dose scratch support dateing games

id: 751436

category: Questions about Scratch

posts: 7

gurkburk12 gurkburk12 loading
i want to make a dateing game but i dont know if scratch support dateing games

the goal of the game is to make a girl in your class to love you and take her to a date

(it follows a type of the game “doki dokie” but not with the adult stuf)
56-s 56-s loading
No If you want it to be then you're crazy
Breh, heck nah
we aren’t into sus (inappropriate) stuff
among_us1w2 among_us1w2 loading

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

Breh, heck nah
we aren’t into sus stuff
my username wants to talk to you.

make a dating game on some other platform that allows romans

among_us1w2 wrote:

my username wants to talk to you.
No i mean inappropriate stuff