Update the credits page

id: 750096

category: Suggestions

posts: 6

The credits page needs to be updated, for example Harakou, scratcher-erik, and darien-scratch are still on there, when they are no longer ST.
among_us1w2 among_us1w2 loading
lol they need to be credited either way for their service
Za-Chary Za-Chary loading
As always, patience is required. They'll probably update it later this year.

Za-Chary wrote:

As always, patience is required. They'll probably update it later this year.
it should be done a lot quicker, depending that it's outdated information and aren't hard changes, and that to our knowledge it seems like the developers aren't working on anything.
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading

cactus-cacti wrote:

dupe, i think: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/588452/
Thanks for the link! It does look like this is a duplicate topic so I'll close it to keep the conversation all in one place.

Please use the existing topic in the link above.