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CACO4321- CACO4321- loading
1.geometry dash but you have to talk to move

2. a game where you have to click a button that makes a other button and one of the buttons is the button that ends the game but to find it you have to keep making buttons using the 1st button and some buttons do nothing some are bad and some help you

3. a 3d game where you have to travel through out time to help the NPCs you will find along the way

4. a odd squad themed game maybe 3d?
add 3 games, a 3d platformer, a sidescroll rpg, and a tycoon, then show how you made them as a more complicated tutorial
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

birdracerthree wrote:

Here is a study with some puzzles if you are interested -
More info (expected depth, etc.) will be posted later
Edit : Expected Depth added

Thanks, that's very helpful!
Abidash34 Abidash34 loading
I mean “smooth” by make my PA levels smoother. I'm a benninger in PA levels.
To see why I need the correct answer to make good PA levels and what is PA, Clik here.

My profile! @Abidash34
CACO4321- CACO4321- loading
1.geometry dash but you have to talk to move

2. a game where you have to click a button that makes a other button and one of the buttons is the button that ends the game but to find it you have to keep making buttons using the 1st button and some buttons do nothing some are bad and some help you

3. a 3d game where you have to travel through out time to help the NPCs you will find along the way

5_g 5_g loading

Furret_Productions wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

What if we made a server that is a mix of sts and se? Basically, we could take the bad parts from each one and replace it with good parts from the other. For example, a part of scratch empires I and other people probably don't like is war. We could maybe still have war, but it would have to be decided by both sides. This also means no killing, unless both people want to fight.
I think the reason that SE is lasts so long is because of nations. So what if we add nations to this server too? You couldn't war unless both sides wanted to, but u could combine with other nations.
So basically, this server would be a SE with no wars/killing, or STS with nations.
Maybe it could be called “Scratching the Empires” or something like that
Cool idea! And maybe there could even be world tweaks that would make the Minecraft world experience different that regular worlds we've played on.
How about we make something completely new?

What about a skyblock server? We would create a very small island (only 500 blocks in each direction). With very limited resources. We divide players into 4 groups randomly, and place them on each corner of the island. The players arent allowed to leave their quarter of the map or go into the center area. Every sunday, we place a chest with rare resources (diamonds, lava, iron, whatever else and as the time goes on the loot gets better) in the middle of the map, and every faction can fight over this chest (you arent allowed to open this chest until every other enemy has been killed, and keepinv would be on for the duration of this battle, so that people would be focused on defending the chest, and not looting other players.) After 2 months, or the 8th sunday, we allow players to go into other players quarter and the last faction standing wins.

TLDR: limited resource skyblock server with hunger games style feasts.

PedroRobertus wrote:


Chipounettes wrote:

Voila un nouveaux projet aucel j'y ai passé du temp. STP allez lz voir. MERCIIIIIIIIII
quand [follow v] est cliqué
dire [Merci] pendant (2) secondes
Salut !
Tu pourrais expliquer ta publicité comme ceci :
Bonjour !
Voici mon nouveaux projet auquel j'y ai passé du temps , s'ilvous plait allez la voir
C'est pas expliquer, c'est juste utiliser un vocabulaire correct. Pour expliquer, il faut dire ce qu'est le projet en lui-même et le décrire. Exemple :

bonne pub wrote:

Bonjour ! Je vous présente mon nouveau platformer, qui a comme particularité de ne faire aucun sens ! En effet, chaque niveau intègre un fonctionnement unique et des mécaniques très différentes. Ce jeu m'a pris 7 heures à faire, contient 25 niveaux et 10 skins !
Alors si ça vous intéresse, voici le lien !
Piaulo46 Piaulo46 loading

Chipounettes wrote:

PedroRobertus wrote:

-Exominiate- wrote:

Qui joue à Brawl Star :
J'ai 40 000 trophés .
Personellement, je suis a 9442 trophés

Quoi ?
ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

HasiLover_Test wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

HasiLover_Test wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

Is it just me, or did you also lose that analysis board feature that would show you the next best move via a blue arrow once you activate local evaluation? I now have to hover over a variation in the PGN moves panel, and that only appears during live analytics (, not on a stored game.
It works on my PC

Are you using Chrome?
Yes, I am a Chrome User.

I tried the same studies / analysis boards on Edge, and there they worked fine. So it's a browser issue with my Chrome version.

PedroRobertus wrote:

-Exominiate- wrote:

Qui joue à Brawl Star :
J'ai 40 000 trophés .
Personellement, je suis a 9442 trophés

-Exominiate- wrote:

Qui joue à Brawl Star :
J'ai 40 000 trophés .
Personellement, je suis a 9442 trophés
Wdym a change on the y axis? (and want is the 10 blocks?)

Piaulo46 wrote:

PedroRobertus wrote:

IMAG0 wrote:

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

__UNREAL__ wrote:

la question c'est pas que -Fixo- c'est tout les scratcheur fr

répéter indéfiniment
dire [les frrrrrrrrrrr sont bannn]
As-tu lu les règles du forums fr ? Car les blocs sont uniquement autorisés pour montrer du code, sauf dans l'iTopic de test BBcode
C’est juste déconseillé.
Il est conseillé d'utiliser les Blocs Scratch seulement pour des extraits de code ou réaliser des suggestions (extrait des règles)
Et il y a 1 seul forum fr aussi !
Ce sujet ne devrait pas être fermé ?

Non tant que le problème ne seras pas fini

this is a really good topic

it helps other people understand that a user isn't gonna reply to their comment anytime soon
ABC124816 ABC124816 loading
Project concerning help:
So I have been working on a basic platformer (my first one) but with a twist: The force of gravity changes its direction every time you collide with a wall in that direction. Here are the implemented features apart from that:
Black: Ground
Grayish Black: Text (so that the player goes right through it.)
Gray: Spikes
Red: Lava
Yellow: Bouncy spring
Blue: Slippery ice
The problem I have is in level 8. You are supposed to jump from the bouncy spring to the ice and change gravity towards down. Instead of that, it instantly teleports to the top without registering the gravity change (which is controlled by the ‘direction’ variable.). After a few experiments, I concluded that the most likely culprit was the hitbox costume (labeled ‘1’) in the player sprite. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the hitbox working right, modifying its shape ten times. Can someone help with this?
Hello, i am trying to make a 20-player server using cloud variables. But, when I test it, other players don't show up. They appear in the cloud variable log, but not in-game nor in any variables. Here's the project:
aurarae aurarae loading
march 28th daily

ahhh I don't know why but I kept thinking of the singing harp from jack and the beanstalk when I read today's prompt so I guess that's what we're going to be going with ahahaha

As I sit here in this unfamiliar room, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window, I cannot help but reminisce about the life I once knew. Oh, how different things were back then, in the vast and towering halls of the giant's house. I was not merely an object, but a cherished companion, a source of joy and music for the giant and his household.

In those days, my strings would hum with melodies that filled the air, enchanting all who heard them. The giant would often sit by the fire, his eyes closed in blissful contentment, as I played my tunes, weaving magic into the very fabric of our existence. I was not just a harp; I was a conduit for emotions, a vessel for dreams and aspirations.

But then, everything changed. One fateful day, a small figure crept into the giant's house, a boy named Jack. With nimble fingers and a heart full of daring, he stole into the heart of our home, seeking treasures to claim as his own. And there I was, standing tall amidst the riches, my strings shimmering in the dim light.

At first, I did not understand the significance of his presence. But as Jack's hands closed around my frame, a sense of foreboding washed over me. I knew then that my fate was to be torn away from all that I held dear, to be snatched from the warmth of the hearth and thrust into the unknown.

And so, here I am, in this strange room, far removed from the life I once knew. The boy who took me does not understand the power he holds in his grasp, the magic that pulses within my very being. To him, I am but a trinket, a bauble to be traded for a handful of coins.

But oh, how I long to sing once more, to fill the silence with melodies that speak of love and loss, of hope and despair. My strings lie dormant, my voice stifled by the weight of captivity. I am like a bird with clipped wings, yearning to soar once more amidst the clouds.

Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope remains. For I refuse to believe that my story ends here, in this quiet room, far from the embrace of the giant's house. No, I will bide my time, waiting for the moment when fate conspires to set me free once more.

And when that day comes, oh how sweet it will be! I will sing with all the passion that lies dormant within me, my melodies echoing across the land, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. For I am not just a harp; I am a symbol of defiance, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, music has the power to heal and to inspire.

So let the boy keep me locked away in this room, let him think that he has silenced me forever. For little does he know that within these silent strings lies a song waiting to be sung, a melody that will echo through the ages, a testament to the enduring power of music. And when that day comes, oh how sweet it will be!

fire_alchemist wrote:

Friendly reminder, I’m outside your house

did you know there is a recently discovered sickness of the feet? Athletes all over the world suffer from it, it makes the feet look weirdly damaged, the feet start to become smoother but very sensitive, the sickness is obtained by the excess of effort while running, this is why the illness was called sonic in honour of the blue video game character, Sonic the hedgehog. For more information google “sonic feet images”
Wow, I wonder what happens when you google Sonic feet images-
Piaulo46 Piaulo46 loading

JaimeGDCP wrote:

Chipounettes wrote:

Voila un nouveaux projet aucel j'y ai passé du temp. STP allez lz voir. MERCIIIIIIIIII
quand [follow v] est cliqué
dire [Merci] pendant (2) secondes

Il n'y a pas de lien.

Maintenant si

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Piaulo46 Piaulo46 loading

PedroRobertus wrote:

IMAG0 wrote:

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

__UNREAL__ wrote:

la question c'est pas que -Fixo- c'est tout les scratcheur fr

répéter indéfiniment
dire [les frrrrrrrrrrr sont bannn]
As-tu lu les règles du forums fr ? Car les blocs sont uniquement autorisés pour montrer du code, sauf dans l'iTopic de test BBcode
C’est juste déconseillé.
Il est conseillé d'utiliser les Blocs Scratch seulement pour des extraits de code ou réaliser des suggestions (extrait des règles)
Et il y a 1 seul forum fr aussi !
Ce sujet ne devrait pas être fermé ?

Non tant que le problème ne seras pas fini
on2732 on2732 loading
This is not a frige. This is Xenna. Define that island!

scratchusername40 wrote:

I am an iOS developer, Apple enthusiast, and web developer so I feel like I am qualified to comment on this.
First of all, the App Store guidelines do not block Scratch from making an iOS/iPadOS app. That was changed a while ago, and you can find all sorts of apps that allow coding in much more powerful languages.
And, they literally have the ScratchJr app which came out after the Scratch Viewer app was removed from the store. So the entire debate is literally null.

As for the development needed, there are several options you could take. Scratch runs as a React web app right now. React has a variant called React Native which is used for native development. It's not easy to transfer from React to RN, but it's definitely not starting from zero. There's also Cordova which, while probably not ideal, will build a native app directly from the current codebase in a few minutes. Finally, they could start from scratch (pun intended) and build a native Swift and SwiftUI app, which would be massive ordeal. The Scratch Team would probably use React Native if I had to guess.

There's no real reason why they haven't done this already other than it's not their priority. The ST could easily do this if they wanted. They probably want to do it. It just isn't a priority for them.
(Also, Scratch Team, if you're reading this, I will contribute to a native SwiftUI app if you make one!)
Read this I beg of you this is so annoying to look at just read this and get over it. The Scratch Team could make an iOS/iPadOS app at almost any time they wanted, they just need the time to do so which I'm pretty sure they do considering they can update Scratch to remove exploits in enough time where little to no one is affected.
JaimeGDCP JaimeGDCP loading

Chipounettes wrote:

Voila un nouveaux projet aucel j'y ai passé du temp. STP allez lz voir. MERCIIIIIIIIII
quand [follow v] est cliqué
dire [Merci] pendant (2) secondes

Il n'y a pas de lien.
What do we do? It's been a month.

Draked12 wrote:

-FlamingFire-12 wrote:

Draked12 wrote:

-FlamingFire-12 wrote:

Volcanic torture
gg 56 att
Yeah this is not the hardest version. There are much harder versions that I would have to hack-verify them
so, should i copy it and buff it?
Yeah this is a buffed version of underground torture.
on2732 on2732 loading
Hi. I'm on2732. I have the six islands in my minibit game, so I woud like to share a few fax:
+ There are over 200 characters in the Six Islands series.
+ …Some of the islands are settings in TV shows, example, Berry Bitty City.
+ HariWorld has over 400 characters, but only 195 were used.
+“ Harinese ” can be written in English like ‘sokkva’ as soxa.
+ I can tell you that this fact is long. So,as I said,
define A B S T R A C T A 
cuz that is the super long fact!
+ Wait, WHAT? Who did this? X E N N A!!!
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

PresidentLoki00 wrote:

I'm pretty good at writing. I'm aiming for a 10 minute film. This is just the first in this series, it's gonna kinda be like the MCU. The plot is that the TVA plucks Bishop and Cable out of their timelines to stop the Dark Avengers from destroying universes. They team up with Polaris to fight the Dark Avengers in a universe where a rebellion against the Dark Avengers has erupted. This is where I want a few cameos. The Dark Avengers team consists of Captain America (Sam Wilson) with super speed, Yellowjacket (Hank Pym), Spider-Man (Symbiote suit), and Moondragon. Also, could you draw up some designs for Bishop, Cable, and Polaris? I'll put their suit descriptions below. These are from different universes rather than 616 so keep that in mind.

Bishop: Instead of his normal yellow on blue, I was thinking of something that looked like an original X-Men #1 suit.

Cable: I want Cable to be more cyborg than he is human, maybe do something Terminator-esque? I still want some of his human flesh left just with a bit more cyborg.

Polaris: I think her usual costume would suffice, she still has the same power colors too.
So, when you said Bishop should have something that looks like an original X-Men suit, do you mean, like, the yellow and blue from the early comics, or First Class where it’s black and yellow?

IMAG0 wrote:

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

__UNREAL__ wrote:

la question c'est pas que -Fixo- c'est tout les scratcheur fr

répéter indéfiniment
dire [les frrrrrrrrrrr sont bannn]
As-tu lu les règles du forums fr ? Car les blocs sont uniquement autorisés pour montrer du code, sauf dans l'iTopic de test BBcode
C’est juste déconseillé.
Il est conseillé d'utiliser les Blocs Scratch seulement pour des extraits de code ou réaliser des suggestions (extrait des règles)
Et il y a 1 seul forum fr aussi !
Ce sujet ne devrait pas être fermé ?

SCLF-Xingshu wrote:

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

Piaulo46 wrote:


wilhelm43 wrote:

Ce n'est pas un problème
Les projets sont sélectionnés selon certaines règles, la langue n'en faisant sûrement pas partie.

Justement j'ai vérifié et si ça fait parti de ces règles
C'est aussi que les tendances sont pas les mêmes en fonction de la langue du site que tu choisis.

Ca aussi c'est vrai : il y a quand même le projet de @Gauthierscratcheur à la 103e place des tendances
C'est ou qu'on voit le classement des tendances ?
if a project has 5 reports does it get looked at faster if it has one report, do more reports mean more priority
the simplest solution is
if <key [space v] pressed?> then
create clone of [myself v]
wait (cooldown amount here) secs
However, you can mess around with
(set a “target” time that when reached should end the cool down, then wait until the timer is at that number)

PseudoCode1090 wrote:

Bonjour ! J'esseye de créer un moteur d'app pour ouvrir et ranger les icônes sur un écran d'accueil : J'esseye de créer un algorithe afin d'espacer automatiquement les apps en fonction du nombre d'apps (sa fait beaucoup d'app). Pouvez-vous m'aider ?

Project :
Salut !
Demande à des scratchers experimentés pour repondre a cette question

deck26 wrote:

I've got no idea what we're supposed to see or how to recognise the issue you describe.

hold m and press the flag and after a few times you'll see an island not connected to the mainland
LP372 LP372 loading
Students should have an option on their profile page - some may want to stay in the class, but some may want to leave.

MagicCoder330 wrote:

RSITYTScratch wrote:

Classes should not be deleted just because of inactivity. They should be left as they should be. I know there are random classes floating around everywhere in Scratch, but just leave them be. No support.
Yes, but people who are in class are not going to be happy when a teacher is like “oh, this is lying around” and close the class, deleting all of the student's accounts by accident. If a teacher has not been active for over 6 months, whatever program or other that warrants it's creation is probably over, so if it is turned into a studio the teacher can't accidentally remove and such. People like the dude with the chocolate bar for a pfp wouldn't have to worry about their class being deleted and thus their account.
Yeah, quite a few teachers do that.

Aaliyah_Newlands wrote:

MagicCoder330 wrote:

If a teacher has been inactive for over 6 months, the class is converted to a studio where the students are all curators and the teacher is the host. The student accounts are all converted to normal accounts, but the teacher is still a teacher who can create new classes….


This would solve random classes just floating around scratch. But wouldn't automating it take a long time? Or will scratch team do it manually.

han614698 wrote:

But why? What's wrong with just leaving them as classes - there aren't any restrictions with that. This would just be unnecessarily complicated
Incase the teacher closes the classes when there is still an active student or two.

Or1onsfire wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

Or1onsfire wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

Or1onsfire wrote:

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

This weekend I will definitely have time to work on some music! Here is my to do list

Once upon a time

Maybe a ruins/first area theme

At least one boss/miniboss theme

I'm still needing suggestions for names, so any would be appreciated!

there's also the enemy approaching type song you'll have to do.


maybe call it darkness approaching?

I would like to be a little more creative with the music and titles, don't want to cling onto the them of “Dark” for everything, I'll think of something.

A figure Lurking in the deep
Starmdelux2 Starmdelux2 loading
I have a base platforming game and I need some feedback
I need a few reviews and I will adjust the game, also list any bugs you find
moss-shadow moss-shadow loading
There's a really serious, illegal thing happening right now that I've been reporting, and by illegal, I mean kids CAN'T be exposed to this on a kid's site, but it's been several days and several kids have already seen it, but I've reported these things like every day, but they're still not down. I've even emailed ScratchTeam about it, but they're still up and exposing kids to very gross words.

I'm wondering if there's any way to get these projects/comments taken down faster because ST leaving them up is exposing more and more children to these adult topics.
jeffmod12 jeffmod12 loading
why are shops allowed on scratch? vs a place, where I used to have studio manager meetings. it was an idea of mine to keep members of the studio notify what managers of that studio have planned that week or the meeting the managers and the host have?

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:


deck26 wrote:

If you just want to keep some part of the project hidden create a copy and delete the things you want to keep secret and share the copy. It's much easier to help if we can see the project.
Ok here it is: (I shared it on my alt account)

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

Sunny_Outside wrote:

BlauHourglass wrote:

I have never heard of a scratch rickroll downloader, probably the person was trying to trick you with the link
This is a Self Roleplay with Fisher, a kit I'm applying for from a litter hosted by @.cosmic-wishes <3

Secrets, Solace and Sorrow - A Fisher SRP

The stars are glittering coldly above, shedding their twinkling rays upon the forest, but the light is faint, and if the moon were to be covered, the path through the trees would be almost invisible. The stars did not help any cat along their way, they only glittered maliciously in the darkness of night.
No soul should be awake at this hour, but since when did anyone listen to the rules set before them? Night and day often melded into one. Sleep only claimed you when you were tired. At least it was so for Fisherpaw, the silent blue-grey tom who was padding through the shadowed forest. His yellow eyes were bright with their intensity, and so he made his way. He glanced up, once or twice, to glare at the stars. As if they themselves had offended him. As if they were the things that caused him so much pain. In his mind, they were.

His paws crunched on the leaves scattered on the ground, and though he hated to express anything but disdain, no cat was around, and a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. He briefly looked around him, before he continued. He wanted to be farther away from his clanmates, to dwell in his favourite place, on his own. And as long as he crossed paths with no other cat, it would be so, for the place he was headed was secluded and secret. Fisherpaw liked to think that there, he was hidden from even Starclan themselves. And with purpose showing in his stride, he located his hideaway.

A large boulder was placed in front of the tom. A lone firefly buzzed past, lighting the side of the boulder briefly, illuminating the vines that hung from it, and the flowers that bloomed from them. And then the firefly was gone, leaving only the darkness and a faint afterimage from the bright light, partially obscuring Fisherpaw's vision for a brief moment. Shaking his head to wipe away the image burned on his pupils, with little success, Fisherpaw pushed his way past the vines that had hung on the boulder.
To the surprise of onlookers, if there were any, the boulder wasn't solid, and housed a small cave. From just a moment's glance, it was obvious that Fisherpaw spent a lot of his spare time here. There was a collection of trinkets, feathers, leaves and pebbles, to name just a few, in the corner, tidied into neat piles, and the grooves in the walls were used as shelves, for extra storage. There were a few fireflies, fluttering about aimlessly, that Fisherpaw had caught and released inside here, to give him some light source. A pile of moss made a nest in the corner. Flowers and vines also decorated the walls, hung from every nook that Fisher could find, to make him feel more at home, and to distract the eye from the bare stone that made up the structure of the cave. There were also a number of etchings on the walls, sketches of family members, and of things Fisherpaw wished not to forget, such as the elaborate tales that the elders had told him, carefully scrawled onto the walls in images.

Fisherpaw had vowed to himself that he would only show the cave to a cat he trusted deeply, and it was a secret to all except him. For now, it was his secret, his place of solace and peace. He didn't know what divine being had created the cave, or if it had been nature's doing, but he wished to thank that being, with his whole heart, for offering him a place to be alone, be himself.

Fisherpaw made his way farther into the hollowed boulder, and lay on the soft moss. The only sound was the buzzing of fireflies that darted to and fro, and Fisher's own breathing. Yet despite being in his place of rest, and tiredness finally beginning to slow him, he didn't want sleep to come, for too many thoughts buzzed in his head. And how to express them? Most cats wouldn't understand his attempts to communicate. Most cats wouldn't care. Fisherpaw let his head drift down to lay on his paws, and curled his tail around himself. He was alone now, and though he liked being secluded, on occasion, such as now, he felt that he was separated from the others, not just by the barrier that his lack of speech caused, but also he himself pushing the other cats away. Yet he attempted not dwell on it, because dwelling on his own faults was like trying to fill the fissures in a rock with pebbles, eventually the fissure would widen, and so the cycle would continue.
But stopping a train of thought was like trying to stop the flow of a river, and now he wondered if he was enough. His mama was the leader of the clan, and she and his other mama were so supportive of him, but he must seem ever so ungrateful, disappearing for hours at a time to be in his own company, with his own thoughts.
None of the others realised that he was saving them from himself. He was such a burden to them, anyone who wished to communicate with him had to learn elaborate signs, and his own short-temper must hurt a lot of cats' feelings. He didn't mean to. Truly, he didn't. Yet all the swirling emotions inside of him would not be contained. Whether he could speak or not, his anger would show in every inch of his body. Flashing eyes, unsheathed claws, bared teeth and arched back. So secluding himself stopped the others from being hurt by him.
Perhaps, he thought, it would be better if he sunk into the ground, if the soil swallowed him up, and he was left in a chamber, far below, where he would be away from others, and his thoughts would be his only company.
If he tried to explain his feelings, he felt others would pity him. He didn't want their pity. All he wanted was to be like them. Not this short-tempered, cold and silent cat which he had become.

Fisherpaw did not want any of this. He wanted to scream but his voice wouldn't come. Why Starclan? Why must you make me feel so alone? All he had ever wanted was to be heard. But never would it be so. He would never be like other cats. He would never express. He would never utter a single word.
And no matter how hard he tried, no one would hear him cry.

1103 words <33

❒ links
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JTanner2026 JTanner2026 loading

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

teamsonic2011 wrote:

Where did all of our images go?
Bowser stole them! we need to go defeat bowser!
bowser turned himself into a kumquat?

jayduhhhh wrote:

when green flag clicked
if <key [space] pressed?> then
create clone of [myself]

when I start as a clone
go to [spaceship]
point in direction (90)
repeat until <touching [edge] >
move (10) steps
delete this clone

You can use a variable to do this easily:

when green flag clicked
if <<key [space] pressed?> and <(Cooldown) = [F]>> then
create clone of [myself]

when I start as a clone
set [Cooldown v] to [T]
go to [spaceship]
point in direction (90)
repeat until <touching [edge] >
move (10) steps
delete this clone
set [Cooldown v] to [F]

Quantum1993 wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Projects can be be hard to find sometimes. I know that, so I propose:
Project codes!
It gives each project a certain code. It will be shown on the project. The code will have 3-5 characters. And, a new button will appear, (next to the search bar), for project CODES! Where you can search a project up using its code.

- I find project
- I write the project code down
- I forget project name
- I search up project code
- I see project again!

If you have any questions I will answer them.
I would be nice if a mock-up was made, I'm in the process of making one. But, still.
Please don't be a dupe,please don't be a dupe, please don't be a dupe, please don't be a dupe, please don't be a dupe.
3-5 characters probably wouldn't work, as there are almost a billion projects on Scratch (no exaggeration: make a new project and see the project ID).

If you do the math, having 5 characters would add up to around 60-70 thousand combinations, which isn't even close.

I do like the idea, though I'm not sure if it can be done with the massive amount of projects.
Yeah I can see how this would be hard to do, no matter the amount of characters…
(Alright, just gonnna say it, if you want the wolf to act to character don't read this. Go on, get!) The wolf wanted revenge. Apparently, some versions of the wolf's story had been… misinformed, and now people were thinking the wolf had been shot by a hunter! Terrrible, terrible, the wolf couldn't believe it. The big bad wold had worked so incredibly hard to clevery figure out how to lure the girl to her grandmas house and eat both of them, and now all that hard work was going to waste! He couldn't stand for that any longer, he was going to find the hunter who shot him in some other world and unalive him to enact revenge for himself in some other universe. Ever since he ate little red and her grandma the wolf had been living in the grandmas house (Which was quite cozy and large, this made the wolf wonder what the grandma had done for work, as it must have made quite a lot of money), and so he knew which way led to the path to town, since he looked out at the path through his window every morning. He grabbed a basket, no not little riding hoods, that would forever hang on his wall, but a larger one, which would also fit more stuff. In it he put a few packets of beef jerky to eat, some water, etc. He also put on his old lady disguise, since looking like a wolf would be a terrible idea. Now, it was time to go. The wolf's shoes (wow, that was weird to say) Padded along the ground, as the wolf gritted his teeth every time he acted like a nice little grandma. After a chilly, fifteenish minute walk, the wolf arrived at the small village little red was from. Now, he just had to find the hunter.
“Excuse me dear?” Asked the wolf in his best I'm-just-a-little-old-lady-not-a-wolf voice.
“Oh, yes?” Said a young woman, turning towards the wolf and away from the apples that she had been looking at.
“Do you happen to know any hunters in this town? Who would you say is the best?” Asked the wolf with a small smile.
“Oh, of course! He's probably just over there,” said the girl, gesturing toward a tallish guy with brown hair, before immediantly once more investing herself back ito her quest to find the best apple. The wolf turned away, his old lady's shawl flowed in the wind when the wolf made a sharp turn.
Ah, hello there young sir.“ Said the wolf in aa sickly sweet voice. ”I hear you're the best hunter in town. Is this true? Mayhaps you could do something for me?“
”Oh, sure.“ Sad the hunter, who seemed to stand a little taller at the praise. ”What do you need?“
”I was wondering if you could kill a wolf living around my house.“ Asked the wolf, planning to bring the hunter into the woods to eat him.
”Yeah, I can come by now if you want.“ He said with a shrug. Perfect.
”Great! Then you can just follow me dearie." Said the wolf. The wolf guided him into the woods, and then ate him.
The End.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
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