(Alright, just gonnna say it, if you want the wolf to act to character don't read this. Go on, get!) The wolf wanted revenge. Apparently, some versions of the wolf's story had been… misinformed, and now people were thinking the wolf had been shot by a hunter! Terrrible, terrible, the wolf couldn't believe it. The big bad wold had worked so incredibly hard to clevery figure out how to lure the girl to her grandmas house and eat both of them, and now all that hard work was going to waste! He couldn't stand for that any longer, he was going to find the hunter who shot him in some other world and unalive him to enact revenge for himself in some other universe. Ever since he ate little red and her grandma the wolf had been living in the grandmas house (Which was quite cozy and large, this made the wolf wonder what the grandma had done for work, as it must have made quite a lot of money), and so he knew which way led to the path to town, since he looked out at the path through his window every morning. He grabbed a basket, no not little riding hoods, that would forever hang on his wall, but a larger one, which would also fit more stuff. In it he put a few packets of beef jerky to eat, some water, etc. He also put on his old lady disguise, since looking like a wolf would be a terrible idea. Now, it was time to go. The wolf's shoes (wow, that was weird to say) Padded along the ground, as the wolf gritted his teeth every time he acted like a nice little grandma. After a chilly, fifteenish minute walk, the wolf arrived at the small village little red was from. Now, he just had to find the hunter.
“Excuse me dear?” Asked the wolf in his best I'm-just-a-little-old-lady-not-a-wolf voice.
“Oh, yes?” Said a young woman, turning towards the wolf and away from the apples that she had been looking at.
“Do you happen to know any hunters in this town? Who would you say is the best?” Asked the wolf with a small smile.
“Oh, of course! He's probably just over there,” said the girl, gesturing toward a tallish guy with brown hair, before immediantly once more investing herself back ito her quest to find the best apple. The wolf turned away, his old lady's shawl flowed in the wind when the wolf made a sharp turn.
Ah, hello there young sir.“ Said the wolf in aa sickly sweet voice. ”I hear you're the best hunter in town. Is this true? Mayhaps you could do something for me?“
”Oh, sure.“ Sad the hunter, who seemed to stand a little taller at the praise. ”What do you need?“
”I was wondering if you could kill a wolf living around my house.“ Asked the wolf, planning to bring the hunter into the woods to eat him.
”Yeah, I can come by now if you want.“ He said with a shrug. Perfect.
”Great! Then you can just follow me dearie." Said the wolf. The wolf guided him into the woods, and then ate him.
The End.