Mouse coordinate detector?

id: 751235

category: Suggestions

posts: 6

31cam3b 31cam3b loading
maybe if your mouse is at a specific coordinate it could detect that making for cool coding options like find the correct scratch sprite or guess the fake scratch block and you have to have your mouse hover over it not click because there already is a scratch block for that.

when this sprite clicked
medians medians loading
You can use mouse x and mouse y.
31cam3b 31cam3b loading

medians wrote:

You can use mouse x and mouse y.

What do mean by bamboozled and all of this? What is this bamboozled please tell me.
No need for another detector.
medians medians loading

31cam3b wrote:

medians wrote:

You can use mouse x and mouse y.

What do mean by bamboozled and all of this? What is this bamboozled please tell me.
That is my signature, but basically it is a Scratch joke about me LOL where I get “bamboozled” by Scratch 3.0 (forget info about Scratch 3.0) because I use Scratch 2.0.
The project is here: (though I am planning to make a new one because k7e/-g5 left I think and his profile comments have been closed for a while and he has not been updating it)
If you want more info, ask me on my profile
For the mouse x and mouse y thing, those are blocks in the sensing category.
Roblox888i Roblox888i loading

just use mouse x and y