Unable to open backpack

id: 750890

category: Bugs and Glitches

posts: 5

Whenever I try to open my backpack to ofc either take out a backpacked item or bring something IN the backpack, it wont work. I keep on clicking like *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* but nothing happened. someone tell me whats goin on pls
when green flag clicked 
click backpack (97e+784629) times
play sound [screaming eternally v]
ask [hmmm..?] and wait
Say [AHA! Well, I'm going to forums to write abt it]
go to [Forums v]
ask [forums this question] and wait
up here is a scratch block example of me rn

BigNate469 BigNate469 loading
Try dragging the item out to where you want it… if that was what you were doing, sorry.
FGaming01 FGaming01 loading
Alt + f4, then open scratch again and open 2 tabs, open the backpack and delete an item.

FGaming01 wrote:

Alt + f4, then open scratch again and open 2 tabs, open the backpack and delete an item.
I'm on a chromebook though

Scratcher908638 wrote:

FGaming01 wrote:

Alt + f4, then open scratch again and open 2 tabs, open the backpack and delete an item.
I'm on a chromebook though
You can restart the chromebook, which should have the same effect.