missing features

id: 751034

category: Suggestions

posts: 3

<[] ≥ []>
<[] ≤ []>
<<> but <>>
The but one would be
<<...> and <not <...>>>
i think…
Malicondi Malicondi loading
Greater than or equal to and less than or equal to blocks are a duplicate, continue discussion there to keep the conversation in one place and to prevent clutter.

The “but” block is a duplicate, in the form of “XOR”.
-Expo -Expo loading
When making a suggestion, make sure you have an explanation of what each block exactly does, and how it will be useful to coding on Scratch
Some of these blocks should get one suggestion on it's own to centralize a more focused discussion on 1 block at a time. And, everyone's post count goes up by replying

Last edited by griffpatch (Tomorrow 0:00:00)