id: 751145

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 5

Real_Ryy Real_Ryy loading
Can anyone pls remix this and fix the hp pls?tere is 2 for some reason https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/991644496/
You need to share your project first… I can help, i just need access to the project.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading
Please don't make duplicates of your topics. Just “bump” them by adding a new post to them if you want to bring them back to the top of the forum directory


Real_Ryy wrote:

Can anyone pls remix this and fix the hp pls?tere is 2 for some reason https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/991644496/

The project isn't shared? You can share it using the share button above the title.
Real_Ryy Real_Ryy loading
shared i unshared it earlier