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co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

It doesn't have to be on the bad side too. They could have a golden one for us and want it to be a surprise.
I wish…
In my opinion, the reason there wasn't anything new next year was funding (though this is just a theory, I have nothing to back it up).

gamer_pro_864 wrote:

Motion :
move () steps
turn cw () degrees
turn ccw () degrees
point in direction ( v)
point towards [ v]
go to x: () y: ()
go to [ v]
glide () secs to x: () y: ()
change x by ()
set x to ()
change y by ()
set y to ()
if on edge, bounce
set rotation style [ v]
(x position)
(y position)
Looks :
say [] for (2) secs
say []
think [] for (2) secs
think []
switch costume to [ v]
next costume
switch backdrop to [ v]
switch backdrop to [ v] and wait
next backdrop
change [ v] effect by ()
set [ v] effect to (0)
clear graphic effects
change size by ()
set size to () %
go to front
go back () layers
(costume #)
(backdrop name)
(backdrop #)
Sound :
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v] until done
stop all sounds
play drum ( v) for () beats
rest for () beats
play note ( v) for () beats
set instrument to ( v)
change volume by ()
set volume to () %
change tempo by ()
set tempo to () bpm

when green flag clicked

when [ v] key pressed

when this sprite clicked

when backdrop switches to [ v]
when [ v] > (10)

when I receive [ v]

broadcast [ v]

broadcast [ v] and wait


wait () secs

repeat ()


if <> then

if <> then

wait until <>

repeat until <>

while <> {
} @loopArrow :: control // Turbowarp block

stop [ v]

when I start as a clone

create clone of [ v]

delete this clone

Categories Left: Sensing, Operators, Variables, Lists, Custom Blocks, Pen
-stxllxr -stxllxr loading

among_us1w2 wrote:

so in my game there is a sequence where you break into the kitchen of walter white to make blue rock candy and the other person says that they expected something else when you find actual blue rock candy making ingredients (food coloring and sugar)
Considering that this is in a setting with Walter White, I'd say no as it could easily be taken as a street name for a certain illegal substance.

-GaIaxy_cat- wrote:

Bro I did not read anything- I hope I didn't miss anything important-
Other than semi getting a warning for chatting with open order
-stxllxr -stxllxr loading
No, it's not source

Paddle2See wrote:

If the prizes are Scratch social actions then it is going against this policy here:

It is not okay to use Scratch social actions such as likes, favorites, or follows as a form of payment. Scratch social actions should always be something that Scratchers give freely, not something they do because they are getting “paid” for it.

Please feel free to link them to this post or the policy.
dhuls dhuls loading

Elijah999999 wrote:


Tophatted- wrote:

When I went into the city on Wednesday, I got an actual StreetPass! Glad to know I'm not the only one bringing my 3DS with me
What is a StreetPass?
Basically, if your 3DS is in sleep mode and it passes by another 3DS, they will automatically share data for certain games (ex: Mario Maker levels, Mario Kart ghosts)
C0D3N00B C0D3N00B loading

Peneren wrote:

I have a few
1. Kris
2. The Radiance
3. Skeletron Prime
4. Demon Guardian
5. Polus Petrovich
1) Deltarune
2) Hollow Knight
3) Terraria
Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading

RocketDesign_ wrote:

Can you cite a official post about it, just so I can be 100% sure?
Peneren Peneren loading
I have a few
1. Kris
2. The Radiance
3. Skeletron Prime
4. Demon Guardian
5. Polus Petrovich
It's not.
Let me see if I can find a source.
EDIT: Well, other people did
Here's a source, that explains it pretty much.
Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading
I've seen many Scratchers that give out special features to their followers and people who heart + favorite.

I've also seen some forum-based shops offer a ‘premium membership’ for a follow or favorite.

Is giving out prizes/rewards for social actions allowed?
MineTurte MineTurte loading

evantparkes wrote:

Is it going to be a studio or one project that you can play games on? If it's the second, I can make a prototype!
Probably both.
so an idea is an online 2d rpg game (left and right and up are movement controls) and i don't have a good idea of the storyline much
We should probably wait for moigam to decide lol.

Jeffalo wrote:

it's unlikely that there is going to be a big april fools effort this year. the scratch foundation went through/is in the process of dealing with big changes that have left them with limited resources, that are unfortunately better spent outside of fun stuff like AFD.
Of course, I don’t mind if the answer is no (you can read my thoughts on AFD on this essay I made here but some communication is needed, even if the answer is “we haven’t decided”

flamekeeper700 wrote:

when [ posted]
go to [the top of the forums!]
Actually, I do believe I am king.


just-a-hriday wrote:

flamekeeper700 wrote:

when [ posted]
go to [the top of the forums!]
but still use the bump banner. or use the bump banner in addition to the scratchblocks.
-ExoByte- -ExoByte- loading
So I'm working on a framework for a game I'm going to make. It's a side-scrolling platformer. Problem is, the trail when you run just looks… off. Any idea on how I should fix this?
First, I'd recommend the
all at once

block. It saves you time by making it so you don't have to make a custom block just to run something without screen refresh.
There are a lot of old 2.0 blocks that are useful or just save time. Below you can put any removed ones that you think should be brought back.
undefinite undefinite loading
there is a chrome extension that adds desktop notifications for scratch and lets you customize the sound
support though, some browsers don’t support cross-downloading from CWS like opera and edge do (and it removes the extra step of having to toggle it)

Barney_at_Bonels83 wrote:

This would drive people with Autism (like myself) or any other sound-sensitive disabilities nuts
VERY true, i already have this problem. ill be minding my business and a scratch +ons ping will come out of nowhere and startle me
I see, you are probably trying to update cloud variables too often? Because you can only update one cloud var every 4 ticks.
I guess you have to try to find a way to combine all information in one var.

leahcimto wrote:

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

leahcimto wrote:

In the studio updates announcement, there's a mistake.

This quote, along with the image above it, should be removed, as it is false.
One new feature we are particularly excited about is the “Browse projects” option for when you add projects to your studio. Through this feature, you can add projects you’ve created, projects you have favorited, as well as projects you have recently viewed. You can also still add projects by the project URL.

This is not a new feature, therefore it should be removed from the announcement saying that it is.

Uh… I believe that's not a typo. The feature is the box that shows up with all the projects. Next to the add projects by URL there's a button that says “Browse Projects”

I would link an image, but I think cubeupload is down rn
It is a feature, but the announcement says that it is a new feature (which is why it is shown in the announcement). It's not new, it's been there since 2013. The ST could change this to make it correct by removing the word “new” or making it clear they mean "the new UI'

ohhh i misread mb
aurarae aurarae loading
march 29th daily

ahhh this is the prologue to alice in wonderlandd

Even before Alice fell into Wonderland, strange occurrences had been a part of her life. In the quaint, sunlit gardens of her home, she often caught glimpses of peculiar creatures darting between the flowerbeds and hedges. At first, she dismissed these sightings as figments of her imagination, the whimsical musings of a child lost in her own fantasies.

Yet, as she grew older, the sightings persisted, becoming more frequent and vivid with each passing day. She would catch sight of a white rabbit with a waistcoat and pocket watch, or a grinning Cheshire Cat perched upon the gatepost, its eyes twinkling with mischief.

Her family, of course, brushed off her tales as the fanciful ramblings of a young girl with an overactive imagination. But Alice knew better. She could feel the magic tingling in the air, the whisper of secrets that danced on the edge of her consciousness.

And so, she kept her sightings to herself, content to explore the wonders of her own imagination in the solitude of her garden. But little did she know that these encounters were merely the prelude to a much grander adventure, one that would take her beyond the confines of her home and into a world where the impossible became possible.

For even in the mundane world of her everyday life, Alice was destined for extraordinary things, her journey through Wonderland merely the beginning of a tale that would captivate the hearts and minds of generations to come.

And so, as she sat beneath the shade of the old oak tree, watching the butterflies flit lazily through the air, Alice couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden just beyond her reach. Little did she know that soon, she would embark on the greatest adventure of all, a journey that would change her life forever.
leahcimto leahcimto loading

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

leahcimto wrote:

In the studio updates announcement, there's a mistake.

This quote, along with the image above it, should be removed, as it is false.
One new feature we are particularly excited about is the “Browse projects” option for when you add projects to your studio. Through this feature, you can add projects you’ve created, projects you have favorited, as well as projects you have recently viewed. You can also still add projects by the project URL.

This is not a new feature, therefore it should be removed from the announcement saying that it is.

Uh… I believe that's not a typo. The feature is the box that shows up with all the projects. Next to the add projects by URL there's a button that says “Browse Projects”

I would link an image, but I think cubeupload is down rn
It is a feature, but the announcement says that it is a new feature (which is why it is shown in the announcement). It's not new, it's been there since 2013. The ST could change this to make it correct by removing the word “new” or making it clear they mean "the new UI'

among_us1w2 wrote:

Blue_Moon2607 wrote:

NOTE: Guys let's not make the replies too critical, I don't care if the idea is rejected.
if its rejected then they are gonna be so critical
isn't this implemented?
Being too critical doesn't follow the Community Guidelines, as a result of Scratchers being discouraged, let's not talk about one.
Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading

The_wolf_KA wrote:

Can I change my username?

Here are a couple of things to know about usernames on Scratch:
Scratchers can't change their own usernames
The Scratch Team can, in very rare circumstances, offer username changes. This is not typical.

Here a couple of common reasons people reach out for a username change that do not qualify for a change:
You don't like your username
You've misspelled something in your username
You want your username to match what you use on other sites/profiles

If you have a good reason you can contact the Scratch Team about it.
The Scratch Team does not change usernames just because someone wants it. They only allow it under rare conditions.
Deleted as you already answered this.
I'm waiting to see all of the submissions. Maybe Ill use a bit of all of them. Different universes have different styles.
leahcimto leahcimto loading
In the studio updates announcement, there's a mistake.

This quote, along with the image above it, should be removed, as it is false.
One new feature we are particularly excited about is the “Browse projects” option for when you add projects to your studio. Through this feature, you can add projects you’ve created, projects you have favorited, as well as projects you have recently viewed. You can also still add projects by the project URL.

This is not a new feature (it's been there since 2013), therefore it should be removed from the announcement saying that it is.

Or, maybe the ST just accidentally wrote the word “new” or meant “new UI for browse projects” so it can be rephrased to include the missing portion.
himearepro himearepro loading
Here's the link (it's a silly remake of a game), as of right now I decided to use a different method for the ranged weapons, but last time I tried my way, each sprite used their own cloud variables.
Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading

CEO (complete control of shop): Quantum1993
Manager (makes sure orders are getting done on time): HIRING
Promoter (advertises the shop): HIRING
Ad Designer (comes up with catchy slogans to put in our ads, and comes up with new ways to advertise): HIRING
Ad Deliverer (places the ads strategically around Scratch so they get a lot of impressions): HIRING


Position you are applying for:
Why should we hire you:
Any previous experience with shops:


Current position in shop:
Are you leaving permanently (skip the next question if yes):
How long will you be gone:
Why are you leaving (optional):
Tangotime Tangotime loading
Title: glitch
Description: press nothing until you hit the goomba, then hold up
repeat <wait () secs>
say <key [hello! v] pressed>
set pen color to [Wow, but I have a question]
stop [time v]
define when time starts (time)
if <<clear> and <(time)=(2024)>> then
say <brodcast [hi there v] and wait>
if <when green flag clicked> then
wait (10) secs
say [how do you recolor blocks, and make custom events?]
say [press the green flag!]
Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading

Rejected order:
 [username], your order, [what they asked for], has been rejected for the following reason: [why was it rejected?] Next time, please fully read the Terms of Service before ordering.

Completed order:
[username], your order has been completed by [staff member]. [describe in detail where you advertised the project] Please leave a review if we helped you.
igtnathan5 igtnathan5 loading

moigam wrote:

gokugamer999666 wrote:

moigam wrote:


We may be starting the work on a new project soon. We don't have enough staff yet, but we're getting there.

After a few days, I will send a comment to everyone's profile to respond to the activity check, in case they don't get notified for this message.

Responded (idk if i was supposed to or not so I did)
You didn't need to

sieugach wrote:

wait, will we use any real time collaboration extensions for this project???

evantparkes wrote:

Is it going to be a studio or one project that you can play games on? If it's the second, I can make a prototype!
Probably both.
so an idea is an online 2d rpg game (left and right and up are movement controls) and i don't have a good idea of the storyline much
1. The share date would be the day you publish the project and yes it could go on trending like other project because, as far as I'm aware, the trending page uses the ‘'time since indexed’' to tell how trending a project is, not the time since the project was shared.

2. In theory any project should have the same chance at getting on trending no matter when the project was created. But currently there is a pretty major problem with the indexer which is that it won't index projects with high IDs (the number in the project url). So right now, if your project has an ID above ~ 970 000 000, your project will not go on explore and won't show up on search. You can read more about the bug here

Quantum1993 Quantum1993 loading

We'll advertise your projects by adding them to studios, and placing ads where appropriate.


Your ads will usually be deployed within 1-3 days, and we strategically place them in 15 high-traffic areas of Scratch (e.g. a featured studio). We also will re-add your projects to studios for 3 days.


If your project doesn't get at least 10 views the week following the completion of your order, you will receive a free Premium Membership (which is usually reserved for staff members), meaning any future orders you make will be given priority.


Link to project:
Where should we notify you when we're done:
When do you need it (minimum 5 days):
Other info:


Rating (out of five):
Quote (optional, but recommended):


We may reject your order if:
1. It would require us to break the rules of Scratch.
2. You didn't include the secret word in ‘Other info’ (cookies).
3. You tried to rush us, or were disrespectful to a staff member.
Please note the secret word is constantly changing to ensure that people read the Terms of Service.
-stxllxr -stxllxr loading

Piaulo46 wrote:

it would be cool if there was a beep when you are connected if you have a notification Info This is an option
Do people not read op's anymore? It clearly states that this is an option, this would be a nice feature to have.
Ironbricks5 Ironbricks5 loading
Hi! I want my studio featured, it has all the things that a studio needs to have that @ceebee said, and I think The theme ‘parrots’ would be fun to create in.
So please scratch team, please feature this :
This is the Studio
sure <3 should we write it on a document, or contribute to a specific part or..?
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

By Percy Bysshe Shelley

I made this while wearing really nice headphones so you should probably wear headphones while listening. The bass drum was made to sound like a far-off army marching.

depresso-boiyo wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

I did say that I'm not very aesthetic, and that's still true. I just use whatever artistic skills(not necessarily aesthetic) I can and my knowledge to do aesthetic orders. Like your bump banner; I'm not very good at aesthetics, but I noticed patterns and implemented them accordingly.
And no worries; I understand.
I'll start doing the hand drawing soon once i get clarification from StarryDove, and a pfp gif still needs to be image hosted bc its a gif. Annoying but possible, and i can image host.
Hm… Trello and Canva can share gifs though- They can act as image hosting services, just without embedding on Scratch. All she needs to do is literally download the gif from the sites. But okay.
I didnt know Canva could do that
Yes, it can. It's beautiful- and beside, I can do the gif sparkles and all the aesthetic design on there anyways. It'll be smooth flying so long as my eyes are right.

TheSqueakyOtter wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

Good Luck Bad Friends 2.0

to quote a man way better at this than I am:
thoughts, fellas?
these drums are better for it
New version

I need the channel that you completely removed but besides that thanks
-ExoByte- -ExoByte- loading

OnTheCode99 wrote:

The length of mutes will increase if you get muted twice or more times in a short period. They will eventually reset after a while. Avoid getting too many mutes, because your mute time can go around 16 hours or something like that.
Ok cool, thanks. I'll try to be more careful
aurarae aurarae loading
Weekly 4

I feel like my stories are always set in the past and this time I wanted to do one that was set in like a dystopian society of sorts, but I gave up and just stuck to the mundane vision of the future ahaha

For the outline, I tried to combine all the stages of the hero’s journey along with most of the outline methods and it came out kind of a mess but I mean I still have the vision for the story so I guess I’m just going to run with it

In a near-future society where technology dominates every aspect of life, the protagonist, Sam, is a tech-savvy teenager disillusioned with the superficiality of social media and virtual reality. Sam yearns for real adventure and meaning beyond the digital realm.

While tinkering with an old radio transmitter, Sam accidentally intercepts a mysterious signal containing fragments of an encrypted message. Intrigued, Sam sets out to decipher the message, sensing that it holds the key to something extraordinary.

Faced with the enormity of the task and the risks involved, Sam initially hesitates, doubting their ability to unravel the message's secrets. However, the allure of the unknown and the promise of adventure ultimately compel Sam to accept the challenge.

Sam encounters an eccentric physicist, Dr. Reyes, who recognizes the significance of the intercepted signal. Dr. Reyes becomes Sam's mentor, introducing them to the world of quantum mechanics and guiding them on a journey to unlock the message's true meaning.

Armed with newfound knowledge and a sense of purpose, Sam dives deeper into the mysteries of quantum physics, exploring hidden dimensions and alternate realities in search of the truth behind the encrypted message.

Along the way, Sam forms alliances with fellow enthusiasts of fringe science, but also attracts the attention of powerful entities who seek to control the secrets hidden within the message. Sam must navigate a perilous maze of deception and betrayal while staying true to their quest for knowledge.

As Sam delves deeper into the quantum realm, they uncover ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols that point towards a hidden chamber within the fabric of spacetime itself - the inmost cave where the ultimate truth awaits.

n the heart of the quantum realm, Sam faces a series of mind-bending challenges that defy conventional logic and test the limits of their understanding. Confronted with their deepest fears and doubts, Sam must confront the very nature of reality itself to emerge victorious.

Having deciphered the encrypted message, Sam unlocks the Quantum Key - a revolutionary technology capable of transcending the boundaries of space and time. With the power of the Quantum Key at their fingertips, Sam holds the potential to reshape the world and unlock humanity's greatest mysteries.

With the Quantum Key in hand, Sam embarks on the journey back to the ordinary world, knowing that their discovery will forever change the course of history. Yet, they also realize that the true adventure has only just begun.

Just when it seems like victory is within reach, Sam faces one final, unexpected challenge - a shadowy organization intent on seizing control of the Quantum Key for their own dark purposes. In a desperate battle of wits and wills, Sam must risk everything to protect the future of humanity.

Now for the exposition.. I really tried to give some context to the story and like the main character but I didn’t really know how to introduce him in the situation and just ended up using ‘ My name is Sam’ which I really want to work on.

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. My name is Sam, and I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands, of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the words echoed through the speakers, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. This was it - the beginning of an adventure that would take me beyond the confines of my ordinary world and into the unknown.

Okayyy so here’s the storyy it’s really long and I feel sorry for anyone who has to go through it omg! Here are the ingredients I tried to use:
1. New character intro
2. Flashback (kinda?)
3. New conflict arises
4. Introduce a symbol
5. Foreshadowing
6. Epistolary
7. Plot twist
8. Cliffhanger?

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects, and making my bedsheet, adorned with the symbol of a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe, almost glow in the daylight. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. Oops I've forgotten to introduce myself again, my name is Sam, and I guess I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands, of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep. It's at times like these that I miss him the most. Two years since he has been missing and unlike what everyone tells me, every day seems to hurt even more.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the mysterious message continued to echo through the speakers of my father's old radio transmitter, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined. Determined to unravel the enigma before me, I delved deeper into the world of amateur radio enthusiasts and fringe scientists, seeking answers to questions that seemed to defy logic.

It was while researching more about this particular radio transmitter that I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Reyes, a reclusive physicist with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of conventional science. Intrigued by Dr. Reyes' theories on quantum mechanics and the nature of reality, I reached out to them in the hopes of gaining insight into the strange transmission that had captured my attention.

To my surprise, Dr. Reyes responded with a cryptic message of their own, expressing interest in my discovery and inviting me to meet them in person. Nervous yet excited, I accepted the invitation, eager to learn more about the secrets that lay hidden within the static.

Our first meeting was nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Reyes was unlike anyone I had ever met - brilliant, eccentric, and utterly unapologetic in their pursuit of knowledge. Over the course of several weeks, they became my mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of quantum theory and teaching me to see the world in a way I never thought possible.

As my understanding of the transmission grew, so too did my circle of allies. Among my newfound friends were Sarah, a fellow enthusiast with a knack for deciphering codes, and Marcus, a brilliant hacker with a mischievous streak. Together, we formed an unlikely alliance, united in our quest to unlock the secrets of the message and uncover the truth that lay hidden within.

As we delved deeper into the mysteries of the transmission, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been here before, that this journey was somehow intertwined with my past in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. And then, as if by magic, I found myself transported back to a moment long forgotten - a lazy Sunday afternoon spent with my father in the attic, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his old radio transmitter.

“Sam, listen to me,” my father said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency that I couldn't quite understand at the time. “There are secrets in this world beyond our wildest dreams, secrets that have the power to change everything we know.”

I looked up at him, curious yet unsure of what he meant. “What kind of secrets, Dad?” I asked, my young mind struggling to grasp the enormity of his words.

My father smiled, a wistful look in his eyes. “The kind of secrets that lie hidden within the fabric of spacetime itself,” he replied cryptically. “The kind of secrets that hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.”

I listened intently as my father spoke of prophecies passed down through generations, of ancient symbols that held the power to reveal the truth hidden in plain sight. And though I couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of his words at the time, something deep within me stirred, a sense of destiny unfolding before my very eyes.

As the echoes of the past reverberated through my mind, I found myself more determined than ever to unravel the mysteries that had eluded me for so long. Seeing that my dad could have possibly been connected to all this filled me with enough motivation to conquer the world. With the guidance of Dr. Reyes and the support Sarah and Marcus, we delved deeper into the ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols, piecing together fragments of knowledge with painstaking precision.

Each clue we deciphered brought us closer to the truth, but it was the revelation hidden within the flashback that proved to be the key to unlocking the final mystery. My father's words echoed in my ears as we combed through the ancient texts, searching for a connection that would bridge the gap between past and present.

And then, all of a sudden, it hit me - the answer had been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight amidst the symbols and riddles that had confounded us for so long. With a sense of clarity that bordered on exhilaration, I shared my revelation with my companions, their eyes alight with excitement as they realized the significance of what lay before us.

Together, we poured over the ancient texts with renewed vigor, drawing on the knowledge passed down through generations to decipher the final piece of the puzzle. And as the pieces fell into place, a picture emerged - a map, of sorts, that pointed towards a hidden chamber within the fabric of spacetime itself, the inmost cave where the ultimate truth awaited.

But our journey was far from over. Armed with the knowledge of the ancients and the determination of those who dared to defy the limits of reality itself, we set out on a quest to uncover the secrets hidden within the inmost cave, knowing that our destiny awaited us on the other side.

As we ventured deeper into the unknown, the air crackled with anticipation, each step bringing us closer to the heart of the mystery that had consumed us for so long. And then, finally, we stood on the threshold of the inmost cave, our hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

With a silent nod of encouragement, we stepped forward into the darkness, our fate intertwined with the forces that lay beyond the bounds of comprehension. And as we descended into the depths of the inmost cave, I knew that whatever awaited us on the other side would challenge everything we thought we knew about the nature of reality itself.

As we descended into the heart of the quantum realm, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around us, bending to the will of forces beyond our comprehension. The air crackled with energy as we navigated through a labyrinth of swirling colors and shimmering lights, each step bringing us closer to the truth that lay hidden at the heart of the mystery.

“This place is unlike anything I've ever seen,” Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of strange noises that echoed through the chamber.

“I agree,” Marcus replied, his eyes wide with wonder. “It's as if we've stepped into another dimension entirely.”

I nodded in silent agreement, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we pressed on, guided by an instinctual sense of purpose that seemed to transcend the boundaries of logic.

But as we delved deeper into the quantum realm, the challenges we faced grew increasingly surreal, pushing the limits of our understanding to the breaking point. Time itself seemed to lose all meaning as we navigated through shifting landscapes and impossible geometries, each obstacle more perplexing than the last.

“This doesn't make any sense,” I muttered, frustration mounting with each passing moment. “How are we supposed to make sense of any of this?”

“We have to keep going,” Dr. Reyes urged, their voice steady despite the chaos that surrounded us. “We're close, I can feel it.”

With renewed determination, we pressed on, our resolve bolstered by the knowledge that the ultimate truth lay just beyond our grasp. And then, finally, we reached the culmination of our journey - the moment of reckoning that would determine the fate of the world itself.

As we stood on the threshold of victory, a sense of calm washed over me, banishing the doubts and fears that had plagued me since the beginning of our quest. With a steady hand, I reached out and unlocked the Quantum Key, feeling its power surge through me like a bolt of lightning.

“It's beautiful,” Sarah breathed, her eyes shining with awe as she gazed upon the shimmering artifact in my hands.

“Yes,” Marcus agreed, a grin spreading across his face. “And with this, we hold the power to reshape the world.”

But even as we reveled in our triumph, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a reminder that our journey was far from over. With the Quantum Key in hand, we embarked on the journey back to tour lives, knowing that our discovery would forever change the course of history.

Yet, as we gazed into the unknown horizon that stretched before us, I knew that the true adventure had only just begun. With the power of the Quantum Key at our fingertips, we held the potential to unlock humanity's greatest mysteries and usher in a new era of possibility and wonder.

But just as victory seemed within our grasp, a new threat emerged from the shadows, casting a pall over our hard-won triumph. The rise of The Obsidian Circle, fronted by the enigmatic Dr. Howard, sent ripples of unease through our ranks. Dr. Howard was a figure shrouded in mystery, his motives obscured by layers of deceit and deception.

It soon became clear that Dr. Howard was no stranger to Dr. Reyes; in fact, they had once been colleagues, their relationship soured by jealousy and rivalry. Dr. Howard harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Dr. Reyes, viewing them as a rival whose success threatened his own ambitions.

As The Obsidian Circle's influence grew, they began to make their presence known, their symbol - a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe - appearing in clandestine messages and cryptic warnings. It was a symbol of power and dominance, a reminder that their reach extended far beyond the confines of our ordinary world.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was something familiar about the organization's leader, something that stirred a faint memory deep within the recesses of my mind. It was as if I had seen his face before, not as a stranger, but as someone I had once known - someone whose presence had been a constant presence in my life, yet whose true identity remained shrouded in mystery.

But even as doubts gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, I knew that I couldn't let them distract me from the task at hand. The Obsidian Circle posed a grave threat to humanity, and it was up to me to stop them, no matter the cost.

With the quantum key as our only weapon, we set out to confront Dr. Howard and his followers, knowing that the fate of the world hung in the balance. It would be a battle of wits and wills, a desperate struggle for the future of humanity.

As the final confrontation with The Obsidian Circle loomed before us, tension hung thick in the air like a storm on the horizon. Dr. Howard and his followers were relentless in their pursuit of the quantum key, their determination matched only by our own.

Despite our best efforts, The Obsidian Circle proved too powerful to resist. In a harrowing showdown, they managed to seize control of the quantum key, their victory sending shockwaves through our ranks. It was a bitter blow, a devastating setback that left us reeling in disbelief.

As I stood amidst the wreckage of our shattered hopes, a sense of betrayal gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. How could this have happened? How could we have let The Obsidian Circle slip through our fingers so easily?

Three months later

My Dearest Sam,

It is with disdain that I address you now, for you have proven to be a disappointment in every sense of the word. You have clung to the misguided belief that you are fighting for justice, but in reality, you are nothing more than a pawn in a game much larger than yourself.

You see, my son, I have long known of your misguided attempts to thwart The Obsidian Circle, the very organization that I lead. Your feeble attempts at rebellion have amused me, but they have also grown tiresome. It is time for you to accept your fate and acknowledge the truth of your heritage.

From the moment of your birth, you were groomed to be a part of The Obsidian Circle, to wield the power of the quantum key in service to our cause. The symbol on your bedsheets is not just a coincidence, but a reminder of the legacy that you were born into, whether you choose to accept it or not.

I know that this revelation may come as a shock to you, but there is no denying the truth of your lineage. You were raised in the shadow of The Obsidian Circle, taught to believe in our vision for the future. And yet, you have chosen to betray everything you were taught, to align yourself with our enemies.

But it is not too late to rectify your mistakes, Sam. You have proven yourself to be a formidable opponent, and I would be remiss not to acknowledge your strength. Join us, and together, we can crush our enemies beneath our feet and usher in a new era of dominance.

Do not be fooled by false notions of morality, my son. There is no such thing as right or wrong in this world, only power and the will to wield it. Embrace your destiny, Sam, and together, we will conquer all who stand in our way.

With disdain,
Your Father

Now I feel like the only reason for someone to have gone through all of that was if they critiqued it, and if you did then I really appreciate everything you have done for me! I have no doubt that it wasn't an easy task!

Here are some things that I would like the critique to help me with
I want to know if someone reading this would actually understand what is happening cause I tend to keep a lot of info to myself while writing and have a hard time writing down what exactly I'm thinking
I also need some advice on where to include more dialogue cause there's very little dialogue in the story I've noticed
I think the story is very abrupt and confusing so please let me know what needs to be expanded on in order for it to be better understood!
anything else would be really appreciated! Thank youu!

Critique from pepper
Critique for pepper

ahhh so here's the final edited version!

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects, and making my bedsheet, adorned with the symbol of a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe, almost glow in the daylight. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. Oops I've forgotten to introduce myself again, my name is Sam, and I guess I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands and of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep. It's at times like these that I miss him the most. It’s been two years since he went missing, and unlike what everyone tells me, each day seems to hurt more than the last.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the mysterious message continued to echo through the speakers of my father's old radio transmitter, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined. Determined to unravel the enigma before me, I delved deeper into the world of amateur radio enthusiasts and fringe scientists, seeking answers to questions that seemed to defy logic.

It was while researching more about this particular radio transmitter that I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Reyes, a reclusive physicist with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of conventional science. Intrigued by Dr. Reyes' theories on quantum mechanics and the nature of reality, I reached out to them in the hopes of gaining insight into the strange transmission that had captured my attention.

To my surprise, Dr. Reyes responded with a cryptic message of their own, expressing interest in my discovery and inviting me to meet them in person. Nervous, yet excited, I accepted the invitation, eager to learn more about the secrets that lay hidden within the static.

Our first meeting was nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Reyes was unlike anyone I had ever met - brilliant, eccentric, and utterly unapologetic in their pursuit of knowledge. Over the course of several weeks, they became my mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of quantum theory and teaching me to see the world in a way I never thought possible.

As my understanding of the transmission grew, so too did my circle of allies. Among my newfound friends were Sarah, a fellow enthusiast with a knack for deciphering codes, and Marcus, a brilliant hacker with a mischievous streak. Together, we formed an unlikely alliance, united in our quest to unlock the secrets of the message and uncover the truth that lay hidden within.

As we delved deeper into the mysteries of the transmission, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been here before, that this journey was somehow intertwined with my past in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. And then, as if by magic, I found myself transported back to a moment long forgotten - a lazy Sunday afternoon spent with my father in the attic, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his old radio transmitter.

“Sam, listen to me,” my father said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency that I couldn't quite understand at the time. “There are secrets in this world beyond our wildest dreams, secrets that have the power to change everything we know.”

I looked up at him, curious yet unsure of what he meant. “What kind of secrets, Dad?” I asked, my young mind struggling to grasp the enormity of his words.

My father smiled, a wistful look in his eyes. “The kind of secrets that lie hidden within the fabric of spacetime itself,” he replied cryptically. “The kind of secrets that hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.”

I listened intently as my father spoke of prophecies passed down through generations, of ancient symbols that held the power to reveal the truth hidden in plain sight. And though I couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of his words at the time, something deep within me stirred, a sense of destiny unfolding before my very eyes.

As the echoes of the past reverberated through my mind, I found myself more determined than ever to unravel the mysteries that had eluded me for so long. Seeing that my dad could have possibly been connected to all this filled me with enough motivation to conquer the world. With the guidance of Dr. Reyes and the support of Sarah and Marcus, we delved deeper into the ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols, piecing together fragments of knowledge with painstaking precision.

Each clue we deciphered brought us closer to the truth, but it was the revelation hidden within the flashback that proved to be the key to unlocking the final mystery. My father's words echoed in my ears as we combed through the ancient texts, searching for a connection that would bridge the gap between past and present.

And then, all of a sudden, it hit me - the answer had been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight amidst the symbols and riddles that had confounded us for so long. With a sense of clarity that bordered on exhilaration, I shared my revelation with my companions, their eyes alight with excitement as they realized the significance of what lay before us.

Together, we poured over the ancient texts with renewed vigor, drawing on the knowledge passed down through generations to decipher the final piece of the puzzle. And as the pieces fell into place, a picture emerged - a map, of sorts, that pointed towards a hidden chamber within the fabric of spacetime itself, the inmost cave where the ultimate truth awaited.

But our journey was far from over. Armed with the knowledge of the ancients and the determination of those who dared to defy the limits of reality itself, we set out on a quest to uncover the secrets hidden within the inmost cave, knowing that our destiny awaited us on the other side.

As we ventured deeper into the unknown, the air crackled with anticipation, each step bringing us closer to the heart of the mystery that had consumed us for so long. And then, finally, we stood on the threshold of the inmost cave, our hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

With a silent nod of encouragement, we stepped forward into the darkness, our fate intertwined with the forces that lay beyond the bounds of comprehension. And as we descended into the depths of the inmost cave, I knew that whatever awaited us on the other side would challenge everything we thought we knew about the nature of reality itself.

As we descended into the heart of the quantum realm, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around us, bending to the will of forces beyond our comprehension. The air crackled with energy as we navigated through a labyrinth of swirling colors and shimmering lights, each step bringing us closer to the truth that lay hidden at the heart of the mystery.

“This place is unlike anything I've ever seen,” Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of strange noises that echoed through the chamber.

“I agree,” Marcus replied, his eyes wide with wonder. “It's as if we've stepped into another dimension entirely.”

I nodded in silent agreement, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we pressed on, guided by an instinctual sense of purpose that seemed to transcend the boundaries of logic.

But as we delved deeper into the quantum realm, the challenges we faced grew increasingly surreal, pushing the limits of our understanding to the breaking point. Time itself seemed to lose all meaning as we navigated through shifting landscapes and impossible geometries, each obstacle more perplexing than the last.

“This doesn't make any sense,” I muttered, frustration mounting with each passing moment. “How are we supposed to make sense of any of this?”

“We have to keep going,” Dr. Reyes urged, their voice steady despite the chaos that surrounded us. “We're close, I can feel it.”

With renewed determination, we pressed on, our resolve bolstered by the knowledge that the ultimate truth lay just beyond our grasp. And then, finally, we reached the culmination of our journey - the moment of reckoning that would determine the fate of the world itself.

As we stood on the threshold of victory, a sense of calm washed over me, banishing the doubts and fears that had plagued me since the beginning of our quest. With a steady hand, I reached out and unlocked the Quantum Key, feeling its power surge through me like a bolt of lightning.

“It's beautiful,” Sarah breathed, her eyes shining with awe as she gazed upon the shimmering artifact in my hands.

“Yes,” Marcus agreed, a grin spreading across his face. “And with this, we hold the power to reshape the world.”

But even as we reveled in our triumph, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a reminder that our journey was far from over. With the Quantum Key in hand, we embarked on the journey back to tour lives, knowing that our discovery would forever change the course of history.

Yet, as we gazed into the unknown horizon that stretched before us, I knew that the true adventure had only just begun. With the power of the Quantum Key at our fingertips, we held the potential to unlock humanity's greatest mysteries and usher in a new era of possibility and wonder.

But just as victory seemed within our grasp, a new threat emerged from the shadows, casting a pall over our hard-won triumph. The rise of The Obsidian Circle, fronted by the enigmatic Dr. Howard, sent ripples of unease through our ranks. Dr. Howard was a figure shrouded in mystery, his motives obscured by layers of deceit and deception.

It soon became clear that Dr. Howard was no stranger to Dr. Reyes; in fact, they had once been colleagues, their relationship soured by jealousy and rivalry. Dr. Howard harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Dr. Reyes, viewing them as a rival whose success threatened his own ambitions.

As The Obsidian Circle's influence grew, they began to make their presence known, their symbol - a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe - appearing in clandestine messages and cryptic warnings. It was a symbol of power and dominance, a reminder that their reach extended far beyond the confines of our ordinary world.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was something familiar about the organization's leader, something that stirred a faint memory deep within the recesses of my mind. It was as if I had seen his face before, not as a stranger, but as someone I had once known - someone whose presence had been a constant presence in my life, yet whose true identity remained shrouded in mystery.

But even as doubts gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, I knew that I couldn't let them distract me from the task at hand. The Obsidian Circle posed a grave threat to humanity, and it was up to me to stop them, no matter the cost.

With the quantum key as our only weapon, we set out to confront Dr. Howard and his followers, knowing that the fate of the world hung in the balance. It would be a battle of wits and wills, a desperate struggle for the future of humanity.

As the final confrontation with The Obsidian Circle loomed before us, tension hung thick in the air like a storm on the horizon. Dr. Howard and his followers were relentless in their pursuit of the quantum key, their determination matched only by our own.

Despite our best efforts, The Obsidian Circle proved too powerful to resist. In a harrowing showdown, they managed to seize control of the quantum key, their victory sending shockwaves through our ranks. It was a bitter blow, a devastating setback that left us reeling in disbelief.

As I stood amidst the wreckage of our shattered hopes, a sense of betrayal gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. How could this have happened? How could we have let The Obsidian Circle slip through our fingers so easily?

Three months later

My Dearest Sam,

It is with disdain that I address you now, for you have proven to be a disappointment in every sense of the word. You have clung to the misguided belief that you are fighting for justice, but in reality, you are nothing more than a pawn in a game much larger than yourself.

You see, my son, I have long known of your misguided attempts to thwart The Obsidian Circle, the very organization that I lead. Your feeble attempts at rebellion have amused me, but they have also grown tiresome. It is time for you to accept your fate and acknowledge the truth of your heritage.

From the moment of your birth, you were groomed to be a part of The Obsidian Circle, to wield the power of the quantum key in service to our cause. The symbol on your bedsheets is not just a coincidence, but a reminder of the legacy that you were born into, whether you choose to accept it or not.

I know that this revelation may come as a shock to you, but there is no denying the truth of your lineage. You were raised in the shadow of The Obsidian Circle, taught to believe in our vision for the future. And yet, you have chosen to betray everything you were taught, to align yourself with our enemies.

But it is not too late to rectify your mistakes, Sam. You have proven yourself to be a formidable opponent, and I would be remiss not to acknowledge your strength. Join us, and together, we can crush our enemies beneath our feet and usher in a new era of dominance.

Do not be fooled by false notions of morality, my son. There is no such thing as right or wrong in this world, only power and the will to wield it. Embrace your destiny, Sam, and together, we will conquer all who stand in our way.

With disdain,
Your Father

BlauHourglass wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

I did say that I'm not very aesthetic, and that's still true. I just use whatever artistic skills(not necessarily aesthetic) I can and my knowledge to do aesthetic orders. Like your bump banner; I'm not very good at aesthetics, but I noticed patterns and implemented them accordingly.
And no worries; I understand.
I'll start doing the hand drawing soon once i get clarification from StarryDove, and a pfp gif still needs to be image hosted bc its a gif. Annoying but possible, and i can image host.
Hm… Trello and Canva can share gifs though- They can act as image hosting services, just without embedding on Scratch. All she needs to do is literally download the gif from the sites. But okay.
I didnt know Canva could do that
Ironbricks5 Ironbricks5 loading
Hi, I made a game on everything. It took a lot of time to make, but I'm still going to keep updating it.
The project
RokCoder RokCoder loading
Without wanting to change your code too much, you could adjust it so it scales the size down while creating the map.

Add a size change to the beginning of Setup Rooms

define Setup Rooms
set size to (25) %

And modify the positioning during Setup Rooms

change x by (([sin v] of (direction)) * ((62) * (0.25)))
change y by (([cos v] of (direction)) * ((62) * (0.25)))

And reset the size at the beginning of MOVE CAMERA

when I receive [MOVE CAMERA v]
set size to (100) %

If you want to see the map creation at the smaller size, detach the script from the MOVE CAMERA receiver before hitting the green flag.
Maybe make a list “inventory” and simply add the items to the scratch list like this:

replace item (1 v) of [inventory v] with [item xy]

If you are able to stack items in one slot, I'd recommend using another list that saves the amount of items per slot
Have you tried using a grid system with a list? Or assigning some kind of coordinates to the rooms? I think it could simplify the issue a lot.
preshunk3 preshunk3 loading

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

oh my god I am so sad right now. the code for my 3DS COPPA problem finally came, I entered it, then I went into ACNL and talked to Porter. I said I wanted to visit a faraway town. the message about “parental consent” disappeared, but now Porter was talking about COPPA himself instead of it being a separate message within the UI. I'm so upset.

before you ask, it still won't let me visit towns online. and when I go to the parental controls settings, click do not restrict, then “OK”, I will get a message saying that Nintendo needs parental consent. I did this process with my mom so why would I need parental consent again? regardless, I clicked “no”, and it kicked me back to the restrictions menu with COPPA still enabled.

please help me. the shutdown is near, and I don't want to lose my chances to the law.
all i can think of is the mkey generator or godmode9 (i doubt the second option would work though because i dont think nintendo would make it that fragile)

depresso-boiyo wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

I did say that I'm not very aesthetic, and that's still true. I just use whatever artistic skills(not necessarily aesthetic) I can and my knowledge to do aesthetic orders. Like your bump banner; I'm not very good at aesthetics, but I noticed patterns and implemented them accordingly.
And no worries; I understand.
I'll start doing the hand drawing soon once i get clarification from StarryDove, and a pfp gif still needs to be image hosted bc its a gif. Annoying but possible, and i can image host.
Hm… Trello and Canva can share gifs though- They can act as image hosting services, just without embedding on Scratch. All she needs to do is literally download the gif from the sites. But okay.