New Scratchers

id: 750964

category: Suggestions

posts: 2

dreampecker dreampecker loading

New Scratchers:

There are so many new scratchers who are underrated and when they ask for F4F or FOR they just get hate! We should be doing something to fix that! Every-time you see a new underrated scratcher, who is smart, kind and funny, go to their profile and follow them, help them get curated etc! Even if they actually don’t make that good projects, give them suggestions on how to improve and just generally help them out a lot! Also, on the front page, I have noticed how some scratchers who already have fame, are getting put back on, I’m not saying that that is bad but… so many of the old scratchers are leaving this wonderful community because of these sort of problems! We should fix that!

say [New Scratchers are underrated!] for (2) secs
say [We need to help them!] for (2) secs
say [If you have any ideas, comment down below!] for (2) secs

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Sadly this is not a good fit for the forums.