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writing comp entry draft

When Ronan first sees Adam with Gansey, he thinks he's never hated anyone more. He's seen Adam around school, obviously, but never paid him any attention. Gansey was king, and Ronan was his court. There was nothing else needed.

But that morning, something in the universe has shifted. That morning, when Gansey pulls into school in his old orange Camaro, Adam's sitting next to him. He sees Gansey laugh at something Adam says as they get out of the car, and the ugliest part of his heart - the part that wins more often than not - tightens.

He feels his lips curl up into a snarl.

Gansey then, and only then, looks over at him. “Ah, Adam!” he says grandly. “Meet Ronan.”

Then, and only then, does Adam glance up at him. His eyes are wary, and something in Ronan thrills. Gansey makes a small, warning gesture, one that only Ronan would notice.

And because it's Gansey, Ronan pulls back. He forces his snarl to melt into a passable smirk. He forces himself to take Adam's hand. “Ronan,” he grunts.

Adam's eyes flick upward to meet his. And suddenly - inexplicably - Ronan looks away. He looks away.

Gansey makes a small noise of surprise, but Adam coolly draws his hand back. “Adam,” he says. He look at Gansey, who looks at Ronan, who looks unfeelingly up at the sky. “Are we going?”

Gansey blinks, then nods. “Yes, of course,” he says. He pulls his bag from the car and sets off without glancing back to see if they're following. Ronan follows, and the universe slides back into place.

Except. Adam follows, too, and the universe doesn't fall apart.

But it does tilt slightly, and Ronan hates it more than anything else.

Ronan does not remember having noticed Adam before that day. They are friends now, one could say, because Gansey is friends with them and those are essentially the same thing. Excluding Gansey's influence, however, Ronan refuses to look at Adam.

Except. He already knows the shape of Adam's handwriting. He knows the dip between his eyebrows when he's concentrating, the way he pushes one hand into his back pocket and quirks an eyebrow when he's satisfied with something he's finished.

It seems, then, that Ronan Lynch has been watching Adam Parrish for a long, long time.

“Lynch,” Adam says. “Dropped my pencil.”

Startled, Ronan looks down. “Can't get it on your own?” he growls.

Adam rolls his eyes. “Ronan.” And Ronan picks up the pencil.

When Ronan gives Adam the pencil, their hands brush for half a second. Just half a second, and Ronan feels it everywhere.

Their group expands, again, with Blue. Blue, with her wild hair and fiery eyes. Blue, with the way she enchants Adam.

Adam sees Blue for the first time in the diner, and immediately asks Gansey to talk to her for him. There's a slight blush on his cheeks, and Ronan finds it wildly distracting.

He doesn't care that it only takes days for Adam and Blue to become a thing. He doesn't care that Blue reaches for Adam's hand like it's a reflex. He absolutely doesn't care that Adam looks at Blue like she's the moon sun and stars. He has. No reason to care.

He sneers at Gansey when he asks, tentatively, if something's been wrong with him. Because nothing in him tangles when he sees Adam smile at Blue. Nothing - nothing about this is normal. Not that he is normal in any way, but this is terrible, even for him. He doesn't see Gansey lose his mind whenever he looks at Ronan or Adam. And he sure as hell knows that Adam doesn't.

Adam laughs at something Blue says, and Ronan forces himself to turn away. “Gansey!” Blue calls. Ronan looks up, as if Blue had been calling him, and something in him settles. If nothing else, this is still the same: him and Gansey, brothers, one person.

Gansey raises an eyebrow, and Ronan shrugs in response. Have you found anything? / I'm not the one using all those freaky tools like you.

Blue waves them over. “We've found nothing,” she puffs. “Time to move on?”

Gansey's shoulders slump slightly, but he nods. “Let's,” he agrees. Blue races past Ronan for the front seat, eyes sparkling. Gansey punches Ronan's arm.

“Never thought I'd see the day Ronan Lynch let someone beat him in a race.”

“I didn't want to humiliate the midget too much,” Ronan retorts, and Blue yells back,

“I'm not deaf, idiot!”

Adam grins, elbowing Ronan. “I wouldn't insult her, Lynch. She'll murder you in your sleep.”

“I'm sorry, did I insult your girlfriend?” Ronan scoffs, wrestling Adam to the ground.

“Hey, hey,” Adam gasps, helpless with laughter, rolling onto his side, arms pinned about his head by Ronan's hands, and Ronan grins, all shark teeth and knives.

“Guys!” Blue calls. Gansey's eyes are light and amused, and Blue rolls her eyes at him. “Are we moving on, or you going to keep rolling in the dirt?”

Adam springs up, glancing towards Blue. “I am perfectly innocent here,” he says, setting off towards the car. Ronan watches Adam, his elegant walk and the curve of his hair against his neck, and wonders bitterly what messed up his brain.
Mogus_man Mogus_man loading

jloffen wrote:

Mogus_man wrote:

jloffen wrote:

Hint: this is a well known meme in the game's community.
On the right track, but which chapter?
uhhh i remember it in the spamton sweepstakes
and spamton was introduced in chapter 2 so chapter 2

JTanner2026 wrote:

Mogus_man wrote:

jloffen wrote:

Hint: this is a well known meme in the game's community.
this one is gonna be really hard
Papers, please
papers, please
woh!!1!1! how did yuu guess!?1!?1?

octopuswinslow wrote:

-Telekore- wrote:

Oftentimes I get this glitch on Chrome where I play audio from one tab, but the audio icon shows on a different tab that isn't even playing audio.

Does anyone else experience this?
My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 14541.0.0, Chrome, Flash 32.0 (release 0)
i think this happened to me a few days ago too
Man, chrome be wildin nowadays

starlightsparker wrote:

GlitchedThrough wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

cactus-cacti wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

honestly, the workaround are easier to understand then the actual blocks.
Yes, I understand the workarounds, but I am incredibly confused by the names of these blocks.
Same honestly- it took me a good minute to process what the names mean lol
Well, kids who get into proper programming will have an easier understanding when they move on, right?
I mean, understanding those when they get into proper programming can’t be that hard. Scratch doesn’t need everything that real coding languages use.
I still have difficulties remembering logic gates.
Start then early so they'll remember well
jloffen jloffen loading

Mogus_man wrote:

jloffen wrote:

Hint: this is a well known meme in the game's community.
On the right track, but which chapter?
JTanner2026 JTanner2026 loading

Mogus_man wrote:

jloffen wrote:

Hint: this is a well known meme in the game's community.
this one is gonna be really hard
Papers, please
papers, please

Magudragon wrote:

kingKASEtheGREATalt wrote:

holy thats a good engine, i am a curator in the proposing featured projects studio so ill add yours just because of the quality. but dont continue to ask for your project to be featured as it is against scratches rules
It's not mine, its someone else's BUT assuming you just said the MY part wrong, and you meant ANYONE else's projects also, I won't do this again.
no i thought this was yours, you edited it after i sent that. you can ask for other projects to be featured but just not your own
italvera italvera loading

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:


7.3 Ban “follow for follow” (F4F)
Although many Scratchers do not enjoy seeing follow for follow requests, asking someone to participate in follow for follow is relatively harmless. If someone asks you to do follow for follow, and you do not want to, just politely decline their request. If they keep spamming you with requests, you can use the Report button on their comments.

This idea was rejected because ^^
So adding a limit for follows will:
  • Really harshly limit f4f
  • Stop follow everybody accounts
  • Ban a few users (or at least make then unfollow people) that did nothing wrong.

Follow everybody accounts and just following people has no harm. It may annoy you, but if some random troll is using 9999 accounts to give you a new unread mail record, then just use the REPORT BUTTON!
This aint rejected
Mogus_man Mogus_man loading

jloffen wrote:

Hint: this is a well known meme in the game's community.
this one is gonna be really hard
Papers, please
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

I was thinking of involving the TVA. The script is in early development. I just wanted to get a few animators early in the production so that I'd have them when I needed them.
Oh, okay!

Suggest a Locator here! LocDat consists of two parts; a locator/domain and a value. Essentially, the locator is the domain a website, and the value being the content of the website. If you have any questions, please ask at scratch_hellopizza not peakedpinnacles

When suggesting, please respond in the format:
locator: something, something, something
value: something, something, something

BananaBarb BananaBarb loading

Wedsen wrote:

are any of yall still watching total drama or at least a fan of it in 2024 or is it too late for me
Noo there’s a pretty large community here! Just most of us don’t use forums lol
Rejected as per TOLORS:

Za-Chary wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

1.7 3D Scratch
This block, and others, could be used with a z-axis in the project stage to make it easier to create 3D projects. But, Scratch is a language that is designed to be as easy as possible for beginners to learn. Adding 3D features would make the language more difficult for beginners to understand, and a 3D engine is not exactly the purpose of Scratch. This suggestion also includes the possibility for virtual-reality features in Scratch, or “Scratch VR.” A lot of the same difficulties come up.

For those who are interested, it may be worth checking out Beetle Blocks or CreatiCode. They are block-based programming languages similar to the Scratch editor, but with 3D features. There is another similar program to Scratch that contains block programming with 3D features, called Starlogo TNG. You can also try Alice; it is not exactly like Scratch, but has some similar features.
The Scratch Team would not like to add this due to the above reasons.
PoppyWriter PoppyWriter loading
⇾ Daily #26 (flipped protag/antag) ⚘

I cannot tell him.
I cannot tell them.

Severus had lived his life with loud thoughts. They pounded at his mind, drove him to near insanity only to quiet and later drag him back to the world of the sane just so they could do it all over again.
How would he tell Harry?
How would he tell Dumbledore?
I must.
I must not.
I must choose.

“Choose”. What a nasty, thoughtless word, as though making choices was a simple thing.
Everyone made choices. He had made his. Lily had made hers. His parents had made a choice- a stupid, reckless choice.
Fate had made its choice.
Life had made its choice
He had to make his once more.
Potter was weak, pretentious, everything his father had been. Being the Chosen One made it worse. It made him believe that a grand destiny awaited him at every turn. It made him think himself brave.
He knows nothing of bravery, came the shouted thoughts.
Neither do you, thought Snape, yelling back at his own thoughts. Perhaps he truly was mad. You don't have the courage to tell them the truth.
Would anyone believe him, one so shrouded in mystery? He hid everything. He hid scars behind long black robes. He hid hurt behind poisonous words.
He hid his own lightning scar behind stringy black hair.
He hid his status as the Chosen One behind a child.
The real Chosen One.
Severus was being a coward. He knew that. Only a coward would watch for years as little Potter paraded around, pretending to be so burdened with something so heavy.
Severus would not deny the boy was burdened.
He was burdened with a lie.
He'll be burdened further when he finds out the truth.

⇾ 302 words ⚘

Za-Chary wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

What sort of parody accounts would they be?
Well, I can't be that specific since its supposed to be a surprise, but it would probably be like if someone made “@Za-Cherry” as a parody of your account (obviously I do have permission from everyone that im making a parody account of)
I don't think parody accounts of other Scratchers are allowed. They may be blocked on the grounds of impersonation, regardless of whether you were given permission by those Scratchers, even if you clearly state that you are not actually the Scratcher you are parodying.
Interesting. What if I was to give the scratchers the control of the account (not shared, i'd give it to them and never log on) after I created them?
could you please make a 3d scratch engine that uses blocks so you get the best of both worlds without having to cheat it with the pen block. I think my fellow scratcher's would agree. you could make it a first chamera engine so it won't be hard to program and make the sprites always face toward the camera so you wouldn't need to deal with such a load.
you could make it something like some of the other game engines such as unity or unreal engine and if you don't people will still keep making 3d scratch games like Griffpatch's laser tag. I just think the scratch community would love to try coding in 3d isn't the point of scratch to teach people to code? wouldn't you get the best coding experience from making 3d games instead of 2d indie games.
I'm just trying to say that a lot of people including me love to code with scratch and I feel like it could have such a potential if you could make 3d games. sincerely I think I speak for everyone when I say scratch would be a lot better and enjoyable if it has a 3d option.


TokoWrites TokoWrites loading
Critiquitaire for @Scrollreader023 ~ 334 words
I really like the plot of the story, especially how Lucius interacts with everything around him. To me, Lucius seems power hungry and does not appreciate being underestimated. He also seems hungry for fights or battles, pro bloodshed. While reading this piece, I did not overtly think that Lucius had alexithymia, though once I knew he had alexithymia, I could tell where those pieces of the puzzle were written. Honestly, I feel like there isn’t much about Lucius having alexithymia or having difficulty feeling emotions, other than the fact that it does not mention Lucius feeling guilty about killing any of the elves and the pity he experiences from the dragon. However, I think the story is fine on that matter without the context of Lucius having alexithymia, but if that were a major part of his personality, I think the story needs a bit more details about Lucius not feeling emotions like you could add onto the line:
With a flash of his sword, two elves fell to the ground.”
“Everyone around started screaming, and although they were frightened, Lucius didn’t feel a thing."
Lucius reminds me of Draco Malfoy in a cunning and vengeful way, and I wouldn’t describe him as calm exactly. There are aspects of the story that make Lucius seem as though he’s calm, but reading the story, I feel like he probably has thousands of thoughts rushing around in his head that he's trying to keep hidden. So even when he exhibits his strength in a calm way, it appears to me that he isn’t the calmest. Lucius is definitely violent as seen when he kills two elves, but it is clear that he only wants people to fear and follow him.
There’s not much more I can say, only that I like Lucius as a character, but I think he could use a bit more of a personal twist, like giving his thoughts more characteristics. But overall, I think both the story and Lucius were really well developed.
AcePilot19 AcePilot19 loading
Doomguy should be in Super Smash Brothers. There is not a singular reason why he shouldn't.
TheThreeBoi TheThreeBoi loading

Za-Chary wrote:

If you share a project in incognito mode, where will it appear? If it appears on the user's profile, then people will just know that they are the incognito user.
well maybe a page where it can show the newest projects from incognito users
toad_duzz toad_duzz loading

Malicondi wrote:

toad_duzz wrote:

also I realized how frequent I've been asking you stuff I need to chill it
Don't worry, we're happy to help, you don't have to feed bad about how often you're asking things.

Usually what I do for buttons is this:
when gf clicked
set [clicks v] to (0)

when this sprite clicked
set [clicks v] to ((1) - (clicks))
if <(clicks) = (1)> then
broadcast (armor menu v)
switch costume to (costume 2 v)
broadcast (menu v)
switch costume to (costume 1 v)
and when it's clicked once, it does the first action, and when clicked twice. it does the second, this works for any amount of clicks.
Also, the crosshair sprite is in the way of clicking, so either make it hide until the game starts, or make it so “if touching crosshair and mouse down” instead of when this sprite clicked.

alr I added the armor system to the game finally. does it feel clean? any suggestions?

Edit: also a little nitpick with my game that I've had is whenever you go to the edge of the map and then shoot, the bullets are instantly broken by the “bullet breaker” sprite that is made to delete bullets after reaching the edge to prevent clones from piling up although I am not sure why because the sprite is so thin and the bullets are so small that it just doesn't add up to me how they are even touching the sprite in the first place. And its very annoying, especially when your cornered and you wasted half of your ammo for none of the bullets to shoot dang that was a long yap session i just had there

Edit: another thing, so when you start getting late late game and kill the boss a few times the clone limit comes into play and it comes to a point where you can no longer shoot your guns and then the zombies just stop spawning. Probably nothing I can do about it but it's pretty annoying. What could I implement to fix this?

Dear Scratch Community,

Are you passionate about creativity, innovation, and recognition? If so, I invite you to embark on an exciting journey with me by joining the Scratcher Awards collaboration!

The goal of this collaboration is simple yet profound: to celebrate the remarkable talents and contributions of fellow Scratchers like you. Together, we'll shine a spotlight on the diverse projects, ideas, and skills that make our community thrive.

Here's why you might want to join:

1. **Recognition**: Your hard work deserves acknowledgment! By participating in the Scratcher Awards, you have the opportunity to gain well-deserved recognition for your projects and contributions.

2. **Community Engagement**: Engage with like-minded creators and enthusiasts who share your passion for coding, art, music, storytelling, and more. Collaborating with others not only fosters creativity but also builds a supportive network within the Scratch community.

3. **Inspiration and Learning**: Explore a wide range of projects and styles that may inspire your own creations. Additionally, participating in the Scratcher Awards can provide valuable learning experiences as you observe different techniques and approaches used by fellow Scratchers.

4. **Fun and Celebration**: Let's make this journey enjoyable and celebratory! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to Scratch, everyone is welcome to join in the excitement and share in the joy of creativity.

How do we intend to achieve these goals?

1. **Categories and Nominations**: We'll establish a diverse range of categories to ensure that all types of projects and talents are recognized. Scratchers can nominate their own projects or those of others that they admire.

2. **Community Voting**: Once nominations are collected, the community will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites in each category. This democratic process ensures that the awards truly reflect the preferences and opinions of the Scratch community.

3. **Award Ceremony**: Finally, we'll come together for a virtual award ceremony to announce the winners and celebrate the incredible creativity and talent showcased by Scratchers worldwide.

So, are you ready to be part of something special? Join the Scratcher Awards collaboration today and let's celebrate creativity together!

Looking forward to seeing your amazing projects and contributions! Join here!

Warm regards,
Za-Chary Za-Chary loading
If you share a project in incognito mode, where will it appear? If it appears on the user's profile, then people will just know that they are the incognito user.
Any1 hae a chart for through the fire and flames
Skadoodly Skadoodly loading

3-upMoon wrote:

Cats are, in fact better than dogs
they are both very cute and silly critters
A more proper argument would be the best breed/color of cat/dog

Rottweiler=best dog breed

Black=best kitty color
TheThreeBoi TheThreeBoi loading
so i would like an incognito mode so famous users (like griffpatch) can be in disguise. incognito users can only make comments ❤ and ⭐ projects and share projects (they act like normal projects so mass reporting them will get them taken down) and if u add this this would prob be the dropdown thing

and here is a comment from an incognito user

hope u have a great day
Sman890_UPS Sman890_UPS loading
I need my character to fall off a platform. What it does is it can jump and fall and all, but it has no code that allows it to fall off a platform if it moves side to side. It cannot be “when green flag clicked
not touching platform
change Y by -5”

GlitchedThrough wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

cactus-cacti wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

honestly, the workaround are easier to understand then the actual blocks.
Yes, I understand the workarounds, but I am incredibly confused by the names of these blocks.
Same honestly- it took me a good minute to process what the names mean lol
Well, kids who get into proper programming will have an easier understanding when they move on, right?
I mean, understanding those when they get into proper programming can’t be that hard. Scratch doesn’t need everything that real coding languages use.

Minecraft_Master3964 wrote:

Minecraft_Master3964 wrote:

Minecraft_Master3964 wrote:

I remember a Candy Tycoon Roblox game that I enjoyed… However, I cannot find the URL, because there are so many candy tycoons on Roblox already.
Things that set it apart were:
1. Multiple outfits available (including Gingerbread Man)
2. Donut UFO
3. Squeaky Sword that every player starts with
4. Music playing at random intervals (including Alone by Marshmello)

I am not sure if I should post this here (as it is a Roblox game), but it would be a big help if somebody could find it.
Thank you!
bump leader second time
Can somebody please acknowledge my post? I want to know if anybody is seeing it.
Thank you!
I hope someone acknowledges mine, too.
ebeachhill ebeachhill loading
Hello, I'm looking for bug testers for any movement issue in my newest snapshot of Alex, which has climbing introduced to a platformer aspect.
If you find any errors, please report them to me.
Alex is not mobile friendly, and not laptop friendly. It must be played on something with a separate keyboard and mouse.
Link here.
RayDude5011 RayDude5011 loading
A little bit ago I started a studio where I make peoples random project Ideas because I barely had any myself. So if someone could give me an idea that would be great. Here is a link to my studio:
I made a project where you have to pop the bubbles! Bubble Poppers

jbthepig wrote:

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

EngineerRunner wrote:

KokiKitsune2007 wrote:

I'm pretty sure Larsen is watching this forum. So be careful what you post! And yes, this forum can be seen on the front web, meaning you can probably easily find it.
since when did larsen have a scratch account, and since when would anybody care about what he thinks?
First off, Larsen does not have a Scratch account he might just read off the forums by just clicking the link. Second, you know how Larsen is when people talk bad about him.

You know what, let's just not talk bout it anymore.
Unless you're Larsen, he's probably not reading this

I don't know why he would read this or why we should care.

Idk really know who this Larsen is but I looked up “Wii modding forum” on incognito mode on Google and it was like the 6th result
UltraColing UltraColing loading
Thanks all for the help, but i have been racking my brain on how do to make it even better! Like the counter in Candy clicker by coltroc. Whenever one of his upgrades automate candy, by 10. They dont just skip all the way to there, it just goes by fast like 1,2,3,4…., to 10 in one second! Then 20, and then 30 and so on… You can check how his counter works. like how i am saying. And also, for the letter counter, i would also want it like 100.1k,100.2k, and so on… And also, can I change the letter from m to million, as i can change it from the box where you put your M? Just thinking, about it gives me a headache. Please show me a solution to this.

And thanks for some of the help!!! I will try to use it now!
gplb2718 gplb2718 loading

bowmand117 wrote:

(also i'm a he/him)
you can use they/them when gender is not specified
(off-topic, sorry)
ducky3624 ducky3624 loading

Intelligent684 wrote:

Something more responsive you can try, is this: (For this code, you can hold down movement keys.)
when green flag clicked
if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> then
change y by (10)
if <key [down arrow v] pressed?> then
change y by (-10)

Copy this for left and right (as mineturte said, left is -10x, right is 10x.)

Good, but a bit too complicated
i9xis i9xis loading

cactus-cacti wrote:

This might be already discussed somewhere, sorry!

What are good specs for laptops?
Anything with an i5 10th generation+/AMD Ryzen 5 5500GT+, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, and a 4GB GPU released 2014+ for cheap ones. For more high end ones, i7 12th generation+/AMD Ryzen™ 7 5800X3D, 16/32GB RAM, 512GB+ SSD, and a 6-8GPU GPU released 2019+

In almost all aspects, I would recommend a desktop computer as it's cheaper and can handle more powerful desktop components, anyways, that's my recommendation for a laptop though, not gonna argue about Desktop vs Laptop lol

starlightsparker wrote:

cactus-cacti wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

honestly, the workaround are easier to understand then the actual blocks.
Yes, I understand the workarounds, but I am incredibly confused by the names of these blocks.
Same honestly- it took me a good minute to process what the names mean lol
Well, kids who get into proper programming will have an easier understanding when they move on, right?
Mar 26
Critique for Toko
Word count: 316

As always, I’ll start off with a bit of praise. I like the idea of a department of monsters, sending members off to scare people. It makes it seem more organized and less scary in general. I like how there’s a bit of mystery around Petal in the beginning, and how you don’t get all of the information right off the bat. It makes you more intrigued. The mention of Greek mythology also fits well, what with he names Echidna and Cerberus. I like that little detail that you snuck in there. Also the fact Petal is still afraid of them in surprising but fits well with the story. It isn’t the typical plot that I guessed would be played out.
However, the fact you downplayed Echidna a bit is disappointing. I mean, she’s the mother of all major monsters, but working at a desk for just scaring people from underneath beds? Slightly underwhelming. This piece gives off a Monster’s Inc. vibe, what with Echidna taking care of Petal at the end. Again, Echidna is the mother of monsters. But she adopts a human? I know the piece wouldn’t be right without the happy ending, but it is, as I mentioned, underwhelming. The part about how the father is kind in the letter is also conflicting within the story, but it adds a bit of confusion that may have been on purpose. If so, congrats! It worked.
The letter’s set up got messed up a bit, but that’s just a grammar correction. The memory bit is weird. It says it’s a memory, but she interacts within it to create a changed future? That’s time warping, isn’t it? I also don’t get the Marble Eyes part. That term kind of appears out of nowhere. There is a style where people already know everything and you slowly piece of together, but that isn’t the style that it’s using.

_WOFDOG_ wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

JTanner2026 wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

What if we made a server that is a mix of sts and se? Basically, we could take the bad parts from each one and replace it with good parts from the other. For example, a part of scratch empires I and other people probably don't like is war. We could maybe still have war, but it would have to be decided by both sides. This also means no killing, unless both people want to fight.
I think the reason that SE is lasts so long is because of nations. So what if we add nations to this server too? You couldn't war unless both sides wanted to, but u could combine with other nations.
So basically, this server would be a SE with no wars/killing, or STS with nations.
Maybe it could be called “Scratching the Empires” or something like that

how about that origins mod that was mentioned in the community mc topic?

combine that with the nations and you can just call it scratch origins server (or something)
That sounds awesome!

Too bad I have bedrock
geyser exists for a reason.
Bedrock players can't play mods.
they just said geyser
Edit: looked it up. :0 that's awsome!
and yes, bedrock players CAN use client-side Java plugins/mods, since they mostly involve using GUI menus like chests (factions, for example), or some utilize crouch + right clicking (mcmmo for example)

(also i'm a he/him)
whats geyser?
It’s a crossplay plugin.
There's nothing wrong with the comment. The filter has a few problems where it gives false positives if the end of one word and the start of another create a blacklisted word. I'll try editing this post with your comment to pinpoint what exactly triggers it.

Edit: Seems like the filter doesn't like the phrase “trespass o.n. the other”. Replace that and try posting it. Extra periods added so that I can make this edit.
bungamer07 bungamer07 loading
define without screen refresh
go to x: () y: ()
repeat until <touching color []?> //basically I have a grey line at the bottom of the project so it stops
repeat ()
create a clone of [myself v] :: events
change x by ()
set x to ()
change y by ()
stop [this script v]

//I made a code where every -32 in y the player moves 32 up and sands a signal “up” so the squares move up and a new layer generates. If you run the code manualy it works but when you put it in a "when i recieve " block it breaks (clones go up to the 300 limit and the block is just moving, swiching lanse up and down):

when i receive [ v]
go to x: () y: ()
repeat ()
create a clone of [myself v] :: events
change x by ()
set x to ()
change y by ()
jloffen jloffen loading
Hint: this is a well known meme in the game's community.

Beatmytime wrote:

I am making a game where it's a contest to try and guess the code but I cant find a way to hide what the code is
is there a way to do this and if possible is there I way I can do it without random numbers
when i do that i just put another script over it and it works fine
jloffen jloffen loading

jloffen wrote:

_WOFDOG_ _WOFDOG_ loading

bowmand117 wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

JTanner2026 wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

What if we made a server that is a mix of sts and se? Basically, we could take the bad parts from each one and replace it with good parts from the other. For example, a part of scratch empires I and other people probably don't like is war. We could maybe still have war, but it would have to be decided by both sides. This also means no killing, unless both people want to fight.
I think the reason that SE is lasts so long is because of nations. So what if we add nations to this server too? You couldn't war unless both sides wanted to, but u could combine with other nations.
So basically, this server would be a SE with no wars/killing, or STS with nations.
Maybe it could be called “Scratching the Empires” or something like that

how about that origins mod that was mentioned in the community mc topic?

combine that with the nations and you can just call it scratch origins server (or something)
That sounds awesome!

Too bad I have bedrock
geyser exists for a reason.
Bedrock players can't play mods.
they just said geyser
Edit: looked it up. :0 that's awsome!
and yes, bedrock players CAN use client-side Java plugins/mods, since they mostly involve using GUI menus like chests (factions, for example), or some utilize crouch + right clicking (mcmmo for example)

(also i'm a he/him)
whats geyser?
move a  (My) steps
I'm working on a multiplayer engine and the player items are disappearing on character at a time. The lengths are the same so I dont know why. The project is here:

W1-F1 wrote:

It (as said by @Mryellowdoggy) depends on what you are going to use it for.

I would recommend atleast a 4 core cpu, 8 GB ram and an ssd as a minimum for Windows 11.
Note, 9/10 times, manufacturers will compensate with more cores. Rather, you want at least 4 gigs DDR4 RAM or newer(8 gigs for many tasks), at least a i5 10400(or an AMD 5 5000), at least 128 gigs of storage.
You want a hard drive if you’re going for more storage, an SSD if you want the storage to last.
You really want integrated wifi, which most laptops have, and you want some USB 3.0 support, I’d suggest getting a laptop with ethernet support and that is modular, allowing for easier repairs later on.
Remember, cores aren’t anywhere near as important as generation or design, nor is the amount of RAM more important than the generation of it.
Use whatever OS you wish, I’d suggest Linux with WINE(or a similar alternative, such as Proton for games) or dual booting if you have the knowledge.
Go for a CPU with intimated graphics, as shoving a GPU into a machine with the form factor of a laptop is known for burning anything it touches.

-mage wrote:

Some people like for things to be perfect, or might like for things to be in a straight line. They might end up wasting valuable time trying to align things perfectly, when adding this would easily satisfy that desire.
So I deleted and unfavorited a project and cleared out my trash, but i keep on seeing it in my favorites only when i add projects to studios. Can you fix this bug?
when green flag clicked
ask [Can you fix this bug?] and wait
set instrument to ( clarinet v)
switch costume to [Minty Leafor v]