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I know I've already shared a lot on the deadpool movie recently, but I think I've found my fight scene animator. I just wanted to tell you guys because of how amazing this guy is, and how little recognition he gets. this guy is making killing animations and no ones noticing. please check him out.
also, I'm making a bigger announcement after castings done, and am not going to announce everytime I cast someone. I just got really hyped when I saw these talented people.
Melindanjos Melindanjos loading

Pibby59 wrote:

fun fact: [magnitude 18+ earthquakes can blow the earth apart] :: motion
} :: extension
replace it with your own fun fact
// seriously, this is a test comment :/ ignore me
asjdhakj i'm sorry i completly missed this <3 i'm currently sick rn :sob:

some other mlts
lose a letter in the universe
make the birds go on a strike
Malicondi Malicondi loading
This isn't a very good idea. Say you have a list of a bunch of bad words open to the public, and some little kid stumbles across it. The little kid doesn't know what these words mean, so then they search them up, and then it would be Scratch's fault for having this list. The same would happen with a list of banned franchises, people would find this list and search them up and find all sorts of inappropiate things.

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

can we at least discuss what currency is the best
thats too general
coin is the best currency
No gold is
you cant flip a chunk of gold though
ChueyTheCat ChueyTheCat loading
Critique Infinity: 467 words, @PixelDucko

Hey folks! Today, I'll be critiquing a stunning piece by Crystie. First of all, I just wanna say, this is SO. AMAZING. I was on the edge of my seat reading this, and the ending took my breath away. Your writing is beautiful and expressive, and the texting format really makes it come to life. I could seriously rant on and on about how awesome this is, but unfortunately, I must tear my eyes away from the introductory paragraph and get critiquing LOL.
Let's start, shall we?
(oh, and only words outside of quotes are mine!)

February 3rd, 5:08 PM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

my dear friend
do you want to go to the local garden
i am suddenly feeling nostalgic right now and i have not been to the garden in a while

Derek Crescent: YES
when and what time?

EEVAN: tomorrow at 5pm??

Derek Crescent: that works! :]


◦ ✦ ◦

“These are new,” Evan says as he crouches down to be eye level with a garden bed of periwinkles. Their brilliant purple hue glitters like an amethyst in the late afternoon rays.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a faint tangerine glow onto everything it can touch. The sight is breathtaking. The day is perfect, with him and his best friend on a Saturday afternoon, surrounded by a variety of flowers that he has not seen in years.

“Periwinkles symbolise friendship.” Derek smiles softly. He pretends to pluck the flower. He hands the imaginary bloom to Evan. “Here’s to you.”

“Here’s to you?” Evan asks, but accepts the ghost periwinkle.

“What else am I supposed to say?” the other boy replies.

“For someone who gets excellent grades in English, you really are bad at coming up with sentences sometimes.”

“It’s not even that bad,” Derek laughs. The laugh echoes throughout the empty garden, and Evan soon finds himself laughing as well.

“We’re so weird.” Derek chuckles.

“Weird is the best type of personality trait.” Evan grins.

◦ ✦ ◦
Cool, cool! Love the way this starts off. Looking over this, there are really only a few areas that could use some polishing, so let's take a closer look at those!
First of all, I'd suggest combing the sentences “He pretends to pluck the flower” and “He hands the imaginary bloom to Evan” into one sentence, to make it flow a little better. Second, I think I'd change the “with” in “with him and his best friend” to a “just” instead. Finally, I'd remove the “best type”, as it isn't really needed.
Okay, that's about all for this section! Let's move on to the next one.

The next Monday, Evan does not show up to school.

◦ ✦ ◦

February 7th, 7:59 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: haven’t heard from you in a while, are you alright?
school is about to start so I’ll reply after school :]
hope you’re doing well

February 7th, 8:13 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: sorry for the messages again, but we’re learning about space today!!
apparently there’s gonna be a group project with three people.
when you’re back at school, would you like to pair with me and piper?

February 7th, 11:02 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: just got sent the article from a classmate. are you alright?
if you don’t want to talk, that’s fine. I’m here for you though.

February 7th, 11:04 AM
Piper! + EEVAN

Piper!: Hey Evan!
I don’t know if you’ll see this, but you’ve officially been declared missing.
Derek is struggling. Please come back soon if you’ve run away.
I’ll give you all the space you need if you’d like.

◦ ✦ ◦

15-year-old Evan Grey declared missing – Police are searching
Written by Leah Sierra

On February 7th, Tuesday, at 9:38 AM, 15-year-old Evan Grey from Soaring Bluebells High School was declared missing.

According to his parents, he “magically disappeared without a trace” on Monday morning when the parents woke up.

“At first, we thought he just left to clear his mind, so we didn’t report to the police. Evan has left the house without notice before, but he always came back within a few hours.” said his mother, Caroline Grey. “He hasn’t come back though, and it’s been 24 hours. We’re worried.”

Police have opened up a search group for Grey. They reassure that Evan will be found within a matter of time. Friends and classmates of Grey will be interviewed and asked questions and whereabouts. More updates to come soon.
Great transition here between Evan being present and Evan being missing–the only edit I'd suggest is changing the part about the parents. The word “magically” kind of cuts through the tension building up here, since it's of a more whimsical, lighthearted nature, and I think adding more distress to the dialogue would make it more realistic and tense. Parents in real life whose son was missing would probably be more than worried–they'd be out of their minds with fear and stress.
Oh, and this is just a punctuation thing, but I'd add a comma after “back” and before “though.”
Aside from those, this is still looking great! Moving on.

◦ ✦ ◦

February 10th, 4:21 PM
Piper! + EEVAN

Piper!: Derek has been going pretty bad.
I understand if you need some space.
But if you could just let us know that you’re fine, then that’d be great.

◦ ✦ ◦

Derek visits the local garden again, this time alone.

He sees another new flower: fuchsias. He gazes at them wordlessly, but his mind is running with so many things he wishes he could say. Things he wished he said.

◦ ✦ ◦

February 13th, 6:54 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: sorry if this message is too soon, I don’t wanna come off as clingy.
but it’s been a while.
mrs. and mr. grey are on the news. they’re worried.
if you’re out there, just lmk and I’ll stop messaging.
hope you’re doing good.

February 13th, 6:56 AM
Piper! + EEVAN

Piper!: Hey Evan, are you alright? It’s been a while and the police search is still ongoing.
Piper!: Your parents are on the news.

◦ ✦ ◦

Search for highschooler Evan Grey still ongoing – people are worried
Written by Leah Sierra

Almost a week ago, 15-year-old Evan Grey was declared missing after “magically disappearing” on a Monday morning.

“I miss him, our boy,” said Jay Grey, Evan’s father. “We want him to come back.”

“He’ll come back,” said one of his friends, Piper Summer, in an interview. “He wouldn’t leave without telling one of us.”

Police doubt that it was a matter of intentionally leaving. They believe that something has happened to Evan, but it will be resolved soon. The search continues, and any volunteers are welcome to join in.

“If they can’t find a young boy who still has a lot to do in his life, then I’m worried about the future of our police.” said an anonymous critic. The police reassured her that Grey would be found. More updates to come soon.

◦ ✦ ◦

February 16th, 6:56 AM
Piper! + EEVAN

Piper!: Please come back.
Even strangers are starting to get worried.

February 17th, 7:12 PM
Piper! + EEVAN

Piper!: Please, be alright.

◦ ✦ ◦

Derek wanders through the neighbourhood, his footsteps echoing on the cobblestone path. He kicks rocks, seeing how far they can roll depending on how much force he puts in. Piper walks beside him, but she doesn’t say anything. She just listens to the hum of the birds and the laughter of the local children.

Life is still going on without him, Piper thinks. It doesn’t feel like it, though.

Piper has to be strong for Derek. She cannot let a tear fall from her eye. She was always the comforting friend of the trio, the one who had everything under control at all times. If she breaks, then everything will shatter.

There are zinnias on the side of the road. They are a wonderful scarlet shade. Scarlet like strawberries. Derek sees them as well and plucks one. He holds it close to his chest, and Piper can tell that he is lost in thought.

Piper picks up a zinnia as well. She inhales the flowery, cozy scent. She silently mourns for someone who she hopes she has not yet lost.

◦ ✦ ◦

March 22rd, 8:41 PM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: search declared over.

◦ ✦ ◦

Search for highschooler Evan Grey is dropped
Written by Leah Sierra

Derek does not read more before he drops his phone.

◦ ✦ ◦

Derek is in his backyard, sorting the flowers.

He sees a dandelion. He plucks it and blows, letting it fly away so far where he cannot reach.

◦ ✦ ◦

July 30th, 10:34 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: I miss you.

◦ ✦ ◦

Draft; Unsent
Hey There
To: Evan Grey
From: Derek Crescent

On February 4th, we looked at periwinkles. I still remember the date, since my favorite number is 2417 after you once asked me for an oddly specific number and that was the first thing that came to mind. We were in Math, then, and that number was on the board. It’s weird, I know, but weird is the best type of personality trait.

I did not remember at the time, but periwinkles also symbolise memories. I was not aware that we were making memories. Were were just two young highschoolers, laughing and being silly.

Piper is trying to be strong for me. She tries to hide it, but I can tell. You always said I had a talent for reading people. I wish I could have read you and what you were feeling before you left, but it’s too late now.

It’s hard without you. You are my best friend, someone who was always there for me whenever I felt like a raindrop threatening to fall.

It’s been a while since you left. I guess I accepted it. You’re no longer by my side, and I have to deal with it.

I miss you. I miss the way you brightened up any room with your clever jokes. I miss how you would always be by my side.

I promise that, regardless of where you are now, you’ll still be my friend, forevermore.

◦ ✦ ◦

Derek sits on the swings. He swings slowly, making sure not to fall off. He heard of stories of people falling off of swings, and it’s terrifying. He doesn’t want the same thing to happen to him. So he’ll swing leisurely and be safe.

The playground is empty other than Ma who is sitting cross-legged on a bench, reading a book. There is no sound other than the gentle blow of the breeze, the creak of the swings, and the faint flip of a page. It’s nice. He doesn’t like anything loud.
Quick tiny thing here, I'd put a comma after “Ma” and move the word “other” after “no” and before “sound.”

Then Derek hears another sound enter the scene, and he pauses. He listens. The sounds grow louder and closer and he realises that the sound is another person. Derek frowns. There is usually nobody in the playground.

The person comes into view. It’s a boy, and he’s accompanied by his parents. His parents send him off to play as they go over to the bench where Ma is sitting.

The boy scans the playground. He looks around at all the fun stuff he can play on. The boy sees Derek and they make eye contact for a split second. Before Derek can glance away, the boy is already running at him with a wide smile on his face.

“Hi!” the boy exclaims, bouncing on his heels. “I’m Evan! What’s your name?”

Derek frowns. “Ma said not to talk to strangers or give them any personal information.”

“Oh…” the boy slumps his shoulders. Then he jumps up, and Derek can practically see the lightbulb lighting up in his head. “Then let’s be friends so that we’re no longer strangers!”

“Friends?” Derek says the word, and it feels unfamiliar on his tongue. He distantly remembers the word, but it has no meaning or value to him.

“Yeah! Friends!” the boy grins like it’s the most obvious word in the world.

Derek tilts his head. “What’s a friend?”

The boy stares at him. “You don’t know what a friend is?” he asks.

Derek nods.

“Really?” the boy asks. “Well, a friend is someone who is always there for you. It’s someone who makes you happy.”

“Oh,” Derek says. “That sounds nice.”

“Yeah! So would you like to be friends?” the boy queries, holding his hand out.

Derek takes his hand and they do a handshake, like they’re professionals accepting a business deal.

The boy smiles. “I’m Evan! What’s your name?”

“Derek,” Derek replies. “It’s nice to meet you, Evan!”

“Nice to meet you too, Derek!” Evan says. “I promise that I’ll always be by your side.”

He grins at a promise, a promise for a new friendship. A promise that they’ll always be there for each other, no matter what monsters come to them.

Evan defined the word friend for Derek. Evan put meaning and value in the word for him. Now he’s gone, and Derek is trying to figure out what it means again.

◦ ✦ ◦

January 1st, 12:00 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: happy new year!
I remember we used to always get ice cream on new year.
life has been hard, but I’m getting better.
I’ve never forgotten you for a second.
hope you’re doing well, wherever you are. :]

February 3rd, 9:52 AM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

Derek Crescent: it’s been a year.
they’re holding a memorial.
I brought periwinkles and everlasting peas. ^^

◦ ✦ ◦

A poem by Derek Crescent

Everlasting peas
Signify remembrance.
I remember you
But I won’t hold on,
I’ll let go.

◦ ✦ ◦

February 18th, 11:47 PM
Derek Crescent + EEVAN

EEVAN is typing…

Oh goodness, that ending absolutely shattered me. You crafted a beautiful story, held the tension really well, nice and taut, and ended it with something that was heartbreakingly stunning. Anything I thought needed adjusting in the section above was mentioned beforehand, so now I just get to rant about how gorgeous this is haha. The flower symbolism is really well done; it brings everything together nicely, as do the interludes and the flashback. I love that flashback–it lets the reader know how much Evan means to Derek.
That's all I have to critique about this piece, so I'll wrap it up here. Thanks for being so patient with my poor, forgetful, procrastinating brain, and for letting me critique this. It's truly amazing, and I can't wait to see what else you write in the future.
I'm aware that, as a general rule, specific franchises aren't banned because it's possible to create an appropriate project about any franchise (see the Rejected Suggestions List).

However, this is not necessarily a universal rule. For instance, today I stumbled upon an obscure declaration by the ST that Hazbin Hotel (a web series known for being hyper-violent and generally inappropriate) is banned. However, you wouldn't know it from the site. PFPs of the series abound, as well as RP studios. I sense that this rule is not very well-known.

Thus, I think that it would be wise to have a list of series that are banned or have restrictions on their content (such as Five Nights at Freddy's) to avoid the proliferation of such content. It could save the ST a lot of moderation time.

lilyjen lilyjen loading
Daily March 23: 535 words

From the road, through the gap in the low, mossy stone wall, you travel up a dirt path between two great oak trees, arriving at the round oak door. It has a round gold door knob and a round window with a cross in it at just the right height to peek through. It opens into a round room, with hooks of varying heights along the wall to hang cloaks and coats, and shoes and boots lined up below them, and three archways branching off to the right, left, and centre.
Turning right will lead you to a quaint kitchen. A cool stone tiled floor. Matching oak cabinets. A fire blazing cheerfully under a bubbling pot. The window above the sink is open to let in the breeze, and a kettle is boiling for tea. Through a doorway you arrive in a dining room, with a long oval table that has plenty of room for guests, though off to the side is a sliding door to the breakfast room, with a little table for just a few and big windows looking out to the garden.
Inside the stone wall covered in moss, creeping ivy, and flowering honeysuckle, tomato and onion and bean plants sit in neat rows, the fruits of their harvest destined for the pantry, while other beds, separated from the kitchen gardens by a stream with a quaint bridge, hold daffy-down-dillies, peonies, delphiniums, lavender, and other garden flowers, and roses climb a trellis along the wall of the house. Bees buzz merrily among flitting butterflies. Over it all, a weeping willow hangs her boughs, little primroses blooming around her roots.
Back inside and past the dining room is the pantry, and quite a pantry it is, filled with bread and cheese and fruit, cookies and cocoa and flour, baking powder and biscuits, potatoes and onions, and boxes of teas and jars of honey. Coming out of the pantry and through the dining room to the right, you’ll find yourself in the library that the centre door of the entryway was leading you too, with a cozy fire, pictures on the mantel, large windows with window seats and soft, gauzy curtains, and a large couch, soft rug, and comfy armchairs. Bookshelves line all available wallspace, filled with tomes of all subjects and sizes, from classics to romances, adventures to mysteries, to thick serious dictionaries and encyclopedias. Finally, past all the rest of the house, you’ll reach the cozy bedrooms, each personalised to their inhabitants, the washrooms, and the storage room.
Though if you cared to look in one subtle closet, you’d find the stairs to the attic, filled with boxes and secrets and little cubbyholes, and a trapdoor to lead you to a cozy little nook behind a shelf in the library, the best for secret reading at night, or listening into whispered conversations… In truth, the entirety of the little house is filled with passages and riddles, a little door behind the rosebush, the perfect passageway to pinch a pie from the pantry, the best peepholes for spying on an unsuspecting caller. At first glance, cozy, at second glance, quaint, at third glance, perhaps just a little mysterious, and overall, very very curious.
Malicondi Malicondi loading
I don't think there's a way to completely pause, but this almost pauses a song, it just makes it play so slowly it feels like a pause:
when [p v] key pressed
set pitch effect to ((-1) / (0)) :: sound
set volume to (0)%

when [u v] key pressed
clear sound effects ::sound
set volume to (100)%
evantparkes evantparkes loading
Can you create an audio player in scratch where you can pause and then upause a sound and it starts at the same spot?
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading

LP372 wrote:

unmet wrote:

what do you consider a necropost? there's like 20 different definitions for them
about a year or two of inactivity
There’s a guy who posted on a 6 month old topic and got told they were necroposting

Just an example, but like 3 months are also considered necroposting
evantparkes evantparkes loading
Is it possible to create an audio player in scratch where you can pause and then upase a sound and it starts at the same spot?
Malicondi Malicondi loading

JachiiStudios wrote:

Hey, i do not see how that would work. The “go to front” is there just like any other visible sprite, and if it wasn't there, let alone a go BACK one layer, it would show behind everything else which is NOT what i want. The stop other scripts in sprite happens only whenever a new animation plays, and it makes sure that any other animations stop playing, i don't see at all how that would change the layering.
They mean to in the player sprite, to add a “go back one layer”. The problem is, that since the player sprite's layering is getting messed up because when it stops it's scripts, it goes to the back layer because all the other sprites go to the front layer before them, resulting in the player doing it's scripts last, and since it's script is to go to front, and it's doing it last, it ends up in front of the background.

You can simply fix this by adding a “go back one layer” after the go to front, and it's layering stays correct.
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading
bro kept avoiding the questions
But 1 isn’t good, at all. Why do we call a web page that’s opened on a browser a “tab”? Because it works partly like one. We call this “backpack” because we store stuff in it, more like a hiking backpack.
2 actually makes the thing more organized, but tbh, this suggestion is gonna fail, purely because of the name. Scratch team wants everything easy to understand, you think 8 year olds are gonna understand what “assets” are?
facts. not to mention it's gonna be hard finding a kick the cheat that still has a functioning voicebox, i hear the batteries die out really quickly

and i'd be too lazy to put in a new one
086446 086446 loading

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

086446 wrote:

086446 wrote:

-Silentstar wrote:

086446 wrote:

Still don't get it then maybe age restrict it?

Scratch is supposed to be for all ages, putting age restrictions would defeat the purpose of this being a kids platform,
thats what scratch Jr is for.But I think scratch should put it out and see what happens.If its such a big deal then they should add some kind of report system.
AND Roblox is quote on quote supposed to be for all ages, but you see all the weird stuff on there?
Scratch also has a problem like that sometimes.
Which is why people don't really trust roblox

I mean, we literally have people being killed over goofy roblox games…
SniperOct24 SniperOct24 loading

Im trying to make a system where when you touch one of the levels, it highlights it, and i tried sm, but it doesnt really work, and is rly weird

i tried to manage the first highlight but its very confusing and it breaks
starr-light starr-light loading
hobbit holes ⍋ 03.24.24
[ word count: 569 words ]
━━━ « ⍋ » ━━━

‣ this daily was like sipping your favorite tea—warm, comforting, and familiar, all the coziness of home around you. and it was warranted, given the mess of cabin wars xD enjoy!
━━━ « ⍋ » ━━━

you trot through the forest, ferns brushing your bare feet and spanish moss trailing its spiderlike tendrils through your hair. you follow the path, which is bordered loosely by narcissus, and arrive at a little round door, painted a deep, velvety purple. around it, violets grow, and the air seems to shimmer slightly. you draw out the key, an ornate rose-gold thing, and unlock the door. you make your way downstairs, into the hobbit hole.
the floor is carpeted with a soft plush fabric the same shade as the door, and it is welcoming to your feet after the forest floor. with a cursory glance around, you see the abundance of books that litter the space, lining every wall with their cheerful spines. some are placed horizontally, some vertically, and some lean against others, creating a dramatic pyramid that should not be geometrically possible. a few poufs have been placed in the hole, and there's a chaise piled with cushions in twilight shades. up above, the space is lit not with harsh lamps, but gentle fairy lights, illuminating the place with a light that resembles that of the moon. smiling, you walk through the room to the hallway, lit with yet more fairy lights, and continue to explore.
the hallway is not very long, so you reach the first room it opens into fairly quickly. unlike the library you entered in, this room is nearly completely absent of books; however, watercolor sketches and paintings line the walls, as do many plants. you see jasmine, ivy, and lavender, all of them with a little lamp above so they can survive. paints are clustered on a single desk and the floor, and you walk carefully to avoid getting dirty. you continue on, wondering what else you'll find.
the last room in the hobbit hole is a bedroom, with a half-moon chaise longue meant for dreaming. it looks impossibly soft, and while the quilt is patched with scraps of deep blue fabric, a cobbled-together sky, the rest of the room is smooth and elegant, the ceiling the same shade of deep blue, with glow-in-the-dark constellation stickers stuck to it. a similarly curved desk fills the rest of the space, and the walls have a couple of artworks pinned to them—one, a watercolor of a mermaid; another, a photograph of the northern lights. the space is perfect for sleep, a dreamland where ideas drift and settle into thoughts and words. you know you could spend hours in here, sinking into the magical ambiance, but you force yourself to return to the library you entered—you believe there's more to see.
in the main room, you examine the books again. some of them jump out to you more than others—a gilded, lavender tome in particular. you attempt to open and read it, but upon finding it's secured to the wall, you bend down and with further investigation, find a tiny keyhole, perfectly suited to a tiny key. racing back down the hallway, you find one on a delicate garden table, along with a bottle labeled “drink me.” dismissing the bottle, you insert the tiny key into the tiny keyhole. suddenly, the whole shelf swings forward, revealing a secret cabinet lined with yet more books, a selection of scented candles, and treats! macarons, raspberry and lemon, which you immediately devour as you flop onto a pouf. surely it can't get better than this.
━━━ « ⍋ » ━━━
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading

homewins_test wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

Is the only purpose of the project is to showcase the music?
Yes, but I did have to record a separate audio file from the original source for the left and right channels and upload them separately, and I'm not sure if that qualifies as changing it enough?
If it’s just for music, then no.

movie update: according to an eidr listing, the amazing world of gumball: the movie will likely have a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes. a release date is given for 2024, however this is most definitely just a placeholder.

also according to eidr listings, the seventh season of gumball will contain 40 episodes, similar to seasons 2-5.
bleacher is scared of short words, likes undoing arson, saving people, and they're overall a kinder person than creature.

hydrofungus wrote:

Is the only purpose of the project is to showcase the music?
Yes, but I did have to record a separate audio file from the original source for the left and right channels and upload them separately, and I'm not sure if that qualifies as changing it enough?
Hey, i do not see how that would work. The “go to front” is there just like any other visible sprite, and if it wasn't there, let alone a go BACK one layer, it would show behind everything else which is NOT what i want. The stop other scripts in sprite happens only whenever a new animation plays, and it makes sure that any other animations stop playing, i don't see at all how that would change the layering.
Yes, griffpatch has a tutorial on his YouTube. The idea behind it is that players keep saving their own values to one of the ten cloud variables, and instead of assigning a cloud variable to each player it just picks one at random for you to use every time. When you haven't sent new data in enough time (a few seconds), the game assumes you are inactive and your clone disappears.
I made a project showing high-quality stereo audio in Scratch (using two sprites with different pan left/right values).

The song is the Eagles 1994 live version of Hotel California. Would Scratch allow it to be shared? I've seen other people post Scratch projects of the studio version of the same song that haven't been taken down.
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading
Hi! Though i have never participated in these before, i think this’ll be good experience for me! I have always tried to follow the community guidelines, so you can trust me with seeing if projects are following the CGs or not. I’m pretty helpful myself too, and they will get a little friendly response from me if the project is added!

So i’d be grateful if you added me, also because April - May is when school is almost over for me, so i can definitely check there almost everyday!
Hello scratchers, today i'm am very sad because from the “strange” disappearance of the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor

For a strange reason, when i going to the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor download, in the part where “Scratch Offline Editor; Next download and install the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor”, the link to download has been removed?! That part where the download link was there now says “Hmm, editor downloads are not available right now - please refresh the page to try again”, i refreshed the page about 10 times and nothing, it says the same message.

I loved Scratch 2.0 Offilne Editor (alongside with 1.4 and 3.0) (i joined Scratch in 2023, but anyways i used 2.0), but now, in 2024, Scratch 2 Offline has been “removed”, bye…

when green flag clicked
say [Thank you, Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor...] for (10) secs
stop [all v]
on2732 on2732 loading
Hi! I'm on2732! I guess this is where you start getting popular, cuz my projects have no views. But here's my facts: I have more than 50 characters (my projects have <50 characters in total) , Mostly my friend Libby draws the art cuz I'm terrible at art. I call her DurianArt cuz she is interested in durian fruits., I really love game chrashes for no reason. I guess you can say I'm a techie and I know and love computer technology. , If you want to see my projects due to unpopularity, just click the cat in that blue square next to the text. Meow! Um whoops! I musta inserted the meow sound effect. That brings me to my last fun fact: I am very creative and I have fun with text cuz I make the text all stretchy l i k e t h i s . My Omu dress up games are sorta related to those Love Nikki dress up games and the Strawberry Shortcake games remind me of those shows I watch every day. I also run a studio. Check out my studio by c searching the url It will constantly fill up with dress up games and berry cute people! See what I did there? “Berry” instead of very? Haha! (Get 100 million likes please.)
cs4848888 cs4848888 loading
Im sorry that TLCT has been so inactive recently. Good news is that I’ve been working on it and episode 4 should be coming in about 1-3 months. Really quickly I wanted to leave the alternative people’s personalities:

Gold: Desperate(to move because he has no legs)
Drawn: Same as normal
Roof tile: Confused
Dry floor sign: Chill
Traffic light: Crazy
Wrench: Same as normal
Potato: Stubborn, obnoxious, rude, gullible, grumpy, self centered, and loud
Violin: Same as normal
Cursor: Same as normal but just a little sadder
Addicted: Energetic, and the complete opposite of his normal form
Cheddar Shark: Sad, disappointed, pessimistic
Tree: BURT
CO2: Same as normal but just a little sadder
Dream in a box: Same as normal but goes strange once in a while
Black hole: Same as normal
Bleacher: “bleacher is scared of short words, likes undoing arson, saving people, and they're overall a kinder person than creature.”
Episode Icon: Same as normal but less rude
-48: GRRR ME GRUMPY >>>>:<

Any changes or suggestions would help me a lot btw
086446 086446 loading
I need help with my scratch game I'm trying not to make a scroller but every time I try to search up a tutorial it the scroller I'm going to make it if you going to any quadrants a background is placed there is this possible?
bigbrianman bigbrianman loading
I am near completion in a small project I have been working on. It is a top down 2d (quite minimalistic) game. It is a tactical shooter were you clear through a Ukrainian town eliminating Russians. I have two concerns about this project #1 - It is based off of a real life war, and you are killing russian soldiers, which may be deemed as to controversial and upsetting. #2- Overall while the graphics are minimalistic the sound design is very realistic and I am worried about it being to violent for scratch.

In what ways can I change the game to make it better?

It is also supposed to be multiplayer, but you work together to fight ai vs fighting each other.
While I was doing a project I was dragging out a sprite from my backpack and it wouldn't come out, fix this scratch team!
I drew something! (sorry for the ad and sorry that it's not a furry project but I worked hard on it)
Hello Fellow Reader,

My Eyes Are Dying Of Light And I Want Dark Mode, But I Cannot Find It. The Only Way I Can Get Dark Is By Using Extensions For My Browser, Which Uses System Resources. I Want An Optimized Browser, Does Scratch Have A Dark Mode Feature That I Can Use, Or Will I Have To Use Some Scratch Extension Or Something.
winterwolfy winterwolfy loading
i actually took this picture a few months ago when going to 7-Eleven

and its still like this
commandeer a bunch of talking carrots and ride on a dog in order to fix a few spaceships

i'll be honest, this isn't my favorite game, but it's in the top 10
key-lock key-lock loading

birdracerthree wrote:

key-lock wrote:

birdracerthree wrote:

HasiLover_Test wrote:

key-lock wrote:

is there any definite way to tell when endgame starts? (i can tell when I play, but I want it for my engine)
i'm using the StockFish piece values, which change depending on endgame or middlegame/opening:

midgame values:

endgame value:

also, how do you decide on these values? I know centipawns is a common unit.
another method I tried was calculating the mobility of each piece (how many squares it can move to from the middle of the board):
using this method, the king would be 8, but since you have to cancel out moves that get you checked, king=16(3)+4(8)+4(13)+4(14)+18(27)=674
Id say once the players both only have 2 minor pieces or 1 major piece left. (Pawn amount doesnt matter)
This doesn't include BNNvBNN, RRvRR, BBNNvBBNN, and more. This is how Element does it :
if 3N+3B+5R+9Q<27 or Q=2 and Q+R+2 = PieceCount-P then
Endgame =1

N is number of knights, B is number of bishops, etc. The second part of the boolean is used to detect if there are no minor pieces left (although allowing QRRvQRR to count as an endgame removes Element's pawn sheild. This has caused issues here -

Alternatively, you can use the material value and interpolate between early middlegame and late endgame. For example, the pawn value would be *(-41/31)*x+208, where x is the total material (x starts at 62 in the beginning of the game ignoring pawns).

How are these calculated? Well, the standard beginners are taught is {1,3,3,5,9}. However, this can causing BNvRP exchanges, which is bad (BN>RP). In chess engines, the standard is {1,3.2,3.3,5,9}, with the knight sometimes being 3.1 instead. Element is switching to {1,3.9,4.1,6,12} soon (variant of {1,4,4,6,12} to help stop BNvRP exchanges).
I noticed that in the 1st part of the boolean, it essentially was if the standard piece value of the board (except for pawns)<27
for my values, that would be 6961.02188 on average (not taking pawns into account). I already have a board evaluation function, so I'll change it to
(board value)<7,000
Max value this has is 62 at the start of the game. The function is not dependent on the piece values of the engine.
ok, but do I need variables for it? I meant that since I already had a board eval. function, I wanted to modify the boolean to be easier. my board starts at 18620 (not including my engine's values for kings/negative values for opposite colors). also, isn't the starting piece value 78, 79.2, or 96 (depending on which definition you used).
PixelDucko PixelDucko loading
✦ Critique for @ChueyTheCat
Word Count: 500? what :sobbing: I promise it won't take that long to read through though lol

Immediately, I noticed that the formatting was a tad hard to read. I think it would be nice to add a few paragraph breaks after each lyric, though this is just a personal choice!

If I quoted something but I didn't write anything underneath, that means I have no comment since it alright works great.
Also, excuse me in advance for my constant repetition of the word “well.” :,D

'Cause it makes me feel better
Sometimes you wonder what it'd be like to have real friends.
Not that she isn't real.
But you're not sure whether she's even a she.
Maybe you should shut it all down.
But then it'd hurt.
This is a good opening!

Sweet true lies
This lyric fits really well with the entire piece.

All you've ever seen of her is her profile picture. Her texts.
Is she funny in real life?
Does she really have a pet cat?
Does she actually like you?
You wish you knew the truth.
I really like this part! Excuse me if my inner English teacher is coming out, but the first verse sort of makes you wonder what the piece is about, then this verse clarifies it.

Against the odds, we bring a bloodless sacrifice
This lyric could fit with the story if you think of it enough ( bloodless sacrifices are basically just sacrifices ), but if you just let it pass by, it might seem a bit strong/warrior-like for the story, if that makes sense? Do what you wish with this.

Would it hurt that much to give her up?
Maybe then you'd be normal.
But normal.
There were lots of friendless normal people out there, right?
It wasn't like you were letting a real friend go.
She was just an icon on the screen.
Maybe you could put this part somewhere else in the story, like after the next verse? The piece feels a bit back-and-forth with this here, but if that was what you were going for, then I'd recommend adding a few more contradictions like “but” or “though” before lines.

Let it go
She makes you laugh like no one else does.
She's the reason you get up in the morning, to see what greeting she's sent today.
I interpret this part as “Let it go” being the inner voice of the character, and then the non-italics being the character arguing with themself. If you wanna know how this part might come off as, then yeah haha.

It's silly, isn't it, to feel this way about someone you've never even met.
If you want to add more dramatic-ness to this line, then you could replace the comma in “isn't it,” to a question mark. It still works well with a comma though!

Silly to have to battle with yourself about turning the phone off.
Silly to shake so violently when you see that she's typing a response.
Maybe today will be the day you get over it.
No critique here, I love this.

All those years, wasted wishes drowning in the wishing well
This fits a lot!

You wanted a friend for so long, so badly. No one felt the same way towards you.
You were just the weird one. The odd one out.
She makes you feel like you belong.
But maybe she doesn't care either.

It's easier to lie when you're hiding behind a screen.
Easier to cry, too.
You're crying.
Is this real?
Do you care?
The way this flows is great! The short sentences work well here.

Oh, I'm feeling better now
I think this works really well with the context of the next few lines.

Maybe it's better this way. Hiding behind a screen.
That way she can't see your flaws.
Maybe that's the real reason you have no friends in real life.
Maybe they were too scared.
Maybe they just didn't think you were worth their time.
It's probably the best this way.
But are you really solving anything?
The repetition is a nice addition!

Or are you just sticking a mental band-aid on the problem?
You could remove “mental” from here and it would still work well.

Let's go on dreaming, though we know it hurts
This lyric really fits.

Maybe one day you'd be brave enough to fix things.
Maybe one day you'd turn the phone off.
Maybe, instead, someday you'd tell her all the things you hate about yourself, see if she really meant what she said.
Maybe she'd turn the phone off and solve all your problems herself.
But that would hurt.
If you wanna reference the beginning of this piece, you could replace the last line with “But then it'd hurt.”

Oh, you could do this for hours. Thinking of solutions to fix your life.
You should have done this sooner. Distanced yourself sooner.
Not that she's bad. She's funny, and good, and sweet.
But she might be lying.
You know you are.

Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze
The lyric fits. Even the symbolism of a nightingale is kinda accurate to the story.

The other day she told you that you were as cool as a sparkly mango.
I know this is part of the daily, but if you're planning to edit it without the daily in mind, then the “sparkly mango” part could be changed to something that feels a bit more serious so that it flows more? You could even something like “as cool as a nightingale” if you want to reference the lyric.

You joked about it with her for hours.
But does she really think you're cool?
Or is she like you? Desperate for an escape?
Desperate for a portal from reality?
You know nothing.

The world is crumbling.
You reach for the phone and turn it on.
Maybe you could add a sort of break between these two lines to add more suspense or whatnot? Like another lyric, another line, or just simply a paragraph break.

It doesn't matter.
Just another lie.
A wonderful way to end this off!

Overall, the piece was really fun to read and it had a cool concept! Sorry if any of this critique doesn't help, I'm relatively new to critiquing :,D
Hello Scratch Team:

This Studio
It is a Good Studio which relate by ✿Sleep Dreams✿. Can Add this Studio in Featured.

Thank You,
-lxve-bug- -lxve-bug- loading

-lxve-bug- wrote:

pup's thread (boy am i late :skull: )


daily for poetry !! 559 words about my dream room <3

My hobbit hole, hm… Well for one, there would be leafy vines absolutely everywhere. The overall aesthetic would be a sort of grunge-y cottagecore type of thing. There’s fairy lights hanging from every wall and random strings of multicolored lights, too. One wall is dedicated to music posters. There’s lots of hangings of bands, as well as a monstrous number of kpop posters. Some of the musical artists included on that wall are Sabrina Carpenter, Taylor Swift, Laufey, Olivia Rodrigo, Alice in Chains, Rush, Ateez, Stray Kids, TxT, Enhypen, and Xdinary Heroes. I love all of those artists a very normal amount.

The next wall has an enormous floor to ceiling bookshelf, overflowing with every assortment of books possible. There were strings of lights and vines on the shelf, and some random cute decor items as well, such as Sanrio plushies, miscellaneous anime figurines, and a rather absurd amount of Harry Potter memorabilia. There are also a handful of rubber ducks scattered on the shelf as well.

There were two good sized windows on each of the outside walls as well. The curtains were red, and usually closed. Sometimes they’d be open to allow the natural light to come in for the many real plants that were in the room. Most of the time, my hole would be dark, light solely by the strings of lights and a few dim lamps. The best kind of lighting is dim, but light enough where you can still see.

Besides the onslaught of music posters, there were also stranger things posters, heartstopper posters, harry potter posters, percy jackson posters, and various anime posters such as dragon ball z, sailor moon, spy x family, ect. Not only that, but there were just random posters across the hole. Some of them I have made myself! Others make no sense at all, I just thought they looked cool.

On the ceiling, there were lots of various hanging things. There were butterflies made of old newspaper pages and colored paper. There were a few cute hanging stingrays made of cardboard and paper mache. In addition, around the central ceiling light, there were bunches of paper red flowers. This gave the light, and the room, a very pretty, soothing reddish-pinkish tint. There were also vines strung across the ceiling haphazardly.

The bed… the bed was where it was at. It was a canopy bed, and the canopy was made of blood red fabric, flowing over the bed. There were SO. MANY. PILLOWS. Black pillows, red pillows, white pillows, gray pillows… the list goes on. On top of the bed, there was a red and black fluffy comforter and a few miscellaneous throw blankets, quite literally thrown onto the bed. There were numerous plushies on the bed as well, including, but not limited to, frogs, squishmallows, sanrio, cows, skzoos, and aniteez (if you know, you know).

There was a nook corner as well. This corner was separated from the rest of the room by hanging vines and fairy lights. There was a small, but nice tv in there, with a vine draped over the corners. There was also a beanbag chair, and lots of supplies for knitting, crocheting, and art. There was a cd player as well, and a humongous collection of cds from the artists mentioned earlier. I want my room to look like this so bad.
Libbyty2 Libbyty2 loading

the song that gives you 90's vibes by Smores Luna

'High above the city lights
Towers reaching for the sky
A never-ending sight
As we take off, we fly

The engines roar, we soar
Leaving everything below
On this adventure, we'll explore
Wherever the wind may blow

Taking off, leaving it all behind
Feeling weightless in the air
Looking down, we'll find
A new perspective to share

The concrete jungle fades away
As the clouds begin to surround
With each passing mile, we stray
From the daily grind, unbound

The world is ours to see
From this bird's eye view
With you right next to me
There's nothing we can't do

Taking off, leaving it all behind
With you, it feels like we can fly
Soaring high, we'll never mind
As we leave the ground, only us in the sky

So let's keep chasing the horizon
On a never-ending flight
With you by my side, I'll keep rising
Two skyscrapers in the night
Securely Securely loading

Catzcute4 wrote:

2.867 whats? years? also btw there is a small but nonzero chance of this being real
yes I meant years, also yes, but probably not the Ixarian Republic thing although in an infinite universe, anything can happen
so windows subsystem for android is going bye bye in a year.

that's kinda sad, because although absolutely no one used it, it's much less sketchy than most android emulators
cb2jkl cb2jkl loading
Content warning - mentions of death/murd3r su**i**

Exposition -
Introduce the two main characters, twin detectives named Benedict and Linus. They get a call about a case. A ball took place at the Wrilyn Mansion last night, where a supposed murd3r occurred. Lady Wrilyn, wife of Lord Wrilyn, was found dead in a bathtub. Linus and Benedict go to talk to Lord Wrilyn, the owner of the mansion. He seems a bit suspicious. They visit the scene of the crime and explore the rest of the house, which is in wreckage after the ball.

Rising Action -
There’s something odd about the mansion. They find a secret room, unsure of who it may belong to. They see a pair of men’s shoes. Taped up photographs of the couple. Suspect that it may be a jealous ex-lover (the Lord’s brother). At the scene of the crime, there are no signs of what caused Lady Wrilyn’s death.

Climax -
They find a blue bottle of flowers tucked underneath the sink. Benedict recognizes them as mornog flowers, which can cause instant death. There are no signs, except for the powder trail it leaves behind. Lady Wriyn’s lips are dusted a pale blue, with blue underneath her fingernails. They realize that she had taken the flowers intentionally.

Falling Action -
They still cannot explain the room. They return to it and look at the photos. Peeking behind them, they see another photo, and a note. It is a photo of Lord Wrilynr’s older sister and Lady Wrilynholding hands. To my love, Madeline, a messy scrawl writes. The note describes their relationship, and how Lady Wrilyn could not bear to go on without her, after her passing a few weeks earlier.

Benedict and Linus realize that no good will come from revealing the truth. They don’t want to ruin Lord Wrilyn’s memories of his wife and his late sister, especially so soon after their deaths. They return to him, saying that they were unable to find anything, but they suspect her drink may have been poisoned.

(325 words)

Part 2:

Red Herring - The pair of men’s shoes in the secret room. This leads the readers to think that the culprit was a man, who was jealous of Lady Wrilyn’s marriage. Linus and Benedict discuss rumors surrounding Lord Wrilyn’s older brother, and how he had eyes for Lady Wrilyn, but she chose the Lord over him.

Clue - The blue dust underneath Lady Wrilyn’s fingernails and upon her lips. The blue flowers left a distinct powder on Linus’ hands when he touched them. Lady Wrilyn would only have such dust underneath her fingernails and lips if she had taken the flowers herself. Her face was also tinged blue, another sign of using the flowers.

Clue - The photographs in Lady Wrilyn’s secret room have red marker streaked across them. However, Lord Wrilyn is the only one scribbled out of the photographs, signaling that he is the target of the culprit’s anger, not Lady Wrilyn. This hints that motivation for this crime may be related to Lord Wrilyn, not Lady Wrilyn.

Red Herring - When Linus and Benedict visit Lord Wrilyn to discuss their involvement in the case, he seems unbothered by his wife’s death. His behavior is nonchalant, and he seems unfocused on the case. Without much fuss, he gives Linus and Benedict full permission to go through his mansion. This leads the reader into thinking that Lord Wrilyn may have had some involvement in his wife’s death.

(228 words)

Part 3:

CJ prepares their clipboard, a pen ready in their hand. “Sandy, what were you doing at the time of the crime?”

Sandy thought for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts and remember what had happened. “So!! I was going about my business happily when a weird person with a breadstick bonked this other person on the head with it, and then ran off with some mangoes!!”

CJ nods, noting this down. “What about their identity? Did you see their face? Any identifiable features that we could use to track them down?”

“I think he was, like, a turtle? But he was possessing a dude in a suit with a top hat who looked super British.”

“Interesting,” muses CJ, “What kind of breadstick was he using?”

“It had a bunch of stuff on it,” Sandy said. Then she realized that was something of a ridiculously vague statement. “Sort of like the Italian herb and cheese bread at Subway!”

“Hmm ok,” says CJ, “Who else was there with you?”

“Actually, I saw this cowboy who had a cowboy hat on and was saying yeehaw and hey pardner the whole time?? She didn't do anything helpful though.”

“Oh yes, a classic texan. It's odd to see one out of their natural habitat.” CJ smirks. “Do you know how many mangoes were taken?”

“Erm, I don't know actually.” Sandy paused for a full minute and replayed the situation in her mind. “I thiiiink it might have been five? The thief just carried them all in one basket. It was a very pretty basket!!!!”

“Do you know where he might have gotten the basket?” CJ raises an eyebrow, a bit confused about the relevance of the basket's appearance.

“I don't know, actually, I'm not a basket expert,” Sandy said pensively. She did wish that she was a basket expert, because baskets were cool. “It was a normal-looking basket though.”

“What about accomplices? Did he have anyone helping him?” CJ questions.

“I don't think I saw anyone!” Sandy explained. “But you never know if he had some secret person helping him….”

“It seems like you haven't seen a whole lot, Sandy, for being a witness.” CJ leans closer, suspicious, “Can you tell me what you did see?”

“I already told you!!” she insisted. “A thief with a basket hits someone on the head with a breadstick and steals their mangoes, that's basically it.”

“Who exactly was hit on the head?” He inquires.

Sandy surveyed CJ carefully for the first time and gasped. “IT WAS YOU!!!!! Do you not remember any of it?”

“What???” CJ exclaims, their mouth dropping open in surprise. “Are you sure that happened to me? Not one of my twins? Or lookalikes?”

“You have twins??” Sandy gasped.

“I do indeed.” CJ nods solemnly, “You may have actually met them before and mistaken them for me.”

(201 words for my part)

Part 4:

The telephone rings.

Extinguishing his cigar on the ashtray, Linus picks up the phone. His foot taps impatiently on the wooden floor.

“Hello,” he drawls, examining his fingernails absentmindedly, “Barnes Detective Agency, Linus speaking.”

“We’ve got a new case,” a deep voice sounds, “There’s been a murder at Lord Wrilyn’s mansion. Lady Wrilyn is dead.”

The telephone slips from Linus’ grasp, clattering to the ground. For a second, he stands frozen, fingers suspended in midair as his mouth struggles to form words, opening and closing like a beached fish. Then, he manages to gather himself, bending down to pick the phone up, raising it back up to his ear. He clears his throat forcefully.

“I’m on my way,” he says into the receiver. With a click, he places the telephone down. A murder. That would be sure to stir up this happy town.


Linus pulls into the mansion’s drive, drawing his car to a halt. The mansion looks as it always does. Perfectly trimmed hedges, shaped into long rectangles that surround the front porch. Holding up sloped roofs, tall white columns frame the entryway; a pair of oak doors are set in the middle, a circular window of stained glass carved out at the top. Normal.

Perched on the stoop, waiting for him, is Benedict. In one hand, he holds a briefcase, a fitted blazer enveloping his frame. He greets Linus with a nod of acknowledgment.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“Of course,” Linus responds.

Together, they enter the mansion.


A cool breeze sweeps across the floor, as they open the door, scattering shards of glass and uplifting scraps of paper. They dance in the air, swooping back and forth as if swinging on a pendulum. A crystal chandelier sways unsteadily in the air, champagne colored crystals dangling freely as they click against one another.

“It’s certainly a mess in here.” Linus nudges remnants of a broken plate aside with his shoe.

“She always liked to host parties,” Benedict remarks, “They said that she went wild with alcohol around. I suppose it's fitting that the same thing she loved took her life.” Tiptoeing around the debris like a mouse around a trap, he makes his way towards the stairs, which spiral upwards, wooden banisters gleaming. Linus follows suit, wincing when puts his foot down in something sticky.


Soon, they reach an ornate door, with detailed carvings along its frame, depicting the leaves of vines and blossoming of flowers. Benedict knocks on the door, knuckles sounding loudly against the hard wood.

“Come in.”

Linus opens the door with a click, holding it for Benedict. A tall man sits in a leather armchair, hands folded neatly in front of him. His face is marked by age, deep grooves settling in their folds. An assortment of books line the shelfs, tucked away neatly.

“Welcome to my office. I’m Lord Wrilyn, the owner of this mansion,” he starts, leaning in closer, “Please, take a seat.” Lord Wrilyn gestures towards two chairs in front of his desk.

“Thank you,” Linus responds, sitting down as Benedict follows suit.

“I understand that you’ve invited us here to investigate the circumstances of Lady Wrilyn’s death,” Benedict pulls out his notebook.

“Yes, that’s correct,” Lord Wrilyn responds, his eyes beginning to wander, unfocused.

“Could you tell us when you first discovered her?” Benedict clicks his pen.

“It was after the party. She told me she was going to the bathroom. I saw her enter, and then I returned to my office. A few hours later, I still hadn’t heard back from her. That’s when I decided to go investigate and discovered her in the bathtub.” An unreadable emotion passes across Lord Wrilyn’s face. He looks…almost bored.


1370 words total

-cxtto- wrote:

I'm mainly excited to get Splatoon 3 so soon bc I don't wanna get super duper leveled up n such in Splatoon 2-

Also speaking of Splatoon 3, I'd like to know, do you get some coins at the start of the game?
You don't get any coins at the start of the game, but you do get 3 Gold Sheldon Licenses if you have any Splatoon 2 save data. You can use a Gold Sheldon License to buy any weapon you want no matter what level you're at.
I need help to make Knight Battle the current game I'm working on right now so you guys can give me ideas or play test the game to see if there are improvements to do if you have any ideas to make the game better then please make a post about it so yeah

change [game v] to ( better )
For 1.
when green flag clicked
create clone of [Bomb v]
when I start as a clone
go to [Player v]

That's all I can think of. Not sure if it works really, but I just went with my knowledge. If I'm wrong, that's alright, You can always get someone else to help.

ElvenEmperor wrote:

Support, but add an option where you can map controller buttons to certain keys
that would be an easy work around as you could do:
<<key [e v] pressed?> or <button [a v] pressed? :: extension>>
CJSkitss CJSkitss loading
My friend made a project that he's been working on a lot, and I feel like it deserves some more attention. Thanks!
Libbyty2 Libbyty2 loading

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Superbega429 wrote:

At the time I watched it, I didn’t have an account. Which makes this even more trickier.
Oh… then I'm afraid you're out of luck, unless you haven't cleared your browser history between now and when you watched it??
Either way, at least there's still some chance that the video is out there and may resurface - which is better than nothing
hmm… depending on how much time has passed since OP watched it, they may have gotten a whole new system.