jcpbuilder jcpbuilder loading

BeamTHunderGoGO wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

BeamTHunderGoGO wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:


This is a Warhammer 40K & Star Wars crossover
Let's create the setting shall we, I've kind of got it planed out. So there are two ways this can go Horus Heresy and Clone Wars or Post-Heresy and Empire
I love Clone Wars so I would vote for that, but first I have a couple questions:
These are books right?
How would they crossover? Would psykers like create a portal to the Star Wars universe or something?
I've got it planned, so at first only 4 space marines will enter the star wars galaxy, fresh from the siege of terra(If you don't know anything about the horus heresy its ok) 2 of them Chaos Marines and the other 2 Loyalist. They arrived because 2 of them engaged in a psychic duel and it made a warp stuff or whatever, the other 2 were just there. I have the lore on my pixilart account hunting-bear


WoIffe wrote:

H U L L O, I A M H E R E