asking questions about '

id: 750874

category: Questions about Scratch

posts: 3

TDC_foIIows TDC_foIIows loading
' was a thing in comments a long time ago, but I am not sure why they are there.

I have seen them in 8 or 9 year old comments. My main theory is that they were a glitch for apostrophes.

For example, they were stuff like this:

Don't copy my project's!
Can somebody tell me?
jvvg jvvg loading
It's due to improper escaping of apostrophes. What the user would have typed in that case was “Don't copy my project's!” but due to some conversions and whatnot over time it was eventually improperly converted to what you see there. Basically ' is a way of “escaping” or writing an apostrophe so it doesn't get interpreted as HTML code.
TDC_foIIows TDC_foIIows loading
OK, thank you for answering