
id: 751391

category: Questions about Scratch

posts: 3

maletatonte maletatonte loading
Hi guys When you remix something whit out puting credits the scratch team takes your proyect and it leaves a message like this

The Scratch Team has removed this project because it contains content that was copied without credit. It's fine to remix someone else's sprites, scripts, or images as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used in the project notes and make a meaningful change to it. If you want to re-share your project, make sure you provide credit and perhaps describe what you changed in the project notes.

so can someone tell me why does this
han614698 han614698 loading
When remixing a project, you must give credit to the original creators.

Scratch does have built-in credit which is considered enough but not recommended. There are ways to remove this credit, but it's not allowed.
XCartooonX XCartooonX loading
Read that message again:

maletatonte wrote:

The Scratch Team has removed this project because it contains content that was copied without credit. It's fine to remix someone else's sprites, scripts, or images as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used in the project notes and make a meaningful change to it. If you want to re-share your project, make sure you provide credit and perhaps describe what you changed in the project notes.
Scratch doesn't allow remixes that are exact copies of others.