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ChatGPT wrote:

Greetings! I hope this message reaches a prominent figure within the Scratch community. I run a Pixel Art community and recently encountered a challenge. We have a Pixel art piece that requires coloring, consisting of a staggering 75 sprites. It's quite a lot for just one artwork, isn't it?

Anyway, I had a thought. I need to remix it to incorporate it into another project, but it doesn't seem to seamlessly integrate. I believe it might appear out of place, especially since it's intended for a studio or community setting.

So, here's my proposal: Could we implement a feature where users can right-click to access a menu of options, including ‘delete,’ ‘copy,’ etc., and additionally, an option to ‘send to backpack’? This would greatly streamline the process.

Moreover, I suggest adding a community feature, as I believe ‘studio’ doesn't accurately capture the essence of what we're trying to achieve here.

Thank you for considering my suggestions!

Oh, and to everyone reading this: Keep on Scratching!

I still don’t understand tbh
Are you saying we should be able to put entire projects in backpacks?

AidenTheRandomDude wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

Eh, we should reject this, remixing is just turn-base collaboration anyways.
You’re right.
I disagree but I do think that there could be a feature that makes it so people can not remix you're project as a toggle just like how you can turn off commenting on a certain project or keep commenting on but I don't think the Scratch team would do this.
Ahsoka10 Ahsoka10 loading

BlauHourglass wrote:

moneeman wrote:

negl im kinda glad the hiring was frozen. we already have the equivalent of a decently sized indie game studio
Yeah. The only thing is that half the members are inactive.
Fire them
May I please have a thumbnail/banner for this studio (my club)

I am following the discussion so if “Yes” I will say what I want it to look like.
MineTurte MineTurte loading

bluescreen45 wrote:

I've been trying to find a way to do procedural animation with pen but there are no tutorials.can anyone help me with them? maybe help learning how to use the pen tool
You can make a long list with every preset point and then gradually switch through them and go to each point making the image every time.

Hope this helps a bit!
MineTurte MineTurte loading

Malicondi wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

Lol you guys really wanna make it harder than necessary?
How's pen harder? With most engines the “touching” block is never a option as it's incredibly slow, i'm testing out AABB collision methods right now in a geometry dash like test project on my test account lol, and pen is always fun :)
Fair enough. Also AABB? I though you were talking about AAGS lol.
SteveHv_Em SteveHv_Em loading
Hi there! I'd like to propose this project to be featured! I know it most likely won't be, but thanks for your consideration! Have a blessed day! <3
Here's the link! :
what’s a radiator
EJDZ EJDZ loading
I suggest not doing that. Not sure if it's allowed, but I think it would be decently easy to find your school from that, so it wouldn't be too safe. If you really want to post it, maybe remove anything identifiable and try and check though Google Lens if it's easy to find? Not sure. Also a logo redesign might have been posted by the school online (If they have a website or any social media) so the whole thing doesn't seem like a great idea, but I'm not sure if it would warrant a report. Idk, stay safe.
Malicondi Malicondi loading

MineTurte wrote:

Lol you guys really wanna make it harder than necessary?
How's pen harder? With most engines the “touching” block is never a option as it's incredibly slow, i'm testing out AABB collision methods right now in a geometry dash like test project on my test account lol, and pen is always fun :)
Malicondi Malicondi loading


My vote's on tile-based. Also, I don't think my old engine was a good place to start since it's peppered with random features and specificities we'd likely not use.
Also, should we do this in all pen? It opens doors for better effects, like ones seen in Chrono Trigger (best game ever made) or Super Metroid.
Pen's my specialty, so i can do that quite well. Haven't seen Chrono Trigger, so i'll go check that out later and I'm really experienced in tile-based grid-list scrolling engines, so i can easily make that work.
JBrainMaxed JBrainMaxed loading
I am hosting a profile picture contest, the project has 11 remixes but only 7 show under the “all remixes” catagory. How do I get all 11 to show?
I've been trying to find a way to do procedural animation with pen but there are no tutorials.can anyone help me with them? maybe help learning how to use the pen tool

MineTurte wrote:

Lol tbh idk rn. Everything is quite confusing and not just for me. Only like half of the “staff” have actually replied to this stuff and we don't have a set plan for what we are going to do. I would try and help by making one but rn I'm still UI Designer/General Programmer and Moigam hasn't come back yet so I'm still waiting on my managership request status.

Other than that though I can still help plan since we really don't have an active game idea designer.
Alright, cool. I'll probably not work on the engine right now since i have a lot of school projects due on wednesday I forgot about

Malicondi wrote:

Seeing as we're making a side scrolling rpg, it would be beneficial. I can help, should it be tilebased (like an rpg) or free form?
My vote's on tile-based. Also, I don't think my old engine was a good place to start since it's peppered with random features and specificities we'd likely not use.
Also, should we do this in all pen? It opens doors for better effects, like ones seen in Chrono Trigger (best game ever made) or Super Metroid.

ArgyleE1 wrote:

This is what I’ve got so far. I cut out a bit from the begining cause it’s irrelevant, so some of this might be a bit confusing cause it’s out of context. Let me know what you think. Btw Orion and Magnus are in a bar. This also takes place in Cybertron. Alright, here we go:


Magnus: Took you long enough.

Orion: Sorry I’m late, I was….uh……

Magnus looks at Orion suspiciously.

Orion: …..oh yea! I decided to walk this time, so it took longer than usual.

Magnus: You always walk here.

Magnus: Were you-?

Orion (interrupting Magnus): *sigh* Fine. I was at another protest.

Magnus: I have a feeling you weren’t just standing in the background.

Orion: I was the one leading the protest, so what?!

Magnus: Sooner or later you’re gonna get in some real trouble with the police. You have to be more careful.

Orion: Why worry when my best friend is a captain of the police! You’ll just back me up.

Magnus (slightly irritated): I have a duty, Orion. And that duty is to protect Cybertron and to keep the peace, even if that means arresting you.

Orion sits straight(er) up in his chair and looks off into the distance.

Magnus: Some day, you won’t have me to back you up.

Orion looks back at Magnus and leans onto the table.

Orion: Magnus, please. You’re the only friend I have. I—

Magnus (interrupting Orion): You’re not gonna have any friends if you keep this up, Orion!

Orion: I—

Magnus (angry, interrupting Orion): Good night!

Magnus stands up and walks out of the bar.

Maccadam (bartender): Tough luck, huh.

Orion (irritated): *sigh* Yep.

Maccadam: You know, a lot of people agree with you.

Orion looks over his shoulder to look at Maccadam (his back is facing Maccadam)

Orion: What?

Maccadam: You think the law is wrong. That Cybertronians should be able to choose their place of work. Right?

Orion: ….yea, why?

Maccadam: I’m just saying, more people agree with that cause then you’ll ever know.

Orion: Yea, well why aren’t they doing anything about it?!

Maccadam (speaking while pouring a drink): That’s just the thing. They’re too scared. They don’t wanna get in all that—(Maccadam puts down the liquified Energon canister)—drama.

Maccadam smiles at Orion, then drinks some of the Energon he just poured.

Orion: Then who’s gonna do it? If no one says anything, nothing will change.

Maccadam nudges his head at Orion, then walks to the back of the store.

Orion stares off into the distance, thinking. He smiles, nods to himself, then exits the bar.

Amazing! Can you create a Megatron and orion scene? They are talking to to the cybertronian high council. That scene is when orion is deemed Optimus prime.
Koamodo975 Koamodo975 loading

butterbar19 wrote:

Koamodo975 wrote:

butterbar19 wrote:

I am trying to make a health bar using clones of a sliver, much like seen in this project.
However, I am trying to make a game much like Dark Souls, in which the health bar's maximum capacity can expand and shrink visibly depending on the player's stats.

I've been able to make a block to create the bar, but the biggest problem I've run into is deleting all of the clones to reset the bar. I still can't wrap my head around how to do this, or to make motion in the bar (not completely necessary.)

Does anyone know how to mass delete all of a sprite's clones, or even a better way to create an expandable health bar? (Pen is not an option.)

Thank you!
YES I'VE DONE IT prefer to use pen but booya
You just gotta immediately delete the clones after a ‘wait 0 secs’ block.

This works! Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!
You're welcome! Gave me a bit of practice too, took me a quick sec to figure out
Are you looking for a non-generic game? Tired of all those platformers?
Well, then you've come to the right place! play for a non-generic experience!
ninjannyn ninjannyn loading

yosephmk wrote:

Add a feature where you can make your custom plane and set its stats (can be after a difficult task)
Let's try it!
Here is the link to the project:

You can edit and make the project.
Great idea!
-lCosl- -lCosl- loading

jeffmod12 wrote:

What type of order: a new banner for a studio
Colors: red, black white
Design: something nice
Amount of time (2 weeks min.): any time
Where to notify: my profile.1471743
Any specific member (you can currently only request -lCosl-)?
Are you following the topic?
I finished your order! Please tell me if you'd like me to change anything.
Having a topic is actually complicated (reference to Life is complicated)
also do you guys know about GTA CTW it’s underrated
Sorry if dupe but Ocular is probably broken rn
If I have a GTA topic and an Underrated Mobile Games topic why not Battlefield
I seen BF in scratch but why not in forums
this may not get lots of posts but to me it’s understandable I guess cuz
some BF games are rated PEGI 16 and PEGI 18 (idk) and maybe M for Mature (idk)
anyways just discuss about this EA and DICE game

Idk if you can link BF games but I recommend not
Abide by TIRAP guidelines so no off-topic
Abide by CGs so no inappropriate images
(yes BF has blood and language and ofc real guns so no images of that) or discussion
If you said I haven’t played a Battlefield game
then I will tell you I played Battlefield 3 so I may not know about other BF games
Its just I will research by videos
-sypical -sypical loading

MineTurte wrote:

-sypical wrote:

Hey everyone, I usually make really laggy projects with over 2000 blocks. This makes the editor extremely laggy when I try to run my projects. Prior to the turbowarp update I used to just put my project into turbowarp and run it from there if I wanted to test it. I did this for a long time, until I left Scratch for some time. I came back around 8 months later, so here I am. But now lots of things have changed, including turbowarp, which prevents me from working on my projects without extreme lag. Whenever I run my project in the editor, it becomes close to crashing and everything is off time, making me unable to work on it without turbowarp, which has now blocked unshared projects. What are some workarounds for this?
Not sure how to fix your main problem but I suggest posting this in bugs & glitches/advanced topics if you're looking to get more helpful information lol.

Lmao I havent been on the forums in a big minute I forgot where to post things but hopefully I can get some help here
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───


Hello there, I'm sure you know why your here, but just to be formal, welcome to Bop's medicine cat application! Hopefully you'll find all you need in the following couple of paragraphs, and if you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask them!

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

About me!

Nickname: Ocean
Pronouns: Any

Hey, I’m Ocean! I’m a roleplayer, artist and (occasionally) coder. I started Scratch during Lockdown of 2020, and stayed on that account for a year or two, after losing the password to that account, I moved to a separate one. Then, for personal reasons, I moved again, and here I am! I’ve had this account for just over a year (woohoo!) and started posting art, which to my surprise, people actually liked. I started roleplaying in early November of last year, with Warm Vanilla, the kittypet king (unofficial but he deserves it). I've been writing for much longer than this, always loved creating stories and worlds, I think since I was 3 or 4 years old. I still have a story from back then, about a puppy getting lost after chasing a ball- you should all be glad to know that I've improved my writing skills since then XD. Anyway, that's enough about me, let's get on with this application! ^^

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───


I'd say I'm super active, I log on almost every day, and try and apply to roleplay comments as soon as they pop up in my inbox! I'd say I'm 8-9/10 on the activity scale, and a definite 9 on weekends.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

About Bop

Name: Boppaw
Age: 10 moons
Rank: Apprentice

Simple Personality:
( + ) positive outlook, loyal, trusting, excitable, extroverted
( = ) ambitious, honest, adventurous, confident
( - ) bossy, attention-seeker, short attention span, jumps to conclusions, dislikes being told what to do

Detailed Personality:
Bop is generally positive, and loyal to those she cares about. She's a very trusting individual, though that may have been slightly offset by her recent witnessing of Flamefeast's demise, which is a key point in why she would like to be a medicine cat. She's excitable, and adores being with other cats. She's adventurous and outgoing, with her (now slightly dampened) confidence often shining through. She's incredibly ambitious, striving to be the best, though often falling short. She can be brutally honest, which might help in some situations, especially as a medicine cat, when she is delivering news to patients, though she may be a bit blunt. She's adventurous, if she's feeling energetic, and has no way to release pent up energy, she explores Shadowclan territory (and sometimes past it-). She's rather bossy, and likes to be in charge, she wants everything to go the way she wants it to, which could be vaguely helpful for getting patients to take herbs. She's an attention-seeker, and always wants to be centre stage. Her short attention span could be aggravating to her mentor, as she often drifts off into daydreams if disinterested, but is dedicated if she cares very much about the subject at hand. Bop can sometimes jump to conclusions about things, she immediately thinks of worst-case scenarios, and can panic, though this trait will most likely fade as Bop ages. Related somewhat to her bossy trait, Bop dislikes being told what to do, though she would probably respect Lingonberryhush's wishes, as she would respect him, as a full medicine cat.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Reasons why Bop should be a medicine cat

Why should Bop be a medicine cat? Well, I'm glad you asked! Bop is generally quite energetic, so why would such an out-going she-cat want to stay holed up in the medicine den? At about 4 or 5 moons old, Bop witnessed the execution of Flamefeast, which was rather brutal. This d3ath haunted her for moons, appearing in her nightmares, and causing her to lose some of her previous joy and confidence. She eventually struggled out of this depressive spiral, but she'd hate to see a cat hurt again, with her feeling helpless to aid them. She has come to be quite empathetic too, and though she isn't very intelligent, she'd try her very best to be the best medicine cat she could, if she believed this is how she would come to aid her clan. She has an interest in plants, liking to wear them, like the mushrooms on her tail, and she has a vague knowledge of which plants are poisonous, etc. She isn't the best at hunting or fighting, though she tries, and thinks that this path would be a good way to help her clan, if she can't as a warrior. Her ambition drives her to strive to always be the best version of herself, and would hate to be seen as useless, especially since her she isn't the most adept warrior. She sees how fragile life is, and wants to be one of the ones to preserve it, not to take it away.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Have you had any higher ranked characters before?

I have never had any high-ranks before ^^

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Thank you so much for reading through this! It's been a joy to write, and I'm so grateful to you for hosting this. I wish all the applicants the best, and know that whoever is chosen will be the perfect choice for this role <3

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
-lCosl- -lCosl- loading

dimitri84 wrote:

If you ever find a scratch project called "How to hack scratch accounts! “
I fell for this hack and I know how to fix it

if you have fell for this hack follow the instructions below:

1. copy the token inside the ”get you account back" project that is inside your my stuff folder

2. go into edit this cookie

3. inside edit this cookie and into permissions

4. click on the permissions cookie, delete it and paste the token

5. for safe measure change your password and sign out and back in
Then don't say it if it's there's a chance of hacking.
Barophobia Barophobia loading

bearinachair wrote:

ok so me jayem607 clickanywheretostart or amogus111a and benlogged_again are making a joke show called battle for dyslexia, there is gonna be 6 episodes and the entire joke is the host is dyslexic, he just denies it. the characters are

young sheldon lol

netherite scrap





the host is: lime
Idea: What if you did a debut but the debuter immediately gets eliminated.

Ghxstify2009 wrote:

I already know how to fix your wall jumping issue; the problem is that your script is allowing the player to jump on the platform when touching it in general. I would suggest adding 4 different hitboxes (up, down, left, right) so then you can detect if the (right and left) hitboxes are touching the level, thus removing wall jumping completely. If you would like to include wall jumping soon then simply create a variable such as:
(Wall Jumping: Allowed?)
And set that variable to true when you want to enable wall jumping, and vice versa.

Hope this helps!
ohhh I might get working on the soon
MineTurte MineTurte loading

-sypical wrote:

Hey everyone, I usually make really laggy projects with over 2000 blocks. This makes the editor extremely laggy when I try to run my projects. Prior to the turbowarp update I used to just put my project into turbowarp and run it from there if I wanted to test it. I did this for a long time, until I left Scratch for some time. I came back around 8 months later, so here I am. But now lots of things have changed, including turbowarp, which prevents me from working on my projects without extreme lag. Whenever I run my project in the editor, it becomes close to crashing and everything is off time, making me unable to work on it without turbowarp, which has now blocked unshared projects. What are some workarounds for this?
Not sure how to fix your main problem but I suggest posting this in bugs & glitches/advanced topics if you're looking to get more helpful information lol.

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Votick wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

when {i have been on scratch every day for like several years::#000000} clicked::hat events
play minecraft{
this is a nice blue. a very nice blue.::#594824
}::cap #420690

when {I see that it is not blue} then [oMG pru sead wihh ack shin bellow] ::hat events
I have [diagnosed v] [champion_ofcloud-var v] with [color-blind v] ::#594824
pee myself ::#FFFF00
i diagnose you with not seeing its kinda like the color of jeans::#594824
blue :: #0000ff
-lCosl- -lCosl- loading

BlauHourglass wrote:

moneeman wrote:

negl im kinda glad the hiring was frozen. we already have the equivalent of a decently sized indie game studio
Yeah. The only thing is that half the members are inactive.
Aw man.
I could see this working. We need less people like (saved the moderator time by not naming names, but everybody knows who I'm talking about anyway) hijacking the trending page. I'd say the limit should be two per month though. Ans to clarify, this would be the main categories like all, games, and art etc? I'd assume that if something was in all and another category (like games) it would only count as one, right?

If this is true, I agree with this suggestion. Tired of seeing platformers that are just lazy art strapped onto an engine, probably a remix of the first one and the assets mixed around.
-sypical -sypical loading
Hey everyone, I usually make really laggy projects with over 2000 blocks. This makes the editor extremely laggy when I try to run my projects. Prior to the turbowarp update I used to just put my project into turbowarp and run it from there if I wanted to test it. I did this for a long time, until I left Scratch for some time. I came back around 8 months later, so here I am. But now lots of things have changed, including turbowarp, which prevents me from working on my projects without extreme lag. Whenever I run my project in the editor, it becomes close to crashing and everything is off time, making me unable to work on it without turbowarp, which has now blocked unshared projects. What are some workarounds for this?
-Flimsie- -Flimsie- loading
I'd like to have the outro as my outro and one that is used for all my projects from now on!
I would like to have it a bit like @ItsJustSpidey and @plantskym2

Just take your time!

moneeman wrote:

negl im kinda glad the hiring was frozen. we already have the equivalent of a decently sized indie game studio
Yeah. The only thing is that half the members are inactive.
Life threw a sledgehammer at me and now me head hurts

Elijah999999 wrote:

(I hardly know anything about autism so please correct me if I make a mistake.)

My opinion is that, if somebody really is enough of a troll to harass people because their mind works differently, (and these trolls exist, sadly,) then there is more wrong with them that a simple forum post would fix.
Do not attribute to mental health what could be attributed to malice
dimitri84 dimitri84 loading
If you ever find a scratch project called "How to hack scratch accounts! “
I fell for this hack and I know how to fix it

if you have fell for this hack follow the instructions below:

1. copy the token inside the ”get you account back" project that is inside your my stuff folder

2. go into edit this cookie

3. inside edit this cookie and into permissions

4. click on the permissions cookie, delete it and paste the token

5. for safe measure change your password and sign out and back in
MineTurte MineTurte loading

yosephmk wrote:

whenever I add a project to a studio and refresh the page or leave the studio and come back its gone! how come is it a bug or am i banned from something can someone explain this. but the weird thing is that its only this project (not advertising) and none of my other projects, weird.
Pretty sure it just takes a second to update is all.

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Also whatever song is in this project, probably isn't too hard to identify but so far I haven't had any luck (and the project creator also said that they don't know what it is either lol). It's really quite a shame though because the sound file there has been badly compressed by Scratch, but until I find the original song, it's the only form I can listen to it in
did four shazams, got links to songs that definitely weren't it and one time shazam just turned up nothing.

i hope this song is identified soon though, it's nice to listen to

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

This topic is a duplicate. Please continue discussing here to keep the discussion all in one place.
oh ok
among_us1w2 among_us1w2 loading

MagicCoder330 wrote:

MinecraftPlayer99999 wrote:

that would be useful such as if im doing a collab
This is rejected on account of the person above
why can't you just say my username am i that unconstructive
This topic is a duplicate. Please continue discussing here to keep the discussion all in one place.
I already know how to fix your wall jumping issue; the problem is that your script is allowing the player to jump on the platform when touching it in general. I would suggest adding 4 different hitboxes (up, down, left, right) so then you can detect if the (right and left) hitboxes are touching the level, thus removing wall jumping completely. If you would like to include wall jumping soon then simply create a variable such as:
(Wall Jumping: Allowed?)
And set that variable to true when you want to enable wall jumping, and vice versa.

Hope this helps!
mikegb mikegb loading
Buenos días, tardes y noches,
hoy vengo a proponeros que me busqueis en el buscador de scratch, me llamo Mikegb, y si os gustan mis proyectos( juegos, animaciones…) os propongo que me sigais y entreis en mi proyecto, y si os gusta, darle a seguir, dejad un mensaje de si quereis que os añada y a disfrutad. También podéis seguirme si os gusta la música(sabréis el porqué si veis mi perfil),los animales y spider-man.
Un saludo,
Vuestro amigo y vecino Mikegb.

PokePika__10339__ wrote:

It'd be very neat if you could allow certain users to view unshared projects! You wouldn't be able to edit or anything, just view and comment on the project as if it was shared.

sorry, rejected
see bolded part

TOLORS wrote:

4.1 Disable “See Inside” or restrict sharing
Some users want an option to prevent Scratchers from looking inside their project and using their artwork, scripts, or sounds. However, the core ideas of Scratch are "Imagine, Program, Share.“ By sharing a project on the Scratch website, you are allowing others to see the code and potentially remix or reuse the data inside, as long as they give credit. That being said, please use the Report button on any project that uses content from another Scratcher without giving credit to them. If you do not want other users to see inside your project, then do not share your project on the Scratch website.

Restricting sharing so that only certain users can view the project is also not going to be implemented. It is important for projects to be publicly shared for everyone to see so people can report them if they are inappropriate. Only allowing certain users to view projects could increase the chances of inappropriate projects being shared on the website. “Unlisted projects,” similar to a YouTube feature, will also not be implemented for the same reason; for more information, see this post. It could also be used for private messaging.

RiversSafeZone wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

RiversSafeZone wrote:

I get an amogus vibe though the game has no quotes
No, among us doesn't have a mech you can punch fish with /hint
subnautica (I remember that stress…black screen…)
geoboom geoboom loading
Hello, I'm not that active in Scratch but I have a question and that is, how do I adapt the Z-Clipping code so that it can work on textures

code (Works in TIC-80 with texture artifacts)

-- title:   game title
-- author: game developer, email, etc.
-- desc: short description
-- site: website link
-- license: MIT License (change this to your license of choice)
-- version: 0.1
-- script: lua

-- credits:
-- 3D Z-Clipping and other stuff by: CodingBio link:

local sin=math.sin
local cos=math.cos
local floor=math.floor
local rand=math.random

local screenw=240
local screenh=136

local focal=128

local Camera
local TempTri
local MeshForm

function BOOT()

AddMeshTri(NewMesh,50,2,50,-50,2,50,50,2,-50) --Add a triangle in the NewMesh
AddTriUV(NewMesh,0,0,0,240,240,0) --Add a UV Reference (the texture used is the map) in the NewMesh


function TIC()


for P=1,#NewMesh.MeshForm do
local Point=NewMesh.MeshForm[P]
local Texture=NewMesh.UVs[P]



function AddMeshTri(mesh,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3)

function AddTriUV(mesh,u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3)

function DotProduct(ax,ay,az,bx,by,bz)
return (ax*bx)+(ay*by)+(az*bz)

function DrawTexTri(mesh,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3)
--Set the Mesh Triangle position

--Set the Mesh Triangle rotation



--Set the Mesh Triangle RTC Position (Relative to camera)

--Set the Mesh Triangle RTC Rotation (Relative to camera)


--Project the Mesh Triangle on the screen

if (TempTri.Point1.z > 1)or(TempTri.Point2.z > 1)or(TempTri.Point3.z > 1) then
if (TempTri.Point1.z > 1)and(TempTri.Point2.z > 1)and(TempTri.Point3.z > 1) then
local VisibleVertex={}
local ClippedVertex={}

if TempTri.Point1.z > 1 then
if TempTri.Point2.z > 1 then
if TempTri.Point3.z > 1 then
if #VisibleVertex == 3 then
elseif #VisibleVertex == 6 then


function GetInput()
local MouseX,MouseY=mouse()

if btn(0) then
if btn(1) then

if btn(2) then
if btn(3) then


function Lerp(a,b,t)
return (b-a)*t

function Project(x,y,z)
local PointX=focal*(x/z)
local PointY=focal*(y/z)

return 120+PointX,68+PointY

function RotateX(x,y,z,a)
return x, y*cos(a)-z*sin(a), y*sin(a)+z*cos(a)

function RotateY(x,y,z,a)
return z*sin(a)+x*cos(a), y, z*cos(a)-x*sin(a)

function RotateZ(x,y,z,a)
return x*cos(a)-y*sin(a), x*sin(a)+y*cos(a), z

function SetPoint(pointvar,x,y,z)

function SetScreenPoint(pointvar,x,y)

function ZClipTriCaseA(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3)
local ClipedZ1=((z2-1)/(z2-z1))
local ClipedX1=120+(focal*(x2-((x2-x1)*ClipedZ1)))
local ClipedY1=68+(focal*(y2-((y2-y1)*ClipedZ1)))
local ClipedZ2=((z3-1)/(z3-z1))
local ClipedX2=120+(focal*(x3-((x3-x1)*ClipedZ2)))
local ClipedY2=68+(focal*(y3-((y3-y1)*ClipedZ2)))


function ZClipTriCaseB(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,u1,v1,u2,v2,u3,v3)
local ClipedZ1=((z3-1)/(z3-z1))
local ClipedX1=120+(focal*(x3-((x3-x1)*ClipedZ1)))
local ClipedY1=68+(focal*(y3-((y3-y1)*ClipedZ1)))
local ClipedZ2=((z3-1)/(z3-z2))
local ClipedX2=120+(focal*(x3-((x3-x2)*ClipedZ2)))
local ClipedY2=68+(focal*(y3-((y3-y2)*ClipedZ2)))


eat-sleep-softball wrote:

Put Some Color In That Cat!

When you first make an account on Scratch, you get this boring…… gray…… bleh icon that is very unappealing to the human eye. I suggest that the ST puts some color in the Scratch Cat, making it its usual colors. It would be more attractive.

Cats, and Gobos, and Gigas, oh my!

When you first make a Scratch account, you get this cat. The silhouette of the Scratch Cat. My idea is that when you make an account, you must choose if you want the silhouette of a cat, a nano, a gobo, a giga, a terra, etc. It would put a bit more spice and diversity into Scratch!

These are just ideas. Feel free to give feedback.

While I like this idea, I think we should still keep the original Scratch cat profile. Maybe the profiles could look something like this?

MinecraftPlayer99999 wrote:

that would be useful such as if im doing a collab
This is rejected on account of the person above

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

“Life is complicated.”
me in real life?
MineTurte MineTurte loading


MineTurte wrote:

Y'all aren't we supposed to stick to our roles?

(Talking about how we are thinking of game designs when there is literally a role for that exact thing)

Edit: To be fair our main game designer hasn't been active in awhile- Someone has got to do an activity check *cough cough* moigam *cough*
My bad. Should I still make the side-scroller engine?
Lol tbh idk rn. Everything is quite confusing and not just for me. Only like half of the “staff” have actually replied to this stuff and we don't have a set plan for what we are going to do. I would try and help by making one but rn I'm still UI Designer/General Programmer and Moigam hasn't come back yet so I'm still waiting on my managership request status.

Other than that though I can still help plan since we really don't have an active game idea designer.