musicROCKS013 wrote:

Isn’t homebrew illegal?

As @zedthehedgehog said, homebrewing itself is not illegal. Nintendo is very strict with homebrew. On the Wii, your warranty is void (If you brick it, they won't repair it), and on newer consoles, you can actually get banned from using online features, unfortunately. They also have tried quite a few times to remove homebrew (Such as the Bannerbomb patch and Twilight Hack patch).

Though homebrew is not illegal, piracy IS ALWAYS ILLEGAL.
Piracy includes watching downloaded copyrighted movies on a Wii and downloading copyrighted video games and emulating them (i.e played SMB on Fceugx). Making a copy of your disc game (i.e by using CleanRip or USB Loader GX) is not illegal.

I would not worry about your warranty being void. I don't think the warranties are even active anymore. Besides, as long as you install BootMii as Boot2 or Prilloader and a NAND backup. you're pretty well safe from bricks. Just don't download ROMs from the internet. Make archive copies of games you own. You can also download unlicensed ROMs and Homebrew Games, legally. There are a few good ones.
Need more info?

Have fun homebrewing your Wii!