starlightsparker wrote:

This has been rejected as per TOLORS:

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions wrote:

9.2 Notification for being quoted in topics

Due to the way that the forum structure works, this suggestion simply is not possible to add. Even if it was possible, there would be a very high possibility of getting spammed with unwanted notifications. The technical issues and the potential for abuse make this feature rather impractical. If you want to stay updated on a certain topic, you can always follow the topic and get notified for new posts that are made.

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thought i was well-versed with tolors lol
but how would it give a potential for abuse, i wonder? isn't there the 60-second rule? aren't comments an avenue for abuse?

EDIT: and how's it technically impossible?
EDIT 2: i also mentioned how it's only an ability, not a requirement. if you don't want those notifications, they can be turned off
