MineTurte MineTurte loading

scratchcraft789 wrote:

I'm making a platformer and I can't work out how to make a wall-collision script, please help. I will give credit to you.
This is my current collision script (It's run without screen refresh):
define Collisions
 if <(Speed Y) > (0)> then
repeat until (not <touching [Level] ?
change y by (-1)
change y by (1)
repeat until (not <touching [Level] ?
change y by (1)
change y by (-1)
Could you share the link as I'm not too sure how your code works. Like what exactly is “speed”. Other than that though it may not work if you aren't hovering like 1 pixel above the floor as the floor counts as the level and won't let you move, If that's one of your problem that is.

Hope I helped!