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Hello everyone,
I want to tell you that please make more mobile friendly projects,so all scratchers can try them,me myself can't try all projects because I am not using a laptop or a computer ,I find some challenge in trying projects, I go inside and make some changes(Add buttons or use when this sprite clicked) , but even after all this I can't try all projects,so please make more mobile friendly projects, I hope you got the message.

Your sincerely
What if someone makes a racist or 18+ project and turns off reporting?

Then what?
Ok, ok.. check this out.

(this is without my suggestion)

Title “new block”

“we should add a block that lets you invert colors”

that needs elaboration.
epicdude512 epicdude512 loading
ok are you suggesting a user can make it so you cant report their projects?
T0tal-Drama T0tal-Drama loading

Wedsen wrote:

are any of yall still watching total drama or at least a fan of it in 2024 or is it too late for me
Nope, I am too
0105tktk15 0105tktk15 loading

その為に現在、「scratchに参加する」を押し製作しようとしているのですが、パスワードを入れた後に何故か「うわっ! 何か問題が発生しました。」

I would like to create a new account. This is the so-called sub-dirt.

For that reason, I am currently trying to create something by pressing “Join Scratch”, but after entering the password, for some reason it says “Wow! Something went wrong.”
I can't proceed any further. What should I do?

sumone1917 sumone1917 loading

sumone1917 wrote:

um this might be a bit too late but you can make a crasher that will crash anyone apart from usernames of your choice it looks like this (might not look like how i want it to)
when green flag clicked
if <> then
<<> or <>><not <>><not <>><(username) = []>
create clone of [ v]

when I start as a clone
create clone of [ v]
delete this clone
that didnt go to plan
sumone1917 sumone1917 loading
um this might be a bit too late but you can make a crasher that will crash anyone apart from usernames of your choice it looks like this (might not look like how i want it to)
when green flag clicked
if <> then
<<> or <>><not <>><not <>><(username) = []>
create clone of [ v]

when I start as a clone
create clone of [ v]
delete this clone
aaaaaaahgg aaaaaaahgg loading
i made a scratch game and want to make it multiplayer and i am useing griffpatch's tutorial and i cant get it to work hears the url
italvera italvera loading
It's referring to an ending of a game, not the actual game
If you guess the right ending you get bonus points
jcpbuilder jcpbuilder loading

RAB2010 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

RAB2010 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

Oops, I looked Irek up and I realized I misspelled his last name. Correct name: Irek Ismaren
At least, I think that is correct…

Anyway, so in the book he and his mother are living on Belsavis which Lucasfilm later turned into a prison planet for the Old Republic video game. In the videogame, the prison was holding a species called the Esh-Kha. So what if one of the plot points is that Irek wakes up an army of Esh-Kha to help him.
ok let me study Esh kha
Here's an image of one of them:
I found out that the planet is an ice and the temp is usually -50 (Faren Hight I think)
and also is know for slave trade and its in the outer rim 9th sector
Okay, so I did some research on the Esh-Kha too and they might work, but the biggest problem is that they’re a xenophobic species. So if we do use them, we would have to find some way to explain how Irek gained their respect.

Also I made a mistake. Irek was actually only rumored to be Palpatine's son but we can make him Palpatine’s son.
AcePilot19 AcePilot19 loading

Comix_2 wrote:

i spent way too much time on this
I really hope the new Switch that's going to come out is named something like that. I will bloody lose it if it is actually called the Nintendo Switch 2, if I saw something named the Nintendo Switch 2 in my local game store I would think it's a bootleg.
abubriski abubriski loading

-Almations- wrote:

I think I'm going crazy but I keep thinking this cover of Hallelujah exists where it was a bit more upbeat. The voice was a woman I'm pretty sure.
Sounds hilarious
italvera italvera loading
7.16 Change the types of projects to be featured
The Scratch Team has a list of types of projects they are looking to feature in the Propose Projects to be Featured studio. Such a list has existed for years, and the Scratch Team is happy with the kinds of projects they have been featuring. While some Scratchers are unhappy with the types of projects being featured, it is ultimately up to the Scratch Team to decide what to feature.
coby316 coby316 loading
Whenever I make a good projects, barely anyone sees it. I really need something to boost the popularity of my project. So, if you could, can you feature my project? (not making the mistake of asking this in requests again)
0_009 0_009 loading

TOLoRS wrote:

7.16 Change the types of projects to be featured
The Scratch Team has a list of types of projects they are looking to feature in the Propose Projects to be Featured studio. Such a list has existed for years, and the Scratch Team is happy with the kinds of projects they have been featuring. While some Scratchers are unhappy with the types of projects being featured, it is ultimately up to the Scratch Team to decide what to feature.
find it here
1lMaM 1lMaM loading
Google Translate daily (I used still feel by half•alive)
1050 words……

Tendrils of starlight grip me, as they do every night. You’re gone. I lie alone in the darkness, hollow, icy grief penetrating my bones. I shiver without your comforting words to warm me. Darkness was bearable with you. But alone, every shadow sends shivers up my spine, taunting me with their carefree movements, appearing and disappearing with the moonlight. Why would you leave me? Why would you desert me in my darkest times, at midnight in the cold rain? Speak to me. I know you’re somewhere. I know you’re here!
Only when tiny echoes bounce off the walls do I realise I spoke.
My anger falls into a pit, deep in my stomach. Despite its nagging cries, I fall asleep.
I’m driving on a freeway, the mountainous landscape stretching out before me. You’re next to me, pointing out interesting shapes in the clouds, me reminding you that I have to look at the road, you telling me there’s nothing on it. I can’t smell the musty aroma of our old Toyota, and I can’t feel the warmth of your hand on mine. But I know there’s something wrong. My heart is beating faster. Something is going to happen, I know it. I stare at you, not caring about the road. Your face is growing pale. Your hand is shaking, and I know that your hand wouldn’t be warm if I could feel it. Your mouth opens, but you don’t speak, you can’t speak. I watch in horror as your body falls-
My heart pounds in my ears. Let me sleep, Noah. Stop torturing me. You’re dead, I know, stop showing me! Stop filling me with terror every time your hands grow cold! Stop torturing me with the same terrible things, stop refilling the deep agony inside me, knowing I couldn’t have stopped it!
“Stop!” I scream.
A few golden rays illuminate the room.
I sluggishly pull on a T-shirt and shorts, stumbling out of the room to eat. Alone. Did you realise how horrible life can be? Do you regret leaving now that you see me alone? I glance up at the fridge I’m opening, take one look at the magnet you bought me, and slam the door. Bursting out of the front door with frosty fingers, I storm outside.
Every tree reminds me of the fruit you picked from it, every blade of grass looks like when you mowed it. I hate them. Every single centimetre is stained with your touch. Your mark is in every place I thought was private, in every moment I thought I was better alone. Now I am alone. Truly alone. I hate you for it.
I hate this.
Am I good anymore? Hate is the root of all evil, they told me, not money, not fame, not heartbreak or judgement. I want to destroy this street, destroy the garden, destroy everything you so meticulously kept just to see all of you come crashing down. How dare you leave me? You were the one pinprick of light in my darkness. You’ve taken me from darkness to hell, left me a slave to who you once were. I want to destroy you, to watch you burn. The hatred rises, seeping into me like a fire.
I walk down the stepping stones to the concrete pathway, the stones you laid. I run, taking nothing with me, feet racing down the street you ran on too, the street we raced down as kids. But I run further. I run right past the finish line with its gnarled branches and knots that look like eyes. I run past the last house with its white walls and perfect hedges, past the corner, onto the black asphalt road-
I step back, back off the road, something else controlling me. You’re controlling me.
A black car zooms by.
How are you controlling me? You’re supposed- colours shift around me, blue and ghostly, blurs of white and sea-blue, mist-grey and mossy green. It’s another world, just like this one. Someone walks up to me, with hair like dirt tinged blue, curls framing his face – your face – perfectly, deep blue eyes softening as you smile.
“How- how are you… how are you here, in front of me?” I whisper.
You smile. “Love is a powerful thing, hey?”
“What do you mean?”
“I saved you, Louise, even from here.” Your smile fades. “That shouldn’t be possible. Not from here.”
I grin nervously. “But… it happened. What does it matter if it shouldn’t have?”
“No, it’s great. But stuff like that has a cost. I have to do something I didn’t want to, because you didn’t.”
“Didn’t what?”
“Didn’t step back yourself.”
“Oh.” I hesitate. “So what do you have to do?”
You reach out and grab my hand.
She looks at everyone she sees with loathing, an awful withering look that shows only hollow hatred. Her golden curls seem to have an attitude of their own, unlike the air of energy and curiosity they used to have. She spends her days on revenge, anger, hatred that has tightened and grown from the pit in her stomach where she left it, stretching through her whole body until she almost seems to embody hatred itself. Where did it come from?
The same person shouts into air, moonlight cracking through the darkness.

“This is what you’re going to become if you keep going- this will be- this is…”
“What is it?” I say.
“This… this is who you already are. Stop being like that.”
The person in the vision was nothing like me. I can’t become her. “I will.”
You try to hold me again, but the colours unravel around me and I’m back on the street, standing on the pathway, moments from death. You’re gone. Gone, but still close. I can almost feel your touch, your gentle breath next to me. The colours of the grass, the road, the sky seem more vibrant than they did minutes ago. The pit of hatred in my stomach is gone. Everything seems… free.
Is this life? Is this what it’s like to be truly alive, not just surviving, not succumbing to the darkness but fighting it, heart shining like a star? Maybe I’m alone, but I’ll find new friends, friends like you. Family like you.
This is life.

RapidDragon2612 wrote:

Are you looking for a unique game with unique features?
Then I have the perfect game for you! try out my Scratch Cat Clicker over here:

<((Me) + (Coding)) = [Best Combo]>
*nerd emoji* uh I don’t think you can add two things together to make a string
Muddy_Pig Muddy_Pig loading
Looks good,

Can you send the picture of the ‘character’, text, and background separately so I can try to rearrange them?

Thanks a lot!
cryptto cryptto loading
hasn't posted in a while.
k0d3rrr k0d3rrr loading

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

skekanatat wrote:

usually with my oc creation the only thing I do is imagine the whole thing, sometimes I don’t even draw the character I only just imagine everything about it and leave it at that
Here's a fun story from my side.
I was actually crappy at designing characters. Sometimes the design I imagined just comes out differently than expected :') It's why I have to keep changing the design until finalizing so it's better fit for it.
And of course, given how people in the fandom were laying emphasis on better and more original designs, I tried making my own OCs unique so they don't look [Jughead #198 style] generic! Unoriginal! Cliché! Aaaaand I realized later on that the fairy designs for SMango were unoriginal..So I decided to change again!!
This logic also applies to the characters themselves, and their lore.
For example, Strawberry is both the villain and the hero. While that does sound kind of cool, it's also very overused in literature. She is even part of a prophecy to protect people from evil!!
LalQan7 LalQan7 loading

SeeingColors wrote:

Any ideas on MTS for future studios people?
Maybe a Studio about spring for April? or a garden themed one?

ItBeJC wrote:

@co0lcr34t10ns if you find the time can you teach me how to do music orders?
I'd like to contribute more to the shop
To start off use or one of it's mods as a beginner's tool. I like Paandora's Box Once you get into it you can use a daw like GarageBand. It's not on Windows (I use my Mom's Macbook) so you can find another alternative, but that is the best one I've seen. Just make random stuff until it somehow lines up with some music theory book. It does help if you can read sheet music and SOMEWHAT play an instrument (I play the saxophone for music class)
Malicondi Malicondi loading

DiamondShiner13 wrote:

If it's a problem inside of Scratch, you should go to the Bugs and Glitches forum to report it, not here . We only solve the bugs in your project, not in Scratch.
Malicondi Malicondi loading

Propose Projects to be Featured wrote:

These are the kind of things we're looking for:
- simple projects
- complex projects
- projects that show an innovative use of Scratch
- projects that promote collaboration and remixing
- projects by people who haven’t been on the front page a lot already
- projects that show the diversity in our community (gender, age, culture, country, interests, language, etc)
- projects that different kinds of people would find enjoyable
- projects that inspire
As you can see, they do look for complex projects. But, if you read the rest of the lisy, they want projects that a new scratcher could see and use and be inspired to create their own projects. And what do you consider “better” projects? Scratch is supposed to be open to beginner coders and more advanced coders alike, so a simple project can be just as good as a 3d game.

If every project was some super advanced code that only a few people understand, then it would probably intimidate people to think that they have to make projects like that, to get featured.
cellmates cellmates loading
“they locked her up for being a loser”
JILSL7 JILSL7 loading
Name: Airborne Robots
Difficulty: Insane (7/10)

when green flag clicked
think [I have sent 4 Levels in 1 Day]
think [I should have a break] for (2) secs
broadcast [Have a break! v]

when I receive [Have Break v]
say [Nuh Uh]
lgrov44 lgrov44 loading

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

hiigang wrote:

When I import a gif, the frames are out of order
Yeah, this is a known issue… If you have a lot of time, you can re-order them, but it's very hard and not efficient.
Just convert the .gif file into a series of image files and import that. (Example: .GIF to .JPG)
Put the numbers in a seperate list and compare item 1, 2, 3… with an idx variable (i.e. check 1, then change idx to 2, check item 2, etc.)
lgrov44 lgrov44 loading

LP372 wrote:

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

can't figure out how to, i just bumped the topic.
It should be very straight-forward. Go to the topic, copy the URL and paste it in a post here.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
If you have a question about a Scratch Team action, please use the Contact Us button at the bottom of every page to ask the Scratch Team directly.

abubriski wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

If the April Fools' Day events are canon, Scratch Cat went time-travelling in 2022, then opened a stand-up comedy club in 2023.
read the wiki

LP372 wrote:


Fluffygamer_ wrote:

LP372 wrote:

bruh, this is the second person that duped my topic lol.
Oh, really ?
Well, it's kinda different. I'm not sure if it would fall under a dupe though.
Can I have your topic's link please ?
LP372 LP372 loading

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

LP372 wrote:

bruh, this is the second person that duped my topic lol.
Oh, really ?
Well, it's kinda different. I'm not sure if it would fall under a dupe though.

alphabetlorefan2003 wrote:


Fluffygamer_ wrote:

alphabetlorefan2003 wrote:


-greats- wrote:

EcIipsed wrote:

why what you can do that I on the wiki? Okay changing my skin on the wiki rn


I’m just a little concerned that the 8 year old kids of Scratch would want to customize their skins, but type in ”dark orange” rather than #b35000, and then there would be a bit of confusion, but I’m sure they’ll get it if they ask someone who understands hex colours.

cough cough

I mean maybe Scratch would take dark orange as a color, but other less heard of colours like periwinkle or lavender may suffer.

CSS colours? (they use natural language like DarkSlateGrey)
You can do this: red
And many other colours. You can also use a hexadecimal value. But, isn't it unrelated ?
Since it's about colors, it's not unrelated
Yeah, but like, this speaks about website customisation and you talk about BBcode…
It might get implemented soon, scratch team made a survey about it.

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

alphabetlorefan2003 wrote:


-greats- wrote:

EcIipsed wrote:

why what you can do that I on the wiki? Okay changing my skin on the wiki rn


I’m just a little concerned that the 8 year old kids of Scratch would want to customize their skins, but type in ”dark orange” rather than #b35000, and then there would be a bit of confusion, but I’m sure they’ll get it if they ask someone who understands hex colours.

cough cough

I mean maybe Scratch would take dark orange as a color, but other less heard of colours like periwinkle or lavender may suffer.

CSS colours? (they use natural language like DarkSlateGrey)
You can do this: red
And many other colours. You can also use a hexadecimal value. But, isn't it unrelated ?
Since it's about colors, it's not unrelated

alphabetlorefan2003 wrote:


-greats- wrote:

EcIipsed wrote:

why what you can do that I on the wiki? Okay changing my skin on the wiki rn


I’m just a little concerned that the 8 year old kids of Scratch would want to customize their skins, but type in ”dark orange” rather than #b35000, and then there would be a bit of confusion, but I’m sure they’ll get it if they ask someone who understands hex colours.

cough cough

I mean maybe Scratch would take dark orange as a color, but other less heard of colours like periwinkle or lavender may suffer.

CSS colours? (they use natural language like DarkSlateGrey)
You can do this: red
And many other colours. You can also use a hexadecimal value. But, isn't it unrelated ?
AzfarPogko AzfarPogko loading

Pibby59 wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

can we at least discuss what currency is the best
thats too general
coin is the best currency
No gold is
you cant flip a chunk of gold though

And gold is waaaaay more valuable than a coin

A coin is not even better than a dollar, the coin is $0.01 and the dollar is $1.00

The gold is like $72-$170 dollars I mean come one!

The coin is copper which rusts and gold doesn’t rust if it wasn’t rotton

So did you change your opinion?
a dollar wouldn't exist if coins didn't exist
No, because a coin isn't digital paper like money, a coin is harder than a dollar, and you'd still use a dollar as a coin
money isnt digital i can hold money in my hand

also i think they mean a dollar is made up of coins
yeah and the name of the currency “bitcoin”
Actually, bitcoins are better than coins, they are more expensive, they are golden coins, and they are shiny
Yes I know that the same currency but not the same resource
but still
It’s not what you care, it is what it is
coin came before dollars i think
Right, coins came in the 7th century BC
Dollars were first invented in 1792
Second longest quote chain on this topic so far (18 participants, longest 19)
when green flag clicked
set video transparency to () %
Off block

hot655 hot655 loading
Personally, I support.

I think the idea of customising your Scratch home page to your bidding is pretty good ngl , I also see perhaps as well as colours, a few (obviously not a lot) of pre-made patterns (polka dots?) could be available for the tabber.
Pibby59 Pibby59 loading

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

can we at least discuss what currency is the best
thats too general
coin is the best currency
No gold is
you cant flip a chunk of gold though

And gold is waaaaay more valuable than a coin

A coin is not even better than a dollar, the coin is $0.01 and the dollar is $1.00

The gold is like $72-$170 dollars I mean come one!

The coin is copper which rusts and gold doesn’t rust if it wasn’t rotton

So did you change your opinion?
a dollar wouldn't exist if coins didn't exist
No, because a coin isn't digital paper like money, a coin is harder than a dollar, and you'd still use a dollar as a coin
money isnt digital i can hold money in my hand

also i think they mean a dollar is made up of coins
yeah and the name of the currency “bitcoin”
Actually, bitcoins are better than coins, they are more expensive, they are golden coins, and they are shiny
Yes I know that the same currency but not the same resource
but still
It’s not what you care, it is what it is
coin came before dollars i think
Right, coins came in the 7th century BC
Dollars were first invented in 1792
Second longest quote chain on this topic so far (18 participants, longest 19)
2 month anniversary, it's been a wild ride. New update dropped, adding a full fletched easter egg, probably the first ever on scratch.
Order form:
Username: iiucandyfloss
Package: Image hosting
What colors: N/A
Amount of time: (Must give at least 2 days or just put ASAP)
Theme: The bump banner here:
Where we notify you: Profile
Is there a specific staff member that you would prefer to make this product? If so, then write their username here: no

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

headcanon time
on the recursed earth, because of recurser being gen 0, recurser has a literally white house in the middle of whateverland that he lives in
and its BIG
Headcanon approved.
I accidentally said ‘accepted’ instead of ‘approved’.
i saw when it said accepted k0d3rrr you cant deny that
also headcanon: recurser has a few times made these little guys of technically gen 0.5, known as “curslings (can be spelled as ‘curseling’)” on this earth.
they are basically little tiny white guys of recurser looking fellows who are adorable and will absolutely give you a cuteness overload whenever possible
most of these little guys are roaming the earth but recurser himself has one in his house who is his right hand man in how it acts.
this singular individual appears as an outcast due to appearing black with white highlights, instead of entirely white.
Tiny little Recursers :3
LP372 LP372 loading
You should change the title to ‘option for a beep if we have a notification’ because people keep misreading it and saying no support.

King of the page btw
(My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash versions detected)

For some reason no projects with Ids over 970 million are appearing on trending; in fact, very few are even appearing in Scratch's search. I have checked all the projects in explore, even recent, and NONE seem to have ids of over 970 million. This is obviously a very major bug if it is real. So is there really such an issue? Or is it just me?

cactus-cacti wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:

cactus-cacti wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:

Perhaps there could be preset ones that the user could select.
Oh, I said something similar to that. Do you remember when I said

or use the ones that the selection of people chose.

I was basically saying that a group of people would be chosen. These people would choose the preset sounds. If the OP thinks that other people will like them, the sounds might be added. If the sounds were too long or had background noise, the person who sent the sound would be politely asked to edit the sound or re-record it if necessary.
I was thinking a library of sounds that were preselected by the ST.

Oh, good idea
Can I be a curator?
I am a scratcher and I make games!
k0d3rrr k0d3rrr loading

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

headcanon time
on the recursed earth, because of recurser being gen 0, recurser has a literally white house in the middle of whateverland that he lives in
and its BIG
Headcanon approved.
I accidentally said ‘accepted’ instead of ‘approved’.
The timer is skipping over 0! use
<(timer) < [0]>
instead of
<(timer) = [0]>
Also, a lot of your code can be optimized. For example, instead of
if <> then
you can use
wait until <>
and instead of your animation code you can use
switch costume to [first costume v]
repeat (this number should be 1 less than the number of frames (costumes) in the animation)
wait (0.125) secs
next costume
repeat until <(costume name) = [final costume name]>//costume name is a variable in the looks category, it doesn't 
wait (0.125) secs //--------------------------------------------------show in forums
next costume
I hope this helped!