Flashlight In Scratch

id: 751709

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 6

Npcbot_40 Npcbot_40 loading
I am having trouble making a scratch code for a flashlight. The way it works is that once I shine it on a specific part of a sprite, it brightens up. Can someone make a line of code that will help?
something like this?
i know it's not the best but i tried my best
Npcbot_40 Npcbot_40 loading
I have a big sprite though but kind of accurate
Npcbot_40 Npcbot_40 loading
But also for the background
Helmentloo Helmentloo loading
Here is a very complicated one if you are interested: Multiple light sources that is scalable to different intensity and size: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/965185923/
benoutfit8 benoutfit8 loading
when green flag clicked
repeat until <scratcher>
repeat until <>
repeat until <>
repeat until <>
repeat until <>
repeat until <>
