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EmeraldCreeper789Dev wrote:

imfh wrote:

When the Scratch Team decides to add a feature, they want to make sure it positively affects a lot of people. They have a limited amount of time to spend developing stuff, so they have to carefully choose what to work on.

Aseprite is generally a paid program, and I would guess that a very small percentage of Scratchers actually use it. Given the low impact and the time it would take to add, I don’t think the Scratch Team will add aseprite support even though it would be cool.

Instead, is it possible to export aseprite files to a format supported by Scratch?
PNGs, GIFs, JPEGs, and all scratch supported formats do not support the layer system of aseprite like burn / multiply / low opacity layers adding a gross solid color where it is supposed to be transparent/modified.

Also, the new studio update had such a minor impact on scratch as far as I can tell, also the database rework is only really helping the team and making scratch a tiny bit faster.
PNGs often support transparency and translucent colors, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Also, @Dudeman896, how does you needing help relate to this post? Create your own topic if you need help, such as in “Help with Scripts”.