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lapisi lapisi loading

Barophobia wrote:


shwooby wrote:

lapisi wrote:

BFDIA really needs to get back to Yoyleland
I agree, the new episodes are alright but I want to see more Yoyleland more than anything
Yoyleland is so iconic! There's also so much potential! Like that museum building where Golf Ball has a bad memory.
the main thing is preserving the timeline, especially since (spoiler: highlight to view) Match (my favorite character) is going to rejoin
You can use broadcasts to delete all clones of a sprite.
when I receive [delete clones of \(your sprite here\) v] // Put this in the sprite you want to delete the clones of.
delete this clone
Griffpatch has a great tutorial on this that you can check out here. To make the healthbar longer, just modify it so that it uses more clones.
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

trideveloper wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

trideveloper wrote:

Do you need an animator?
Yes. Can you animate?
I’m assuming that’s a yes. Do you animate with bitmap (drawing something different each frame) or vector (models)?

If he can animate, I hope he can animate our concept arts. I want to start a trailer. I have the perfect music for that. What I've done. By linken park.
Oooh that’s ones really good, and is in the transformers movies.
butterbar19 butterbar19 loading
I am trying to make a health bar using clones of a sliver, much like seen in this project.
However, I am trying to make a game much like Dark Souls, in which the health bar's maximum capacity can expand and shrink visibly depending on the player's stats.

I've been able to make a block to create the bar, but the biggest problem I've run into is deleting all of the clones to reset the bar. I still can't wrap my head around how to do this, or to make motion in the bar (not completely necessary.)

Does anyone know how to mass delete all of a sprite's clones, or even a better way to create an expandable health bar? (Pen is not an option.)

Thank you!

ArgyleE1 wrote:

trideveloper wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

trideveloper wrote:

Do you need an animator?
Yes. Can you animate?
I’m assuming that’s a yes. Do you animate with bitmap (drawing something different each frame) or vector (models)?

If he can animate, I hope he can animate our concept arts. I want to start a trailer. I have the perfect music for that. What I've done. By linken park.
Storm-Coder Storm-Coder loading

On projette un jeu inspiré de l'ancien et légendaire* Gauntlet (I et II en particulier pas les suites ratées comme la slayer edition ou ceux en 3D).

L'idée étant que ce soit évidemment fun à jouer avec des donjons bien pensés mais surtout et avant tout que ça puisse se jouer en collaboratif au moins à 4 (voire à 6) en local et/où par le cloud.
On ajoutera peut-être un mode compétitif mais à ce stade on a des idées qu'il va falloir affiner petit à petit y compris concernant les défis que ça va représenter en terme de programmation, surtout via le cloud qui semble parfois avoir un peu de lag et faire quelques mauvais tours… Au pire on se rabattra sur le local comme dans Gauntlet (des joysticks un clavier, on arrivait à jouer à 4 sur le même ordinateur et écran et c'était justement fun de faire ça tous ensemble physiquement!).

Bref, si le projet vous tente et si vous êtes un vrai codeur qui sait structurer et commenter son code comme un pro pour qu'on s'y retrouve à plusieurs… ou surtout un graphiste, sprites et/ou autres, on aurait besoin de vous car il va y avoir du boulot avec les graphismes, surtout les sprites.
Musiciens bienvenus aussi évidemment.
Plus tard on verra pour d'éventuels levels designers et beta testers etc…

J'ai également fraîchement ouvert ce serveur de discussion et posté ce que j'ai trouvé comme images pour nous servir de base concernant les graphismes, il faudrait par exemple refaire les sprites selon ces modèles mais en vectoriel ou au pire en bitmap mais en tous cas au moins en 25x25 voire 32x32. (Le lien ne marche pas c'est volontaire Il faut remplacer “dor” par “ord”.)

Si vous êtes mineurs, il faut vous assurer que vos parents soient d'accord et même dans ce cas avoir au moins 13 ans je crois pour se connecter à un serveur de discussion !

*wikipedia: “Le jeu est l'une des entrées de l'ouvrage Les 1001 jeux vidéo auxquels il faut avoir joué dans sa vie.”
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

trideveloper wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

trideveloper wrote:

Do you need an animator?
Yes. Can you animate?
I’m assuming that’s a yes. Do you animate with bitmap (drawing something different each frame) or vector (models)?
Username*: Jay4EverAndAlways
Shop name: Jay's Codes Shop | Backyard Ratings | Advertise Your Shops/Games (NOW OPEN) (WE'RE HIRING)
Shop link:
Shop banner:
(I have two)
Why should we partner with you?: I will advertise your shop in mine! (and im friendly)
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Yes
Other*: Hi there!
I'm kinda a new shop and I'm trying to get some help and some tips.
So, I propose, that we partner up!
I know, I know, there isn't really anything you get out of it. But, I would put your banner and a link to your shop in the partners section of my shop
I COMPLETELY get it if you aren't willing to partner with a new shop, but I'm asking anyway!

pikachumish pikachumish loading
I think it'd be pretty goofy if you had a short character with comically large arms. Just an idea though!

DarkShadowX846 wrote:

Bro. It's literally that mod's fault.

the_awsome_penguinja wrote:

my school blocks any website where it's main domain is not .edu (except google), changing this will block scratch in my school.
That sounds like they're using a whitelist of sites rather than a blacklist. Ask your school to add to the whitelist. If they ask why, cite this suggestion.

GlitchedThrough wrote:

Well, I’m not saying that they should keep the domain. Just that tyhey still work together
Ah, alright. Thanks for the clarification!
MythosLore MythosLore loading

starlightsparker wrote:

how will they code it so that the text in the forum post is different based off of a toggle?
This was clearly a joke.

DarkShadowX846 wrote:

StelaAnimation wrote:

I can't login into StelaAnimation with cloud. What I should do pls???
DID YOU SEE THE NOTICE ON THE SERVER !!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!????????!?!?!??!?!?

“The server will be down to prevent possible corruption while we work on a new server for the mod.”

IN BRIGHT YELLOW?!?!?! LIKE WHAT?????????????

AND THIS NOTE?!?!??!!??!?!?!?

“Scratch Note: Please don't mention (the name of the mod) on Scratch, we have different rules compared to Scratch!”

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

ajskateboarder wrote:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

M1mikyu wrote:

Some people prefer to be called a “person with autism” rather than an “autistic person”, and that preference should be respected! Both sides are valid, so a fair compromise is using both terms alternatively.
And… how exactly are you supposed to know what they prefer?
Solution: make a toggle and add it to settings
I support this idea.
how will they code it so that the text in the forum post is different based off of a toggle?

ajskateboarder wrote:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

M1mikyu wrote:

Some people prefer to be called a “person with autism” rather than an “autistic person”, and that preference should be respected! Both sides are valid, so a fair compromise is using both terms alternatively.
And… how exactly are you supposed to know what they prefer?
Solution: make a toggle and add it to settings
I support this idea.

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

M1mikyu wrote:

Some people prefer to be called a “person with autism” rather than an “autistic person”, and that preference should be respected! Both sides are valid, so a fair compromise is using both terms alternatively.
And… how exactly are you supposed to know what they prefer?
Solution: make a toggle and add it to settings

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

M1mikyu wrote:

Some people prefer to be called a “person with autism” rather than an “autistic person”, and that preference should be respected! Both sides are valid, so a fair compromise is using both terms alternatively.
And… how exactly are you supposed to know what they prefer?
A survey?
S_P_A_R_T S_P_A_R_T loading

ArnoHu wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

birdracerthree wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

What NPS should WD be aiming for on S3?

Because right now, even though it's search depth can get pretty far, it's mostly because of the aggressive LMR. I'm working on an update to hopefully add specialized extensions to help out in this area, but at the end of the day, NPS / Move Gen Speed, is going to be more important.
I would guess double of what it is now to start. WD's NPS is already poor (<20k NPS on TW is not good, 100 NPS on S3 isn't any better), maybe you should look into the double move generation. That should not be necessary.

Update on mate eval TT bug : The incorrect TT value is coming from the same depth as the correct one. No more info is known.

Good question, as mentioned before, NPS must be taken with a grain of salt. The whole goal of pruning is to have as little nodes visited as necessary for reaching a high search depth. An engine with none or very limited pruning will have high NPS without getting to any significant search depth. When you compare NPS of professional engines, you know they have great pruning in place, so no need to discuss.

E.g. I just imported “r3kb1r/pp1n1ppp/q1p1p3/3pPn2/3P2P1/1QN2N2/PPPB1P1P/2KR3R b kq - 0 11” to our engines on TurboWarp. Scurious is known to have the highest NPS. It was done searching ply 5 in 3.2 seconds for that board, that is without quiescence. It was “only” running on 175k NPS here. GoK also had 175k NPS, but was done with ply 5 search including quiescence in 0.3 seconds. And that gap will widen with any additional ply. Element was done in 2.2 seconds at 85k NPS, WD in 0.8 seconds at 16k NPS (although I doubt our NPS calculation is equivalent).

If you refer to improving move generator, moves-per-second is an important metric. As a baseline I can tell you that GoK's core move generator, when running standalone (no other code executed, no staged generation, no hash moves, etc), will be at 800,000 generated moves per second for the start board. So MPS in the 100,000s would be a good starting point.

When it comes to pruning via good move ordering, I would look at the average move list index of the best move found. I think you have that already in WD, right? And if there is a staged move generator, you can compare NPS and MPS. You want NPS to be close to MPS, because then you did not generate a lot of moves that were never applied.

With all that in place, just verify at the search depth you reach. You are right that LMR can be misleading, depth might be great, but it could prune things it should not. For that we can compare depth with LMR disabled, or having the same LMR configuration in place.

We must also keep in mind that system speed and current board do have a lot of impact on NPS, and so does quiescence search. In any way, based on where it is now, I guess 50k NPS might a be a good initial goal for WD. Why do you think NPS is low now? How can WD reach its search depth now? Are we sure it is not also about the way how NPS is calculated?

@birdracerthree, why don't you simply disable checkmate evals in TT for the time being? I don't think they have such a high impact. And I even have seen professional engines disabling them for quiescence search at least, and so does GoK.

Alright, thanks!

WD on the starting board has an average-move-list-index of around 1.5-1.6.

WD also calculates the NPS as the total “normal nodes” + the q-search nodes, and then divide that by the time used. (Normal nodes is increased by one at the start of every “minmax”, and the q-search nodes counter is increased at the start of every “q-search”.)

I'm not totally sure why the NPS is just so low, (even doubling the move gen speed would put it at less than half of Element's), but I have a feeling it's just some really poor code somewhere (similar to the progress/eval bar fix on S3).

(Also, how do you calculate Moves Per Second on the starting board?)

(Also also, here's a really cool 99% accuracy game I played yesterday IRL )

Do you increment node count on every evaluation? On every applied move? Or something else?

I only increment node count at the start of the “minmax” my-block. (And there's a similar story for the q-search side too.)

Also, how should the moves per second on the starting board be calculated? Do you just keep on generating moves until 1 sec is up? And do you apply / revert moves on the board?
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

We should start making the script for this movie.

Can you make it? I'll remix it if i want to change anything.
Who are the villains, if there even is any? Who are all the main characters?

It's transformers. Plus, I think we should add a small history of prime and Megatron.
It actually happening, like, on Cybertron, or through flashbacks and stuff? (As in the small history of Megs and Prime)

Yeah. But this is the path of the autobots about how they leave cybertron
I’ve always wanted to make a Transformers movie that can be described as just that. “The path of the autobots about how they leave cybertron“

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

We should start making the script for this movie.

Can you make it? I'll remix it if i want to change anything.
Who are the villains, if there even is any? Who are all the main characters?

It's transformers. Plus, I think we should add a small history of prime and Megatron.
It actually happening, like, on Cybertron, or through flashbacks and stuff? (As in the small history of Megs and Prime)

Yeah. But this is the path of the autobots about how they leave cybertron
I’ve always wanted to make a Transformers movie that can be described as just that. “The path of the autobots about how they leave cybertron“

ilovestories wrote:

Actually if I remember right joint shop-feds used to be pretty common, I remember seeing a few

Anyways I've changed my mind, I've only just looked at the forum thread properly. I vote no, we should not join.
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

We should start making the script for this movie.

Can you make it? I'll remix it if i want to change anything.
Who are the villains, if there even is any? Who are all the main characters?

It's transformers. Plus, I think we should add a small history of prime and Megatron.
It actually happening, like, on Cybertron, or through flashbacks and stuff? (As in the small history of Megs and Prime)

Yeah. But this is the path of the autobots about how they leave cybertron
I’ve always wanted to make a Transformers movie that can be described as just that. “The path of the autobots about how they leave cybertron“

MushroomMayhem wrote:


hint: Its a round based survival game.
hint 2: Kazimir Zykov (no more follow for you :P)
È stata rilasciata una quarta beta!

In questa beta è stato aggiunto il font “Renogare” usato nel gioco.
La risoluzione a schermo intero su turbowarp ora è di 1920x1080, ma può essere cambiata a qualsiasi risoluzione, il gioco si adatterà.
Inoltre, l'intero codice è stato riordinato, ora le variabili, liste e blocchi del progetto sono divise in sezioni con nomi ed emoji (non visibili in questo post) differenti:
⚙️ Utils
?? Data
?? Level
?? Player
?? Stage
E così via…

Nel link “Turbowarp (60 fps, 1920x1080)” è consigliata l'addon “Enhanced full screen”.

Celeste Engine beta 4 su Scratch
Celeste Engine beta 4 su Turbowarp (60 fps)
Celeste Engine beta 4 su Turbowarp (60 fps, 1920x1080)

NoelFB/Celeste su Github

DarkShadowX846 wrote:

StelaAnimation wrote:

I can't login into StelaAnimation with cloud. What I should do pls???

Its maybe because the devs of penguin-mod are working on a new server for penguin-mod.

Try again after they are done maybe

BudgiesAreCool121YT wrote:

wolfslayer9000 wrote:

Lucas28042014 wrote:

wolfslayer9000 wrote:

Fluffed_MilkyX3 wrote:

furyb_levrai wrote:

i9xis wrote:

FlaxLoop wrote:


furyb_levrai wrote:

Folloow me pls or just check a project
Why are you advertising in a topic related to new scratchers?

firstly because new scratchers could see this project for inspiration
because the only place where we can advertise is the topics

You can advertise in other places, too.

Not just the topics/forums.

hello wolf
Hi Lucas
I’ve got a gun, see furries, furries gotta ÐĮĖ
I’m a therian, and your post should be reported.

ArnoHu wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

birdracerthree wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

What NPS should WD be aiming for on S3?

I would guess double of what it is now to start. WD's NPS is already poor (<20k NPS on TW is not good, 100 NPS on S3 isn't any better), maybe you should look into the double move generation. That should not be necessary.

Update on mate eval TT bug : The incorrect TT value is coming from the same depth as the correct one. No more info is known.

Good question, as mentioned before, NPS must be taken with a grain of salt. The whole goal of pruning is to have as little nodes visited as necessary for reaching a high search depth. An engine with none or very limited pruning will have high NPS without getting to any significant search depth. When you compare NPS of professional engines, you know they have great pruning in place, so no need to discuss.

E.g. I just imported “r3kb1r/pp1n1ppp/q1p1p3/3pPn2/3P2P1/1QN2N2/PPPB1P1P/2KR3R b kq - 0 11” to our engines on TurboWarp. Scurious is known to have the highest NPS. It was done searching ply 5 in 3.2 seconds for that board, that is without quiescence. It was “only” running on 175k NPS here. GoK also had 175k NPS, but was done with ply 5 search including quiescence in 0.3 seconds. And that gap will widen with any additional ply. Element was done in 2.2 seconds at 85k NPS, WD in 0.8 seconds at 16k NPS (although I doubt our NPS calculation is equivalent).


We must also keep in mind that system speed and current board do have a lot of impact on NPS, and so does quiescence search. In any way, based on where it is now, I guess 50k NPS might a be a good initial goal for WD. Why do you think NPS is low now? How can WD reach its search depth now? Are we sure it is not also about the way how NPS is calculated?

@birdracerthree, why don't you simply disable checkmate evals in TT for the time being? I don't think they have such a high impact. And I even have seen professional engines disabling them for quiescence search at least, and so does GoK.

Alright, thanks!

WD on the starting board has an average-move-list-index of around 1.5-1.6.

WD also calculates the NPS as the total “normal nodes” + the q-search nodes, and then divide that by the time used. (Normal nodes is increased by one at the start of every “minmax”, and the q-search nodes counter is increased at the start of every “q-search”.)

I'm not totally sure why the NPS is just so low, (even doubling the move gen speed would put it at less than half of Element's), but I have a feeling it's just some really poor code somewhere (similar to the progress/eval bar fix on S3).

(Also, how do you calculate Moves Per Second on the starting board?)

(Also also, here's a really cool 99% accuracy game I played yesterday IRL )

Do you increment node count on every evaluation? On every applied move? Or something else?
"WD also calculates the NPS as the total “normal nodes” + the q-search nodes, and then divide that by the time used. (Normal nodes is increased by one at the start of every “minmax”, and the q-search nodes counter is increased at the start of every “q-search”.)"

I tried to do what you suggested, but it didn't work. Element Dev plays Rc8 in this position 4r1k1/6r1/7R/6pQ/p4p2/q7/6PP/6RK b - - 1 39, hanging mate in 1.

Where did 85k NPS come from? My NPS is under 60k.
Nes1Owe_Alt Nes1Owe_Alt loading

flyway wrote:

rainbownugget5196 wrote:

Pokemon battle royal lol
POV: Rumble Blast (I have 3 Kyogre in it)

-OctoSquid- -OctoSquid- loading

The80sTimeTraveller wrote:

-OctoSquid- wrote:

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

-OctoSquid- wrote:

Does using dosbox count as using dos on a daily basis?
i meant using it as a standard operating system, but sure, that's fine too.
Later, just for fun, I might learn how to and make it a fun challenge to spend a day with only dos as an os
Throw in a network card and spend the day browsing gopher sites
I don't have a real retro computer, so I would probably just use dosbox.
TKb0iZ TKb0iZ loading

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

TKb0iZ wrote:

Why don't we talk about the GTA 5 mods like in those videos where you drive through a tunnel of a million layers or where you have to jump over an obstacle or something? I've personally never played them but they can sometimes be interesting and I don't even pay much attention to GTA.
A million layers? A MILLION LAYERS? how long did that take
idk i saw it in some yt video somewhere you can look it up it's been a long time since i watched it

TKb0iZ wrote:

Why don't we talk about the GTA 5 mods like in those videos where you drive through a tunnel of a million layers or where you have to jump over an obstacle or something? I've personally never played them but they can sometimes be interesting and I don't even pay much attention to GTA.
A million layers? A MILLION LAYERS? how long did that take
This was before u joined! dont worry, everyone will be included in a scene!

-OctoSquid- wrote:

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

-OctoSquid- wrote:

Does using dosbox count as using dos on a daily basis?
i meant using it as a standard operating system, but sure, that's fine too.
Later, just for fun, I might learn how to and make it a fun challenge to spend a day with only dos as an os
Throw in a network card and spend the day browsing gopher sites
TKb0iZ TKb0iZ loading
Why don't we talk about the GTA 5 mods like in those videos where you drive through a tunnel of a million layers or where you have to jump over an obstacle or something? I've personally never played them but they can sometimes be interesting and I don't even pay much attention to GTA.

SukiyoDaAlt wrote:

because this is a topic for an m rated game on a website that consists of mainly kids
ok, but we are allowed to mention some M-Rated games
-OctoSquid- -OctoSquid- loading

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

-OctoSquid- wrote:

Does using dosbox count as using dos on a daily basis?
i meant using it as a standard operating system, but sure, that's fine too.
Later, just for fun, I might learn how to and make it a fun challenge to spend a day with only dos as an os
SukiyoDaAlt SukiyoDaAlt loading

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

Why no discussion
because this is a topic for an m rated game on a website that consists of mainly kids
having the “scuffed editor+” is such nice QoL for removing the need to modify the block code, im glad that i decided to make it a thing :)

scheeepchit_remix wrote:

thepurplebanana66 wrote:

so far this is what the atria TAS looks like
it stops right after the saws
cycles? what cycles?
lol it took a lot of fiddling around to get that second saw jump to work

-OctoSquid- wrote:

Does using dosbox count as using dos on a daily basis?
i meant using it as a standard operating system, but sure, that's fine too.
-OctoSquid- -OctoSquid- loading

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

-OctoSquid- wrote:

Nice! Whenever I get a spare USB drive, I want to try booting into FreeDOS on a modern computer, just to see how it runs.
i'm real curious as to whether there's anyone out there who actually unironically uses dos on a daily basis
Does using dosbox count as using dos on a daily basis?
glitcX glitcX loading
To play multiplayer on PS it should be that you need PS Plus to host a multiplayer server, but you can invite your friends who do not have a membership
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

birdracerthree wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

What NPS should WD be aiming for on S3?

Because right now, even though it's search depth can get pretty far, it's mostly because of the aggressive LMR. I'm working on an update to hopefully add specialized extensions to help out in this area, but at the end of the day, NPS / Move Gen Speed, is going to be more important.
I would guess double of what it is now to start. WD's NPS is already poor (<20k NPS on TW is not good, 100 NPS on S3 isn't any better), maybe you should look into the double move generation. That should not be necessary.

Update on mate eval TT bug : The incorrect TT value is coming from the same depth as the correct one. No more info is known.

Good question, as mentioned before, NPS must be taken with a grain of salt. The whole goal of pruning is to have as little nodes visited as necessary for reaching a high search depth. An engine with none or very limited pruning will have high NPS without getting to any significant search depth. When you compare NPS of professional engines, you know they have great pruning in place, so no need to discuss.

E.g. I just imported “r3kb1r/pp1n1ppp/q1p1p3/3pPn2/3P2P1/1QN2N2/PPPB1P1P/2KR3R b kq - 0 11” to our engines on TurboWarp. Scurious is known to have the highest NPS. It was done searching ply 5 in 3.2 seconds for that board, that is without quiescence. It was “only” running on 175k NPS here. GoK also had 175k NPS, but was done with ply 5 search including quiescence in 0.3 seconds. And that gap will widen with any additional ply. Element was done in 2.2 seconds at 85k NPS, WD in 0.8 seconds at 16k NPS (although I doubt our NPS calculation is equivalent).

If you refer to improving move generator, moves-per-second is an important metric. As a baseline I can tell you that GoK's core move generator, when running standalone (no other code executed, no staged generation, no hash moves, etc), will be at 800,000 generated moves per second for the start board. So MPS in the 100,000s would be a good starting point.

When it comes to pruning via good move ordering, I would look at the average move list index of the best move found. I think you have that already in WD, right? And if there is a staged move generator, you can compare NPS and MPS. You want NPS to be close to MPS, because then you did not generate a lot of moves that were never applied.

With all that in place, just verify at the search depth you reach. You are right that LMR can be misleading, depth might be great, but it could prune things it should not. For that we can compare depth with LMR disabled, or having the same LMR configuration in place.

We must also keep in mind that system speed and current board do have a lot of impact on NPS, and so does quiescence search. In any way, based on where it is now, I guess 50k NPS might a be a good initial goal for WD. Why do you think NPS is low now? How can WD reach its search depth now? Are we sure it is not also about the way how NPS is calculated?

@birdracerthree, why don't you simply disable checkmate evals in TT for the time being? I don't think they have such a high impact. And I even have seen professional engines disabling them for quiescence search at least, and so does GoK.

Alright, thanks!

WD on the starting board has an average-move-list-index of around 1.5-1.6.

WD also calculates the NPS as the total “normal nodes” + the q-search nodes, and then divide that by the time used. (Normal nodes is increased by one at the start of every “minmax”, and the q-search nodes counter is increased at the start of every “q-search”.)

I'm not totally sure why the NPS is just so low, (even doubling the move gen speed would put it at less than half of Element's), but I have a feeling it's just some really poor code somewhere (similar to the progress/eval bar fix on S3).

(Also, how do you calculate Moves Per Second on the starting board?)

(Also also, here's a really cool 99% accuracy game I played yesterday IRL )

Do you increment node count on every evaluation? On every applied move? Or something else?

StelaAnimation wrote:

I can't login into StelaAnimation with cloud. What I should do pls???

pkhead wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

pkhead wrote:

another stupid melodie
these aren't stupid, I unironically listen to the one you made with the doodle when I want to feel randomly happy, please make as many as you can
thank you for the appreciation!
just thought it was stupid cus these kinds of songs are the norm for the music i think of. and i feel like a lot of the time my friend thinks they're bad.
get a new friend /j

pkhead wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

pkhead wrote:

another stupid melodie
these aren't stupid, I unironically listen to the one you made with the doodle when I want to feel randomly happy, please make as many as you can
thank you for the appreciation!
just thought it was stupid cus these kinds of songs are the norm for the music i think of. and i feel like a lot of the time my friend thinks they're bad.
tell your friend he is wrong
Pixilized Pixilized loading
Your sprite's costume may be too small. If it is very small, Scratch will not let you set the size below a specific number. What you want to do is have a costume named “BIG” that is a very large suare taking up a large quantity of space on the canvas. Then, to set the sprite to the size you want, use this block.

define Set Size (Size) 
//Tick "run without screen refresh"
switch costume to [BIG v]
set size to (Size)
switch costume to [### v] //Replace "###" with whatever costume you want the sprite to have.

I hope I helped!
SkindlePaw SkindlePaw loading
yeah okay, hello! Question, am I just not in there or was this from a while back?
Comix_2 Comix_2 loading

glitcX wrote:

Is PS4 Hits edition the most recent version for ps4?

If you have a PS Plus membership you can play it for no extra cost