(Yet again) A problem with a projetile

id: 750614

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 4

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Thanks for anyone previously helping me! Though, the suggestions didn't quite work…

Incase you don't know what I'm talking about, if you haven't seen my 3 previous posts i am having issues with a bullet, i want it to be a sideways, 2d shooter, in this case “Sprite 7” is the output of the bullet, “Bullets”, as the name suggests are the bullets, and “Bad guy” the receiver.

Use these if you wanna suggest me a script, because I really need help, the objective is that a bullet goes to the mouse pointer and continues until the edge, even after reaching the cursor. I appreciate if you send a script where “Sprite 7” is FACING the cursor, but in this specific case i need it to only point in these 2 directions: 90 and -90.

Thanks for anyone helping me!

If you go into the movement sprites, there is a block that looks like this:
set rotation style [ v]
if has to say left-right and put it in a forever block
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Sorry but is this script referring to the “Sprite 7”, “Bullets” or “Bad guy”?

Thank you for helping me!
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Sorry to bother you more, but my actual main issue was trying to get a script for the bullet, having awareness of these sprites. If anyone else has an idea, feel free to share it!

Thanks everyone!

Edit: This was due to my previous posts not being successful, i decided that i should get something from scratch, i have been trying to for the past couple hours and nothing of working has came so far (that the receiver “bad guy”) can register.)