Nivalosha Nivalosha loading
Change log 1

-Main editor page and page 1 of editor
-Arrows to navigate through the editor
-Screen shaking feature

-Asgore's background code
-Asogre's background HUE will now be set to default to 0 (Magenta)
-Torn notebook's attack animation speed
-Editor page 1 GUI
-Box border's code (removing any anti-aliasing effects to create smooth borders)
-Engine's Performance

Massive performance re-work
I will be spending several days re-working the entire Engine's performance. There are too many variables that might confuse you in “see inside.” To avoid this I will be spending a lot of time improving variables, broadcast messages, and overall performance. The engine is sitting at 7.4k blocks, I will be nerfing that number. When I finish improving the performance, I will be releasing page 2 of the editor.

Thank you for stopping by and waiting.