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ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

What about Bishop? I think a time traveler would work well. I was also thinking we could add in Polaris as a side character.
Oh yea
Concluding paragraph:

In summary, identity is a colourful mosaic of things that make us who we are, such as where we're from, what we've been through, and, for some people, autism. Accepting and empowering autistic identity and ensuring that autistic people's needs are met in a society that isn't always accomodating is extremely important. By sharing our stories and experiences, we help others better understand the autism spectrum and make the world a better and more inclusive space for everyone.

Is this good? Anything I should rephrase? If the mosaic part is too similar to the puzzle pieces, I can come up with something else.
Can you mention the title of a song on your profile, even if the song contains some explicit lyrics?
(For example, if you wanted to mention your favorite song)
PoppyWriter PoppyWriter loading
⇾ weekly #4 ~ (story stew) ⚘

(weekly runs from 3/24 to 3/31)

⇾ Part One ~ (outline) ⚘

Ordinary World: Lanae (nickname Lea) is widely considered to be one of the most talented “magistics” in the world. People come from all over to see Lea’s incredible skills in “magiart” (magic) on the streets.
There’s a catch.
Lea has never performed a single act of magiart in her life.
She’s a fraud. ✓
Call To Adventure : When she receives a note that says that she will be blackmailed if she doesn't do exactly what the note says. The tells her that she must use her skills of illusion and trickery to lure in a wealthy nobleman before stealing the entirety of his fortune - or rather, a highly valuable nationally important document hidden in the vaults of the nobleman's home. She is instructed that she will meet someone at the house - a servant - who will help her complete the task before taking the document and leaving her with the assurances of her secret being kept. ✓
Refusal of the Call : Reluctantly, she accepts. ✓
Meeting the Mentor/Crossing the Threshold : Lea meets Eo, a criminal (about two years older than her) who has been working as a footman in this nobleman's house for three years. Lea begins to see the prep that has gone into this, and though Eo talks to her, he doesn't reveal anything about who he's working with. ✓
Tests, Alliances, Enemies : She makes friends and enemies within the house, using her ‘talents’ to amuse the nobleman and his family. She gains a knowledge of the house and the document. ✓
Approach to Innermost Cave : In the wee hours of the morning, Eo wakes her up to tell her that they will steal the document that night. ✓
Ordeal: They steal the document, but are caught sneaking out. Eo tells her to use magiart to get them out. This reveals that Eo didn't know she didn't possess those talents. She manages to escape with the document, but she leaves Eo.
Road Back: She begins to travel to drop the document off somewhere else.
Resurrection : She goes back and rescues Eo.
Return to Ordinary World : Gives the document, is rewarded, she and Eo part. One day as she's performing, she sees Eo in the streets, looking expectant, leaving questions about a potential second job.

⇾ word count (380) ⚘


⇾ Part Two ~ (Exposition) ⚘

The fire near my cheeks shines in my eyes, but I can't squint to block out the light.
It would ruin the effect, after all.
The fire whips around me for a moment longer, until I clap my hands, triggering the little nozzles attached to my wrists with steel bracelets. They lead to a small leather container of water hidden in my billowing cloak. I put out the fire quickly.
I raise my hands above my head like a saint in some ancient frieze.
The crowd cheers. A few small children are jumping up and down. Someone is crying.
That's a little much, comes the irritated voice in my head, but I silence my thoughts and smile a little bit harder.
I curtsy low, my head nearly touching my knees. Someone cries my name. Their accent sounds vaguely Eastern. I must have gained further acclaim to be heard of from such distant areas.
I curtsy one last time before “disappearing” into the inn behind me, where a warm bath and a good night's rest awaits my weary body.
Sure, magiart is hard.
Faking it is much harder.

⇾ word count (189) ⚘


⇾ Part Three ~ (Story Stew!) ⚘

Elements to include ~

  • Flashback ✓
  • Open Ending
  • Symbol (fire) (because it's definitely not like I've used that symbol like thirty times this session) ✓
  • Cliffhanger ✓
  • Plot Twist

⇾ word count (n/a) ⚘


⇾ Part Four ~ (1000 Story) ⚘

(good pacing? what's that?)

I wake up slowly the next morning. The first thing I see is the smoke hovering just outside my window.
The winter is drawing ever closer, and the wealthy have begun starting their fires as others hide in their hovels, huddling for warmth.
Even now, a figure stands outside, their arms wrapped around themselves. They seem to be looking longingly at the smoke coming from the chimney of the third floor room in the inn I'm staying in for the week.
After a second of staring blankly out the window for another moment or two, I realize what the lone figure seems to be looking at is me.
I have a sudden feeling of deja vu. The feeling is so striking that I have to rest my fingers on the windowsill for a moment, just to make a little connection with reality, enough to keep me from losing my breath.
The way they stared at my bedroom window when they came to kick us out.
The way my cousin wept when the door shut for the last time.
The way that she wept for so long that I couldn't bear to be on the streets with them anymore.

I pause.
The way I abandoned them.
I figure I've been staring back at the person on the streets long enough.
Perhaps they have pleasant something to say, I think to myself almost sarcastically.
Might as well, I think. I've thrown out all semblance of common sense this morning, it seems. Perhaps the unending flow of smoke has gotten to my brain.
I throw on a coat - not the thick wool monstrosity I use to impress the passersbys on the streets - and slip down the stairs out into the cobblestone streets.
The man is gone.
In his place is a slip of paper marked in delicate navy blue. Lea - Magiart, Resident of the Hare and Hearth Inn on the Terraloan Street, it reads.
I hold the note against my chest and walk upstairs, back to my room.
I've had letters written to me before. Men just barely climbing the social ladder, needing entertainment at their lavish parties.
I love being of use. Especially when they pay handsomely.
I grab a penknife and break the seal. The letter that pokes out from underneath is certainly not an invitation or even the occasional fan letter. It's too long for that.
I'm already grimacing. Lanae was my aunt's name. Lea was shorter, sweeter, and was an easy name to remember in order for my ‘skills’ to get around by word of mouth. I allow myself a short eye-roll before returning my focus to the letter.
We have a proposition for you.
We know that you are no magistic.
I choke. That got me.
No one could know. If one rumor gets out, just one, doubt immediately begins to spread. My name goes down in flames. The bills would pile up.
We need someone to have a temporary residence in a nobleman's house whilst providing quality entertainment, enough that the head of house would hesitate before even thinking of firing you. Should you accept, your secret is kept under wraps, and you'll be left with enough money to satisfy your usual month's earnings. Should you refuse, we will act accordingly.
I draw my coat around me tighter.
Given that which is at stake, we will expect you at Lord Baethan's home the day after next, at four o' clock promptly. One of our associates will meet you there.
Further instructions will be given then.

It's the dash at the end that taunts me most.
As you may expect, I arrived at the Baethan Manor soon thereafter.
The same figure stands there.
“Welcome to the Manor, Lanae. We're pleased you've joined us.”

After a minute or two of silently walking the grounds, the figure finally pulls down his hood to reveal a face that seems to say he's only a bit older than me. His eyes, hair, and skin are all different shades of brown, and a pleasant little smile hangs on his mouth.
“Eo,” he says. I shake his hand stiffly.
“Not Lanae?”
"Call me that again and I'll make sure you never call me anything again.“
He just smiles at that and walks on until we reach a staircase leading to what looks like a basement.
”Servants' quarters.“
I nod, though confused.
”Here's what's going to happen,“ he says. ”I'm going to walk in their, claiming you're my sister, a magistic, and you're looking for work as an entertainer.“
”We don't look very much like siblings,“ I point out. I'm extremely pale, and my green eyes and heart-shaped face make it even more clear that the two of us don't share the same parents.
”Cousins, then,“ he says.
”After that?“
”You entertain.“
”That's what you're blackmailing me for?“ I say, my eyebrow raised.
”Blackmail?“ he says, confused.
I roll my eyes. ”Never mind.“
”Now, let's get you started. There's more to the job than you'd think.“
”Enlighten me.“
He doesn't seem to detect the sarcasm in my voice, because his expression doesn't change at all from its usual cool amusement.
He stops and turns to me, lowering his voice. ”There's a document hidden in the vaults here. We located it. It's worth an incredible amount if we can ransom it. Someone's gotta steal it. We need someone who is able to move about the house freely, but is able to use magic or entertainment or something of the like. We need you."
I sigh. “Fine. Where do we start?”
He grins. “Let's introduce you to the staff, and our honorable employer, Lord Baethan.”

At least Lord Baethan is nice enough.
Eo told me to perform one of my acts for him, so he would be impressed enough to hire me as a full-time entertainer.
The aging man took one look at the fire routine and practically threw money at me.
And thus, I took on employment for the first time in my life.
I sleep in the same room as a maid named Aeli. She was there for my little performance too and now believes I'm a fire witch. Ever since I moved in, she's begun wearing a lava rock around her neck and clutches it every time I walk in a room. She also has taken to throwing me dirty looks every time I eat anything, as if I'm polluting it with my “palms of dastardly acts”.
It's a lovely working position.
Eo eats breakfast with me every morning. He's working as a footman, and makes it a habit to try and do something ridiculous every time I walk into a room.
It lightens the mood a bit. He still won't tell me who he works for, just that the ‘job’ is drawing ever closer.
He means stealing.
Every day, once I finish my morning entertainment for his Lordship's breakfast group, I am free to wander the manor as I wish. It only takes a week or two to find the room where the document is. It's clearly labelled. Excellent security measures, if I do say so myself. After that, I just wander to get an idea of escape routes.
Eo sometimes comes with me.
We have fun, I guess. He's smart. I'm sarcastic. He listens to my endless chatter about the horrors of my bunkmate, as he complains about the mindlessness of being a footman.
We're friends, in a way.
That doesn't change the fact that he - or rather, whoever he's working for - blackmailed me into this.
But we seem to get along alright.
At least, until he wakes me up at four a.m.
“Lanae!” he whispers.
Calling me that wakes me up real quick. I grab my pillow and whack him over the head.
“Ouch!” he yelps quietly. “What was that for?”
“You woke me up!” I say. “Not to mention, you shouldn't even be here!” I'm trying to keep my voice lowered so as to not wake my roommate up, but it's hard.
“Relax, I'm going to be here for two seconds, then I'm history.”
If only.
“What do you want?”
“We're getting the document tonight. Nine o'clock, once dinner is done. Meet me in the wine cellar. See you then,” he says.
My eyes widen, but before I can add anything, he's out of the room.
I rub my eyes, wondering if I dreamed the entire conversation.
But given the pointed looks he gives me for the rest of the day, I discern that it couldn't be the case.

Night falls quickly. His Lordship has friends over for a dinner party tonight, meaning he needs his entertainer for a few hours. I purposely speed through the act before ducking out quickly. I offer my apologies to His Lordship, playing at illness. He doesn't even bat an eye at me, even though I'm a terrible liar.
At least, when I'm lying with my words.
I slip out of his drawing room and practically fall down the stairs to the wine cellar. Eo is already waiting there, grasping a set of tools.
“Ready?” he asks.
I nod, and together we quietly slip through the corridors until we reach the room. I try the door.
“It's locked,” I say.
He grins and pulls a corkscrew-shaped thing from the pack on his back. He slips it into the lock, and the door opens within seconds. I give him a nod of respect and tiptoe into the room.
The document- which Eo called The Rites of Elsier- stands on a pedestal in the dark. It's supposedly a great political document. I don't care. It's my way to pay the bills until I can move to a bigger city.
I look for a place to safely store it. I can't find anything, so I shove it up my sleeve.
“Got it?” Eo asks. I nod. “Let's go.”
We turn, only to face His Lordship.
And his fleet of guards.
“Give it to me,” he says.
Did he sound that loud before? I suddenly cannot remember a louder sound in the world.
Eo turns to me. “Do something!”
“Do what?” I yell back. The soldiers are coming at us slowly, clearly worried about damaging the document.
“Magiart, or something!”
“I can't do magiart- you know that!” I yell back.
His Lordship pauses. Eo pauses. His eyes are filled with betrayal.
“You can't?”
“No one told you?”
My head spins until it hurts.
“No.” His answer is soft.
I let out a shaky breath before pulling the document out of my sleeve, turning around, and opening the window behind me.
I jump out.
There's a small scream, but I've already grabbed safely onto the ledge outside the window. I slowly scurry away, focusing on my fingers and not on the way my body seems to be begging me to cry, to get out this hurt.
I finally get to the ground safely and take off running, the document in hand.
It's only when I see Eo's wanted poster two weeks later that I realized he got away too.
I need to find him.
I need to get paid.
I need to find a home.[/i}

⇾ word count (1878) ⚘


⇾ Part Five ~ (critique) ⚘


⇾ word count (xxx) ⚘

⇾ total word count (xxxx) ⚘
⇾ completed on: (3/xx) ⚘
TokoWrites TokoWrites loading
March 27 ~ 320 words ~ 350 points
We are free to wear the crown. There are six of us, rulers of the kingdoms. The six kingdoms of this world. Joined as one council, but we’re not a monarchy. We’re all different, there is no single genre or category.
Although we rulers come from different places, we rule as one world, one people. Our association was established, and together we shall stay until the end of time. Just five more minutes until the world ends, I’m told. But now, everything depends on my trip to Prussia.
“What needs that?” someone asked me. I was confused until I looked down, and in my hands, I saw the poem Henry sent me about the green arm.
I replied, “It’s for a friend, Shakey P. He’s going to change a few words and add a painful beat to the poem. It will become a song that will touch them.”
The random stranger smiled at me, “It’s such a shame.”
A look of confusion spread across my face, but the stranger didn’t elaborate, walking into the distance.
I went home to Holbein’s house, to my home in Prussia. Everything depended on this trip, so I decided to make the best of it.
“Ah, ah, this is so much fun, guys!” my friend told me, and I smiled back. There are six of us, the rulers, at Holbein’s house in Prussia.
“Wow, we’re six years old,” another friend added.
“Nothing is certain, nothing is certain, we may not be six years old for much longer,” said the wise old man, no longer six years old.
“But now we are a species, not a category. We will stick together and join us one. Because we are free to take the crown. Once the world ends in five more minutes, years will be lost to history.”
My friend’s riddles were stumping my brain, spurring total chaos into my mind. That is, until I blacked out.
I know this is a bit off topic for the shop buttttttt-

Im trying to make short stories and post em on scratch and I was wondering if I could use the forums but I don’t rlly know so I just wanna ask that and yeah-
Acheron. This is a name, not some random post.
ztsereteli ztsereteli loading

ducky3624 wrote:

Intelligent684 wrote:

Something more responsive you can try, is this: (For this code, you can hold down movement keys.)
when green flag clicked
if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> then
change y by (10)
if <key [down arrow v] pressed?> then
change y by (-10)

Copy this for left and right (as mineturte said, left is -10x, right is 10x.)

Good, but a bit too complicated

No, you should definitely use this version. It looks like a complicated version of the same thing, but it feels 10x smoother! Instead of the snappy, unresponsive movement, this one lets you hold the keys down without a wait.
TokoWrites TokoWrites loading
Part 4: Edited Story ~ 1308 words (218 words from editing)
The head of monsters, Echidna, an agender creature sits at their desk shuffling through papers. Messily checking boxes on some papers, forcefully pulling others out of the stack, Echidna keeps searching until finally, they find the one paper they want. Sighing, they glare at the paper, looking it up and down, yearning for an answer. But, at last, when they think of an answer, it’s not the most accessible solution, though it is by far, the best.
Echidna’s job is to send monsters out into the real world, picking out beds for the monsters to hide under to scare children. This one girl, however, has caused every single monster assigned to her to quit. Completely out of monsters to send, Echidna’s solution is to go themselves, to discover why Petal has frightened every monster guaranteed to scare her. Echidna knows their plan will work. They are the scariest monster there is, being the parent of all monsters, with sharp claws, and pointed teeth, what more to terrify a little girl? With one last glance at the papers, Echidna slithers toward the window, ready to become the monster that will hide under Petal’s bed tonight, whispering threats through the night, chilling the little girl to the bone until she admits, finally, she might be scared of monsters, just a little.
Echidna accepts the fact that they will be needed because finally, they get to use their fearfulness to terrorize a child. Being the parent of monsters can be a boring job with a lot of ordering around, but not much of using monster features to scare, which can be fun. Of course, even parents need fun sometimes, or just a small break.
Just before Echidna leaves their office, they pause, realizing that they should collect more information on Petal before heading to her apartment. Echidna sits back down, once again sorting through papers. This time, however, is much gentler, the papers left in better care, as Echidna does not take their anger out. It doesn’t take long before they stumble across the paper they need. It is a letter, and it reads:
I don’t have much time to write this because my next shift is soon, but here is some information you might need to know. I’m sure you know Petal Meadows address, so I won’t write it down here in case this letter gets intercepted. However, she lives with her mother, who is deaf, and with her father in apartment 321, on the third floor of the building. Her mother works from home, her job unknown, and her father works late, arriving home around eight at night, depending on the day. Petal’s mother always tucks her into bed around seven thirty and once her father arrives home, he heads upstairs to Petal's room, spending a few minutes there, and then she’s left alone for the remainder of the night. I hope this is enough information to help you with further planning.

After Petal’s mother puts her to sleep, Echidna slides into the room, as silent as a mouse. They scurry under the bed and wait. A few minutes later, Echidna reaches their arm up onto Petal’s bed, brushing her arm with an ice-cold finger. With no response, Echidna repeats the motion.
Petal’s breathing grows stronger, deeper, as she shifts onto her stomach, head peeking over the side of the bed. Whisper shouting, she yells “I’m not scared of monsters!” But Echidna can taste the fear behind her words, knowing that Petal’s statement isn’t quite true. This is something that Petal is afraid of, some type of monster, but Echidna just doesn’t know who it is yet. They will find out. That is their goal after all.
At the sound of footsteps coming closer to Petal’s room, she slips out of her covers and underneath the bed, hissing at Echidna to move over. Confused, Echidna does and Petal curls herself into a small ball whispering to herself, “I’m okay I’m okay I’mokay I’m- okay it’s okay I’llbefine.”
As Petal’s father enters the room, Echidna smells the alcohol in his breath. Realizing that he is intoxicated, Echidna also comes to understand that he must be abusive, and that’s the reason Petal is hiding. They know they have to do something, but time is running out, as the father approaches the bed. He sticks a hand under the wooden slats, surprising Echidna, but cautiously, Echidna thrusts their palm into his open hand.
The father jerks his hand back, a look of confusion scattered across his face. As Echidna pulls themself out from under the bed, they threaten him with words of, ‘Don’t you ever hurt my child,’ and, ‘You foolish man.’ As Petal’s father stands beside her bed menacingly, Echidna notices something about him. He’s a monster. Not a typical monster that you would find in a book about Greek Mythology, but one of the rarer ones. No wings, no scales, but marble eyes. X-ray eyes, Echidna thinks, they can see through any material. And that’s how Petal’s father saw her through the bed. But they do have a side effect. You can only see what you’re looking for, which is why Petal’s father didn’t see Echidna.
Echidna’s heart starts racing as they take in this information, and suddenly, everything around them fades. They plunge into a fever dream landscape, and as it morphs into the grayish brown colors of the past, Echidna realizes they are viewing a memory. The reason why they do not want to have any connection to the Marble Eyes.
The Marble Eyes walks across a field, a misty haze surrounding him, walking closer to where Echidna is standing. Echidna from the past.
As Echidna watches this scene, they realize that this Marble Eyes is the one who later became Petal’s father. In their mind, Echidna can’t hear what the Marble Eyes and past Echidna are arguing about, but they know. They’ve memorized this conversation that used to constantly replay. “
“What do you want?” Past Echidna sneers at Marble Eyes.
“You very well know the answer to that.”
“And you very well know that I can’t give it to you.”
“Fine, are we done here then?”
“I suppose.”

Echidna remembers the context of this scene as it ends, and they vow to protect Petal knowing further harm will come to her if they leave now. It appears that Marble Eyes recognizes Echidna as well.
However, instead of pursuing them, Marble Eyes turns away in fear, Echidna’s threats making their way to his brain. Petal’s father, Marble Eyes runs out of the room, screaming as Petal stifles a gasp, in shock that Echidna defeated her father. She stares at them, happiness glittering like stars in her eyes, and hugs Echidna, catching them unaware. Carefully, Echidna hugs Petal back asking if she would like to be protected by Echidna. Even though Echidna is a monster, even they can have soft sides. After all, Echidna’s duty is to be the parent of monsters, and raising a little girl as a monster is still in the lines of their job. And it would hurt Petal further to be left here.
As Petal nods ‘yes, yes, one thousand times yes,’ Echidna scoops her up into a little ball, slithering home to the dangerous, magical world where Petal will be protected daily by a parent who loves her so. By a parent who teaches her to overcome the difficulties of life, when monsters are supposed to hurt. She will grow up among monsters who become her friends and protectors and she will live a much better life than she would have, stuck at home with her abusive father. Petal will become a finder of truth and justice vowing that when she returns to the Earthen World, she will do whatever she can to help children of abusive parents like herself.
sakf504 sakf504 loading

82hw72vsb wrote:

82hw72vsb wrote:

82hw72vsb wrote:


if you're stumped and/or need a hint then ask me
Ironically i realized that it's nearly impossible because the character appears in many games in a specific series.
unnecesary bump because why not
Puyo Puyo, or Madou Monogatari if you're really going there.
Yeah, obvious pfp checks out

Hint: "Quote is from a rhythm game."
Magudragon Magudragon loading

kingKASEtheGREATalt wrote:

Magudragon wrote:

kingKASEtheGREATalt wrote:

holy thats a good engine, i am a curator in the proposing featured projects studio so ill add yours just because of the quality. but dont continue to ask for your project to be featured as it is against scratches rules
It's not mine, its someone else's BUT assuming you just said the MY part wrong, and you meant ANYONE else's projects also, I won't do this again.
no i thought this was yours, you edited it after i sent that. you can ask for other projects to be featured but just not your own
Yes, I edited it because I thought I wasn't clear enough
Sunclaw68 Sunclaw68 loading

Amethyst-animation wrote:

Hey everyone, someone approached me on my profile with this question:

Hi! I was wondering if I could join your writing camp at last minute. If it's not possible, I understand. However, I am confident I can produce a lot of writing in just a few days. Would that be okay?

Would it be possible?

There are only four days left so I would say no, but you can tell them how to join the July session <3
o97doge o97doge loading

I_love_scratch_2023 wrote:

This is not a place to share your projects (jk)
The “jk” is incorrect, as you said, this is not a place to share your projects!
Please feature this wonderful studio space at!

The space studio helps scratchers find a passion in space and become great astronomers and innovators that will change the world! If you believe that space and science is the future and also in having fun while learning please feature this studio!

scrachorguy wrote:

I CANT BECOME A SCRATCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, How you become a Scratcher is that you have to love and favorite, share many projects, and be online for maybe 2 weeks - 1 month.
Then, when you complete those tasks, check your profile and maybe you will see a invite that says “Become a Scratcher!”. Then click it, it will show you the Community Guidelines, and some stuff and then complete becoming a Scratcher.

Hope you have a great day and hope this helps!
I am suffering from a bug that prevents me from posting topics so how (and where) should I attempt to post the bug's topic
SpyCoderX SpyCoderX loading

Haycat2009 wrote:

Somewhat related: Can a user reject the promotion to Scratcher status?
If you really wanted to, you could just not click the button to become a scratcher, right?

funcat37 wrote:

Hi! I'm funcat37!
I DON'T KNOW what to put here, so I guess I will just put some links!

My main studio:
Fun studios!
Most helpful (with making projects) project:
Create Var
This is not a place to share your projects (jk)
MythosLore MythosLore loading

FlamePixer wrote:

I notice at the top bar in scratch changes.
its small on profiles, settings, my stuff, forums and remixes

its big when on the welcom page, studio and project, mesages, etc

because the pages with a small header are styled like scratch 2.0 (the previous version of scratch) because the scratch team never got to updating them yet.
54387a 54387a loading
That's because it happens to be a .jpg or .jpeg file instead of a gif one or your browser did something to the gif causing it to become a jpeg image.
C_Yee C_Yee loading
hii! also to add on to what Sophia said, make sure to notify your campers sending friendly links to your cabin. make sure to do so in a timely fashion! <3

TheGl1tchedDrag0n wrote:

Enigma_Ezra wrote:


All employes please quote this check and respond “active” to avoid being given a strike, exemptions include employees on leave who have filled out the form.

You have one week to respond.
Same, active
same here the chat just drowned out the activity check
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

birdracerthree wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

I constantly run into the missing-a1-rook-on-startup problem with Element. It is a race condition during startup (when-flag-clicked). As a quick fix I added a wait(1) there in the Element v1.4862 sprite, which is ugly but works. Maybe you want to consider to introduce a structured startup handling by one central controller, broadcasting a certain order of startup messages?

Two good games by both engines, GoK and Element:

Game #1 (Scratch 3): GoK (Medium) vs. Element (3+8), GoK wins in 58 moves, 96% vs. 89% accuracy:
Game #2 (TurboWarp): GoK (Medium) vs. Element (5+8), GoK wins in 37 moves, 98% vs. 88% accuracy:
I’ll fix it tomorrow. I should be able to generate the evaluation board first on startup; that will be enough to stop the condition.

Why Element 5+8 over 6+8?

Because GoK was also on Medium, hence similar think time. 6+8 frequently runs into browser timeouts (although it recovers), I will let it play against GoK Difficult next.

Here it is:

Game #3 (TurboWarp): GoK (Difficult) vs. Element (6+8), GoK wins in 44 moves, 95% vs. 87% accuracy:

I paid closer attention, Element is faster now than it used to be.
KatyNova KatyNova loading

DreamLatt3 wrote:


Job form
Username: DreamLatt3
Position: Management
Experience (Provide examples if possible): I have many different accounts on which I have worked on collaborations like radios, newstations, and animation collaborations
How often you check Scratch: I check scratch 5 days a week and am available most of the time
Why should we hire you: I have worked for KatyNova before and enjoyed it, I also am experienced, and I think I will be helpful to this radio station’s progress
Anything else: I would like to do some advertising and helping recruit people for this station as well as any other responsibilities I have

Thank you!
Ok accepted
DreamLatt3 DreamLatt3 loading

Job form
Username: DreamLatt3
Position: Management
Experience (Provide examples if possible): I have many different accounts on which I have worked on collaborations like radios, newstations, and animation collaborations
How often you check Scratch: I check scratch 5 days a week and am available most of the time
Why should we hire you: I have worked for KatyNova before and enjoyed it, I also am experienced, and I think I will be helpful to this radio station’s progress
Anything else: I would like to do some advertising and helping recruit people for this station as well as any other responsibilities I have

Thank you!

MineTurte wrote:

GrayDevScratch wrote:

If you want scrolling, make a separate script that just sets a variable for camera X to player X and another variable for camera Y to player Y, and then any time to make a go to X and Y block make sure its X - camera X and Y - camera Y. Basically just this:

when green flag clicked
set [CameraX v] to (X)
set [CameraY v] to (Y)
go to x: ((X) - (CameraX)) y: ((Y) - (CameraY))
That's not what he wanted. This is what he wanted:
oh wait i didnt see that till now, but i still think it would be the best to just use the system i suggested for ease of use later on.

ArnoHu wrote:

I constantly run into the missing-a1-rook-on-startup problem with Element. It is a race condition during startup (when-flag-clicked). As a quick fix I added a wait(1) there in the Element v1.4862 sprite, which is ugly but works. Maybe you want to consider to introduce a structured startup handling by one central controller, broadcasting a certain order of startup messages?

Two good games by both engines, GoK and Element:

Game #1 (Scratch 3): GoK (Medium) vs. Element (3+8), GoK wins in 58 moves, 96% vs. 89% accuracy:
Game #2 (TurboWarp): GoK (Medium) vs. Element (5+8), GoK wins in 37 moves, 98% vs. 88% accuracy:
I’ll fix it tomorrow. I should be able to generate the evaluation board first on startup; that will be enough to stop the condition.
As promised, I have fixed the issue.

Why Element 5+8 over 6+8?

I have put 3 Element vs WD games into the Element vs Engines study (S3 runtime). Result is 1.5-1.5, a lot better than last time. 6.93 helped WD a lot.

GrayDevScratch wrote:

If you want scrolling, make a separate script that just sets a variable for camera X to player X and another variable for camera Y to player Y, and then any time to make a go to X and Y block make sure its X - camera X and Y - camera Y. Basically just this:

when green flag clicked
set [CameraX v] to (X)
set [CameraY v] to (Y)
go to x: ((X) - (CameraX)) y: ((Y) - (CameraY))
I forgot to mention make sure to add the go to x - scrollX and y - scrollY to the background too. also, you can make the camera smoother with some methods, and its reasonably easy to implement. but you will need to change all the regular x and y to variable versions, that way you can actually scroll. im pretty sure this is mandatory for scrolling.
Hi everyone!

I'm working on an animation, where my character gets pulled over for driving erratically, but it turns out he's just drinking root beer.
Google hasn't really given me a definite answer on whether I can or not, so I'm just making a forum post to ask if I can.

-NightGlow- -NightGlow- loading

Amethyst-animation wrote:

Would it be possible?

Yep, agreeing with Yume here! Since camp is going to be done in about 4-ish days, it wouldn't make sense to add new campers in <3
Yes, they might be able to write a lot in those few days, but that's not the purpose of SWC, right? Writing is indeed an integral part, but it's also about sharing your writing and learning new skills along the way ;D

That being said, I'd let them know that camper signups are coming out in June on one of the hosties profiles, and that they can sign up then! ^^
starr-light starr-light loading
google translate daily ⍋ 03.27.24
[ word count: 463 words ]
━━━ « ⍋ » ━━━

‣ love this daily, and it's a classic! lyrics used were from taylor swift's “ivy,” because they're lovely! <33

━━━ « ⍋ » ━━━

original version:
how's one to know / i'd meet you where the spirit meets the bone / in a faith forgotten land / in from the snow / your touch brought forth an incandescent glow / tarnished but so grand
translated version:
what do you know? / i will meet you where the soul is / by faith the earth is forgotten / in the snow / your touch created a warm light / i love her

“what do you know?” geneva scoffed, staring at her professors. she may have been more powerful, more gifted, ‘more everything,’ as reine called the two of them, but she would never be superior.
“you put too much faith in yourself,” zahra replied.
that was an answer, but not to her question. then again, her question was a response to zahra's previous statement. zahra could not be expected to continue that conversational thread, because geneva would not have. she tried again.
“what do you know about our capabilities?” that was more structured and specific.
“i know,” zahra said coldly, “that nature forgot to include you when it created a balanced world.”
the words hurt, stinging parts of geneva she never knew existed, but she kept her face calm, projecting righteousness and annoyance, with a bit of hope and innocence mixed in. it was, she knew, the expression that was the most likely to please zahra and get her to understand.
“zahra, i'm afraid i do not understand. reine is my balance.” these were facts, indisputable. zahra was not supposed to argue.
“professor,” zahra corrected. “i am to be treated with respect.”
“that was not relevant to our conversation,” geneva argued, letting some of the innocence melt. “what proof do you have that we are—unnatural?”
“the last time your fingers touched—”
“they did not touch,” geneva corrected.
“i'm telling the story,” zahra snapped. “the last time your fingers touched something in common, they created a glow that melted the snow and turned it to a cloud in seconds. i remember that light vividly—like the air was dipped in gold. and you were eight then. your powers have doubtless matured in the last nine years, and we do not have time for you to play about.”
“it would not be playing. it would be research, to discover those parts of the universe that we do not yet understand. the parts of the universe that have somehow manifested in us. is that not fair?”
zahra stared at her for a long, long moment. “how do you know that you will not hurt my daughter? you have already shown you are not shy of power, geneva.”
“i love her,” geneva said simply. it was everything, and not enough.
zahra nodded stiffly. “i give permission,” she said, and geneva felt the hope swell like a sunburst in her heart. she let the innocence and hope and thrill of discovery fill her eyes, let zahra believe that she was the perfect miracle child.
“thank you, zahra.”
zahra didn't correct her. “i'll see you—” she paused.
“where the soul goes,” geneva said. “on the river of life and death.” she smiled. “it is accurate.”
“accurate, but misleading,” zahra pointed out, amused.
“that seems to be my specialty,” geneva replied.

━━━ « ⍋ » ━━━
yumetopia yumetopia loading

Amethyst-animation wrote:

Hey everyone, someone approached me on my profile with this question:

Hi! I was wondering if I could join your writing camp at last minute. If it's not possible, I understand. However, I am confident I can produce a lot of writing in just a few days. Would that be okay?

Would it be possible?
i believe not, since backups are already closed as it is the last week of camp, and i doubt the hosts would make an exception </3
Hey everyone, someone approached me on my profile with this question:

Hi! I was wondering if I could join your writing camp at last minute. If it's not possible, I understand. However, I am confident I can produce a lot of writing in just a few days. Would that be okay?

Would it be possible?

depresso-boiyo wrote:


iiucandyfloss wrote:


The Bug Squishers is where I got the idea-

You're almost a mind-reader.
Okay but this is one of those coincidences.

Your not gonna believe this, but i made the Bug Squishers bump banner
And the bug squishers main banner.
ani_exe ani_exe loading
**gore warning if you visualize while reading**

Tundra smirked. “Well, well, well, looks like you survived, princess.”, Tundra said.
Dusk raised her head defiantly. “Tundra.”
Tundra paced around the younger icewing princess. “I've heard you're in love with a certain icewing-skywing hybrid who's your bodyguard. How pitiful.”
“Why do you care?”, Dusk said, her voice taking an edge of danger.
Tundra stopped walking, and turned in the opposite direction. “Wouldn't it be a shame if something were to happen to him? Say… a tragic accident while he was protecting you?”, she smiled evilly.
Dusk froze. “Lay a claw on Siberia… and I WILL MURDER YOU. I WILL RIP OUT YOUR EYES AND THROW YOU IN THE DEEPEST PIT IN THE ICE KINGDOM.”, she lunged at Tundra.
KatyNova KatyNova loading

unsullied123-rblx wrote:

job form
Username: unsullied123-rblx
Position: musician
Experience (Provide examples if possible): i've made music for 2 years.
storage os background music
storage os settings music
whatever this is
i can also do general sound design :3
How often you check Scratch: 10-12ish times a week (mostly during breaks and weekends)
Why should we hire you: uhhh uhh umm mhhmmm hmm
i dont use chrome music lab
Anything else:breakcore is 100% my strong suit but i can make other stuff aswell
Accepted. Can you make upbeat lofi song?
KitStar12 KitStar12 loading
no support.
1. to many factors. thoose who've used khan academies js course know that it's extremely tedious to make triangles. why add that to scratch, a languge for beginners
2. just use lines. you can connect points in vector and in bitmap well, self-explanatory
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading
I constantly run into the missing-a1-rook-on-startup problem with Element. It is a race condition during startup (when-flag-clicked). As a quick fix I added a wait(1) there in the Element v1.4862 sprite, which is ugly but works. Maybe you want to consider to introduce a structured startup handling by one central controller, broadcasting a certain order of startup messages?

Two good games by both engines, GoK and Element:

Game #1 (Scratch 3): GoK (Medium) vs. Element (3+8), GoK wins in 58 moves, 96% vs. 89% accuracy:
Game #2 (TurboWarp): GoK (Medium) vs. Element (5+8), GoK wins in 37 moves, 98% vs. 88% accuracy:

Enigma_Ezra wrote:


All employes please quote this check and respond “active” to avoid being given a strike, exemptions include employees on leave who have filled out the form.

You have one week to respond.
Same, active
Neffinred Neffinred loading
im trying to make a test for a touhou-style scratch game, but i cant shoot when the screen stops scrolling
how do i fix this?
project page:
ani_exe ani_exe loading
Dusk was getting tired. She closed her eyes despite telling herself a billion times to not fall asleep on Siberia's shoulder. And she fell asleep anyways.

OllieKid123456 wrote:

A clicker game is easy to make.
-Beanz -Beanz loading
need some advice for my games or just a friend

because not a lot of people visit my account and all my friends on scratch kinda when't inactive
sonic__fan sonic__fan loading

fire_alchemist wrote:

sonic__fan wrote:

fire_alchemist wrote:

sonic__fan wrote:

do you think ppl will dox me? bro, in my country whole names are of 4 names, the two i put there are my first name and my second last name, chill
That was a joke, I looked up your name myself and I found 10 people, none of whom could be you.
because they were white? cause for you to dox me you'd need to have access to information i have public already like my country, and besides im still a minor, and sharing your country and name is not really blameable right? cause is not like if i had left something like my parents name or a specific city.
no because none of them look like someone who would be into sonic
also that they're all adults and i doubt most of us here are adults

fire_alchemist wrote:

did you liked the essay btw? or do you have any disagreement?
It was pretty good. I agree with pretty much everything you say, it was just a bit weird to hear “sonic not about speed”.
Serratopia_ Serratopia_ loading
I made a little meme recreation on scratch and I want people to notice it the link is here:
I'm not sure if this will be seen at all but I'm proud of it.
bowmand117 bowmand117 loading

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

_WOFDOG_ wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

JTanner2026 wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

Masterscratch1117 wrote:

bowmand117 wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

What if we made a server that is a mix of sts and se? Basically, we could take the bad parts from each one and replace it with good parts from the other. For example, a part of scratch empires I and other people probably don't like is war. We could maybe still have war, but it would have to be decided by both sides. This also means no killing, unless both people want to fight.
I think the reason that SE is lasts so long is because of nations. So what if we add nations to this server too? You couldn't war unless both sides wanted to, but u could combine with other nations.
So basically, this server would be a SE with no wars/killing, or STS with nations.
Maybe it could be called “Scratching the Empires” or something like that

how about that origins mod that was mentioned in the community mc topic?

combine that with the nations and you can just call it scratch origins server (or something)
That sounds awesome!

Too bad I have bedrock
geyser exists for a reason.
Bedrock players can't play mods.
they just said geyser
Edit: looked it up. :0 that's awsome!
and yes, bedrock players CAN use client-side Java plugins/mods, since they mostly involve using GUI menus like chests (factions, for example), or some utilize crouch + right clicking (mcmmo for example)

(also i'm a he/him)
whats geyser?
It’s a crossplay plugin.
It's a Java server-side plugin that opens up a port to allow bedrock users to play on.
Xzillox Xzillox loading
What restrictions would a new scratcher/new forumer have?
v_speed v_speed loading

TheMistyPuppy2000 wrote:

This has been bothering me for a while now. Whenever somebody comments on my studio, sometimes it takes me days, or even weeks before I realize they commented in the first place.Could The Scratch Team please look in to this? Thanks for reading, ~Misty
I agree with you because what if It's something important? Like a contest due date update? :)
Wedsen Wedsen loading

BananaBarb wrote:

Wedsen wrote:

are any of yall still watching total drama or at least a fan of it in 2024 or is it too late for me
Noo there’s a pretty large community here! Just most of us don’t use forums lol
ah makes sense !! I want to make the most out of finding total drama content I can even if that means I need to visit some obscure websites in order to get some , yknow ?