✧ Beautiful Boy's First Step | Enokiki Application ✧

id: 749978

category: Collaboration

posts: 1

✧ Beautiful Boy's First Step | Enokiki Application ✧

~ Main - @-Female-Dream-Sans0
~ Alts - @Hakari-Midoriya / @DreamGODOfTheServer / @Dream-Kamado
~ Other Ways Of Contact - @-N1ghtmareSans- ( My IRL BF )

~ Mare/Miylao

~ Fae/Faer

About Me
~ Hiya! My names Mare/Miylao and I'm literally just a tried artist and an overworked sophmore in highschool who needs a much needed nap. I am an artist and I do write stories from time to time. As well as lore ideas, manage rps, and I also join rps. I don't accept many studio invites unless I know who is inviting me as thats just me because I have major trust issues, but again, thats just me. I do have a couple issues with my mental health which sometimes does heavily impact my mood, temper, and overall tone towards people as I was diagnosed and deemed bipolar about two months ago. I am on meds for it and it does help but there are days I have major mood swings. I do have OCD so basically if something is out of order, messed up or unorginized in any way, I will have the urge to fix it until its perfect or up to my standards. I do have contact on other sites such as Choas. I'm not very active there but I do check in from time to time but its not very often because my phone is broke at the moment, but other then that, theres's nothing else say. I do support all sexuality's, genders, religions, pronouns, and personality's ( unless you start attacking me or being rude to other people because thats not ok what so ever and I won't stand for it ). I do support furries as I am one myself but other then that, I respect everyone unless you have been mean, rude, or harmed me or my friends in anyway. Have a goo day/night! ~ Mare/Miylao

Final Gender/Pronouns/Sexuality

~ He/Him


~ Biexual/Genderfluid

~ Positive: Loyal (+), very caring toward close friends (+), stands up for those he cares about (+), energetic (+ or =, not sure)
~ Negative: stubborn (-), blames others for his own mistakes (-), impatient (-), overconfident (-), selfish (-), dishonest (-)
~ Neutral: playful (=?), determined (=?), mischievous (=, maybe? Or is this a -?)

~ Nickname: Ino, Kiki

Rp Samples
~ *Kiki walked quietly as he explored. His pawsteps quiet, but proud as he decided to explore his home. He wasn't that old yet but some part of him was saying `explore!` or `get in trouble!`. He didn't seem to mind walking around and only let the scents of the daybreak around him lead him to random places. He had snuck away from the others but he knew it was only a matter of time before his family noticed he was gone. He planned to make the most of his time alone and picked up the pace. Trotting around, tail swishing back and forth with excitement as he looked in different places, trying to find something interesting. He was really able to find anything and he was becoming impaitent. He finally gave up and decided to go back to his family and the place he called his humble home*