✧Date: 3/23/24
✧Cabin Wars!!

“Pick us, we are the right choice,” Nova said gently, “We will lead you to ice and peace, a land of self respect and love, mindfulness for earth's peace.” “No, pick us, flames and self defense, we will battle enemies and save our lands together,” says Ember, “Flames will lick at your toes as you enter, a land of rocky highs and lows in front of you, to help earth thrive.”
A lump is stuck in your throat. Your heart is thumping. Saliva is reaching your mouth to fast. So much today, but so little breath. “So, young earthling. What is your decision?” Nova and Ember ask at the same time, side eyeing each other. The choice is in your hands. Thinking what to say, what to do, where to do it, and why you should even think. Retracing familiar steps and look at consequences. Your thirst for knowledge and pleasing is contemplating. The decision is in your own hands.
“Neither.” you say, calmly, “I want to go to my own world, build my own tower of flames and ice. Build my own island. Go to my own kind of world.”
Now, I introduce to you, the planet of Atheria. A purple calm zone, with martial arts and self defense, and an enchanted forest of mindfulness and meditation.
And that, is the story of Atheria, planet of balance in the universe.