My projects are disperseing

id: 749659

category: Bugs and Glitches

posts: 4

slamduck99 slamduck99 loading
Every time I make a project it gets removed from my folder. I lost 34 projects because of that they just randomly delete
LP372 LP372 loading
Either some server bug or not being logged in (or saving the project)

slamduck99 slamduck99 loading
I am logged in then I save the project I share it then a few days later the
Project is gone
Jensvp2 Jensvp2 loading

slamduck99 wrote:

I am logged in then I save the project I share it then a few days later the
Project is gone
Maybe your brother/sister is doing that, if possible? What do you mean with:

slamduck99 wrote:

it gets removed from my folder

Have you downloaded the projects, use a extension not made by scratch, or do you mean the “My projects” part of Scratch?