Would saying this start a flame war?

id: 750591

category: Questions about Scratch

posts: 3

-Almations- -Almations- loading
So someone said they wanted a forum of theirs closed so I reported to be closed. I gave them the heads up but someone messaged on my profile that could start a flame war. I get in the wider terms but how does this apply here? I'm doing what the OP wanted.
jvvg jvvg loading
You should avoid publicly saying you reported something, even if you are reporting it for reasons like that. A lot of New Scratchers will freak out if they see the word “report” since they think that means you're reporting it for something being wrong with it and getting them in trouble. Instead you should say something like “I have asked the Scratch Team to close it for you.”
han614698 han614698 loading
Yeah, jvvg pretty much answered it. I'd like to add that this starting a flame war is a bit of a stretch. I do remember when I was ten and someone said they were reporting my post to be closed and I was crying about it because I thought I would get in trouble.