Scratch Forum Search

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TimMcCool wrote:

Follow @Overcooked_Beef I'm tryna see how many followers they can get
Wait a minute…
This post does not exist! Um… I mean.. heheh… you got me.
ret12345647 ret12345647 loading
In the first part of Griffpatch's Platformer tutorial, he doesn't discuss wall sliding. You can watch the fifth episode, however, there are a lot of changes made, so I recommend following the the tutorials in chronological order.
I hope this helped!
When using a variable to set the spoken language to Chinese, speak dosn't work.
Using the app. My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected
set [variable] to [Chinese (Mandarin)]
set language to
Jareddddddd Jareddddddd loading

Malicondi wrote:

Jareddddddd wrote:


So I was looking through some forums, and scratch CAN play multiple sounds at once, as long as they're different sounds. So, I was thinking that the user would just have to import the sound a few times, depending on the length. Pretty sick stuff. Ill expand on this concept in some testing

for now, i will outsource to the hws forums
Also, how does playing multiple sounds at once speed up skipping to a certain part of the song? I'm failing to comprehend this lol
it allows me to start the speedup from the points in the song that is already playing

ajskateboarder wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

But, what’s the point of having scratch with no editor on console?
I suppose it's so you can play games
That's the goal of most people in Scratch.

But, many people have a Nintendo, including me. But, this is not worth it. It would be very difficult to do, and how would somebody make forum posts or comments with this easily. Not sure if you know, but to type with the keyboard on the Nintendo screen, you have to use the pointer to get to each and every letter you want to type. This would also make many games very hard to play. It would be slow due to the slowness of the pointer going across the screen. And the only keys you can do with the controllers is arrow keys and wasd. The best thing you could do with this is a platformer game.

Pixilized wrote:

mewingcat456 wrote:

1. How do I get directly linked to a post in a forum topic, for example if I had a topic with three posts about a story being the first, a game being the second and an animation being the third and I had a link that took me to the 2nd one and it took me to the post with the game… you know, how do I get direct post links?
You see that date at the top left of your post? That’s a link to that specific post! Just right click it and copy the link, and paste it anywhere you want! Go ahead, try it with this post.

mewingcat456 wrote:

2. How do I, when placed in a forum post, turn one of those post links into a piece of text, for example turning a URL into “Click here!” and it still taking it to the URL?

You see that symbol? Highlight some text and press the symbol. Then, paste your link in the box. Tada! Custom links!

Kit_Gaming Kit_Gaming loading

Channel91 wrote:

Get my creative juices flowing. Suggest me any ideas for a project. It can be a game, utility, or something to waste the user's time.
Try making a rickroll, clickbait and all.

medians wrote:

Can you explain what neurodiversity means?? People keep stating it a lot (not just here) but I have no idea LOL
It's like, mental issues and differences. Stuff like autism, adhd, etc (I can't think of anymore )

Pixilized wrote:

That’s not exactly what this forum is for. This forum is for if you need help with a specific problem or script, not if you want people to find bugs for you. Try making a topic in the Show and Tell section to tell people about your project, and ask them to report any bugs they find there.

Okay. I'll finish up with the setup of this topic, then I'll move it there.
Kit_Gaming Kit_Gaming loading

30goldendonkey wrote:

For some reason, when I comment on a variable or list reporter block, save the project, and go back into it, the comments on those blocks are gone.
You're right. I put a comment on the following code.

(My Variable)

Votick wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

when {i have been on scratch every day for like several years::#000000} clicked::hat events
play minecraft{
this is a nice blue. a very nice blue.::#594824
}::cap #420690

when {I see that it is not blue} then [oMG pru sead wihh ack shin bellow] ::hat events
I have [diagnosed v] [champion_ofcloud-var v] with [color-blind v] ::#594824
pee myself ::#FFFF00
i diagnose you with not seeing its kinda like the color of jeans::#594824
medians medians loading
Related to what you said, there used to be a feature where you could right click certain blocks to swap to other blocks, so if that returns, it could be added for show/hide var. This still a thing for the list and variable reporter blocks, just not other blocks.
I know this isn't a dupe..sadly.

So, now I support this idea.
for reasons in op #comedy #annoying

But really, this would just be better than editing the entire image to look like gobo default pfp style. It would upgrade the diversity of newer scratchers instead of them looking like clones.
medians medians loading

EatNYeet wrote:

I am mentioning other posts, and I've already explained things above. If I had issues with the title, I would have said as such.

I'm sure you know how it feels to be told the same thing twice, by the way. It's frustrating. Please just don't in the future unless it hasn't been said yet.
I did not even see that yet (I thought I was on the last page for some reason), and I had other things that I asked. Also, I was confused when you said proven by a few posts and did not quote specific ones, so I assumed you were referring to the original post (so I thought you when you were saying proven, that you meant towards the title so I thought you read it wrong or sth)
Also, I am not that mad when that happens.
FoolsGuld FoolsGuld loading
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to tackle collision sensing between a ball and a paddle for a pen-based recreation of Pong. I've tried several approaches but couldn't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated!

Game link here
Lets say you have a friend on scratch, like @SM64-Thmax is my friend. To make a custom message to a certain scratcher, put this script in your project:
if <(username) = []> then
do custom
Replace “do custom” with any Scratch block so maybe like Scratch cat can say Hello, (username of the scratcher you are doing)
Hope this helped! Bye

Sohta_kun wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

Currently working on an rpg engine (before this idea came up) so that would be easy to implement in, also working on using math-based collisions because its 100x faster than the touching block, as usual :P but i would prefer making an metroidvania over a rpg as metroidvania's usually have more engaging gameplay and are also really fun to play.

no i'm not inactive i'm just stalking because i had nothing to add until now, also tests ;-;
How do the physics work? Are they designed for realistic hills and slopes, or the more “gamey” tile-based blocks? I personally think the former would make it more unique and stand out from the vast sea of games on this site.

There's also a combination of both, as @griffpatch does in his tile platformer engine, so you can totally put slopes in tiles. Personally I'd tend to opt for tiles because they're much easier to work with and make levels out of.
C_Yee C_Yee loading
Hii! Sorry for the delay on the weekly! It literally took forever to come up with a weekly idea, but I finally thought of something. I encourage you all to do this weekly because it’s fairly simple. Today’s weekly is to create a story using this format: Introduction/Lead, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and finally Conclusion/Resolution. This will be split up into four different tasks including brainstorming.

For this first task, you’re going to want to introduce the main character, the side characters, the setting, and maybe the villain. Before you get to the words on the page, first think about your main character(s). What is/are their names? What is their personality? What is their purpose? Next, you want to think about a setting. Is it in the countryside? Is it in the city? Finally, to wrap up task one, think about what a villain looks like. It doesn’t have to be a person. It can be an object or concept or even an animal. For Task 1, write a descriptive 500 words (or more) about your character and setting. And maybe try to introduce a villain. This task is worth 1000 points if you include all the components.

Task 2
For this next task, you’ll be continuing your story with a rising action and a climax. Think about a problem in your story and write about how that problem gets started in your story. Show the details of how the conflict is stirred up. Show the steps. Next part of this task is the most important part which is the climax. What’s something exciting, shocking and unexpecting in the problem? Write something unusual in the conflict that the reader wouldn’t expect would happen. Make the reader jump out of their seats. Maybe make it humorous. For task two, write 550 words (or more) about the problem in your story (showing how it happens). Also, you should include the climax and big surprising twist. This task is worth 1000 points for including all of the components.

For this third task, you will start to wrap up your story. We’ll start with the Falling Action. This part of the story is where the villain loses their powers and the hero/main character becomes a stronger person. Finally, the last part, the most important part of the story, is the Resolution/Conclusion. How does the conflict get resolved? Usually, the hero comes to an agreement with the villain and they live happily ever after. Instead, I want you to create the ending. How does the villain and the main character come to an agreement and end the conflict? Write a good 500 words (or more) on how the problem is resolved. You can create this part on how it ends. You could leave me or the reader on a cliffhanger for another time or you could end with the hero winning and getting all this fame. This task is worth 1000 points for including all of the components.

Final task which is a pretty easy one is you’re going to go through your story and talk about your progress. What was something that you did well on? What was something that you could definitely improve on? Do you think you could’ve been more descriptive? Do you think you should have ended or begun with something else? Write 400 words on your reflection of your story. This task is worth 1000 points for including a good reflection that has the right amount of words.

Conclusion Note
Hooray! You have successfully completed the weekly! Remember to comment on your proof (which is required), your word count, the points, and your cabin in order to receive the full 4000 points (if you completed all 4 tasks). Since this weekly was not on time, the weekly will be due at 5 PM PST on April 15, 2024

zispe wrote:

Need what?
They're suggesting for a dropdown in the show/hide variable blocks.
CSim11 CSim11 loading
hello everyone! I created a new 2 player shooter game for everyone to play. it is very early beta but it will be getting many updates. the link is
Pixilized Pixilized loading
While researching something for someone on the forums, I stumbled across this page:
I can change the word “size” to get information about different blocks, other than the size reporter. Is there a homepage for all these pages? If not, can anyone help me make a list of all of these pages?
I’m interested in this little piece of Scratch history, and would like to compile them if there is no page with links to all of them.
Pixilized Pixilized loading
I have done a lot of searching, and I have not found any modifications that support this feature. I will continue to research this, and I’ll let you know if I find anything new.
zispe zispe loading
Support! Upvoting comments is a cool feature I've always wanted. For example, what if someone makes a funny comment on say ceebee's profile and I want to like it? I can't. It'd be nice if I could. Again, huge support.
ninjaMAR ninjaMAR loading
I've built a word processor. It doesn't use document.execCommand, which is deprecated. I've built a replacement from the ground up. Here is the link to the site, and to the source code.. BTW this project is incomplete.
How to use it

Simply select some text, and the context menu will pop up to change styling.
Problems? Make an issue on GitHub

Want to contribute? Make a pull request on GitHub
TKb0iZ TKb0iZ loading
who likes 8 track cartridges
i used to have a player but gave it away long ago
Does anyone here know how to delete a comment that you posted on a studio? I'm in kinda hot water right now and Google doesn't understand the question.

when green flag clicked
say [HELP!] for (infinity) secs

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

SAUnicornLover wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

I don’t know if this should go here or in ‘Things I’m making or doing’- move it if it’s not appropriate for this.
Okay! So, almost everyone has an odd childhood memory of some movie, book, game, tv show, animation, website, or song- and a lot of these don’t have names attached to them. Do you have one of these things? If you do, tell us about it!

There are a lot of people here with their own experiences, so they might be able to find yours for you.

If you don’t have one, try describing something you do remember and see if anyone here knows what you’re talking about.
You might be able to help someone find theirs: if you think you recognize any of the recent posts, please reply to them! Remember: it could be the right answer!

On a larger scale, many pieces of media are lost or almost lost- one example of lost media that was then found is the Clockman, an animated short that remained almost a legend until it surfaced again, which is a good example of the kind of stuff we discuss. If you want to get into lost media, try visiting a lost media community online and reading up on some famous cases.
so when I was 4 in 2020 I watched a YouTube video of Peppa pig that cut to a picture of the moms pig head on the table in a pool of red umm uhh body water and it then jumpscared me and ever since then I've been wondering if it still exists and who posted it I don't remember the title or poster but I do know it was ether posted in 2020 or before as I watched it in 2020 I dont remember the screamer but I think it was something like ether the grunge or momo if anyone remembers this please help me find this weird screamer video I do remember it was a loud scream not the usual momo thing if it was momo u could say this is like the scratch version of r/tipofmytongue but since I'm a child i do not have reddit please help
Just type in “Peppa screamer” lol
I did but I couldn't find it closest thing I could find was another Peppa screamer but it didn't have the table scene
zispe zispe loading

ajskateboarder wrote:

Might as well all the appropiate emojis at this point
What does this even mean.

Support, we should add all the emojis. Personally It would add a cool flare to the site.
XxImmortal XxImmortal loading

TailsTheSonic wrote:

BionicBoy554Open in Ocular wrote:

Saying you miss old roblox is like saying you miss having lame looking terrain and <2 FPS and even more memory usage as well as broken physics (well, even more broken physics, cause now's physics are just as broken)
as flamingo once said “you dont miss old roblox you miss being happy”
Yeah. Being younger was just simpler in general. A lot of people say that old Roblox is better because they probably miss the simplicity and the fact you didn't really have responsibilities.
EatNYeet EatNYeet loading

BringUpYourPost wrote:

EatNYeet wrote:

The term “Autism awareness month” is considered, among the autistic community, to be a bad way of naming the month.
Did you read the title of the suggestion? It says make a post for autism acceptance…..

I did. I thought my mentioning of confusion among other posts would allow anyone reading mine to understand I was talking about said posts rather than the title. It's a very common occurrence, so I didn't feel the need to quote anything.

medians wrote:

EatNYeet wrote:

The title was literally changed after the 2nd post (as in the post after the original post) though..
Like, what do you want?? Are you referring to other posts or something?

I am mentioning other posts, and I've already explained things above. If I had issues with the title, I would have said as such.

I'm sure you know how it feels to be told the same thing twice, by the way. It's frustrating. Please just don't in the future unless it hasn't been said yet.
Sohta_kun Sohta_kun loading

Malicondi wrote:

Currently working on an rpg engine (before this idea came up) so that would be easy to implement in, also working on using math-based collisions because its 100x faster than the touching block, as usual :P but i would prefer making an metroidvania over a rpg as metroidvania's usually have more engaging gameplay and are also really fun to play.

no i'm not inactive i'm just stalking because i had nothing to add until now, also tests ;-;
How do the physics work? Are they designed for realistic hills and slopes, or the more “gamey” tile-based blocks? I personally think the former would make it more unique and stand out from the vast sea of games on this site.

-toontasticnetwork- wrote:

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

-Telekore- wrote:

What's your favorite piece of media with unknown origins?

For mine, it's the countless slew of lostwaves that people discuss on the internet on a daily basis. I'm a music addict, so yeah.
There's this one song I found in my Scratch backpack (The file was called “Balloon Parade.mp3”) that's genuinely pretty awesome but I cannot for the life of me remember where I got it from and I can't find any songs that match it online so yeah xD
(I would link to it for reference, but I don't wanna break the music sharing projects rule and as I mentioned I don't know where I got it from so yeah… I could have sworn it was from this but it clearly wasn't.)

Also whatever song is in this project, probably isn't too hard to identify but so far I haven't had any luck (and the project creator also said that they don't know what it is either lol). It's really quite a shame though because the sound file there has been badly compressed by Scratch, but until I find the original song, it's the only form I can listen to it in

Other than that, it's got to be that extended version of Cave. Technically the origins are partly known since we know who wrote it, but since it was never AFAIK included in any release of Scratch, we still don't really know where it actually came from

In summary my taste in music is so obscure even I don't know what I'm listening to lol.
the name sounds familiar. (Balloon Parade.mp3)
you could make a project of the song and link it
Malicondi Malicondi loading
Currently working on an rpg engine (before this idea came up) so that would be easy to implement in, also working on using math-based collisions because its 100x faster than the touching block, as usual :P but i would prefer making an metroidvania over a rpg as metroidvania's usually have more engaging gameplay and are also really fun to play.

no i'm not inactive i'm just stalking because i had nothing to add until now, also tests ;-;
Who would be interested in making a animal crossings game?
cs2975871 cs2975871 loading

Pixilized wrote:

I don’t believe there is a way to get this information without addons or modifications. You can suggest this feature in the Suggestions forum page, though.
When it comes to that, ARE there addons out there? I suggest not recommending any to me by name, but ARE there any out there?
c0mpleX_ c0mpleX_ loading
here's a fun sushi game I created You're an octopus
You could give it gravity, and every time it hits a certain sprite, the momentum decreases and the gravity increases, pulling it down and slowly stopping it.
I'm working on a game where you click a creature and he runs away from you. I want to make a power up where you can't click on him for a couple seconds. How do I do that?

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

-Telekore- wrote:

What's your favorite piece of media with unknown origins?

For mine, it's the countless slew of lostwaves that people discuss on the internet on a daily basis. I'm a music addict, so yeah.
There's this one song I found in my Scratch backpack (The file was called “Balloon Parade.mp3”) that's genuinely pretty awesome but I cannot for the life of me remember where I got it from and I can't find any songs that match it online so yeah xD
(I would link to it for reference, but I don't wanna break the music sharing projects rule and as I mentioned I don't know where I got it from so yeah… I could have sworn it was from this but it clearly wasn't.)

Also whatever song is in this project, probably isn't too hard to identify but so far I haven't had any luck (and the project creator also said that they don't know what it is either lol). It's really quite a shame though because the sound file there has been badly compressed by Scratch, but until I find the original song, it's the only form I can listen to it in

Other than that, it's got to be that extended version of Cave. Technically the origins are partly known since we know who wrote it, but since it was never AFAIK included in any release of Scratch, we still don't really know where it actually came from

In summary my taste in music is so obscure even I don't know what I'm listening to lol.
the name sounds familiar. (Balloon Parade.mp3)
Pheoni-X Pheoni-X loading

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

What have you found?

Well, about that time, she came out about being bisexual… I saw all of the obvious stuff… But I saw, on her last comment chain, she was talking to @hongocphucbao and they asked her how she was doing, she said not good. They asked if she was tired, she responded, “Kinda” and that was the last comment…

My theory is that she got into a really big fight with her parents about her coming out, so she got banned from doing scratch.

She might have also had her computer hacked because her computer kept saying that she won't be able to use it for ages…

Fun Fact: She was a beekeeper at the time!

That's only some of the data I got, I'm going to make a project with everything soon…
Can you please elaborate? Most people aren't going to understand what you're talking about if you only refer to what you're asking about with acronyms.

If you're asking to link to a website that has its name or site link deliberately blocked by Scratch's filter, then don't, even with workarounds. Writing “delete” in between parts of a blocked link (eg. links to social media) does not spare your comment from being a Community Guidelines violation.

qwertyy_the_artist wrote:

if they are apps, please note that any links leading away from the scratch website are prohibited
False. You can link to various non-scratch websites on Scratch: Just know that any site linked to the Scratch website must adhere to the Community Guidelines (no PMing function, no unmoderated chat functionality in general, no profanity, etc.), though.


567boi1234 wrote:

so i made a fighting game (not complete) and i added an uppercut ability
one of the characters is stuck in the uppercut sprite i tried literally everything it makes no sense what
link to game
I immediately noticed that you have the speed increase bug with the jumping and walking, to fix this, make a sprite (speed_fix) that covers up the whole screen, and inside it's code, make a flag block followed by a “set ghost to 99”, then go back to your characters and make a block: Flag, Forever, If Touching speed_fix, set x_speed to 0. This will fix the increased speed when in the air.

Also, i cant find the bug you're having, maybe it's a one time thing?
MY_N4M3567 MY_N4M3567 loading

sashimiricedev wrote:

There MIGHT be one. I doubt out however, as Scratch isn't a 3D environment; it wouldn't make much sense.
Oh, ok. That makes sense!
define thanks
April 7th

Titles are very important, and most of us struggle with coming up with some that fit the story we want to write. So today, everyone drop a comment with a title you made up and let others claim it to write a 400 word story based off of! This prompt is worth 300 mangoes.

The Flames That Engulf

I woke up in a small room. The light illuminating the area was blinding, forcing my weary eyes to squint. My head was pounding, like a million elephants all having a dance party in my brain…but the elephants were very uncoordinated and broke every wall and floor they touched. I sat up, acknowledging mentally the fact I was in a small bed, with white sheets, and a white pillow. My head hurt but at the same time…it was empty. Looking around the room, I realized that it was unfamiliar. Searching through my memories I came up dry.
“Where am I?” I whispered, before freezing. “Who am I?”

I grunted as another wave of pain flashed through my head, and with it, a flicker of fire. A scream. A pair of gleaming turquoise eyes stared into my soul as if they were pleading with me. The flames rose, engulfing the eyes.

My breathing was ragged as I tried to piece together what the memory could mean. I looked around the room yet again, my eyes locking on the door as I suddenly heard a rattling of the doorknob. I stood, alert, despite my pounding headache.

“You're awake. That's good,” a boy, around the same age as me said. He had auburn hair, light skin, and the same turquoise eyes that bore into my memory. His outfit was a casual black uniform, and he had a badge that had the blood-red outline of a lion. He was familiar…as if I knew him…as if I could trust him.

“Who are you?” I whispered.

His eyes widened, surprise flashing over his face. He quickly regained his professional look, but that brief flash was enough to send my thoughts spiraling out of control once more. His tough, commanding voice broke the stunned silence. “Do you remember anything?” he asked me.

I shook my head, before pausing. “Only a small bit…fire. A scream. Your eyes. Nothing else. Not even my name,” I said, surprised at how timid my voice sounded.

He nodded. “I'll have to tell my ad- I mean the doctor about this,” he said, turning to exit.

“Wait…you can't just go…please…tell me something…what's going on?” I begged.

He didn't say a word as he exited. I sat back down on the bed, unsure of what to do. Everything was so foreign…the only thing I knew was the boy. I decided just to wait. Wait until he came back.

A little while later, he came back, and with him was a tall grown man, with dark red hair and deep emerald eyes. He wore a similar, yet more formal uniform, with the same lion badge. The man spoke first. “You really don't remember?”

I just shook my head, a little intimidated. He nodded, intrigued. “Well, I'll fill you in on a little bit of information. Your name is Tahara. You are a member of my group, the Rebellion of Lions. I am the head of the Rebellion. You can call me Commander Ryan,” he said. “This is my trainee and future leader of the Rebellion, Liam.” He said, gesturing towards the boy. “You were out training with Liam, and one of the equipment malfunctioned. That's what you remember. The machine blew up, and you took a serious blow to the head,” he finished.

I hesitated, all this information pouring into my already pounding head. I looked at Liam, unsure if anything was correct, but my gut told me I could trust him. He nodded, a mixture of emotions showing through his turquoise eyes, emotions that I couldn't quite decipher. Was it a mixture of compassion…kindness…guilt…love? I couldn't tell.

“I'll give you another day to rest. But we need you back on your feet. You're one of our best fighters Tahara. We need you back in the fight.” he said.

I nodded, watching as they walked out. I sigh, flicking the light switch to the room off, before sinking into the bed, and falling asleep.

The next few days were a strict training regiment getting me back on my feet. Me and Liam trained together, him filling me in on the history of the Rebellion. The weapon drills came easy, years of constant training natural instinct, something I couldn't forget. Even though Liam had to remind me, I quickly fell right into the flow of the fight. Now I sat in the cafeteria, chatting happily with Liam.

“And then I was like *BOOM* and I scared him straight out of his skin!” Liam said.

I laughed, imagining the story of this prank.

“Yeah, you should have seen him! The look on his face was priceless,” he continued. I watched him, still listening, watching his turquoise eyes light up as he told his story. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed him mindlessly fumbling with his badge. Suddenly, I wasn't in the cafeteria, but on the training grounds. Liam was standing nearby, a sorry look in his eyes as he fumbled with his pin the same way he was currently doing it. “I don't want to do this…please don't make me do this…” his voice came, a soft whisper nearly lost in the wind.

I heard myself inhale sharply. “If you don't want to do this, then you don't have to. I don't know what you are going on about, but I have my mission, and nothing will stop me from completing it. Nothing,” I said, my voice firm and sharp.

He gazed at me in sorrow. Suddenly, the memory flashed. “Wait, no!” I whispered as flames engulfed me yet again.

“TAHARA!” Liam shouted, trying to snap me out of this daze.

I shook my head, focusing on my breathing. Looking up at Liam, I breathed in yet again, before saying, “What happened at the training grounds?”

“What did you see?” Liam asked.

“There was a mission. What mission? What happened that day?” I demanded.

Liam inhaled. “We had a small fight. I didn't want to worry you about that, so I didn't tell you. I'm sorry,” he said, looking down.

I just stood, walking silently out of the room, heading for the bathroom. Everything felt so right…I felt like I knew Liam, that I could trust Liam, yet everything felt wrong about this place. I walked into the bathroom, my brain on autopilot, as I went to stare in the mirror. My blue eyes stared back at me, taking a look at my golden blonde hair, a reflection that seemed so familiar, yet so foreign. The mirror reflected the badge, the lion badge. I stared at it for a moment, before going to leave.

Once out in the hallway, I noticed Liam rushing silently down the hallways, heading for the commander's room. I snuck after him, suddenly curious. Hiding outside the closed door, I listened.

“Commander. I bring news,” Liam started.

“What is it?” the Commander asked.

“She's remembering more. She remembered our fight. She doesn't know…yet…but her memory is coming back,” he said, sounding worried.

“That's not good…we can't let her know…if she does she will be a danger to us all! You know how close she was to taking down the entire rebellion. And if she regains her full memory, there is no telling where her loyalties lie. Our best bet might be to take her out now before she becomes a problem,” the Commander said.

“But…” Liam said, his voice suddenly full of emotion.

“Liam. I need you to remember where your loyalties lie. I know you love her. But she didn't return the feelings before the incident. She barely returns them now. There hasn't been enough time. And if she does remember…would she really choose you over her lifelong commitment to the Kingdom?” The Commander asked.

The room was filled with silence before Liam spoke again. “Just give me more time. And if she remembers and rebels, I will personally take her out myself.” Liam said.

“Good. That's what I want to hear,” the Commander stated.

I didn't hear if Liam replied. I just began to run. I slipped out of the building, heading for the training grounds, needing to process everything. I sunk to the dirt. “Who am I?” I whispered.

Suddenly, I heard voices, voices that were familiar. “Where is she?” one said.

“I don't know. What if she died on the mission? What if she's trapped in the compound?” another one said.

I looked up, seeing two people in navy blue uniforms, with crown badges on them. They spotted me, running over. “Tahara? You are alive? We've been searching for days!”

I nodded, not knowing who they were, but somehow knew I belonged with them. “Yeah…”

“Why do you have a Rebel pin on?” one questioned.

“Uh…I lost my memory….I barely know what's going on…they tricked me into thinking I was one of them…” I said.

They nodded, before freezing. One raised her sword in defense. I spun around, seeing Liam. “You,” I mutter, fury filling my voice.

“Look…I don't know what you know…what you heard…but-”

“I heard everything. You lied to me, Liam. I TRUSTED YOU.” I said, furious.

“I know…and I feel awful…I was just really hoping you would give me a chance…you never even thought about me just because I was a part of the Rebellion. But I've never had a choice…I was hoping I could change your mind…the fire went out of control and it exploded, and you blacked out and I panicked. I never meant to lie…I was just hoping…hoping you would see me for more than an enemy,” Liam said, looking to the ground.

“I can't go back, Liam. It's not where I belong. I can feel it in my heart, Liam.” I said.

“I'll come with you. I'll lose everything…I know….but I don't think I could continue without you. And we have to go…my distraction should be just now taking control, and we have a little bit of time to get far away.” he said.

He glanced behind him, and I saw flames begin to engulf the compound. I looked at Liam. “This isn't over… I haven't forgiven you…but I also won't hold this against you forever. Prove your loyalty to the Kingdom…and to me. Prove to me that I can trust you as much as I trusted you when I first woke up. And maybe…just maybe…we will work out,” I said, before looking towards the two soldiers. “Lead us home,” I said.

They nodded, and together we ran towards the Kingdom, leaving the flaming compound behind.

1752 words
I think we've gotten off on minor details a bit– this is a general thing I use for all my games in brainstorming phase.

1. Gameplay Style
(We've discussed either a side-scrolling RPG, or a metroidvania. This step includes all the technical stuff like tile-basedness, dimensionality, character abilities, etc.)

2. Target Audience
(What group of people are we trying to get the attention of with this game?)

3. Gimmick
(What is the main gimmick of the game that makes it different from others? It could be a change in gameplay, like a portal gun. It could be mixing two genres of games. Etc.)

4. Mood/Aesthetic and Setting
(This step is actually way more important than you may think– it's basically what makes the biggest difference between Super Mario and Castlevania. Basically, Mood/Aesthetic is how the game makes you feel. Like, is it dark and rainy? Sunny with happy, smiling hills in the background? Setting is where/when the game is set. Is it medieval? Is it a network of floating islands?)

This is just a bit of stuff to brainstorm, I guess. I may have missed something important but if i did I'll just edit it in later.

567boi1234 567boi1234 loading
so i made a fighting game (not complete) and i added an uppercut ability
one of the characters is stuck in the uppercut sprite i tried literally everything it makes no sense what
link to game

uptownzombie wrote:

when green flag clicked
set [ v] to []
when I receive [ v]
change [ v] by (0)
You shouldn't Necropost, this post was over 4 months ago.
And this is wrong, they mean enlarging it, like making it take up more of the screen, not increasing the variable
(you can create a text engine to do it though)

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

What have you found?

Beast_animationz wrote:

Bellamcintire wrote:

Beast_animationz wrote:

Bellamcintire wrote:

Beast_animationz wrote:

Bellamcintire wrote:

Beast_animationz wrote:

Bellamcintire wrote:

Beast_animationz wrote:

Bellamcintire wrote:

Beast_animationz wrote:

Will someone be willing to collaborate on an animation? (We will both post it and give credit to eachother)
Can you specify what animation you are doing and what's it about?
Any animation. I haven't planed out the animation yet.
Okay, I'm willing to help
What animation should we do?
I'm thinking we can recreate a meme or something like that. What do u think
I am open to whatever, maybe a stereotype one. What meme are you thinking?
Well, the only meme I could think of is the ‘I found among us" short on YouTube, but I’m not really sure.

If u want to see it u can click HERE
Want to do a school stereotype project?
Sure, I’m down
Okay, let me know what stereotypes you are doing so I don't do the same one.
Okay, one idea that I thought that I'm most likely gonna do is comparing different grades ranging from Kindergarten to high school, and the different perceptions of the grades.