April Fools

id: 751756

category: Questions about Scratch

posts: 3

I can't be the only one who relates to this.
I remember, for example, 2022, where you could use different themes. But this year, nothing. NOTHING!
I have been told that the spy studio is the April Fools, but I know for sure that that cannot be the case. That is just a studio.

P.S. If you think I am whiny, I can understand. But, think about the fact that they don't even have the cat blocks!

The Scratch Team said there wasn't anything going into April Fool's Day this year: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/716689550/#comments-394841941
jvvg jvvg loading
As I said on another thread:

I wrote:

They did a themed SDS for this year. It doesn't look like they made any changes to the site or editor other than the semicolon. To my understanding, the development team is stretched pretty thin and needs to prioritize things like keeping the website running over “fun” features that only appear for a day.
