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TokoWrites TokoWrites loading
Part 1 ~ 367 words
Exposition / Inciting Incident ~ 82 words
Thistle Primrose is a thirteen year old girl, whose birthday was yesterday. She was given a gift, a word, but she knew that the word already belonged to someone else. That word was fire. This morning when she woke up, she discovered that the only word she now had was fire. She then realized that fire had burnt all the others. Thistle was curious about why fire had burnt everything, and who had sent her the mysterious gift in the first place.
Rising Action ~ 65 words
Thistle decides to hunt for clues. She finds the old wrapping paper with no notes, but random letters and symbols written down. That evening, her older sisters, Leonora and Romilly come to her small treehouse to celebrate her birthday having not been able to make it the previous day, and both their gifts were wrapped in the same wrapping paper with more letters and symbols.
The Climax ~ 80 words
Thistle pieces the wrapping paper together and finds a note telling her to visit the ancient garden. There she finds more notes leading her on a scavenger hunt, and when she finally makes it to the end, she realizes that it was her parents who had sent her the gift. Even though they had perished nine years ago, they handed the gift to a post office before they died, the gift to be mailed to Thistle on her thirteenth birthday.
Falling Action ~ 50 words
As soon as Thistle figures out that the gift is from her parents, her word, fire gets stolen. Her word was taken by a member of the post office who had been protecting the word for Thistle, for nine years, just so he could steal it to become an arsonist.
Resolution ~ 90 words
She takes her word back in one final battle, saving the town from the doom those flames would have brought in the hands of the post office villain. She heads back to her treehouse and finds her sisters there. Surprised by their unexpected visit, Thistle interrogates them on why they came and the three girls start arguing. Thistle who doesn’t have full control over the power of fire accidentally loses it, and her treehouse burns down. Thistle runs into the woods with no idea if either of her sisters survived.

PySnap wrote:

Second, a bot that removes comments of people advertising. Why? Because advertising is annoying when you don't want advertisers.
If you don't want advertisers, then (politely!) re-direct them to a studio that actually allows advertising. Advertising isn't exactly against the rules.
Its-Gamer Its-Gamer loading

michaeljackson1365 wrote:

This forum is for new scratchers only.
I was a new scratcher when I posted this.
mohamedahe mohamedahe loading
i tried to make a space shooter then the circle part copys
stasiu2015 stasiu2015 loading

InterCatGamer wrote:

just use a shortcut on the desktop for the x86 version
OK, but I want to know why the scratch.exe and scratch.image is not working in the scratch folder on the desktop, And, I can just open file explorer,go to Program Files (x86), and launch scratch.exe/scratch.image
And, I can make a shortcut to the Scratch.exe/scratch.image in the Program Files (x86) folder on the desktop

This forum post is sent from a mobile device
I have a suggestion. Perhaps you could mention this:

Before you make a new topic on this forum, please check the Official List of Rejected Suggestions. You can use the Ctrl + F keys to search the post. For example, you could type in “display name” if you wanted to check if that is mentioned in the list.

Catscratcher07 wrote:

store its position in variables before you glide, then in a separate script (for the sprite will not continue with the script it's gliding in until it's done gliding) set both values to (stored x - current x) and likewise for y. then compare the absolute values in an if else to see which axis the sprite is moving more in (do all this in a run without screen refresh custom block).

the sprite will almost never move in just one axis.

but what i'm trying to do is which one its moving on
AzulAlt AzulAlt loading
Better custom blocks will let you Make a boolean, reporter and hat, choose menus, deafult values like
<[sprite1 v] is on x (0) y (0)? :: custom>
when key [space v] pressed more than (10) seconds :: custom hat

hide for (1) seconds :: custom
<visible? :: custom> // (checks the costume. totaly not going to fetch the whole project)
and many other things.
note : this is too much overpowered so we need it to make more custom blocks and No! im not gonna add controls to the block idea
when i create post :: events hat
if <post was cool? :: sensing> then

say [yaaay] :: looks
wait (5) seconds :: controls
say (join[i got ] (join(replies :: sensing) [ replies!] :: operators ) :: operators )


wait until get (1) reply :: control

stasiu2015 stasiu2015 loading
OK, but I want to know why the scratch.exe and scratch.image is not working in the scratch folder on the desktop, And, I can just open file explorer,go to Program Files (x86), and launch scratch.exe/scratch.image
And, I can make a shortcut to the Scratch.exe/scratch.image in the Program Files (x86) folder on the desktop

This forum post is sent from a mobile device

TheSqueakyOtter wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

CHALLENGE TO EVERYONE: Make music with a shepard tone as the chord progression.
This has terrible instrumentation but is a good example
what's a shepard tone
look it up, but basically it's an audio illusion where the pitch sounds like it gets lower and lower forever even though it's actually looping, using volume controls and octaves

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

CHALLENGE TO EVERYONE: Make music with a shepard tone as the chord progression.
This has terrible instrumentation but is a good example
what's a shepard tone

AhmetEymenKurna wrote:

i would like to request to change our username i need to change it to buzzboy1999

A) Don't suggest things here. Please use the Suggestions forum and make a new topic.
B) This is rejected.

Za-Chary (On the Official list of Rejected Suggestions) wrote:

The Scratch Team has allowed username changes only on very rare occasions, such as if the username contains personal information or causes gender dysphoria. Generally, the Scratch Team does not change usernames on request (including for reasons such as “I do not like my current username anymore”).

CHALLENGE TO EVERYONE: Make music with a shepard tone as the chord progression.
made this in 5 minutes as an example

WATBBE wrote:

Hi! I would like to request if maybe you can add an “Add all followers” button. It would be nice for inviting people to studio's cause me and my fwend's fingers are DYING from inviting everyone 1 by 1. ty!

A) Please don't post suggestions on this topic. To make a suggestion, make a new topic on the Suggestions form.
B) This suggestion is rejected.

Za-Chary wrote:

5.2 “Invite all followers” button for studios
This feature existed in Scratch 2.0, but it was an extremely easy way for one user to create lots of notification spam for other users, most of which was unwanted. By removing this feature, users are forced to work a little bit to invite a large number of users.
✧Date: 3/23/24
✧Cabin Wars!!

“Pick us, we are the right choice,” Nova said gently, “We will lead you to ice and peace, a land of self respect and love, mindfulness for earth's peace.” “No, pick us, flames and self defense, we will battle enemies and save our lands together,” says Ember, “Flames will lick at your toes as you enter, a land of rocky highs and lows in front of you, to help earth thrive.”
A lump is stuck in your throat. Your heart is thumping. Saliva is reaching your mouth to fast. So much today, but so little breath. “So, young earthling. What is your decision?” Nova and Ember ask at the same time, side eyeing each other. The choice is in your hands. Thinking what to say, what to do, where to do it, and why you should even think. Retracing familiar steps and look at consequences. Your thirst for knowledge and pleasing is contemplating. The decision is in your own hands.
“Neither.” you say, calmly, “I want to go to my own world, build my own tower of flames and ice. Build my own island. Go to my own kind of world.”
Now, I introduce to you, the planet of Atheria. A purple calm zone, with martial arts and self defense, and an enchanted forest of mindfulness and meditation.
And that, is the story of Atheria, planet of balance in the universe.
Hello Guys i am making a Simulator game where if you click on a sprite called “Shop” then it will make the background music for outside then stop but when you exit then the shop music will stop and here is the script im using
when this sprite clicked
broadcast [ v]

when I receive [ v]
play sound [ v] until done
plantskym2 plantskym2 loading

LP372 wrote:

-Rodri wrote:

wait i just realized how are they gonna contact u if you don't have to enter an email???
through notifs
But wouldn't that be a lot more work, especially if they needed to add a seperate place for replies from notifications?
Unrelated, but 100th post!!!! :D:D
when I receive [ProposeFeatured applications open v]
if <(item (36 v) of [ScratchWantTos v] :: list) > [0.3]> then
say [Oh yeah, count me in! I wanna be a curator again!]
Malicondi Malicondi loading
this will iterate over the whole list, and if an item is there multiple times then a broadcast will happen to let you know.
set [i v] to (0)
set [item v] to [food] // or whatever shouldn't be in the list twice
set [count v] to (0)
repeat (length of [list v])
change [i v] by (1)
if <(item (i) of [list v]) = (item)> then
change [count v] by (1)
if <(count) > (1)> then
broadcast [duplicate v]
Hope this helps!
hehe_adien hehe_adien loading
so, if my game does not show up that means that it is being rated and checked or is it just loading behind a bunch of others? what is the estimated time for a game to be completely released.

LP372 wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

Yes, because 8 year olds will most definitely understand “asset storage” better than backpack.

No support.
only because of that??
It's a legitimate reason and one that the Scratch Team would likely consider heavily. It makes sense: you put things into a backpack, then you take them out of the backpack when you want to use them later.
Exactly. Plus, I do like the idea of an expanded backpack but the name kinda cuts the deal for me. “backpack” is a more fun and easy to understand term, and it’s like, “less serious” in a way that it’s more interesting for kids.
Maybe ‘extended backpack’ would be better
It doesn’t need a new name.
2GS6 2GS6 loading
Gen's writing thread

Unspoken - an writing competition entry
I wanted to challenge myself to write a story in less than 1000 words


Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you could be somewhere else? Just any place but the place you are at right now?
I certainly have. It often happens when I am sitting in class with no way to escape.

Once again, I found myself gazing at my notes, hoping the lesson would end before the teacher would get a chance to call on me.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Like a warning, the ticking of the big clock in the front of the Room reminded me that there was still plenty of time left for class.

The teacher asked a question and started to scan the room to find his next target. Someone he could call on to answer his question. Preferably, someone who hadn't contributed something to his class yet. Like me.

I wished I was somewhere else.

Time suddenly seemed to slow down.

The little voice in my head that had been there since I could think, my personal inner critic, used this as an opportunity to confirm my thoughts.

“You really need to raise your hand and answer his question. He will call on you anyway”

“I can't” I thought. “The words get stuck in my throat when I am trying to speak them out loud.”
It was pointless arguing with a voice in my head that was my very own creation.

“Just do it. Talking is not rocket science” the voice in the back of my head tried to convince me to do the impossible.

“You know that I can't articulate my thoughts.” I tried to tell myself.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Time didn't seem to pass.

I really wished I was somewhere else now.

I tried my best to ignore the voice in my head while simultaneously trying to avoid eye contact with the teacher, who was still looking for his next target.

For a second it seemed like he had chosen another student, and I could already feel the relief washing over me.

The next second he moved on, and I could feel myself getting nervous again. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The murmuring of the other students made the atmosphere in the room tense.

“You're brilliant. You know the answer. All you need is in your head. Just put your hand up and answer the question” the relentless voice started again. “He will call on you anyway, and you know it!”

My thoughts were interrupted when my eyes met the teacher's. I knew what was about to happen now.

I wished I was somewhere else.

The teacher seemed to stare right into my soul. Seconds passed. I could see heads slowly turning in my direction.
Then the teacher's mouth opened and the inevitable words I tried to avoid the whole time came out, hitting me like a wave crashing down.

“What is your opinion on this?”

It seemed as if time had stopped. I couldn't hear the ticking anymore. Everybody was looking at me. My heart was beating in my chest.

“Just say something. Anything.” the voice in my head urged me. “It's not that easy” I thought.
“You can talk to your friends. Why are you unable to talk now. Just say something” my inner critic further urged.

I didn't even understand why my own voice betrayed me in situations like this.
What I understood was that I would have loved to be somewhere else now. Instead, I was sitting here, being a prisoner in my own mind, unable to let the words escape.

Everybody was still looking at me. I tried to take a deep breath, but the air was suddenly really thick. How much time had passed since the teacher called my name? Minutes? Hours? Years?

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The familiar ticking of the clock confirmed that it had been only a few seconds. I could feel the palms of my hands slowly starting to get wet. I opened my mouth.

“Now you only need to get those words out, and then you are fine” the voice in my head tried to encourage me.

I imagined standing up. Leaving this room. Escaping this Situation. Being somewhere else.
But in real life I was sitting here, feeling paralyzed, unable to form a clear sentence.

“You're missing an opportunity” the voice in my head whispered.

I closed my mouth again. Not a single word had left it. My heart was racing faster than a rollercoaster.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

“Just say something. Say anything. Please. Do it. For me. For yourself.”

The voice was too loud now. It was almost everything I could hear in my mind now. I couldn't form one clear thought. Everything started spinning. The classroom and the whispers of my classmates seemed to fade far away.

It almost seemed like I got my wish granted. I was in a different place. Far away from the echoing clock. Far away from everything.

The teacher finally moved on with a disappointed look on his face. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My thoughts started to become clear again, and I returned to reality from the strange place I had been seconds before.

I was relieved.

“I'm glad I didn't get up and leave” I thought.
“Liar” the voice in the back of my head said. “You would have loved to be somewhere else. But you can't escape it.”

The school bell rang. My way into freedom. I got up and gathered my belongings.

“No matter how far you run away, you can't escape yourself” the voice confirmed what a part of me was thinking.

I took a deep breath.  “Not today” I whispered to myself, “But who knows what the future holds. One day I might be able to speak up. Even if it's just a single sentence. Even if it's just one word that won't remain unspoken.”

975 words
I'm making a project where you feed a character, If you feed them the same thing twice, you get punished. I need a way that you can code in a way to access the list, so I can sense if an item is repeated so the character can make an action. I really need help :p
moigam moigam loading

We may be starting the work on a new project soon. We don't have enough staff yet, but we're getting there.

Now with the activity check part. If you are a member of this game studio, please respond to this message.

Everyone has 5 days to respond.




Blue = Fast
Green = Normal
Orange = Slow
Red = No response

After a few days, I will send a comment to everyone's profile to respond to the activity check, in case they don't get notified for this message.
Not my topic about this being a dupe

Support because the clog up Indexers and make it harder to find original topics for dupes
SpyCoderX SpyCoderX loading

Hexahedroned wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

Hexahedroned wrote:

Alright. Do I have to run the python script constantly for this to work?
From my current knowledge, you only have to run the python script when you need to / are looking to update the cloud variables, there isn't an need to update it constantly.
We might have two different ideas of what I am talking about. What I meant is that every project that is using my engine will be updated every time I set a cloud variable to a new value. I want it to call that cloud variable from my project, parse that variable, and run it. It should call that variable regardless of who owns the project. Thank you.
Well, you could write a python script that you run once you update your engine.

You would need a list of all remixes of your project.

You would get the engine value from your engine and then loop through every remix, setting the cloud variable’s value to be the same as the one from your project.

Something like this (pseudo code):
import scratchattach
remixes = [2587533589,246986535,12338985,096457754] #project IDs
value = scratchattach.getValue(2576535)#your project id 
for remix in remixes:
Note: This will NOT work if you copy and paste into python, this just pseudo code.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading

mrsrec wrote:

I guess this topic needs to be dustbinned now, because, uhhh…
Well - that's ironic.

Thanks for the link! It does look like this is a duplicate topic so I'll close it to keep the conversation all in one place.

Please use the existing topic in the link above.
Writing Competition Entry (not yet, going to ask for a critique)

Broken Bond

There was once a beautiful sea,
Made out of friendship carefree,
And there were two islands in that sea,
That shared a bond, you and me

A bond that laid on the ocean floor,
Weaved together through many years
Of kindness, trust, secrets, and more
That connected us through happy cheer

But one day, from deep in the sea,
Came a pearl of truth, floating to the surface
A truth that came prematurely,
Bobbing on the waves of our verses

And so, came a storm
Of tears, pain, betrayal, and agony
That rained upon us with lightning and more
And so we grew distantly apart

Gradually, our bond held on,
Bit by bit until it broke apart
Two islands, now lost
We felt so much pain, now that we depart

Eventually the storm went away,
All that it left us is regret
So we decide to change our fate
We try to talk and forget

And bit by bit, over time,
We weave back our broken bond,
Two little islands again entwined
And so our beautiful sea returned
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
Please remember that “Questions About Scratch” is here to help Scratchers learn Scratch - the website and the language. Let's please not take up space with other topics, such as polls and hypothetical questions. A studio might be a good place for those discussions.

Update: It has been pointed out that this isn't really a hypothetical question - which is true - but it's also not a question that helps anybody use Scratch better. So it's pretty off-topic for “Questions About Scratch”. Maybe the question should be reformulated (what do we still want to know?) and posted in “Advanced Topics”.
poptko poptko loading

Za-Chary wrote:

undeterminstic wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

Emojis aren't really exclusive to the forums though, right? I'm not sure if it makes sense to put it there.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I mean replace the Upload Images to Forums with Upload Images to Website and include the emoji thing.
Is “Upload images to the website” rejected, though? Or is it just in the contexts of forums and emojis?

Barney_at_Bonels83 wrote:

Are AI image things rejected?
i hope
just asking incase it could get added to this list
I'm not aware of anything AI-related that is rejected.

-Rodri wrote:

Removing trig operations was rejected
Thanks. This one's probably too obvious to be added.

Malicondi wrote:

adding a built in quote snip is rejected
Certainly I was probably made aware of this around the time it was rejected — and then I refrained from adding it since it is not suggested often.

RethinkingVoxels wrote:

Printer extension is rejected:
Thanks. Probably don't need to add this one now; not suggested very often.

BionicBoy554 wrote:

Is anything that has a workaround rejected?
Generally, no. I seem to remember that the following blocks were rejected due to their easy workarounds:

<mouse up? :: sensing>

go to center :: motion

But I think there are other blocks that have relatively easy workarounds that have not been rejected. I don't have any examples in mind, though.
<not <mouse down?>>
go to x: (0) y: (0)
Actriz_2 Actriz_2 loading
I would be a good curator because I will follow all the rules, be active on the studio, make sure the post was created by the scratcher and follows the guidelines, and test out the project! Please consider me for a curator!
ds424 ds424 loading
I am gonna make a new fan-game soon just need some time to figure out concepts XD
Sonico0212 Sonico0212 loading
This Is A Forum Where Sonic Fans Discuss Fangames And Creations, Out Of The Blue, Make Collaborations In Other Games And Try To Be Active

Malicondi wrote:

Hexahedroned wrote:

Alright. Do I have to run the python script constantly for this to work?
From my current knowledge, you only have to run the python script when you need to / are looking to update the cloud variables, there isn't an need to update it constantly.
We might have two different ideas of what I am talking about. What I meant is that every project that is using my engine will be updated every time I set a cloud variable to a new value. I want it to call that cloud variable from my project, parse that variable, and run it. It should call that variable regardless of who owns the project. Thank you.
How do I get a new signature?
I just finished work on my new game “Scootyboy Paint - Drawing Tool”, a game in which you can mess around drawing.

Here is the link:
Hey friendos! There has been a lot of confusion I see, but the total is actually 7635 words. Some people didn't add their word count so please remember to do that, but I totalled all of the words.
ALSO remember that
Your contribution to the story must be between 400-800 words, no more and no less.
Post your wordcount and cabin at the end of your contribution, it will be tallied up at the end. Also, please send a link to your post with your word count here ( ).

Edit: this is without counting Sun's words
PySnap PySnap loading
I think they should make a rating called “(Not for Everyone)”. The NTE rating would be good since people put warnings in their projects. It would make the Scratch Community not complain about it. Also, The Scratch Team can rate it to Everyone, or NTE.
Second, a bot that removes comments of people advertising. Why? Because advertising is annoying when you don't want advertisers.
Third, there should be an optional thing that removes the remix button so people wouldn't remix it, even though that is illegal in Scratch, there are people who don't want people stealing their project and making it to a whole new level in Scratch.
Fourth, They should update their bot that checks the comments of other people, it should be fair since people are * that they got banned for unfair reasons.
I don't have that many ideas, so what guys do you think should be added?

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

Ok, so there's not an actual villain? Just a few that stand in the way?
honestly, yeah. in deadpool one and 2 his main issues are within himself. the villains in this are going to be sentinels, and that smiley face mask dude, just trying to get in the way of his actual mission. I'm going to reveal that mission in the forum when we have more people.
Malicondi Malicondi loading

Dracula1983 wrote:

Sorry for the previous question, I found out the extra pixels are translucent, and didn't cause a problem. And to answer your question, yes, it's in bitmap.
if you copy and paste any bitmap inside of the costume editor, but it's still highlighted and you click into another costume or any part of the editor where the costume editor disappears, there's a big with only bitmap where the paste doesn't save and creates a “ghost” image of the copy paste that doesn't affect anything but is just visual.

Malicondi wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

Their idea is a bit different than mine. In their suggestion, folders will have their own coding menu in the sprite. In my suggestion, folders will show in the main coding menu and if opened will also show in the main coding menu
If you read their replies to questions, it seems to hint that they mean it's inside of the editor and able to be moved around, and although the suggestions aren't the exact same, I think they're close enough to be considered a dupe.
It is inside the editor but it’s on a different block pallets in that suggestion
Ok, so there's not an actual villain? Just a few that stand in the way?
pizza50138 pizza50138 loading
Hi everyone, here is a coding contest. Anyone who wants to join just tell me and and when your ready put the link in this discussion.
-It must be appropriate (no mean, no inappropriate language, etc.)
-It must be your own (not copied)
-It must be fun!
Scratch On!
say [Scratch On!]
Malicondi Malicondi loading

starlightsparker wrote:

Their idea is a bit different than mine. In their suggestion, folders will have their own coding menu in the sprite. In my suggestion, folders will show in the main coding menu and if opened will also show in the main coding menu
If you read their replies to questions, it seems to hint that they mean it's inside of the editor and able to be moved around, and although the suggestions aren't the exact same, I think they're close enough to be considered a dupe.
LP372 LP372 loading

plantskym2 wrote:

-Rodri wrote:

I thought they aren't weren't supposed to have personal information in the first place.
Yes, I thought so too, but many teachers like to do that to organize the classes.
true, but just use a code name

Codey9 wrote:

MandoFanProductions wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

daboydodo wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

mandofan2 wrote:

daboydodo wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

Here are 5 spoilers for the next issue of TSFOSM. Only one is real:

Morbius is revealed to be the main villain.
The Spider-Man in this universe is actually Miles.
Madame Web shows up.
Big Wheel shows up again.
Someone gets Venomized.
Okay, I lied. There were 2 real spoilers.

Anyway, who here is a Swall (Swarm x Wall) shipper?
I ship Spider-Man and Wall.

AbeHe wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

Here are 5 spoilers for the next issue of TSFOSM. Only one is real:

Morbius is revealed to be the main villain.
The Spider-Man in this universe is actually Miles.
Madame Web shows up.
Big Wheel shows up again.
Someone gets Venomized.
Okay, I lied. There were 2 real spoilers.

Anyway, who here is a Swall (Swarm x Wall) shipper?
I ship Spider-Man and Wall.
Spider-Man and Muh Dam Web
Spider-Mid don't deserve her, everyone knows Muh Dum Web needs to be with Morbius

because it would be morbing web time
What’s going on. I personally ship mojo and wolverine. Mojorine
I didn’t remember who Mojo was, so I looked him up.

what?? I think they're perfect for one another (I'd show a picture of both of them together, but I think its just to much for scratch)