id: 749938

category: Help with Scripts

posts: 6

SniperOct24 SniperOct24 loading

im trying to make my game so when you hover over the levels it highlights, but right now i made it so they are always showing for test purpouses, but i want it to be so they smootly slide off screen when i scroll past those levels, i think u will get me if u look at project
SniperOct24 SniperOct24 loading
no, i know that the show should be hide, i just want the highliths to go off screen smoothly
Wolf_Link21 Wolf_Link21 loading
I added invisible boxes to either side of the sprite so it doesn't get stuck on the border. I added this to my remix
--CHA0S-- --CHA0S-- loading
An easy way to highlight is to add a set brightness effect block like this
if <touching [mouse pointer v] ?> then 
set [brightness v] effect to (10)
set [brightness v] effect to (0)

If the button is mostly white then change the 10 to a -10
SniperOct24 SniperOct24 loading
nvm i figured it out ty anyway!