How to a get a boost start on not only coding but also collaborating.

id: 753082

category: New Scratchers

posts: 1

Nakelare_ Nakelare_ loading
We all know that scratch is mainly meant for coding. But sometimes, we can comment or collaborate with other scratchers around the world to give not only them advice but also you could actually learn some more information than you knew before. Here are some ways on how to boost new scratchers and experienced scratchers.
• Maybe when you see a project you can tell the creator of the project what he/she could do to improve it
• Find some bugs in the game and then tell them to the manager
• Don’t brag about how good you can code, if you can really code that good, tell some tips to the creator of the project you know.
• Compliment the creator for their project, even if it’s short, because they must’ve worked hard on that project
• Finally, (This is mostly for new scratchers) don’t be afraid to go out in to the world and meet other scratchers that can help you. You can tell request people to follow your studios or your projects!

You see, one thing that is made for one thing can also be used for another thing. Scratch is made for coding but also could be used for collaboration.