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firegod677 firegod677 loading
Username: firegod677- @firegod677
Position: artist-s
Why do you want to join us?
Really, just for some fun.
How active will you be?
I'm on like, every other day.
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
I'm a sorta new artist. I have been drawing for half a year now.
Proof of work (if possible):
Notes (optional): none

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

-geometrical dominator sucks
Saying something sucks without much reason doesn't make it a hot take automagically
-robtop 100% chose generation retro because of the boss fight
I guess that makes sense. But then again, he also added generic levels with no connection to the Gauntlet it was put in
-spaceuk does not deserve so much hate
I guess you've changed your mind… Anyways, I do sort of agree. He supposedly completed Kenos and the Golden

CST1229 wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

-gd colon shouldn't have made tile size inconistent, it would have been better for super gd gem hunt 64 without it. to quote a wise punctuation mark, its not a mechanic, its a gimmick
did you watch his super gd gem hunt 64 vid? the level is not really meant to look good, it's a homage to old sloppy flash games like mario starcatcher 2
Votick Votick loading
ummm so instead of making a copy of the 4.7.24 SE prototype to make changes for the 4.8.24 prototype, I just worked on the 4.7.24 SE prototype…

so the 4.7.24 SE prototype is just the 4.8.24 version but lesser.

I had to remove the new features.

we will never truly have the Second Edition of 7.7.24…

hydrofungus hydrofungus loading
Alr, then this please.

hydrofungus wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

undeterminstic wrote:

. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment.
Where is the part where she said "groups that face harassment deserve a forum post"?
Oh yeah *ahem* i would like someone to answer zuh-cherry’s question please, we can’t make an argument surrounding an unclear source
If the source does actually mention, then this suggestion should be accepted.
kingi06 kingi06 loading
I made a game where you can drive a ship around an ocean, from a top down perspective and the world is bigger than what you can see on screen using some trickery to force scratch to move objects offscreen
set size to (999999) %
go to x: (400) y: (400)
set size to (125) %
I would like if some people were to look at the project and give me feedback on what is good/bad and what i can improve/tweak/change.

BlauHourglass wrote:

Salutations, good people! This is a singing collaboration that I am hosting for - well, technically everyone, but mainly Project SEKAI fans! Of course, even if you're not a PJSK fan you're still welcome to join.

Quick FaQ:
  • What's PJSK? Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku is a mobile rhythm game with really cool/cute characters, awesome vocals, and sick tracks.
  • What's a singing collab? A singing collaboration is basically like singing with other people! So for this, you guys give me your lines and then I'll mix them and put 'em together to get the full song .
  • What if I have really bad audio? Okay, well, I'll try my best to cut out all the garbage and then reverb, smoothen, and mix, but- even if I can't, it's okay. This is (mostly) to have fun!
  • Where do I submit my lines? In this studio! Make a project and add the project to the studio. Or if you don't want to share a new project for aesthetic sets or whatever, just put your lines in an old project and send the link to me on my profile .
  • I'm a girl/boy but I wanna do a {opposite gender}'s part. Eh, that's okay . We're not here to impersonate the characters - we're here to sing and have fun xD.
  • What language are we singing in? Japanese. It's fine if your pronunciation is a little off ^^. Just try, haha. This might be why I'm giving you all a month from when you claim lines-
  • What song are we singing? Be The MUSIC!, which is the 2023 April Fools' song for PJSK.
  • Does this thing have any credits? Yes: inspiration for collab covers from @yumetopia, PJSK itself by Sega, and you guys for your voices. Now let's get cracking.

  • You can only choose one person to sing the lines of.
  • Everyone has a month to submit their lines.
  • You can't choose characters that are already taken.
  • When you record your lines, listen to the instrumentals, vocals, or the actual song through earbuds to keep on tempo and key.
  • I might have you redo your lines .
  • Take at least a couple takes for me to see which one fits best!
  • Don't be mean or shame others' voices. That's not cool, respectful, nor edifying.
  • You can sign up as a backup too.

Whose Lines You Want:
Favorite PJSK Character(OPT):

Name: Leo/Kel
Whose Lines You Want: Ena
Favorite PJSK Character(OPT): Tsukasa Tenma
Backup?: Kanade
Extra: I have no idea :3
Malicondi Malicondi loading

UnscrambledEgg wrote:

This is hackable though
So are cloud variables. You can always make a complicated save system the people playing can't understand, so then it can't be hacked easily.
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading

co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

My school just had a mascot designing challenge recently and i wanna show my entry and the winning class

So can i
Is the school name prominent on the mascot?
Only the logo and an abbreviation
Edit: the winning one has part of the logo and the abbreviation, while mine has the full logo

hydrofungus wrote:

undeterministic wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Do you have proof to back that claim up? Every single bullying incident I've seen on Scratch isn't caused by that at all. The closest I've saw is probably somebody getting harrased because of their beliefs.
I have experience that.
Does this happen on a daily basis/many times or just something you experienced once?
More than once, not on a daily experience but a lot
AmyFun204 AmyFun204 loading
Title: Goombarmy Boss
-7;-4;1l;-7;-3;1ul;-6;-4;1a;-6;-3;1u;-5;-4;1a;-5;-3;1a5;-5;-2;1ud;-5;-1;1ud;-5;0;1ud;-5;1;1ud;-5;2;1ud;-5;3;1l3;-5;4;1ud;-5;5;1ud;-5;6;1ud;-5;7;1ud;-5;8;1ul;-4;-4;1a;-4;-3;1u;-4;3;1rl;-4;8;1rl;-3;-4;1a;-3;-3;1u;-3;3;1rl;-3;8;1rl;-2;-4;1a;-2;-3;1u;-2;3;1rl;-2;8;1rl;-1;-4;1a;-1;-3;1u;-1;3;1rl;-1;8;1rl;0;-4;1a;0;-3;1u;0;3;1rl;0;8;1rl;1;-4;1a;1;-3;1u;1;3;1rl;1;8;1rl;2;-4;1a;2;-3;1u;2;3;1rl;2;8;1rl;3;-4;1a;3;-3;1a5;3;-2;1ud;3;-1;1ud;3;0;1ud;3;1;1u2;3;3;1rl;3;8;1rl;4;-4;1r;4;-3;1ur;4;3;1rl;4;8;1rl;5;0;1dl;5;1;1ul;5;3;1rl;5;8;1rl;6;-2;1l2;6;0;1d;6;1;1a4;6;2;1l;6;3;1u;6;8;1rl;7;-2;1dr2;7;-1;1ud;7;0;1r;7;1;1r;7;2;1r;7;3;1u;7;8;1rl;8;3;1rl;8;8;1rl;9;-4;1ul;9;-2;1dl2;9;-1;1ud;9;0;1ud;9;1;1u2;9;3;1dr2;9;4;1ud;9;5;1ud;9;6;1ud;9;7;1ud;9;8;1ur;10;-4;1r3;10;-3;1ud;10;-2;1ur;B5;2;};8;6;-4;];-;6;-1;};8;7;-4;];-;8;-4;];-;9;-3;};8;9;2;bb;;C4;-2;{;8;90;4;-1;a;;-90;4;0;a;;-90;4;1;a;;-90;5;-4;{;8;90;5;-3;a;;-90;5;-2;a;;-90;5;-1;a;;-90;6;-3;a;;-90;7;-3;a;;-90;8;-3;a;;-90;8;-2;a;/;-90;8;-1;a;;-90;8;0;a;;-90;8;1;a;;-90;8;2;a;;-90;D-4;-2;.2;2;4;.2;E4;-2;8a1;5;-4;8a1;5;2;8a1;6;-1;8a1;9;-3;8a1;F2;1;5;1;-200;-200;:4;3;1;1;-200;-200;:G300;6;5;1;2;0;AmyFun204;Goombarmy Boss; 
Description: I remade the goomba bossfight…
MineTurte MineTurte loading

vfffgrttgh wrote:

does anyone agree
No. And please do not necropost. AKA posting on a topic that is old without adding useful information. Instead post this question in a better suited topic.

hydrofungus wrote:

My school just had a mascot designing challenge recently and i wanna show my entry and the winning class

So can i
Is the school name prominent on the mascot?
Hello and welcome to the forums.

On the “New Scratchers” forum, only New Scratchers are allowed to make topics. If you want to advertise a project, then next time use the “Show and Tell” forum. Your topic will be moved there soon. Feel free to help New Scratchers on the topics they have already made, though.
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading

undeterministic wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Do you have proof to back that claim up? Every single bullying incident I've seen on Scratch isn't caused by that at all. The closest I've saw is probably somebody getting harrased because of their beliefs.
I have experience that.
Does this happen on a daily basis/many times or just something you experienced once?


hydrofungus wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

undeterminstic wrote:

. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment.
Where is the part where she said "groups that face harassment deserve a forum post"?
Oh yeah *ahem* i would like someone to answer zuh-cherry’s question please, we can’t make an argument surrounding an unclear source
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading

Aaliyah_Newlands wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

Can you, uh, give a brief explanation? I don’t understand any work you said ☠️
Basically, instead of remixing sprites, being able to add it to backpack. From his own studio?
I think it’s what he/she meant.
anyway thanks that really clears stuff up

On the “New Scratchers” forum, only New Scratchers are allowed to make topics, unless a Scratcher gets permission from the Scratch Team. If you wnat to make some kind of update log area, then next time use the “Show and Tell” forum. Your topic will be moved there soon, so there is no need to make a new topic.
MineTurte MineTurte loading

-heika- wrote:

I need someone to draw an OC of my profile picture. if it's possible. Make sure to add emotes and different costumes
This is the wrong topic to post this in as you don't need help with a script. Next time instead post this in collaborations/requests. ST might move it over for you though! I wish you the best luck for finding someone who will!

vfffgrttgh wrote:

We should have a block in scratch that actually uses real money for buying/selling.
Like this,

Buy ₹ (10)

Please do not necropost.
Thanks for accommodating me being busy
As a thanks I reward you with a random gif I uploaded to mockup market
vfffgrttgh vfffgrttgh loading
We should have a block in scratch that actually uses real money for buying/selling.
Like this,

Buy ₹ (10)

hydrofungus wrote:

Can you, uh, give a brief explanation? I don’t understand any work you said ☠️
Basically, instead of remixing sprites, being able to add it to backpack. From his own studio?
I think it’s what he/she meant.
Fulcrum-19 Fulcrum-19 loading

D-ScratchNinja wrote:

I also made a Music extension framework called SongBlocks

You explained how that all works very well, and I checked out SongBlocks and it seems really cool! I'll be sure to use it whenever I do work with the music extension. Thanks for your help!

define SongBlocks is cool!
mumu245 mumu245 loading

Nova1789 wrote:


LionCoder10 wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

AidenTheRandomDude wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

AidenTheRandomDude wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

AidenTheRandomDude wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Nova1789 wrote:

There is one con (idk if this was said yet because i just found this lol)
Private Messaging.
No, because the collaboration would be public to the owner's profile.
Ah, but the user may be underrated, or may try to mask the project. (Not to mention there could be inappropriate roleplay)
However, we could easily fix this by putting the collab under review each turn (this may be hard)
Disagree, a moderator should watch over a collab.
Not a very ideal solution, scratch is a non-profit organisiation, so making it so that staff would watch over the collab would be difficult since one staff would likley have to watch a hundred collabs at once.
why not just hire more staff?
I see what you mean, but more staff means more money, since you would expect to be paid in a job, so scratch may start charging you for simpler things. (Like being capped to uploading a few projects a day and paying to upload more, free trails, etc.)
Here's how the under review feature may or may not work:
User 1 takes their turn:: #8c33b8
User 1 inserts personal information or private message :: #8c33b8
User lets User 2 take their turn:: #8c33b8
Current state of project is put in review list for moderator to review:: #8c33b8
Moderator looks at project :: #8c33b8
Take Down Project:: #8c33b8
Potentially ban users depending on message:: #8c33b8
end [collab v] :: control
This scenario also has it's own issues due to the number of staff, so it may be difficult to moderate.
Reports already take 12 hours (give or take some extra time), with very limited projects moderators have to look through. With that system, moderators would have to look though hundreds, maybe even thousands, of projects daily. The waiting time could be pushed from 12 hours to months.
Then this means this is impossible to prevent private messaging, so this idea should be rejected.
That isn’t simple, someone could see it before the comment gets deleted, it has to be shown on the owner’s profile the current collab and allow people to look inside (not able to edit any code though.) making private collabs that they don’t want people to see physically impossible.
Wait… what if we make it so that you can type only a restricted amount of words? That may prevent it…
Like the “chats” in Scratches popular online games? I think this could work
Hmm, but now I realised people could just use custom fonts (like evolutionist)
You can already do this in other ways…the project would be required to be shared…

CST1229 wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

-gd colon shouldn't have made tile size inconistent, it would have been better for super gd gem hunt 64 without it. to quote a wise punctuation mark, its not a mechanic, its a gimmick
did you watch his super gd gem hunt 64 vid? the level is not really meant to look good, it's a homage to old sloppy flash games like mario starcatcher 2
That was my point
Pixilized Pixilized loading

Jeffalo wrote:

scratch 2.0 had a little question mark icon that you could press anywhere to get information about a block in a little sidebar.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
Jeffalo Jeffalo loading
scratch 2.0 had a little question mark icon that you could press anywhere to get information about a block in a little sidebar.

SpyCoderX wrote:

An evil kumquat is a fictional creature which is commonly said to eat forum signatures. In reality, it is a joke started by the Scratch Team member cheddargirl.

In real life, kumquats are a fruit in the orange family native to China; today, they are grown worldwide.

- from the scratch wiki

Yeah, but can you remove a forum?
lanceivan54 lanceivan54 loading
I have been thinking how do i open a sb3 file on my phone since my phone is outdated and cannot download the scratch app
So any answers for opening a project in a phone?
when green flag clicked
say [i need help guh]
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading

Spirepool_17 wrote:

petspez wrote:

The Scratch team only bans a franchise if there are multiple inappropriate projects about it. Back before FNAF was banned, multiple projects with jumpscares and other inappropriate things were being made. Why? Because it was extremely popular. This is also the same situation with a certain show that abbreviates to HH…

Right! It doesn't matter how scary a franchise/fandom is, if there are multiple projects that are inappropriate, it's going to get banned.
Hi! Call me Spire! I am an artist, and I LOVE cats and Hamilton!
My favorite book series is Warriors! I'm currently on the 3rd book of A Starless Clan!
(By the way, my art is on paper, not digital if you're curious)
Oh hey unrelated but don’t create fake signatures, it makes posts harder to quote. Create your own signature here:

--CHA0S-- wrote:

You could also use a save code that a player can copy and paste back into the project that restores their previous data. It is commonly done by encoding the values you want into numbers, then a break in between values saved, I use 00 for my breaker. Then you let the player save it. Then to use the code the player pastes the code and you decode the numbers and set the certain variables to the correct values.
This is hackable though

hydrofungus wrote:

RiversSafeZone wrote:

I get an amogus vibe though the game has no quotes
No, among us doesn't have a mech you can punch fish with /hint
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading
My school just had a mascot designing challenge recently and i wanna show my entry and the winning class

So can i
This is the project which I speak of, it already uses cloud variables.

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

UnscrambledEgg wrote:


SpyCoderX wrote:

What do you mean? If you save the project, all variables and lists should be saved as well.
Well, if a player adds a new item to the list, leaves the project and goes back to the project (like deleting the tab, making a new one and going back to the project) then the variable wouldn't be the same as what they set. It resets.
it's the principe of a variable. However, you can use cloud variables for this ! To create a clou variable, there is an option in the new variable menu :

(my scratch is put to french but it's the same as english)

However, remember that cloud variables can only store numbers, not letters or symbols.
To use them, there are a lot of tutorials on youtube.
medians medians loading

Auroura_WoIf wrote:

medians wrote:

flyway wrote:

I mean my signature says I have been on the internet for 15 years and I stated I got my DSi in 2009….
Where did they come from though?? They seem to be events but I got suspicious when I saw both said 11/15/2017 (despite one being for VGE 19) and because the Korean OT that I found didn't match at all

Well I'm going to have to put descriptions alongside images LOL
Also fixed typo xDD
pretty sure they're just hacked. looking at Bulbapedia's list of Pikachu events, SM and USUM didn't have any shiny Pikachu events (and in fact the latest Pikachu event for USUM was 2018). Gyarados is a similar deal, with the most recent event (up-to-and-including Generation VII) being in ORAS. the most confusing thing really is why they put in such a middle-ground amount of effort. like, they changed the met location (and possibly the OT name?) to make it seem more legitimate, but they didn't bother generating it on the correct date and the “event” it's from is - as best as i can tell - completely made up
Alright, that's what I thought LOL
Also, I just looked at the passport, it says the trainer started on 11/15/2017..
hydrofungus hydrofungus loading
Can you, uh, give a brief explanation? I don’t understand any work you said ☠️

ninjaMAR wrote:

TheCommCraft wrote:


ninjaMAR wrote:

How can you run a server on github actions?
You need to set up a new workflow that runs your python script every 30 minutes or so and then write the python script to cancel itself after the same amount of time. Do you want an example?
The .github directory contains the workflow files for two different workflows to run every 27 minutes.

-lCosl- wrote:


Failure to do so will result in a strike.
I am active and am focusing on taking an order, however i am doing my homework so it’ll take around 2 mins.
Drake364 Drake364 loading
Hello, hopefully this will be seen by a big person in Scratch, because I have a Pixel Art community and there is a Pixel art which is a colour in. And there is 75 sprites.
A lot of sprites.
For ONE pixel art.
Excuse me for a moment…
That's better!
Anyways, I have to remix it just to get that project on another project. So I feel like it doesn't, like, fit, you know? So, to make it not look as bad (as this project is going to be on a studio/community.) So would you please make it so you right click, and all of the highlighted stuff would come up and after loosen hold of right click that thing where it's like ‘delete’, and ‘copy’, ect. would also come up with ‘send to backpack’ which would make stuff so much easier. Also, could you add a community thing as I feel like ‘studio’ doesn't really fit what I'm making.
say [thanks!]
Ha ha!
Also, people reading this…
Keep on Scratching!
MineTurte MineTurte loading
Just tell me what to do, give me a link, and I'll do it. I'm not good at keeping track of hundreds of things at once. Also tip for everyone, let people do one thing at a time as if 2 people work on the same base and make 2 different things it'll be hard to add them both without having to fix quite a few bugs. And I dunno about you but I sure don't wanna be the one to have to fix those.

Edit: Whoever is working on the base add it to the studio even if it's not done so everyone knows what we are working with
fgfoxy fgfoxy loading

jcpbuilder wrote:

Two ideas I came up with in the middle of the night

ONE: So I came up with an idea for a system that has two suns that are close to each other and there’s a planet in between them that is constantly pulled into different orbits which is slowly ripping it apart.

TWO: Irek’s ultimate plan is to open the World Between Worlds and save Palpatine from dying so that he can return to ruling the galaxy.

fgfoxy wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

fgfoxy wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

We should also put in Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda Force ghosts.
here is a thing that i will add art too and stuff!
Nice! I like the background design on the cover.
yea i based it on star maps! i would say guess what system it is but it was really just random. also im going to need a vector of a top down view of both a Star Destroyer and a Mon Calmari Cruiser
I'll do that

Edit: Or we could ask Order027 for his top down Starship designs.

ok so i love both of those ideas. and ok
(yes this was copy + pasted but I changed things to fit the present)

Hello, everyone! Today is reviewing day! If you have time to place an order at the time when you're reading this message, please make an order at your designated shop now. If your order has been completed when you're reading this message, please submit a review form.

Please note that the The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0 has reviews paused, so NOBODY is reviewing them at this moment.

If you don't know what shop you're reviewing today, please look here.

No single user is reviewing two shops this reviewing day.

We (probably mostly I) will do silent check-ups to see the status about your review. A little later in the month, I will post statistics.
The sentence above has not been confirmed with the owner of the Gemstone Federation. The above may be removed if requested by the owner.

Today is the day you are ordering for your assigned shop, and reviews have to be submitted by the next reviewing day or by the first of May (the latter is preferred, not required).

If any complications happen with your REVIEW (not order because that's with the shop), please tell us.


- RecessFails

If the owner of the Gemstone Federation wishes that any content is this post shall be removed, it will be removed.
ExOnOe ExOnOe loading
i just realized some might not have access to turbowarp
so i might have to make a scratch-compatible version in the future
MineTurte MineTurte loading
I think we are all a bit out of hand at the moment lol. The fact we aren't coordinated will make this take 100x longer than it ever should. I say we vote to make Malicondi a lead. Or someone who can actually organize this whole thing other than moigam.

Update: I am way behind and didn't read page 11 _skull_. ignore this
abubriski abubriski loading

684pika wrote:

abubriski wrote:

There's a project that I favorited, containing the song Sea Ballad “The Wellerman”.
Well if you favorited it find it through your “favorite projects” bar, the second one on your page
I know, but I have a problem with having too many favorites. If anyone would like to try, it's pretty recent…
AHypnoman AHypnoman loading
// Run this from your browser console
const followingList = []
// !! IF YOU AREN'T @CoverMusic CHANGE THIS TO YOUR USERNAME !! Otherwise you'll get 429 hardlocked from the API for a minute :P
const username = "CoverMusic"
// recursion, not while loop. Scratch API has a max allowed 10 requests per sec
async function getFollowers() {
  // Get + append the next page of followers
  const followersPage = await fetch("" + username + "/following?limit=40&offset=" + followingList.length, {"method": "GET",}).then(res => res.json())
  followingList.push( => user.username))
  // Make sure there could still be more followers, and if not start unfollowing process
  if (followersPage.length < 40)
   setTimeout(getFollowers, 100)
// Function to finally unfollow
function unfollowAll() {
  console.log("This will take " + followingList.length / 10 + " seconds. Do not close this window!")
  const csrfToken = getCookie("scratchcsrftoken")
// Function to unfollow single next user in the list
function unfollowNext (csrfToken) {
  //Get and remove next follower from list, then check
  const nextFollower = followingList.pop()
  if (nextFollower) {
    // PUT unfollow request
    fetch("" + nextFollower + "/remove/?usernames=" + username, {"method": "PUT", "headers":{"X-CSRFToken": csrfToken, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}})
  } else {
// Simple script for getting cookies
function getCookie(name) {
  const value = "; " + document.cookie
  const parts = value.split("; " + name + "=")
  if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift()
// Run scripts

Depending on how the API is feeling, you may need to run this more than once.
AndrewB1501 AndrewB1501 loading

SenuoyKuollem wrote:

This Took me more than 2 hours to complete, Hopefully you enjoy it
It has multiple secret rooms and is generally quite big.

I Used a moded version

oh wow, thats a lot
Hello! Interesting in being cool? I have 3 studios just for you!

A fascinating studio about water? Water is more important than we think! Check out this studio for more!

Don't you just love airplanes and anything that has to do with the airspace? Well here's a studio just for you!
Take to The Air!

Do you hate how everywhere you go it says “No advertising or No f4f” Well I got a studio that allows all of those things and more!
Cool Games On Scratch

Ty! And I do hope I see your profile on the curator list soon!
baovuitinh baovuitinh loading

BudgiesAreCool121YT wrote:

baovuitinh wrote:

Fluffed_MilkyX3 wrote:

wolfslayer9000 wrote:

Fluffed_MilkyX3 wrote:

wolfslayer9000 wrote:

Fluffed_MilkyX3 wrote:

furyb_levrai wrote:

i9xis wrote:

FlaxLoop wrote:


furyb_levrai wrote:

Folloow me pls or just check a project
Why are you advertising in a topic related to new scratchers?

firstly because new scratchers could see this project for inspiration
because the only place where we can advertise is the topics

You can advertise in other places, too.

Not just the topics/forums.

How are you MLKY
I’m good! Wbu?
Hi whenever
The more u give, the more u get! - Chuck E. Cheese
-lCosl- -lCosl- loading

Failure to do so will result in a strike.

Spaceandmoon1 wrote:

HelloJelloPeople wrote:

Swiftpixel wrote:

Isn't it possible to connect a wii remote via bluetooth?
While possible, the mapping is way too different for the extention, unless the classic controller is used. Even then, certain buttons would be left out, and there would be no vibrations (maybe, I never owned a classic controller).

The motion and sensor controls would not be used at all.
I own a Nintendo Switch myself and I think that as far as the motion sensing controls, well I just think that couldn't work that effectively and precisely. This would be a problem because how much dragging that happens such as dragging the blocks into the coding tab of a sprite and painting a sprite too. Another issue would be typing because whenever you type something on the switch a keypad will go up and will use about half of your screen which would be annoying at least for most people. Despite these issues I would really like to have Scratch on a Nintendo Switch.
Scratch for consoles is rejected, as seen in this post.

Za-Chary wrote:

The Scratch Team does not have the resources to put a Scratch editor onto a video game console. This includes making a Scratch editor for Nintendo, Xbox, and Playstation consoles.
This topic is for controller support on computers, and maybe even phones.