voyagesail’s lore summary

id: 749567

category: Collaboration

posts: 1

larkspurri larkspurri loading
kithood (0-6 moons)

- born in windclan to bellflowercharm and a surrogate mother, named for bellflowercharm’s sibling journeydelta. born alongside two siblings, legendkit and meanderkit. they are born on the same day as two other kittens, ditzykit and itsy-bitsykit.
- meanderkit escaped to thunderclan for a moon or so, causing voyagekit to be less close with her at a young age.
- made many friendships, overall not much happened during this period of their life.
- windclan’s leader at the time, ghost, traveled to the twolegplace for a few moons, causing voyagekit to have a late apprenticeship. when they finally are apprenticed, the ceremony is slightly spoiled by the cries of protest from those who don’t want a kittypet for a leader, and voyagekit stands up for his brother legendkit in an argument with a warrior named named morainedrop. however, the group of apprentices are permitted to choose their own mentors, and voyagekit picks a warrior named sunflowerventure.