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Bananster Bananster loading
I'm having trouble posting scratch projects on crazygames, when I preview it just says “html.index file not found” or something like that. Ive had this problem for about a year, someone please help
beanyboy512 beanyboy512 loading

kleemiya_the_furball wrote:

Build a campsite for your island
-stxllxr -stxllxr loading

medians wrote:

You can also do sth similar for random position, which exists. Also, blocks with simple workarounds still exist:
The thing is, those are already added and won't be removed any time soon. I'm saying that since there's such a simple workaround for a new block, there is no need to add it. Also chart in OP's siggy

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

This will be a new dropdown for the
go to [ v]
It will look like this:
go to [random x v]
go to [random y v]

And it makes the sprite go to a random x, or y.

I bet this is a dupe, I really do. I've lost faith in my topics.
Or you can do this…

-stxllxr wrote:

set x to (pick random (-240) to (240))
set y to (pick random (-180) to (180))

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

Hello UniVerse! This is Shop'oVerse Shopration! We're a Federation and a Shop with all your needs!
We are inviting you to join our Shopration to receive tons of perks such as
monthly reviews, receive rewards,
complete in SHOP only constests, less work, e.t.c
to to help you shop GROW to UniVerse!
Best of all… ITS FREE! And all you need to do is have your owner to fill out this form and you'll be all set to grow to the UniVerse!

From the beyond, Gamed_Guy_123 from Shop'oVerse.

What is UniVerse? Is the UniVerse similar to Shop'o'Verse?

Also the owner is inactive but she has granted me permission to apply for things such as these.
Found a hacker on ACNL Club Tortimer and I had a blast.

So there I was, chatting with someone on the island, minding my own business, when suddenly someone came to the island. I thought they were just a normal person, but peeps were typing “n: (item name)” and having that item dropped at their location. That's when I realized, this was no ordinary person; it was a hacker. I got put into an animation, then one of the peeps' avatars turned pitch black. Then, we all turned pitch black for a second. I was put into the animation that plays back when you come out of the water. Then, we all got teleported to the water and had to swim out. Sadly, the island crashed, but it was still fun.

StarryDove wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:

Wow! Thank you so much! So glad to hear that you like our shop

I will definitely take your suggestions into account and make any necessary changes.

I am overjoyed to have found such an amazing shop, that can provide extremely detailed reviews and present it immaculately.
Thank you for reminding me! I will opt for a membership with your shop. Tysm!

woah your vocab is good! also thanks for appreciating, it means a lot

Thanks! No problem. Who wouldn't appreciate such an amazing shop?

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

I have two big ideas, one for C1 the other for Hellblazer. Wanna hear them?
1) So the main final battle in C1 is John getting a repeat, what if John does more than one? On each of his attempts his still uses the people around him but fails miserably. Then John learns his lesson and doesn't use them. It's a rough idea at the moment.
Could work… but might be a little too reminiscent of Doctor Strange, What If, Loki, or Live Die Repeat

EDIT: Also, I can't believe the MCU has used a time loop ending 3 times!!! lol

Dang three times? Holy cow. I do think it's different enough. But still fair.

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

I have two big ideas, one for C1 the other for Hellblazer. Wanna hear them?
1) So the main final battle in C1 is John getting a repeat, what if John does more than one? On each of his attempts his still uses the people around him but fails miserably. Then John learns his lesson and doesn't use them. It's a rough idea at the moment.
Could work… but might be a little too reminiscent of Doctor Strange, What If, Loki, or Live Die Repeat

EDIT: Also, I can't believe the MCU has used a time loop ending 3 times!!! lol
Yay! You call it the good title (Live. Die. Repeat.) instead of the nonsense title (Edge of Tomorrow).

MrKingofScratch wrote:

Did you ever share the project? that would really help. Also can't you just copy the code for the global enemy y list?
the link in the OP already has the project link…
there's also no need for a y list. all hitboxes are placed on the same y layer
crabclaw118 crabclaw118 loading

Horsekatto wrote:

Just wondering, why do some people simp for Bill Cipher? I platonically simp for him but why do other people simp for him? (non-platonically.) Not judging but he's a triangle with an eye, hat and bow tie.
Some people are just down bad for a dorito, and you gotta accept that, it's the Internet!
S_P_A_R_T S_P_A_R_T loading
Here's a really strange WD v7.02 self play test.

This was to mainly ensure that the new table-based move gen for the pawns worked (along with some other new stuff), but this game it just terrible!

The queen get's trapped twice (and neither time does the other side realise this) and after this, the rook vs rook ending was just terrible! I stopped this game short even though black was winning because it didn't look like progress was going to occur, and even if a decisive result happened, it wouldn't really be that “important”.
medians medians loading

31cam3b wrote:

medians wrote:

You can use mouse x and mouse y.

What do mean by bamboozled and all of this? What is this bamboozled please tell me.
That is my signature, but basically it is a Scratch joke about me LOL where I get “bamboozled” by Scratch 3.0 (forget info about Scratch 3.0) because I use Scratch 2.0.
The project is here: (though I am planning to make a new one because k7e/-g5 left I think and his profile comments have been closed for a while and he has not been updating it)
If you want more info, ask me on my profile
For the mouse x and mouse y thing, those are blocks in the sensing category.
-stxllxr -stxllxr loading
You can use lists to do this, have a list with all the numbers you want to convert into words, and vice versa.
say you want the word “hello” to convert into 1, and the word “goodbye” to convert into 2, you can have a list like this:
item 1: hello
item 2: goodbye

then you can use these 2 blocks to convert back and forth:
(item ( v) of [list v] :: list)
(item # of () in [list v] ::list)
And here is how you can convert them back and forth. This is basically a primitive version of decoding and encoding, I would recommend searching up or researching it.
define convert thing (t) into number
set [thing v] to (item # of (t) in [list v] ::list)

define deconvert number (n) into thing
set [thing v] to (item (n) of [list v])
Using the list shown above, and the blocks above, you can convert a word using items in a list, and convert them back.

Using these blocks like this:
convert thing [goodbye] into number ::custom
would convert goodbye into “2”, since goodbye is item 2 of the list, and deconverting it would use the item number to then again get the original item, “goodbye”.
DuWeido DuWeido loading

beanyboy512 wrote:

yo i would like to join hyrule
Please don't there meanys don't become a a meany beany

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

teamsonic2011 wrote:

This is a Bowser from Mario is Missing, where it looks like they took his shell and stretched it over his tail.

Edit: he kinda looks depressed
Another edit: this is how Bowser looks in all Mario PC games
This is why we need Mario is Missing HD for the Nintendo Switch
They would use the boring SNES Bowser instead of the depressed green tail bowser
Wolf_Link21 Wolf_Link21 loading
first, using clones for the diglets would shrink the amount of code by 70%, second, you could have a variable to tell the clones or sprites to go to the front. The top hole sprite would go first then the top diglets then the top middle hole sprite, then the middle diglets, then the middle bottom hole, then the bottom diglets and finally, the bottom hole cllone.
WLqcking WLqcking loading
I'm trying to add buy multipliers into my game but every time the you buy something the cost go up x times itself. this would be much of a problem if I didn't add something that keeps track of the cost before you buy. I have no idea how to calculate that help please game here
zacharyn35 zacharyn35 loading
How would you make a code so that any words would be changed into numbers and then be able to be changed back again?
31cam3b 31cam3b loading
I remember when i remixed a project and tried to change it up a bit but when i tried to save it wouldn’t work. If this is just a bug in the game the game that was the original and the one i created will be put under here if there is something you found!


36MBPA 36MBPA loading
Não sei se estou sendo burro em um nível absurdo, porém meu preencher não está funcionando mesmo seguindo todos os passos.
Estava fazendo a aula da “roleta” lá na alura, e fiz tudo exatamente como o professor fez, entretanto, na hora de “converter para o bitmap” por algum motivo o meu “Preencher” não funciona. Refiz a roleta mais de 4 vezes para ter certeza que não estava fazendo algo errado, e continua a mesma coisa, quando eu converto para bitmap, meu “Preencher” apenas funciona no fundo do projeto, na roleta em si não acontece nada.
Gostaria muito de saber o que estou fazendo de errado.
Vídeo mostrando:
I want to make a game where the animals (there are 6 per backdrop so it will choose one randomly) get sick every now and then and there to be a symble above there heads and for them to leave the backdrop and when they come back for the symbol to still be there please help
here is the game
AlrRedcat AlrRedcat loading

MineTurte wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((

nah u can stalk me My life is boring anyway.
Okie but ill not go on forums anymore
Please stop uselessly spamming the forums, thanks!
MineTurte MineTurte loading

AlrRedcat wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((

nah u can stalk me My life is boring anyway.
Okie but ill not go on forums anymore
Please stop uselessly spamming the forums, thanks!

You know I can report you for spam right? And get you kicked from the forums?
AlrRedcat AlrRedcat loading

MineTurte wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((

nah u can stalk me My life is boring anyway.
Okie but ill not go on forums anymore
Please stop uselessly spamming the forums, thanks!

medians wrote:

Blue_Moon2607 wrote:

medians wrote:

There was no bitmap editor in the 2.0 prototype when this topic was made, so simply switching to bitmap wasn't an option, and that's one thing people were mad about at the time. In fact, not long after this topic, this was made:
I think you have misunderstood, there's actually an option to convert it to bitmap. (at the bottom right corner of the screen for Scratch 2.0)

Don't believe me? Google “Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor” and try to find “Convert to bitmap” button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
That was not a thing when this was made (this topic was from before 2.0 officially released, I said 2.0 prototype for a reason), read what I said. And I already know, I use 2.0.
Oh, I understood.
31cam3b 31cam3b loading
maybe if your mouse is at a specific coordinate it could detect that making for cool coding options like find the correct scratch sprite or guess the fake scratch block and you have to have your mouse hover over it not click because there already is a scratch block for that.

when this sprite clicked
MineTurte MineTurte loading

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((

nah u can stalk me My life is boring anyway.
Okie but ill not go on forums anymore
Please stop uselessly spamming the forums, thanks!
medians medians loading

Blue_Moon2607 wrote:

medians wrote:

There was no bitmap editor in the 2.0 prototype when this topic was made, so simply switching to bitmap wasn't an option, and that's one thing people were mad about at the time. In fact, not long after this topic, this was made:
I think you have misunderstood, there's actually an option to convert it to bitmap. (at the bottom right corner of the screen for Scratch 2.0)

Don't believe me? Google “Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor” and try to find “Convert to bitmap” button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
That was not a thing when this was made (this topic was from before 2.0 officially released, I said 2.0 prototype for a reason), read what I said. And I already know, I use 2.0.
Wolf_Link21 Wolf_Link21 loading
This would go in help with scripts instead but I have a project like this for you it was originally a 3d thing but I edited it for you
AlrRedcat AlrRedcat loading

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((

nah u can stalk me My life is boring anyway.
Okie but ill not go on forums anymore
julmik6478 julmik6478 loading
Jest to trzeci spis poradników, tworzę go, ponieważ j_a_n_t_i nie jest niestety aktywny, a ktoś musi uzupełniać spis.
Autorstwo pierwszego spisu:
Autorstwo drugiego spisu:

Jeżeli żaden z poniższych poradników nie rozwiązuje twojego problemu zadaj pytanie w temacie problemy i pytania


- O blokach: 5
- Tworzenie gier/programów: 21
- Społeczność Scratch'a: 9
- Poza światem Scratch'a: 1
- Pozostałe: 1


O blokach

Tworzenie gier/programów

Społeczność Scratch:

Poza światem Scratch'a

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((

nah u can stalk me My life is boring anyway.
AlrRedcat AlrRedcat loading

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
Alright i will stop im sorry ((


AlrRedcat wrote:

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help

ok………………………. this is forums u gone a bit to far………………………
cosmosaura cosmosaura loading

-stxllxr wrote:

This is a duplicate
kinda a waste of a 120 second wait but whatever
Thanks for the link! It does look like this is a duplicate topic so I'll close it to keep the conversation all in one place. Please use the existing topic in the link above.
31cam3b 31cam3b loading
If this is added it should go in the operators, but anyway maybe it could be like all the other operators but merged to be a calculator so you can go through and maybe code something where it answers your questions.

change [ Calculator anwser] by (calculated awnser)
AlrRedcat AlrRedcat loading

WildWeepingWillow wrote:

Catscratcher07 wrote:

it just kind of glitches? how are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't provide a link?
Hi n thx for replying!
I made another account and shared the project there bc I don't like sharing unfinished projects on my main…
Liink to project :)
Hope this helps!
I stalk everyone and everywhere also how do i make a forum post help
portalpower portalpower loading

ThatOneWeirdDude wrote:

carti literally just dropped the worst feature I ever heard and now rap pages are calling it aj insane feature run

can we as a whole stop trying to normalize bad music
I feel like at this point Carti realized he doesn't have to try and his fanbase will eat up anything he poops out.

Also what song?
MiraO_20 MiraO_20 loading
It is Saturday.
It is the weekend.
Beautiful things happen during this time.
You do what you like, or nothing at all.
What you do or not is part of life.
It trashes you or lifts you up.
From the ground, like a bug.
Even if it's not your wish
This is your permanent commitment
The gift of life. a beautiful life
Time to start celebrating our gifts tonight.
(I was bored, so I wrote a weird poem/song I'm sorry loll :')
31cam3b 31cam3b loading
I don’t know how this would work but maybe like you talk to a sprite that has this block and maybe it could be like google where there is a working calculator or maybe a way for this block to give answers to questions like maybe you could ask it what is 5x5! And it could answer it maybe like that.

If this is a duplicate please let me know!
Daily for Dystopian

Tristen rolled out of bed. Sun streamed in through the windows. His brother had just come in and told him to get up, or they’d be late for soccer practice. No matter how many times his brother tried, he was never better at the game, and Tristen took pride in being the sporty one. He got dressed and went to go see if his brother was ready to head out. He found him in his room.
“Hey, are you ready to go?” His brother ran his hands through his platinum blond hair. He turned to face Tristen and yelped.
“Um, Tristen…”
“Why is there fire on your shoulder?” Tristen turned to look, and sure enough, there was a small flame sitting on his shoulder. The weird thing was, it didn’t hurt. He poked it, and it moved to his hand.
“This is weird…” His brother's eyes widened.
“You think? It's like you have super powers or something!” Tristen groaned.
“But why fire?”
“I don’t know, but you should tell someone.”
“No way! People will think I’m crazy!” The flame grew bigger. He closed his fist around it, and it moved back to his shoulder. He sighed.
“Tell the coach I won’t be there today.” He wandered back to his room, glaring at the flame. It danced around his shoulders, taunting him. He pulled a photo album off his shelf and opened to a page that was full of pictures. The pictures were of a little girl, his sister. Fire was the reason she was dead, and now he was stuck with it.

263 words
MineTurte MineTurte loading

Sammies123333 wrote:

Everytime I try to save my Add Yourself singing projects they just don't save.

(I know it's probably because the music is too long or something).

when green flag clicked
play sound [Uhh I dunno] until done
I know a bug that you can use to bypass the size limit of songs but other than that could you link the project you are having this problem with?

How to bypass size limit of songs:
1. Load in song
2. Click save but stay in editor.
3. It should say “project can not save”. When you see this go to the sound menu, copy like about half of the song, and delete it. Copying it isn't necessary but is for safety in case something happens.
5. Undo the deletion of half the song and save again. It should save that time.

Hope this helps!
CrownSpin CrownSpin loading
NNoooo i was a big fan- unbannn himmm please (((
31cam3b 31cam3b loading

GeoBug wrote:

Hi! I have a suggestion! So, you know how on document-writing and/or drawing apps there is a copy and paste feature? On this website, there should be that option for code! When you right click on a script, along with duplicate, delete, and all that other stuff, you can add “copy” and “paste” so when you hit copy, it copies the code, and say when you right click on the code area itself, in say the backdrop or another sprite, it pastes that exact same code! Or, when you right click on a script and hit paste, it replaces the script with the pasted code!

I am so sorry but my topic was banned due to it believed to be a duplicate my topic was here
DerpyPig03 DerpyPig03 loading

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

I have no clue how to actually introduce Superman in a way that isn't super cliche like the one All-Star scene or the For All Seasons scene.
Cliche is fine. Or introduce him in a scene that gets the audience to get his character quickly.
my brain defaults to have a crime and have citizens in tons of danger, and then Superman flies in and saves the day
Malicondi Malicondi loading
You could likely make an tick system using Delta Time, although I'm not too sure how it would work but, I do know for a fact that you can't have a 120 tps system, as turbowarp only allows 60fps which at most would be 60 tps, that you can see.
I would recommend making a 20 tps or 30 tps system, so that it would work on both scratch and turbowarp.
medians medians loading
Wait, it will be fixed (this has happened a lot). Also, the Scratch Wiki is no longer hosted on Scratch.
DerpyPig03 DerpyPig03 loading

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

I have two big ideas, one for C1 the other for Hellblazer. Wanna hear them?
1) So the main final battle in C1 is John getting a repeat, what if John does more than one? On each of his attempts his still uses the people around him but fails miserably. Then John learns his lesson and doesn't use them. It's a rough idea at the moment.
Could work… but might be a little too reminiscent of Doctor Strange What If or Loki or Live Die Repeat