id: 751287

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 8

Real_Ryy Real_Ryy loading
Can anyone pls remix this and fix the hp pls?tere is 2 for some reason
Please explain the problem.
Real_Ryy Real_Ryy loading
the other end is bugging out
Oldwolfster Oldwolfster loading
I'll help but I also couldn't understand the problem or even how to play. please give some detail and i will do my best. One thing you might consider, in your player sprites you had many if statements adjusting y if it was touching something. You could use a “Repeat Until' loop combinded with a ”not"

Repeat Until << NOT <<Your condition checking what it was touching >>
Inside the loop add 1 to y.

Not sure that was your issue, please let me know.
Real_Ryy Real_Ryy loading
please is anyone there to help

Real_Ryy wrote:

please is anyone there to help
First of all: Someone tried to help you with something to the best of their abilities:

Oldwolfster wrote:

I'll help but I also couldn't understand the problem or even how to play. please give some detail and i will do my best. One thing you might consider, in your player sprites you had many if statements adjusting y if it was touching something. You could use a “Repeat Until' loop combinded with a ”not"

Repeat Until << NOT <<Your condition checking what it was touching >>
Inside the loop add 1 to y.

Not sure that was your issue, please let me know.

Second of all: Please add instructions to the project, or explain how the game works here. Otherwise no one will be able to help you, and you'll just be stuck here, begging for people to help when they literally can't.
lgrov44 lgrov44 loading
If I understand correctly, just do
Pos BAr
But let the sprite also itself be 50 steps to the right. That might look like this:
go to [Player1 v]
move (50) steps

Is the health bar the problem? Please let us know.
deck26 deck26 loading
The more information you give the easier it is for people to help. Give too little information and it is very hard for anyone to help.