sprout Invaders 2 - Remastered
> Sprout Invaders 3 - Remastered
> Sprout Invaders 4 - Remastered
These will be unreleased as individual games and are currently planned to be added as “Maps” in this game.
These will have different map designs from the original games, however will have improved graphical quality. Map areas will have more tonal depth, New mechanics such as talent arts, heart points, vending machine and Sprout Emblems (increases Enemy Drop Rate).
Also, this is the first ever game to have a Gameplay mechanic called “Balanced Tanks”, where tanks will have been equalised and have specific stats to match their corresponding “Class Type”. This will make it so that the gameplay is more personalised for each player, to match their gameplaying style.
Also, unlike other games, assets have been “bitmapped”, so it is compatible (for text/characters) to even work on mobile phones. This has only been done for this game in particular, so other games are yet to be “bitmapped” for compatibility.
> This has been a great achievement! Shoutout to Azuma_Exists for existing and for constantly making Sprout Invader fanart and code mechanisms!
> Massive thank you to Monatrik for supporting the SP series and being there!
> Thanks to the people who love and star this game!
> Thank you for supporting this game by playing!
> Amazing Thank you to my followers! I will make more games dedicated to you all!
> Make sure you tell me if there are any bugs and I will fix them immediately in the next Update.
>This game will replace Sprout Invaders 1, 2, 3 and 4.
> When a tank has a glowing outline, it means it is using its specialised Talent Art! This happens when a tank has completed an amount of attacks. (A gauge will be added in game to show this.)
> Sprout Emblems will increase enemy drop rate. Use this to your advantage, later in game, as Sprout Tokens can be traded for SP Hearts!
> Use the vending machine to buy refreshments and get temporary upgrades!
> SproutInvaderTM
> Azuma_Exists
> Monatrik
LP372 LP372 loading
No support. If you could only do tags for sections on the explore page, it would annoy people whose projects didn't really fit any of the explore page sections.
Right to some answering:

BigNate469 wrote:

No support. I agree that this would fix tag spam, but at the cost of people not being able to add their projects to more than one category. While I don't deny that tag spamming isn't helpful, it is probably better to have a project be seen than not because there isn't a good category for it.
Yep, I agree about the category statement and only adding projects to one category would not help.

ilovestories wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

now suppose the art is the album cover. like in this video
Did you make the album cover?
Did you make the music?

If both are true, then I would say the focus is the music.

If you made the album cover but not the music, or neither question is true, then I would select the focus as art.

If you had another scratcher make the album cover, but you made the music, then I would select the focus as music.
Nah, both fit it.

_TotallyNotAnApple_ wrote:

im back from camp yay
I f i n i s h e d m y p r o t o s o n a
BigNate469 BigNate469 loading

EmeraldCreeper789Dev wrote:

imfh wrote:

When the Scratch Team decides to add a feature, they want to make sure it positively affects a lot of people. They have a limited amount of time to spend developing stuff, so they have to carefully choose what to work on.

Aseprite is generally a paid program, and I would guess that a very small percentage of Scratchers actually use it. Given the low impact and the time it would take to add, I don’t think the Scratch Team will add aseprite support even though it would be cool.

Instead, is it possible to export aseprite files to a format supported by Scratch?
PNGs, GIFs, JPEGs, and all scratch supported formats do not support the layer system of aseprite like burn / multiply / low opacity layers adding a gross solid color where it is supposed to be transparent/modified.

Also, the new studio update had such a minor impact on scratch as far as I can tell, also the database rework is only really helping the team and making scratch a tiny bit faster.
PNGs often support transparency and translucent colors, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Also, @Dudeman896, how does you needing help relate to this post? Create your own topic if you need help, such as in “Help with Scripts”.
Malicondi Malicondi loading
Like the above post stated, you can use the timer block to detect when the stop sign is clicked, and then hide a sprite, like so:
when gf clicked
reset timer //method 1
when [timer v] > (0.05) // lower if you'd like, but lag may make it activate early.
Or, if you're already using the timer, you can do this method instead:
when gf clicked
set [timer v] to ((timer) + (0.05)) // lower if you want, but lag can make it activate early.
when [timer v] > (timer ::variables)
both of these methods work, hope this helps!
when green flag clicked
go to front
set [ ghost v] effect to (100) // effect will be set back to 0 when the project is stopped
If you want to do a fade out effect, change ghost to 100 to this:
repeat (10)
change [ ghost v] effect by (10)
-Almations- -Almations- loading
Use the timer setting. Set a timer when the project starts and use the “if ___ thrn” block. Put in “timer = 0” and then put the “hide” block in the middle.

Idk how to put blocks in the forums on mobile
BigNate469 BigNate469 loading
No support. I agree that this would fix tag spam, but at the cost of people not being able to add their projects to more than one category. While I don't deny that tag spamming isn't helpful, it is probably better to have a project be seen than not because there isn't a good category for it.
Just-Ideas Just-Ideas loading
You're not allowed to use follows as a prize. Scratch Team says so.
Somehow, I just shared a bunch of blank stuff on Wizard Watch…
CubeUpload is not working on my Chromebook for some reason, I'll add the image later
Malicondi Malicondi loading

Coding3dnow wrote:

ok but how do I rotate that cube by the x y and z axis
Because this was brought back up, I felt that I should answer this and it's quite simple, it just uses a little trigonometry. The formula to rotate around the y axis(left right) is this:

x' = (x * cos of (y dir)) - (z * sin of (y dir))
z' = (x * sin of (y dir)) + (z * cos of (y dir))

for the x axis (up down) it's this:

y' = (y * cos of (x dir)) - (z * sin of (x dir))
z' = (y * sin of (x dir)) + (z * cos of (x dir))

and for the z axis (imagine turning your head to the side) it's this:

x' = (x * cos of (z dir)) - (y * sin of (z dir))
y' = (x * sin of (z dir)) + (y * cos of (z dir))

For these, its best to use a custom block to store the original x, y, and z values or this won't work, as x', y', and z' all stand for the changed variables, but the formulas depend on the original values.

For 3d projects, since sin and cos are computationally expensive, using sin and cos in all of these formulas a total of 12 times for a single object is very slow. So i recommend first getting the cos and sin values at the start of every tick before you any formulas to speed this up greatly, like so: (directions will also need variables)
define calc trig
set [cosX v] to ([cos v] of (x dir))
set [sinX v] to ([sin v] of (x dir))
set [cosY v] to ([cos v] of (y dir))
set [sinY v] to ([sin v] of (y dir))
set [cosZ v] to ([cos v] of (z dir))
set [sinZ v] to ([sin v] of (z dir))
in scratch blocks the way to use these formulas will be as so: (i will be using cos and sin variables for this)

for y rotation (left right):
set [x v] to (((x) * (cosY)) - ((z) * (sinY
set [z v] to (((x) * (sinY)) - ((z) * (sinY
for x rotation (up down):
set [y v] to (((y) * (cosX)) - ((z) * (sinX
set [z v] to (((y) * (sinX)) - ((z) * (sinX
for z rotation (turning head to side):
set [x v] to (((x) * (cosZ)) - ((y) * (sinZ
set [y v] to (((x) * (sinZ)) - ((y) * (sinZ
If you want a little more explanation, see this tutorial.
Hope this helps!
bewilder_ed bewilder_ed loading

march 27 - google translate
+348 words
+350 points

Getting back into the classics… it’s time for a fan favorite! Head on over to google translate and switch up the lyrics of a song of your choice. Once they are completely different, and probably silly, write a 300 word story inspired by your new words! Then you can take home 200 points for your cabin and an extra 150 points will be added for providing proof :D
“Do you want to know your name?
do it now
do it now
do it now”
- soldier, poet, king
The responsibilty…

Or was it the Responsiblity.

I could not seem to remember. It was like my brain did not even *dare* to remember.

I had spent the night up with a friend, trying to jog my memory of anything. Anything that would help me remember to take the test and become one of them. Then, only a few hours earlier, I was certain becoming a Responsiblity was what I was intended to do. Yet, I could not remember anything about them. My friend insisted it was my dream to become one of them that when my memory returned, I would be disappointed if I did not make it. However, with no information about this mysterious group, I was not so sure anymore. I began to think there was something missing.

Maybe my amnesia has given me a brain, I thought. Everyone else just seems to go along with the government. It is like the don’t even think. Maybe they actually don’t think.

It was a frightening thought. One that gave my chills on my arms. Something was definitely wrong, and I was determined to find out.

I sat there waiting and reflecting as the person on the auditorium droned on and on and on, calling name after name. There was no need for me to listen other than to applaud after each person was selected. What was important was when my was called, and there it was.

“Seven!” The announcer had called.

I snapped out of my musings and looked up to the stage. The name called had no connection to me. Or it did. It was supposedly my name, but I did not think it suited me.

That was what amnesisa felt like. You were in someone, but you did not have any memories of what you thought to be your actual past.

“Seven!” the announcer called out again.

This was it. I had to make a decision now. My friend elbowed me in the side, a signal to get up.

So I stood up. Even with no past, I was ready to decide my future.